•» c Tillamook Headlight, November 26, 1914. I lowing result: A Great Soldier Gone. Summons. of my knocking it is beginning to Notice to Creditore. ------o grow. Some day I fear I will be call­ Ear! Roberts was the greatest gen­ ed upon to put down sidewalks in In the Circuit Court of the State of Notice is hereby given to all whom ral of his time because he made tile front of my property and who knows Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. it may concern, that on the 1 Ith day 4 Some of the Seers Hit the Year Ex­ greatest use of the opportunities of a but what I may have to help keep up Jeff D. Matney, plaintiff, 9 of November,1914 the undersigned time not prolific in opportunities for the streets that run by my premises? actly—One Dates Back Six vs. 1849 was by the county court of Tillamook military display, by English soldiers, This, Lord would be more than I Lizzie Matney, defendant. Centuries. County, Oregon duly appointed ad- on a scale commensurate with the could bear. ft would cost me money, 1871 To Lizzie Matney, the above-named ministrator of the estate of Bell The second question was: “How highest military talents. Frederick though all I have was made right here defendant: Handley, deceased. All persons hav- An extraordinary number of pro­ In the name of the State of Oregon. | ing claims against said estate long ain I to ride over this empire?" Sleigh Roberts proved his greatness in this town. Then, too, more people are phecies have been made with regard The women did as before, taking the as a commander by - doing big things might come if the town begins to You are hereby required to appear hereby required to present same, to the great European war—prophe­ year 1871. in small wars, and doing them in grow, which would cause me to loose and answer the complaint filed against with proper vouchers, to the under­ cies pld as well as new—prophecies ways to convince the unpejudieed some of my pull. I ask therefore, to you in the above entitled court and signed, at the office of T. B. Handley These figures come to 1888. which are already partly fulfilled. Amazed at her confidence, the mind that, in larger operations, the Guild Hall under the auspices of the cause on or before the last day of the in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Perhaps that by the Parsian chirom­ prince again questioned her. “How intelligence which 1 could so quickly may continue to be the chief. Amen— time prescribed in this order for the Oregon, within six months from the ancer w*ne de Thebes, in her alman- long is this empire to last?” She see, and the energy which could so News Reporter. service of summons by publication the date hereof. nac 101 *9)4, issued last winter, de­ worked as before, taking 1888 as the quickly siezc, the vital points of ac­ herein, and if you fail so to answer, Dated November 12, 1914. serves first mention. Cost of Rural Delivery. key. tion, would have shown as brightly in the plaintiff will apply to the court George Williams, "This year we shall pass through The answer was 1913. Prince Wil­ wider fields. The conception of the for the relief demanded in the said Administrator of the estate of Belle the gravest and most decisive hours. Rural mail delivery is the most ex­ complaint, namely, for a decree dis­ Handley, deceased. liam became German emperior in 187: idea of the march to Kandahar, dur­ It will be a year especially happy for and died in 1888. ing the Afghan war, and the celerity pensive branch of the postal service, solving the bonds of matrimony ex­ France, in spite of blood, in spite of The “prophecy of Strasburg” fore­ of the movements in carrying it out, and there is scarcely a possibility that isting between you and the said plain­ Notice of Administrator’s Sale of tears, and in spite of uneasy omens. told the rise of the German empire in in the face of the great obstacles , it can be made self-supporting. tiff, Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery Real Property. Victory! Victory! We have nothing According to a recent statement, by plaintiff of his costs and disburse­ 1870 or 1871. As everyone knows the marked him a man of commanding to fear frem the trials of fate. France dates arc correct. It also placed the military genius. Great Britian was rural free delivery costs the govern­ ments in said suit, and for such other Notice is hereby gvien that in pur­ will emerge renewed in strength, re­ date of its fall as a generation and a none too lavish with the honors and ment $53,000,000 a year and the re­ and further relief