Tillamook Circuit Court Meets Monday. STATE INSTITUTIONS TO RE­ CEIVE BIG SUMS. Sunday Services, M. E, Church Summary of Assessment Roll for Til­ the total value of taxable property lamook County, (Edited by E. B. Schunelle.) amounts to $19,989,100. This does •A special term of the circuit court Sunday School, io o’clock, Sermon The final equalization of the assess- ( not . include railroads and other pub- The teachers who attended the in ­ will convene on Monday, with Judge Budget Prepared by Board for Next ii am., Subject, “Is Life worth liv­ ment roll for Tillamook County, as , lie service corporations. , which are Webater Holmes on the bench, stitute have returned to their work Two Years Totals $1,762,366.93. ing.” agreed to by the County Board of assessed by the State Tax Commis- which «ill enable the judge to dispose refreshed by what they have learned, Epworth League, 6:30 p.m. Sermon Equalization, has been completed by sion. Following is the assessment for of a number of cases that were con­ while the students of T. H. S. are According to final estimates made 7-30 p.m. “Lots Wife.” Good singing. Assessor Johnson, which shows that the year 1914: tinued from the last session of the working with renewed vim and vigor by the State Board of Control, ap- I Edward Gittins, pastor. due to the restful vacation. Thus the court.' Another grand jury will be propriations required from the next ' Number. double benefit of the Teachers’ In­ Legislature for the state institutions 1 drawn. I Number acres tillable land___________________ Summons. 16 240 Number acres non-tillnble lands............... 5*6. bA7 stitute reveals itself in both teachers will total $1,7^2,360.93, an increase of Warren Construction Co. vs. Till­ ! Improvements on Deeded or Patented Lands and students. ' Town and City Lots______ ______________ ..... 36.780 $106,805.32 over the total appropria- ’ In the Circuit Court of the State _ amook City. Damages. of I Improvements on Town and City Lots’ Friday night, Nov. 13, the High­ tions made for them by the last Leg- Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, .Automobiles ..................................... ’.................................. ................................ ... D. L. Shrode, Geo. Williams and Steamboats Sailboats. Stationary Engines and Manufacturing Machinery school basket ball team played the islature. i Jeff D. Matney, plaintiff. j Merchandise Stock in Trade.__ Charles Kunze vs. R. H. Ashcroft. Panning Implements, Wagons, Alumni team. With the exception of Of the amount provided by the last vs. I Money. Notes and Accounts Action for money. Shares of Stock________ ....__ one man, the Alumni team was the Legislature, $40,850 was not used, the Lizzie Matney, defendant, '• Motel and Office Furniture, etc. Peter Nelson and John A. Nelson same as last year’s Senior team, penitentiary turning $26,850 back to Horses and Mules To Lizzie Matney, the above-named Cows .467 vs. Clara F. Kennedy. Action for which proved itself so hard to con­ the general fund, the Soldier’s Home defendant: 8.033 Cattle.. :i,O43 money. Sheep quer. But this time the Alumni suf­ turning back $20,coo, making the total In the name of the State of Oregon. I Goats .. Eilers Music House vs. William fered a defeat. The score was 17 to 8 appropriation used by institutions, You are hereby required to appear Swine ... Dogs (by request) Dwight. To recover personal proper­ in favor of the T.H.S. $1,608,711.61, and making the increase and answer the complaint filed against Total Value of all Property $19.989,100 The lineup was as follows: ty. of the estimated appropriations for you in the above entitled court and T. H.S. Alumni the total sum used during the present cause on or before the last day of the W. G. Dwight vs. A Giebish and F. Lamar LF Ebinger biennium by state institutions. Al­ time prescribed in this order for the Joplin. Injunction. Erickson, Crimmcns RF Buel though there is an increase in the es­ service of summons by publication ...... .......... A. G. Beals vs. F. W. Watkins and Wallace C Crenshaw timated maintenance appropriations herein, and if you fail so to answer, Burton Rice. Action for money. Maddux LG DcLillics over those of last year in several of the plaintiff will apply to the court