Tillamook Headlight, November 26, 1914. I I Beginning at a point 392.34 feet south QALVIN R. WORRAI.L, Notice of the Appointment of INJUSTICE TO BAYOCEAN, believe it to be the proper thing for and 874.6 feet south 77 degrees cast f this or any other road district to as­ Viewers of Street Change from the northeast corner of the Ed- ( LAWYER, sume the role of dictator for other Tillamook County is Not Giving this Legal Advertisements. NOTICE Is’ilhKEBY’ GIVEN, that rick Thomas D. L. C.. thence north BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES, the Common Council of Tillamook 11.5 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 Resort a "Square Deal.” First Insertion, per lint........ $ .10 road districts. This is the position we minutes east 145 feet; thence south City. Oregon, has appointed Henry ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 take: Let every road district attend to Rogers, F. S. Whitehouse and Alex 11.87 feet; thence north 77 degrees its own business, and when the district We wish again to call attention to McNair as viewers to view the propos­ west 145 feet to place of beginning. PUBLIC. Business and professional cards | Tract owned by J. 8. Lamar describ­ 25 years experience. Consultation cannot agree upon some public im­ the injustice that is being done Bay­ ed change of First Street in Tillamook one month ................................ as follows: i provement, then with hold the money ocean in depriving it of a road and a City. Oregon, ar.d has appointed Mon­ ed Beginning Free. Homestead Notices .................... at a point 391 feet south day, December 21st, 1914, at the City until it can. Timber Claims ............................ 1 way out. If there is any section in Til- Hall in Tillamook City, Oregon, at the and 1108.6 feet south 77 degrees east Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. I Locals per line each insertion. laniook County that should receive hour of 9 o’clock A. M as the time and from the northeast corner of the Ed- ’ For the past few months most all fair treatment it is Bayocean, But it place for said viewers to meet for the rick Thomas D. L. C., thence north 77 Display advertisement, an inch, purpose of making the assessment of degrees west 82.5 feet; thence north QR. L. L. HOY, one month .................................. • 5° our citizens have heard “knockers” is not getting it. Why? ] damages and benefits arising from said 10.54 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 All Resolutions of Condolence "knock" Tillamook County. From the Let us again call attention to the 1 proposed change. All persons claim- n i.lutes east 165 feet; thence south 11 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and Lodge Notices, per line ■05 statement issued by the Insurance fact that a few years ago the land in j ing damages by reason of the appro­ feet; thence north 77 degrees west 82.5 T illamook B lock , priation of any property affected by feet to place of beginning. Cards of Thanks, per line •05 Commission we see that the financial the vicinity of Bayocean and the said Tract owned by II. F. Goodspeed de­ proposed change are hereby noti­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen condition of the county is in good south side of Tillamook bay paid only fied to file their claim for such damages scribed as follows: Tillamook, - - Oregon. Beginning at a point 391 feet south , etc., minimum rate, not ex­ shape with a balance on hand on a few hundred dollars in taxes, but with the undersigned Citv Recorder of and 1191.1 feet south 77 degrees east , ceeding five lines.................... • 25 Sept. 30, of $26,445.31. We remember by dint of public enterprise and the Tillamook City, Oregon, on or before i from the northeast corner of the Ed- , time above mentioned. R. ELMER ALLEN only a few years ago, when the expenditure of large sums of money, the The boundaries and termini of the 1 rick Thomas D. L. C., thence north 5.66 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 county was in debt over $100,000. The proposed change, and the boundaries the tax increased every year, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Successor to Dr. Sharp), statement also shdws that Clatsop last year the tax amounted to $7,000. and descriptions of the private property minutes east 355.18 feet; thence west (Strictly in Advance.) ' 24.2 feet; thence north 77 degrees 10 to be appropriate 1 for such purpose are DENTIST. minutes west 330.78 feet to point of One year ........................................... $1.50 county has an indebtedness of $156,- j But notwithstanding repeated reques­ as follows, to-wit: The tract of land to be appropriated beginning. Six months ............................................ 