». lira öl i TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 26, PRUDENT MAN BANKS H/S MONEY 1914 »I SO PER YEAR. Useful and fancy articles, place Born, to the wife of Joe Rocich, a cards and favors for sale Mrs. Geo. girl. Willett, 3rd St. West. Attorney, R. R. Duniway, of Port­ Judge Holmes admitted to citizeri- land, was in last week on business. ship Adrian Tinner, Peter Wyss and Mrs. Foland returned this week Josef Felix A. Ulrich. from Dallas, where she had been visiting her daughter. .a Mr,and?,r$- °’ A’ Schultl «“r- A good brood mare for sale, will tained at Thanksgiving dinner, Covers make a good farm animal. See were laid for 14 guests. Shrode. | The PrisciHa Club will meet with J W. Frisbie and wife, of Mrs. LG. Jackson, Friday afternoon, Forest Grove, came iti Wednes­ November 27. day to spend Thanksgiving, For Sale, full blooded Holstein ÏUiv £ayrrdjcH prittddi The Supreme Court affirmed the 1 Bulls one year and six months. Apply decision of the lower court in the case of C. E. Reynolds vs. J. W. Vint to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. ♦ and G. B. Lamb, which was an action Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ on a promissory note. 1 sey Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for- Archdeacon Chambers, of the Epis ­ • merly of the Spanish Kitchen. copal Church, will hold services next E. C. Lockwood vs. P. D. Hance Sunday, morning and evening in the and wife is a suit filed in the circuit Court House. This will be the first Episcopal service ever held in the court to recover $420.00 on balance of county, and those who have been Member of a prommissory note. connected with that church are earn- ’ estly invited to attend. The W. R. C. will meet in Artisan FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION hall Dec. 12. Election of officers will The Booster Band Minstrel Show. Of the United States. be held on this date and a good at­ tendance is anticipated. The array of musical and vocal tal­ Protect your valuable papers from ent to be offered to the people in this our sn>efX*)JCted l‘re. by rcntinK one of entertainment will surprise everyone. our safe deposit boxes. Only ~ ’ one Some who have not appeared before dollar per year. ---- Tillamook County the public in years are volunteering ) Bank. • The Band Boys will give a mas­ their services to assist the band in querade Thanksgiving Ball at their getting up an evenings’ entertainment hall on Saturday evening, The hall that will long be remembered. The will be decorated for the occasion announcement of the date will soon ti be made. The band hall will then be with red white and blue. ready to give you the best accommo­ It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.i; dation in the city. Wait for this play, machine vith an established 1 repxr.a- it will please you. 23 More Shopping Days Until Christmas. tion fo' quality services. The White for sale on easy terms at Jor.es Kill Kare Klub. Knudson Furniture Company. * The public are cordially invited to After a prolonged vacation the Kill attend a bazaar at the Presbyterian Rare Klub met with Mrs. Pennington tional Church on Friday, December the ladies were all glad to meet again, Ladies Aid of the German Congrega- and take up the work for the ensuing which are already partely fulfilled. year. Th« afternoon was most de­ 4, 1914. German dinner and supper lightfully spent in relating vacation served. * experiences, and a very interesting Planned and arranged for the purpose of assisting some of the most worthy charities of the day. To lend a helping hand—and if possible, inspire others to do likewise. Arrangements have been made to game prepared by the hostess. Also, the third Thursday in Octo­ Immense cargoes of needful things have been sent to relieve foreign suffers, keep Bar View hotel open during the the vast charity work reflects the true American Spirit. Have we ber Mrs. Williams entertained the winter, and the speciality will be in given thought to our many poor at home, made preparations for the Kill Kares, and another delightful providing fish and clam dinners for Christmas tree, or cheerful surprise baskets for those who crave yule- tide gladness. It is for this reason we hold this sale and hand our mite parties who desire to spend a few afternoon was enjoyed. Mrs. Shrode read a very interesting paper on the to the head of your Church Charities to be used to the best advantage days at the beach the coming winter. for sweet charity sake. present war. The work as planned for Phone orders. » the year is proving very interesting. Coats Driving and Boom Co. vs. Charles S. Wells et al, is a suit filed Christian Church. WILL DONATE 10 PER CENT OF THEIR CASH SALES THIS in the circuit court to obtain judg­ COMING WEEK AS FOLLOWS __ ment against the defendants for land The largest Sunday School that we Ten per cent of the cash sales—MONDAY. Nov. 30 to go to the Christmas for logging purposes, and right of have ever assembled in Tillamook fund U. B. Church. way, the compensation to be deter­ was witnessed at the Christian Ten per Charity cent of the cash sales—TUESDAY Dec. 1 to go to Christmas fund mined later. Seventh Day Adventist Church. Church last Sunday. Then were 229 cent of the cash sales—WEDNESDAY. Dec. a to go to the Christian Having sold my half interest in the in actial class attendance besides the Ten per Church Charity Christmas fund. firm of Delsman & Dolan, I wish to others present. Ten per cent of the cash sales—THURSDAY, Dec. 3rd to go to the Method­ trip Our auto-truck the first announce that I am now ready for ist Church Christmas Charity fund. any future business in the line of con­ brought in 28 and we figure on a rap­ Ten per cent of the cash sales—FRIDAY, Dec. 4th to go to the Christmas fund German Luthern Church. crete construction. All accounts of id increase. Come out next Sunday Ten per Charity cent of the cash sales—SATURDAY, Dec. 5 to go to the Ladies morning at IO a.m. and become a said firm are payable to J. B. Dels­ Guild Presbyterian Church. man, and all debts contracted by the member of one of our classes. It is needless to say that we’ll stnve hard to make all these various amounts The 11 o’clock sermon subject will firm to be paid by J. B. Delsman.