T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. F. D. Boquist RG. Baine the larger institutions, the increase in for the relief demanded in the said Mitchell. Action for money. Next Friday night, Nov 20, the Bay the total appropriation required for complaint, namely, for a decree dis­ George Dustan vs. W. C. Hawk City basket ball team will play a re­ tile next two years is principally due solving the bonds of matrimony ex­ and Mrs. E. B. Miller. Action for turn game with T.H.S. to improvements needed. For the in- ■ isting between you and the said plain­ money. After the game the members of the sane asylum an appropriation of $60,-j tiff, Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery Ira C. Smith vs. O. J. Painter No­ Athletic Association will entertain 000 is required for a wdng to the re-, by plaintiff of his costs and disburse­ lan. Action for money. the visiting Bay City team and stu­ ceiving ward, and $100,000 for the ments in said suit, and for such other Robert Watt vs. Frank Long, ir, dents in the Gem theatre, which Mr. Eastern Oregon Insane Asylum for a , and further relief as to the court may | seem meet, right, and equitable. Frank Long, jr., and Alfred Magnu­ C. C. Smith has kindly offered for new wing. that purpose. It has been suggested The total appropriation made for son. Action for money. This summons is served upon you John W. Byers and M. O. Byers vs. that none but those who attend the each institution for the years 1913-14 by publication thereof, by order of game will be permitted to go the was as follows: Oregon State Hospi- , the Hon. Homer Mason, County J. M. Burton. Action for money. show afterwards. Miss Goyne’s class tai for Insane, $614,353-5°; Eastern . Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, M. J. Gersoni vs. Frank Rowe et al. will stage “Charlemagne”’ again. Oregon Insane Asylum, $284,829.80; j in the absence of the Hon. Webster REJOLVED Action for money. Tiiilcro cif There will be several very comical Penitentiary, $203,500; Feeble-Minded ' ; HnlrniK Holmes, Judge of lit* the ('irr»ss«f Circuit C*niir) Court C. R. Cater vs. Andrew Zuercher. THAT YOU WILL HUNT numbers on the program, and one Institute, $202,243.31; Training School above named, w hich said order is Damages. reel of fil mwill also be shown. $73,450; Tuberculosis Sanitarium, dated the 18th day of November, 1914 FURTHER. FOR NO T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. Axel Mr. Reed has been very buisy $53,000; Blind School, $37,235; Deaf and the date of the first publication Anderson. Action for money. GOOD 6ROCER1E5 IF changing the Manuel Training De­ School, $79,950; Girls’ School, $50,000, hereof is the 19th day of November, Ella Hempel vs. Emmery Wagner 1914, and the date of the last publica­ partment. The room will be enlarged Soldiers’ Home, $57,000. YOU COME TO U5. and Rosco Barker. Action for money. The estimated appropriation for tion hereof, and the last date on or and more benches and tools will be James Bibby vs. Josef Blaser. OUR’5 ARE PURE AND installed. This has become necessary each institution for 1915-16 is: Ore­ before which you are required to Action for moniy. for the little room was very crowded. gon State Hospital for Insane, $774,- answer this summons is the 31st day FRE5H AND THE F. D. Small et al vs. R. B. Hays. The Webster Club held a meeting 711 ; Eastern Oregon Insane Asylum, of December, 1914. Action for money. Dated Nov. 19th, 1914. PRICE5 ARE RIGHT. Thursday night. In spite of the $315,950; Penitentiary, $188,300; Fee­ J. C. Perry vs. Louis U. Albert. T. H. Goyne, stormy weather there was a fair rep­ ble-Minded Institute, $155,206: Train­ Action for money. Attorney for Pl&intiff. resentation of the members. The ing School, $68,395; Tuberculosis San­ WE WANT TO DoTHE “LIVE-WIRE'’ GRO­ Carl A. Patzlaff vs. James W. and question for debate was, "Resolved, itarium, $69,016; Blind School, $37,- CERY &U5INE^5 IN THU COMMUNITY. WE A. M. Myer. Action for money. that the farmers of Tillamook would 789.18; Deaf School, $58,776; Girls’ : Administratrix Notice of Sale of Real George L. Hamlin vs. Charles E. KNOW THE WAY To Do IT, TO KEEP ONLY Estate at Private Sale. be benefited by entering the Port of School, $56,875; Soldiers’ Home, $37,- Haas. Action