75 393.73 and a bonded indebtedness as ts, little have been done to give Bay- Done by order of the Common Coun­ Commercial Building, Tillamook Three months.........................................50 well of $305,000; Columbia county an ; ocean a way out, and road taxes have for the widening of First Street in cil made the 17th day of November, indebtedness of $98,098.91 and a bond­ i been expended for less worthy ob­ accordance with said Ordidance is as 1914. Dated this 20th day of November. follows: ed Indebtedness of $360,000; Jackson jects. After several years of agitation R. JACK OLSEN, Beginning at a point 409 feet South 1914. Entered as second class mail mat­ John Aschim, City Recorder county an indebtedness of $590,235.91 only $2,000 have been expended on and 69 feet East of the Northeast cor­ ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at of Tillamook City, Oregon. DENTIST. and a bonded indebtedness of $500,000 , this commendable project, $2,000 be- ner of the Edrick Thomas Donation Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Land Claim in Section 30, Township 1 Other counties which are in debt are; I ing added by public subscription. The South of Range 9 West, W. M., and (I. O. O. F Bldg.) March 3, 1879. Clackamas, $28,216.76; Coos, $12,- . county couldn’t have done much less, running thence South 77 degrees East a at a. tt> a a. ar a a :anar Tillamook - Oregon 877, 49; Crook, $46,149.56; Curry, $22,- , but here is the rank injustice. The 412.32 feet; thence North 2.74 feet; ■ Sidney E. HenJersau, Pres., thence South 77 degrees East 164.6 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. 756.92; Harney, $26,810.79; Josephine, burget calls for $172,000 for road feet thence South 77 degrees East to a I Surveyor. $231,828,73; Klamath, $448,200.56; work, and all that is appropriated out point 392.34 feet South and 581.6 feet (John Leland Henderson, Sec- C. HAWK, Lane, $23,946.20; Lincoln, $36,965.49; of that large amount of money is South 77 degrees East from the North­ “ retary Treas., Attotney-at- Editorial Snap Shots Law, Notrary Public Wheeler, 18,294.52. There is some dif­ ' $3000, which, to our way of thinking, east corner of said Edrick Thomas Donation Land Claim; thence South 77 ference between Tillamook county's only adds insult to injury, for at that degrees Easts 210.16 feet; thence South PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tillamook Title and Washington County, after remain­ balance in hand of $26,445.31 and I rate it will be 20 years before Bay­ 14.00 feet; thence South 77 degrees East 89 feet ; thence North 14.00 feet; ing somewhat backward in the good Jackson county with $1,090,235.91 in ocean can hope to get a way out and Abstract Co, Bay City Oregon thence South 77 degrees East 649.78 roads movement, is coming to the the hole. Rah! Rah! Rah! for Tilla- a wagon road. We will ask.fairtninded feet; thence Ent 21.2 feet; thence Law, Abstracts, R Ml Estate, front. That county’s budget calls for mook! The county is in good finan- persons whether they think that Bay­ N-irth 77 degrees 10 minutes We3t t> a Surveying, Insurance. QARL HABERLACH, point 11.96 feet due North of the point $126,000 for roads and bridges, $21 000 cial condition. ocean is getting a fair deal, for that s cf beginning; thence South 11.93 feet Both Phones. for machinery and $10,500 for road the bone of our contention in behalf to the point of beginning. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. oil. The advisory committee which met The North line of said tract describe! of that neglected section of Tilla­ jut igi w at ia ■' srnar »ran a* with the county court last week to being the North line of said street as T illamook B eock mook. the same will be when widened, and Washington County's budget calls prepare a budget for next year’s Ask yourself, if you were the pro­ the Southerly line at described being Tillamook ’- .Oregon for $10,500 for road oil. They must be county expenses, is deserving of a Watchtower Apartments1 moters of the Bayocean enterprise the property line of the various pro­ getting next to a good thing over word of commendation for the time and you had spent close to one million perties owned on the North side of said GOYNE, MRS. ALICE HEITSMAN, there, for it looks as though that and interest the members took in de­ street at the present time according to dollars in improvements, would you the descriptions given in the deeds county is going to put a stop to the ciding upon what was best to do with 1, 2, 3 Room Apartments, I think that Tillamook County was therefor. dust nuisance next summer and the this difficult problem. The committee ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Furnished or Unfurnished, Tne said widening of said street will giving you a square deal in depriving road bed being carried away by the went carefully into every item and appropriate the following tracts of $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK. you of a road and a way out? Of