—A. as large as possible, and for our part have provided some of the great­ be “This do in Remembrance of Me” est Christmas bargains imaginable—to superinduce liberal buying. T. Dolan. Evening sermon, subject, "God’s WE WANT TO TURN THIS STORE OVER TO THE CHARITIES The Fairview Grange will have an ’ NEXT WEEK, we want the different denominations to send a lady Dynamite.” A welcome to all. open meeting on Saturday evening representative to take full charge and wait upon the trade—It will swell your Church fund. November 28, when the following DR. WENDT, Won’t you trade at STILLWELLS and help the needy. program will be rendered: Song by Eye Specialist, P.S. If we have overlooked any charity institution, or Church kindly advise the Grange; Reading, Mrs. D. Bill­ us at once that we may make restitution. ings; What I saw at the State Fair, Fit Glasses at Ed. Donaldson, M. Mills and J. H. Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed Dunstan; Reading, Crystal Bays; Song, Durrer Sisters; Address by J Prof. H. T. French, State Leader of Extension work, O.A.C.; Stock trial, members of Grange; Games and Re­ - freshments. Meeting is open to the from DECEMBER 1st public after 8 o’cl?ck. Every one in­ to 25th. vited. The W. R. C. had a pleasant fare­ well party in honor of Mrs. A. J. S'illwell, last Thursday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Bernice Lucas. The time was spent with needlework, socially and the resolved serving of refreshments brought th« afternoon to a close. The members T hat we carve presented Mrs. Stillwell with a sou- T he P rices when venire spoon engraved with Tilla­ mook County court house. Mrs. Still­ WE FIRST MARK OUR, well was very pleased and made a G roceries . T here ’ s some , few- remarks in appreciation of the re­ FINE PICKING IN OUR,, membrance. Mrs. Stillwell and son Billy left Tuesday to spend the win­ STOCK NOV/ - ter at the Dalles. The continusd ttorf. "Trey A nd always O’Hearts” which has been running in the Telephone Register for several months, will be completed with this LOAD YOUR. THANKSGIVING TABLE WITH issue. The films which have been Mako ilio Old Homo Bright FRESH, PURE, HEALTHFUL, HIGH QUALITY shown at the Rainbow have never GROCERIES FROM OUR STORE, AND YOU failed to arouse increased interest on And Your Light Bills Light AND YOUR FRIENDS WILL SIT DOWN To AS the part of all who were regular at ivilR* RARE A FEAST AS EPICURIA CAN POSSIBLY tendants on the evenings they were displayed, and in fact, the story has PROVIDE. ALTHOUGH THE QUALITY OF OUR grown in interest from start to finish. GROCERIES IS THE HIGHEST, OUR PRICES Much money must have been expend­ are the lowest the best can be sold ed to produce this story, and certainly FOR.. GIVE US YOUR. GROCERY BUSINESS, ED 10 the actor, have well «"«d their AND YOU WILL GIVE US ALL OF YoUR BUSI­ money in preparing the many thnl . THE NESS- BECAUSE YOU WILL FIND OUR GRO­ with which the story abounds - Tele­ phone Register. Th,, story makes .1. CERIES GOOD. first apprtf»’’« ,o ^>' ,n ,b* “ light, and next Monday and Tuesday the films will be shown at the .« n Next to Gem Theatre. Theatre, which will continue for is TILLAMOOK, - - . - OREGON Tel. 1» J. weeks. Founded in the Strongest Way Growing Stronger Every Day *■ “ SERVES YOU RIGHT / First National Bank Tillamook, Ore v POCKET SOOKS LfAK & O ur B an * / s a S afe P lace for it Money carried in he pocket slips away easily. Put yours in our BANK ; it won’t be so hard to refuse a loan to ‘•friend»” who will never pay you back. Nor will you foolishly SPEND your money when it is safe in our bank. We refer those who have not banked with us to those who HAVE. Our vaults and lock are strong. The good names of men of high CHARACTER and known financial RESPONSI­ BILITY are also behind our bank. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings. Tillamook County Bank. We are in a position to make some This is to certify that Fred C. time farm loans. First National Baker is the proprietor of the Tilla­ long * mook Headlight and that no one else Bank. For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River have any interest in or mortgage on bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ said newspaper. man. * A marriage license was granted to TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Albert J. Neilson and Roseland Land­ ingham. Gasoline 20c. a gallon at Ed’s Gar- Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all ag«. , ♦ kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See 3kfa s'.potit boxes for rent. Tillt- « Shrode. mok Caahty Bank. * We will soon have several cars of The place to eat is at the “Good hay for sale from the car. See Shrode Bts," Ramsey Hotel. * * for prices. A heavw team, wagon and harness Spruce limbs for immediate deliv­ far sal*. Sac Shrode. * ery—Phone Bell 2F14—Dewey Or­ Two large parlor hanging lamps chard Co. * for sale. Mrs. Rollie W. Watson. A. R. Caruthers vs. Bay City is a Edgar Williams was indicted by the writ of review filed in the circuit grand jury for cruilty to animals. court. Let the Slogan Resound. Christmas Cheer Throughout the Year." The Features of the Coming Week's Business will be a Special CHARITY SALE STILLWELL’S Special Rates for Wiring CLOTHS. Hit or Miss” Shopping Like Hit or Miss” Methods Being Very Unsatisfactory Results, iait a shop of integrity and buy clothes of Perfect style and quality. No “ hit or miss” ®ethodi or modes will be found here. A. A. PENNINGTON Ï I $ EDISON MAZDA LAMPS UAflRR’S VARIETY STORE TIUURmOOK, OREGON- Drop in and book Around ELECTRIC STORE, RAY & CO. I i ;