as to the court may suance of an order and decree of the constituted by war. All is disquieting half from that date. A generation emoluments showered upon him in turn from it approximately $10,000,- seem meet, right, and equitable. County Court of Washington County, in the destiny of Germany. The per­ may be considered to be twenty eight recognition of his achievements in 000. The postmaster general has re­ This summons is served upon you Oregon, made and entered on Nov­ son of the emperor is most threaten- or thirty years; nearly forty years that campaign. . The point to be seen ported to the post office committee by publication thereof, by order of ember 9th, 1914, authorizing and di­ ened by fate. It is not the eagle of has elapsed. This would allow twenty was that although the plan of cam­ of the Senate that $20,000,000 could be the Hon. Homer Mason, County recting me, the administrator of the victory he wears in his helmet.” nine years for a generation, and paign was against an enemy inferior saved annually by turning the service Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, estate of Marshall Roberts, deceased, Mme. de Thebes was curiously cor­ brings the event prophesied into the in equipment and knowledge, the plan over to contractors. in the absence of the Hon. Webster to sell at private sale the real proper­ rect too, in her forcasts of Italian and Twenty million dollars is a lot of Holmes, Judge of the Circuit Court ty belonging to said estate, I will, present war. . in itself, and when considered entirely Austrian events, for she foretold a apart from everything else, was such money, even to a government that is above named, which said order is from and after Monday, the 21st day new pope, and great changes with I a plan as would have forced the sur­ “rich enough to give us all a farm.” dated the 18th day of November, 1914 of December, 1914, proceed to sell at Kansas Women Urge Better Homes. him,” and of Austria, she said: "The render of evenly matched foes. The It would be poor economy to save and the date of the first publication private sale, and to the highest bidder drama in the imperial valley which I march to Kandahar was a pledge of even that amount of money, however, hereof is the 19th day of November, for cash in hand, all of the following Making housekeeping a profession foretold is near to acconr^Jishment. as much as stenography, the law military genius of the very first.order by returning to the contract system, 1914, and the date of the last publica­ described real estate, situate in Tilla­ None can arrest the hand of fate.” That is the supreme test. In the es­ as it existed in the days of the star tion hereof, and the last date on or mook County, State of Oregon, to- An earlier dictim of hers appeared nasdicine and any other profession sence of the performance, whether routes. That system was prolific of before which you are required to wit: undertaken by women and the rearing in her altaanac of 1912. "Germany The Southeast quarter of the North­ the stage be large or small, and scandals and resulted inevitable in an answer this summons is the 31st day menaces Europe in general and of children with the same care that west quarter, the East half of the whether the elements of strength in indifferent postal service. Many years of December, 1914. the farmer looks after his pigs and .France in particular. When the war Southwest quarter, and the Northwest opposing forces are evenly or uneven­ ago it was the custom to let the star Dated Nov. 19th, 1914. breaks out, hers will be the respon­ cattle, is a new plan of the Kansas quarter of the Southeast quarter of ly matched, lies the evidence of pow­ route contracts in blocks. A single T. H. Goyne, clubwomen. The Kansas schools have sibility, but after the war there will Section six (6), Township two (2) er, or the want of it. The world may contractor or contracting firm often Attorney for Plaintiff. no longer be Hohenzollern or Prus­ been asked to help the women in North, of Range nine (9), West of say, accordingly, and has said, that held hundreds of contracts for operat­ their plans and the outline of a course sian hegemony. This is all brutality Roberts won the Afghan war, not by ing mail routes. These were sublet to Administratrix Notice of Sale of Real the Willamette Meridian, containing of study to bring homemaking up to a of her political methods. I have said, One Hundred and Sixty acres (160). force of arms only, but by force of the lowest bidder and the subcontrac­ Estate at Private Sale. and I