land, to-wit: Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse wanted to be as economical as pos­ wind. course you wouldn’t. Tract owned by L. A. Goodspeed de­ Free Phones, Water and Light. sible, but in doing so considered the Tillamook - Oregon We do not want to be understood scribed as follows: First St and 4th Aye. East, Why, of course, Tillamook City' is a needs of the county. It is no easy job, Commencing at a point 499 feet back number in some respects, Pro- as the advisory committee soon as­ that we are "knocking” what road im­ South and 69 feet Et3t of the North­ T illamook .................... O regon J OHN LELAND HENDERSON bably it hasn't heard of the new sys­ certained , to prepare a budget that provements have been made in other east corner of the E. Tnomts D. L. C.; tem of nominating candidates, for it would be satisfactory to everybody districts, but let us call attention to thence S. 77 degrees East 297 feet; the tee North 12.55 feet; thence N >rth ATTORNEY sticks to the caucus system of making and to cut down expenses, as over­ large amounts of money expended for 77 degrees 10 minuUs West 297 feet; less commendable projects. It would AND nominations, which was so loudly de­ head charges are so arranged that it thence South 11.93 feet to place of be­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. nounced by so-called reformers and is absolutely impossible to curtail ex­ surprise you to. know the large ginning. Tract owned by H. T. Botts describ­ T illamook B lock , followed so closely by President Wil­ penses. The snap shot man does dif­ amount of money that have been ex­ ed as follows: Tillamook - - - - Oregon. son to whip the Democrats into line fer with the advisory committee in pended on the Netarts road, but no Commencing at a paint 493 feet south ROOM NO. 261. at Washington. some few items, but on the whole we increase have taken place in taxable and 69 feet east of the northeast corner On your front porch can be lit every night until midnight think the committee is entitled to a I property and little or no money have of the Elriek Thom is D. L. C. thence CLAUSSEN, and register not over That item of nearly $700 for audit- word of commendation for the care­ been expended by persons or private south 77 degrees east 297 feet for in­ itial point; thence north 12.55 feet; LAWYER, fifty cents per month ing the county’s books for 9 months ful manner in which it discussed corporations to improve that section thence south 77 degrees 10 minutes c n the meter. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT by the State Tax Commission stqck every item pro and con in preparing and more money is to be expended east 31.5 feet; thence south 12.65 feet; thence north 77 degrees west 33.5 to in the crops of the advisory committee the budget. The best of harmony ex­ next year on it. 213 T illamook B lock feet initial point. About $15,000 was expended this COAST POWER COMPANY. making up the budget. Probably it isted between the committee and the Tract owned by F. C. Baker describ­ Tillamook Oregon sticks still in their crops for they county court and everything was dis- year on the road on Garibaldi beach ed as follows: Commencing at a point 493 feet south were told that the county got a better caused in a fair, impartial manner. We and another $10,000 is provided for T. BOALS, M.D., job for less than half the money. The want to express our thanks to the to extend this road as far as Lake and 69 feet E. of the n ir.beast corner of the Elriek Thomas D. L. C.; thence State Tax Commission must know committee for the time and interest it Lytle. This is a project that will cost south 77 degrees east 219.5 feet for big money by the time that it reaches place of Beginning; thence north 12.65 that the taxpayers like to be hum­ took in preparing the budget. PHYSICIAN^ AND SURGEON, Wheeler. There appears to be no dif- feet: thence south 77 degrees 10 min­ bugged and fleeced. Surgeon S. P. Co. utes east 34.9 feet ; thence south 12.75 ficulty or objection to obtaining feet thence north 77 degrees west 31.9 (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) com- At a meeting of the advisory money for this road, but a measly feet topi ace of beginning. We are perfectly aware it is a little Tillamook .... Oregon Tract owned by Mutual Telephone premature to advocate expending mittee last week the factional strife . $3,000 is all that is appropriated to Company described as follows: at Nehalem cropped out in regard to extend the Bayocean road. money for a survey of the county for Commencing at a point 493 feat south It is proposed to lay several pieces an 1 09 feet east of the n irtheast corner J E. REEDY, D.V M., the Columbia Highway, but if wc had the location of a road and bridge. Commissioner F. L. Sappington in of hard surfaced road at about $15,000 of the Elriek Thomas D. L. C.; thence a voice in the matter we would lay