repeat, that the days of the em­ professional rank in the colleges of That bids will be received by me supreme skill and energy which would tors in instances innumerable under­ the state, is being developed by the peror are numbered and that after clubwomen and the State Board either at the office of the Tillamook took the work at a figure that was have won his laurals in any war, how ­ Notice is hereby given that by of vir- him all will be changed in Germany. ever great. This was never doubted, not remunerative. The contractors tue of an order and decree of the Headlight, in Tillamook, Oregon, or Administration, in charge of the I say the years of his reign. I do not and it was what the kaiser meant made money. Many of them amassed County Court of Washington County, at the office of W. N. Barrett, at state's educational institutions. say the years of his “The home ought to be put on a when he called Roberts the greatest fortunes, but few of the subcontract­ Oregon, made and entered on Sept. Hillsboro, Oregon, and said sale will “STavs Heavy business basis,” said Mrs. J. H. Ward general of his time.” The kaiser real­ ors did more than eke out an exis­ 22, 1914, authorizing and directing the be subject to confirmation by said County Court. L. M. Herron who has Another Parisiam prohetess, Mme. of Hays City, chairman of the home ized that the tactics of Roberts in tence, and of course, the postal ser­ administratrix of the estate of R. R. mortgage and tax deed to said land Sybilla, an interview with whom ap­ Economics Department of the Kan- Afghanistan and also in Abyssinia, vice suffered. Ultimately the system Creighton, deceased, to sell at private will at date of delivery of deed to pur­ peared in the Stampa of Turin last sas Federation of Women’s Clubs, were the tactics which govern all was abolished, as it should have been. sale the real estate belonging to the chaser cancel mortgage and execute It might be possible to operate the estate of said deceased. I, the under­ “The same business and scientific military success, whether the number January, said: quit claim deed to purchaser. "The sky of Europe could not be I principals that the men apply to their of troops engaged run into the tens free delivery rutes on this or some signed, will from and after December Dated this 14th day of Nov., 1914. similar plan, but the results would 21, 1914, proceed to sell the real estate more turbid. On every side the out- I business ought to be applied to the or the hundreds of thousands, Infor- John Roberts, Administrator probably be as unsatisfactory all mation, calculation, and a final de ­ I home by the women. Making homes hereinafter described at private sale, look is of blood and war. The hands of the estate of Marshall Roberts, around as in the case of the star cision leading to swift and sustained for cash in hand, subject to confirma­ of the Slavs are heavy with fate. In­ I ought to be as much as a profession deceased. the elemental route contracts. It will be difficult to tion by said court, said real estate be­ deed the hands of all politicians are I for women as engineering, the law, action—these are W. N. Barrett, accomplish any saving in rural de ­ things of war, and they can I medicine, farming and stockraising. be shown ing particularly described as follows, steeped in fury and dissimulation. An Attorney for said estate. livery expenditures without impair­ to-wit: “The home embraces all things. as well in one field as another. imperial drama is imminent. The If any doubt remains of Roberts’ ing the service. The suggestion was All the following bounded and de- German outlook points to profound I Whatever is good for the home is Notice of .Survey convulsions. The person of the kaiser I good for the nation. Make housekeep- true place in the annals of war, the made some time ago that many of the scribed real property, situate in the routes could be combined and served I ing an inspiring profession by using campaign against the Boers in South County of Tillamook, and State of is the aim of destiny. I cannot see the TO rchabilation of European equilibrium brains in your housewrk. It is as im­ Africa removed it. Roberts was then by means of motor vehicles. That Oregn, to-wit: Eugene Atkinson, Sand Lake, Ore- The Southeast quarter of the South­ gon; Anna M. Ward, Tillamook, Ore- until Prussia is re-entered into the portant to use time-saving devices in 68 years old. It was not until after would appear to be a better measure of economy than the adoption the failures of Yardc-Buller, himself of a east quarter of Section Eight, and the the home as in the factory. Organize gon; Alexander Watt, Tillamook, Ore- limits of a small state. Belgium has the home thoroughly and let each no mean tacticion according to the contract system—Philadelphia Rec- East one half of the Southwest quar­ gon; E. R. Hayes, Sand Lake, Oregon; trying days before her.’ ’ L. Bettman, 22 King-Davis Apart- ter and the Southwest quarter of the 1 meats, Mme. Sybilla even asserted that member have his or her work to do training of the schools, that the old ord. Portland, Oregon ; M. Sommers, Southwest quarter of Section Nine all Banks, Oregon; M. E. Edwards, Dun­ Italy would tavor France in spite of as a large business concern does. Ap­ field marshal was called from his S. P. & S. May Strike Oil at Astoria. in Township 3, South of Range 10 dee, Oregon; N. J. Myers, Tillamook, ply the principles to the division and home in England to take command. her treaty obligations. West, Willamette Meridian, contain­ Oregon; O. R. Chamberlain, Vancou­ The prophecy of a monk who lived spending of your income that a busi­ There had been loss after loss, some Astoria, Orc., Nov 27.—N. J. Jann- ing 160 acres in Tillamook County, ver, Washington; George Davis, Hem­ in Saxony 600 years ago is already ness firm does in business expenses. of the losses amounting almost to lock, Oregon; A. Blum, Hemlock, Ore­ gon; A. Neppach, 2nd and Davis Sts., "It is the business of the home to disasters. “We will have to muddle sen, the contractor who is in charge Oregon. widely known: “There will be a king if the drilling operations in front of Bids will be received by me at the Portland, Oregon; A. Sanders, 118 S- in Germany under who mthe nation develop children morally, mentally through it.” had become a catch the Flavel hotel, where the S. P. & S. law office of M. B. Bump, in Hills­ Pickering Ave., Whittier, Cal.; C. S. phrase in England, preparing to set and physically. When the women of will be greater than ever before. He Attinson, Sand Lake, Oregon; Eliza­ But when the old field is endeavoring to secure an adequate boro, Washington County, Oregon beth Atkinson, Tillamook, Oregon; B. will be followed by the uncrowned the state feed their children as care­ its teeth. supply of fresh water, states that the also at the office of the Tillamook L. Eddy, Roseburg, Oregon; W. R. king, who will pass as a shadow fully and scientifically as the men marshal took command there was no hole has reached a depth of 620 feet, Headlight in Tillamook, Tillamook Glendenning, 438 East 7th St., Port­ across the throne. A one armed king feed the farm animals, they will take more muddling. Like Grant, who, on land, Oregon; Sand Lake Townsite and the drill is now passing through County, Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914. Co., 303 Fenton Building, Portland, will succeed him, and in the end of a long step toward the betterment of taking command of the army of the Widow’s dower right in said land Oregon; G. W. Galloway, Sand Lake, Potomac, at once swung it across a bed of hard shale. How much furth­ bis reign, may be early in the next the race. "It is as poor an investment to in­ from one side of the James river to er the digging has to continue before can be purchased for a reasonable Oregon; M. E. Harris, Tillamook, Ore­ the German armies will go fourth to gon; Bright Walters, Henry Building, wat r is struck remains to be seen. price. conquer the world, but those who re­ dulge a child's appetite for things the other. Roberts seems to have Portland. Oregon; E. E. Webb, Sand The apparatus on the premises is Dated at Hillsboro, Washington Lake, Oregon; Maude Cameron, Sand turn will snelther under th pear trees that are bad for the health as it is for pushed the Boer war on entirely new capable of going down 1,800 feet. The Lake, Oregon; Mary E. Diamond, Sand Cunty, Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914. of the nation.’ (The pear tree did not the farmer to neglect his stock. Study lines from the day he issued his first Lake, Oregon; Alice Hoyt, Sand Lake, Katie J. Creighton, the food values. Learn why it is that general order. By the highly intelli­ shale strata indicates an oil formation then grow in Germany.) Oregon; D. N. Anderson, care Lang & and it is possible that once the drill Administratrix of the es- Co., Portland, Oregon, Emil Mosier, Another well known prophecy says I you should not feed your family rice, gent use of the forces at his command passes through this soil, such a lucky tate of R. R. Creighton, Goldendale, Washington: that "the kingdom of a ruler who has P°‘atoes and bread and nothing else, his tactics, and the maneuvering in You and each of you are hereby no­ deceased. six sons and who mounts his horse I f-earn what foods give the most nour- pursuance of them, soon forced Gen. strike as oil might be possible and far tified that on the 27th day of Novem­ M. B. and D. D Bump, on the wrong side will be swept away I 'sh,rlent at the least cost. Cronje, the best strategist in the Boer more welcome than water. Mr. Jann- ber, 1914, at the hour of one o’clock, Attorneys for said Estate. P. M. of said date, I will begin the sur­ Three years ago, it is said, the I Ihrough Mrs. Ward and her assis- side, and a man whose claim of mili­ sen has had much experience in drill­ ing wells, sinking proposed holes and vey ani the establishment of the lines kaiser’s horoscope was given in I tants in the department of the state tary talent is not to be disputed, into and corners to the East half of the L’Echo du Mervilleux, and the fall of|has undertaken to prepare a course of that place from which he could not making soundings. He says that the Notice. Northwest quarter and lots Two (2) shale may extend for another 1000 and Three (3) of Section Twenty (20) the German Empire was foretold for Professional training for housckeep- escape. England coJd have beyond ------ o------ feet. This information is gained Notice is hereby given that the un­ and the South half of the Southwest 1913 or 1914. "If there is war in inK' For ma”X ycars the state has doubt have "muddled through” to through experience in sinking other quarter of Section Seventeen (17), dersigned, has filed in the County Township Three (3) South, Range Ten 1914 between France and Germany sPcnt thousands of dollars every year that same end, but Roberts did not wells at different locations along the muddle. He won by farce of the in ­ Court of the State of Oregon, for France-will be victorious,” it said. making experiments to develop the (10) West, Willamette Meridian, in An Indian Magi, in an almanac pub- I cheapest and best feeds of all kinds telligent use of arms. It is to be re­ Pacific coast. The report that oil had Tillamook County, her final account, Tillamook County, Oregon, and in con­ already been struck in this well is un ­ nection with said survey, I shall locate lished last January, announced: In I ^or livestock and only a few dollars gretted that, according to his own de­ as administratrix of the estate of and establish th.* section corners com­ founded. Gordon Drngger, deceased, and that mon to Section Seventeen (17), Eigh­ the month of July, 1914, all Europe has bfen spent in the last few years sire, and his widow’s, he will not be The railroad company has already buried in Westminister Abby. That the Court has set Saturday, Decem­ teen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty will be overwhelmed by a war be-1in experimenting with human foods, erected a 100,000 gallon water tank tween the great powers, and terrible I l or several years the Agricultural building affords sepulture to a num­ ber, 19th, 1914, at 10 o’clock a.m. at (20) and common to Sections Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Twenty (20) immediately over the well and hopes the Court House in said County and I and Twenty-one (21) di.Csters will result. But in Novetn- College has been sending lecturers ber of Britons of military genius, and and the to be able to fill it with either oil or the career of this dead man marked State as the time and place of hear ­ quarter corners common to Sections ber a great emperor will lose his throughout the state to teach the water within the next thirty days. Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), crown and hostilities will cease.” I women how to cook and sew, but not him as one fitted to rest among them. ing the same and any and all object­ Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20) in said ions, if, any, thereto. Now, therefore, Township and Range; said survey will A Japanese prophecy dates back as un,il ,tlis fal1 l,i<1 il develop a course Sell by Parcel Poet. all persons interested in said estate be begun at the section corner common far as 1703. This ran: "When men fly of »,udX of babies and children. • The Knockers’ Prayer. are hereby requested to be present at to sections Seventeen (17), (18), Nine­ like birds, ten great kings will go to I ■ —___ _ t The Portland postoffice has been said time and place and show cause if teen (19) and (20), said Township and war against each other; the universe Lord please don't let this town designated by the department to com­ Range. Sale of Shingle Bolt Timber. any there be why said account should will be under arms.’ Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 19 grow. I’ve been here for thirty years, pile a list of names and addresses f not be allowed, said administratrix day of October, 1914. On the Continent two prophecies and during that time I’ve fought producers who desire to sell country G. J. Poysky. discharged and her bond exonorated. are well known. One is called the I The District Forester at Portland, every public improvement. I’ve produce direct to consumers. Such a Deputy County Surveyor of Alma Pierson, "prophecy of Strasburg.” The other is Oregon, has just approved a sale of knocked everything and everybody, Tillamook County, Oregon. list will be revised and printed fre­ Administratrix of the STATE OF OREGON that of a gypsy Women, which is said 2,267 cords of timber on the Snoqua- no firm or individual has established estate of Gordon Drug- to have had a great influence with I Imic National Forest, to the Moose a business here without my doing all quently. COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK! This list will contain the names and ger, deceased. the haiser; so great, indeed, that in | Shingle Co., of Gold Basin, Wash. I could to put them out of business. addresses of all persons who indicate I hereby certify that 1 have careful) 1899 Herr von Jagow gave this as a compared the foregoing with the origi­ The timber is situated on Wiscon­ I’ve lied about them, and would have to the Portland postmaster that they Mrs. Parkhurst has found the 401st nal Notice of Survey and the same is a reason why there should be no F.u- sin Creek, on the Monte Cristo stolen from them if I had the courage. desire their names on it. and it will be reason for the European war. But full, true and correct copy of said No­ ropean war until after 19:3. branch of the Northern Pacific Rail­ I have done all I can to keep the town conspicuously displayed in Portland. every body could have guessed her tice and of the whole thereof. road, and consists of 1,480 cords of from giowing and never have spoken G. J. Poysky, The Mystic Numbers. This will give producers cash to reason at the first trial. western red cedar shingle bolt timber, a good word for it. I’ve knocked hard Deputy County Surveyor. spend with their home merchants The kaiser's grandfather went *° I 396 cords of western hctnick, and 301 and often. I've put ashes on the chil­ when they cannot get better prices by 1 In an appeal , to arms it is always thh old aeefttncognito and* asked brr I erds of antabilis fir. The company important to know who fired the first dren's slide and I've made the mar­ parcel post. Dissolution Notice. three questions. It was a time of plans _____ to __ manufacture the hemlock and shot. And of eqttal importance is it shal stop the boys playing ball on my changes and upheavels, and the first I into box ihooks to know who is going to fire the last vacant lot. Whenever I saw anyone Having bought the interest of A. T. of these questions was when the Ger- — The passing of our merchant ma- one. The stumpage price for the cedar is prospering or enjoying themselves Dolan of the firm of Delsman and man states, then just formed into the $130 . _ pcr . - cord ----- , and for the other spec­ I've started a reform to kill the busi­ rine was not entirely due to the civil The failure of the dinner the Ital­ Dolan, I wish to meet the old as w" German Union, would become an en- ies 31 cents per cord. The agreement ness or spoil the fun. I don’t want the war. The change from wooden to iron ian minister of foreign affairs gave to as new costomers, and w«1' pire. She toM her unknown visitor to with the Forest Service allows the young folks to stay in this town and ships and the attempt of the United the diplomatic corps may give Mr. in the future as in the add the figures of the year (1849) to­ company until December 31, tots, for I will do all I can by law, rule and States to better the conditions of Bryan an exctise to spare the envoys All accounts of said gether as units, and then to add them the cutting and removal of the tim- ordinance to drive them away. It American sailors by statutory reru’.-. ■ at Washington any more grape juice able to J. B. DelsmanS to the date. He did so with the fol- pains ntc O Lord, to see that in spite tions had much to do with it. blow-outs. WAR WAS FORETOLD BY MANY PROPHETS. 1 8 1 »19.40 V.'arr; msnt. SNO regou