VETERINARY. over some of the road improvements his budget expenses, made no recom­ a mile and for the convenience of south 77 degrees east 275.4 feet for place of beginning; thence north 12.75 in favor of the survey, for it means mendation in regard to this. Mr. Mc- those who now have good roads, and feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 min­ Both Phones. much to Tillamook County to be con­ Kimetis wished an item placed in the all that Bayocean was allowed in the utes east 31.2 feet ; thsnee south 12.85 nected with that wonderful improve­ budget, as, he said, he had promised i , budget was $3,000. We are glad to see feet; thence north 77 degrees west to place of beginning. with the problem of buy ng Harness Tillamook .... Oregon ment—wonderful in many ways, for this. He recommended that a road be ! the strong sentiment in favor of hard Tract owned by Mstholist Episcopal you will find it distinctly advanta­ i built from Nehalem on the west side 1 i surfaced roads, but places without Church described as follows: the great travel of this grand and geous to come and do your select R. E. E, DANIELS. Commencing at a point 493 feet south ing here. You will get the besl scenic route will be a boom to every of the river to Dean’s Point, and a I roads, like Bayocean should not have i harbor bridge built across Nehalem an 1 69 feet east 03 the northeast cor ­ qualities, the most thorough and to suffer and wait until doomsday be­ county it passes through. near the saw mill. Mr. Kuppenbendcr fore they get a road. We believe in ner of the E kick Titomi3 D. L. C.; conscientious workmanship and be CHIROPRACTOR. thence South 77 degrees east 331 feet charged the most reasonable prices. W ho said the Committee of One wanted the bridge built at Nehalem being just and fair to all parts of the for place of beginning; thence north We can supply single or double Local Office in the Commercial Hundred was going to start a crusade and a road built to connect with the county in road improvements. It is 12.85 feet; thence south 77 degrees 16 Sets or any single article that you Building. minutes ease 153.92 feet; thence south a*. inst the dirty, filthy habit of men I.oerpabel road. From their estimate I | unfair, unjust to treat Bayocean the 10.43 feet; thence north 77 degrees mary be in need of. each project would cost about $30,000 TILLAMOOK - ORE . way it is being treated, and we want west 102.6 feet; th-nee south 2 71 feet; chewing tobacco cuds and cxpectra- ting the juice into spit-toons in public Each of these gentlemen tried to 1 to plead with the people of this coun­ thonce north 77 degrees west 51.32 R. L. E. HEWITT, places? The snap shot man came near prove that their project was the best. ty for a square deal for Bayocean. feet to place of beginning. Tract owned by Lydia Morgan de­ Singer Sewing Machine ■ throwing up his lunch one day last It seems that the committee recom­ Will you or won’t you give that place scribed as follows: OSTEOPATHIC Company. Beginning at the southeast corner of week when lie saw one of the Com­ mended that $3,500 be placed in the a square deal? PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, We ate not advocating, however, the Methodist Eoiscopal Church tract mittee of One Hundred expectorat­ budget to pay the cost of building one OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. described in Deed recorded in Book GEO. H. ALDERMAN, ing. Let's have some more prohibition of these roads, to be decided on at the ; that the road should be completed in “D”, at page 423, of the records of Both Phonet Agent. taxpayers meeting, with the object, of and prohibit those who expectorate in one year. Wc do advocate that it be Deeds of Tillamook County, Oregon; Residence and Office tn Whitehouse course, of obtaining a bridge at some thence north 10.46 feet; thence south Machines for sale and rent. public places from containing the completed in the next two Residence, ft titre date. It is not our intention to years, after so many years of pro­ 77 degrees 10 minutes east 62 feet; dirty, filthy habit. Needles, pivts, oil and re TILLAMOOK, OREGON. butt in and "knock” either project, crastination and disappointment to thence south 10.61 feet; thence north 77 degrees west 62 feet to place of pairs for all makes of machines. The Polk County Itemizer, after but as it will not be long before a those who are certainly entitled to a beginning. Tract owned by Annetta B. Mason quoting the paragraph from the survey will be made for the Columbia way out. described as follows: TILLAMOOK CLEANING To bring this about, all that is nec­ Headlight in regard to the State Highway, it seems a little premature Beginning at a point 392.31 feet ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. l ax Commission's exorbitant charges to us to build new and costly bridges essary is to cut out some of the hard south and 584.6 feet south 77 degrees AND TAILORING ; .CO. Complete Set of Abstract Books in in that part of the county, when, east of the northeast corner of the surfaced roads proposed in the budget for auditing Tillamook County’s Office. Elriek Thomas D. L. C.; thence north books, has this to say. “When Max probably, the Columbia Highway or increase the road levy 5 or 6 per 10.64 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. survey would call for a bridge else ­ Crandall last audited the books of cent. minutes east 82.06 feet; thence south T illamook B lock , 10.87 feet; thence north 77 degrees Polk county his bill was about $275. where. Under these conditions we City of Teledo.J ss west 82.06 feet to place of beginning. Tillamook .... Oregon The bill for the recent audit by the think it is well to go slow, and as well State of Ohio, Luca* County. I Tract owned by L. H. Brown de­ Both Phones. tax commission has not yet been re­ wise to re-consider the matter from a I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is scribed as follows: senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ceived, but it is known that it will larger and wider sphere.. No part of St Co., doing business in the City of To­ Beginning 392.34 feet south and Connty anil State aforesaid, and 729.76 feet south 77 degrees east from not be less than $500.” It must be the county will receive greater bene­ ledo, that said firm will pay the sum of ONH the northeast corner of the Edrick £)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN then, that the State Tax Commission fit from the Columbia Highway than HUNDRBD DOLLARS for each and every Thomas D. L. C., thence north 11.02 cnee of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the the whole Nehalem country, for is "touching" every county for sever­ use of HALL'S CATARRH CURB. feet; thence north 77 degrees 10 min­ DENTIST, FRANK J. CHKNKV. utes west 63.1 feet; thence south 10.87 al bundled dollars. Great is the State where there are only a few hundred 1 Sworn to before me and subscribed in feet; thence south 77 degrees east to Successor to Dr. Perkins. l ax Commission for socking it to the persons visiting that section, the visi­ my presence, this 6th day .of December, place of beginning. tssn. tors will number hundreds of thous­ A.D. [Seal] taxpayers. A. W. GLBASOX. I Tract owned by F. R. Beals, describ­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Notary Public. ands when the county is connected , ------o—— Hall e Catarrh Cure le taken Internally ed as follows: with this great enterprise. The little' Beginning at a poir 1 392.34 feet south and acta direetly upon the blood and mu ­ If there is any disagreement in surfaces of the system. Send for testi­ and 729.76 feet south 77 degrees east factional scraps at Nehalem over a cous monials. free. _ . . - road district No. 1, and there is, in re- G. McGEE, M D. from the northeast corner of the Ed­ F J. CHHNBV A'CO.. Teledo, O. location of a road don't amount to rick Thomas D. L. C., thence north gard to road and bridge work in that Sold by ail Druggists, 75c. anything ’ in comparison to the great Take Itali a Family Pills for constipation. 11.02 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 district, the proper place to decide minutes east 65 feet;thence south 11.23 boost the Columbia Highway will be that is amongst the people in district PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, feet; thence north 77 degrees west 65 to Nehalem. We would recommend feet to place of beginning No. t. It is not the proper stunt to that the people of Nehalem get to­ Tract owned bv W. B. Aiderman de­ i ^Office : Next door to Star EAT VIERECKS ask road district No. J to decide scribed as follows: gether and pull to gether for a survey where a road or bridge should be lo- Beginning at a point 406.34 feet Theatre for the Columbia Highway, and cited in road district No. I, any more south and 794.6 feet south 77 degrees BREAD, wherccver the state engineers say east from the northeast corner of the | than it would be to ask the Nehalem where the bridge and road are to be Edrick Thomas D. L. C., thence north I BORGE WILLETT, people where a road and bridge, constructed, then let us all help them TILLAMOOK BAKERY, 25.23 feet: thence south 77 degrees 10 should be located in this district, minutes east 80 feet; thence south 25.5 obtain the money to build them. Why feet; thence north 77 degrees west 80 Each road district have had a fair ATTORNEY-AT-LAW can't the people of Nehalem get to­ feet to place of beginning. proportion ol the road tax, and will ( Tract owned by Selma Holden de­ gether on this land of a prope:;.fca? T illamook C ommercial B uildin » continue tq receive it, but we do not scribed as follows: ADVERTISING RATES. I■ ■■ : ■ a ä » I I I ■ * ■ i R a I A15 Watt Mazda Lamp W.A, Williams & Cc. w I i ■ I nt At All Grocers. 1 illamook .... Oregon