for money. Tillamook.” The negative side was 348.75. PURE WHOLESOME GROCERIES AND .SOUND Adjustment Bureau of the Portland victorious. The next question is “Re­ Notice is hereby given that by vir­ FRUIT5 AND VEGETABLES AND To .SELL Association of Credit Men vs. James solved, that the United States should tue of an order and decree of the Notice of Purvey W. and A. M. Myer. Action for mon- maintain a large navy.” The mem­ THEM AT REASONABLE PRICE5. DON’T County Court of Washington County, Oregon, made and entered on Sept. TO bers of the teams are: HUNT AROUND, BUT COME .STRAIGHT To U5 I iy' Portland Mercantile Union vs. S. G. Affirmative Eugene Atkinson, Sand Lake, Ore- 22, 1914, authorizing and directing the Negative FOR ALL YOUR TABLE NECE55ITIE5. gon, Anna M. Ward, Tillamook, Ore- Reed. Action for money. Leían Maddux gon; Alexander Watt, Tillamook, Ore­ administratrix of the estate of R. R. Franzel Mills First National Bank of Tillamook, Eldred Reed Creighton, deceased, to sell at private GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG Hubert Stam gon: E. R. Hayes, Sand Lake, Oregon; L vi. C. E. McAlpin. Action for money. Lee Doty L. Bettman, 22 King-Davis Apart­ sale the real estate belonging to the Arelta Everson ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED ments, Portland, Oregon ; M. Sommers, | Fred Foster vs. W. O. and Otis There woll be other numbers on the Banks, Oregon; M. E. Edwards, Dun­ estate of said deceased. I, the under­ I Chase. Action for money. program. The public is cordially in­ dee, Oregon; N. J. Myers, Tillamook, signed, will from and after December I Louis Albert vs. Jeff Fleck and Ben Oregon; O. R. Chamberlain, Vancou­ 21, 1914, proceed to sell the real estate vited to attend these meetings. ver, Washington: George Davis, Hem­ hereinafter described at private sale, | Via. Action for money. TILLAMOOK, lock, Oregon; A. Blum, Hemlock, Ore­ for cash in hand, subject to confirma­ The Buffalo Fertilizer Co. vs. J. F. gon ; A. Neppach, 2nd and Davis Sts., Shakespeare Club. Brady. Action for money. Portland, Oregon; A. Sanders, 118 S. tion by said court, said real estate be­ Pickering Ave., Whittier, Cal.; C. S. ing particularly described as follows, C. S. Atkinson vs. James Langley. At unson, Sand Lake, Oregon; Eliza­ Action for money. The Shakespeare Club met at the beth Atkinson, Tillamook, Oregon; B. to-wit: All the following bounded and de­ Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johnson. hame of Mrs. Alex McNair in this L. Eddy, Roseburg, Oregon; W. R. scribed real property, situate in the Glendenning, 438 East 7th St., Port ­ Divorce. city on Friday afternoon. The day W. G. Dwight vs. John Krebs et al. was so stormy some of the members land, Oregon; Sand Lake Townsite County of Tillamook, and State of Co., 303 Fenton Building, Portland, Foreclosure. failed to be present. The resignation Oregon; G. W. Galloway, Sand Lake, Oregn, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of the South­ Sylvia L. Rice vs. Earl E. Rice. Di- of Mrs. Goyne created a vacancy so Oregon; M. E. Harris. Tillamook, Ore­ gon; Bright Walters, Henry Building, east quarter of Section Eight, and the »orce. Mrs. Everson was elected to fill the Portland. Oregon; E. E. Webb, Sand i East one half of the Southwest quar- F. R. Beals vs. W. O. and Mina M. vacancy. Lake, Oregon; Maude Cameron, Sand I ter ard the Southwest quarter of the Chase. Foreclosure. Lake, Oregon; Mary E. Diamond, 3and The guests of the afternoon were G. F. Chaphe vs. R. H. Ashcroft et Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Fred Beals, Mrs. Lake, Oregon; Alice Hoyt, Sand Lake, I Southw'est quarter of Section Nine all Oregon; D. N. Anderson, care Lang & (in Township 3, South of Range 10 ¿Foreclosure. Everson, Mrs. Edwards and her Co., Portland, Oregon, Emil Mosier, West, Willamette Meridian, contain­ Mary W. Whaley and A. J. Whaley house guest, Mrs. York. The ladies Goldendale, Washington: EOK You and each of you are hereby no­ ing 160 acres in Tillamook County, n. Cecilia A. Davis et al. To quiet joined with us in discussing the top­ tified that on the 27th day of Novem­ Oregon. He. ics under consideration and time pass­ ber, 1914, at the hour of one o’clock, Bids will be received by me at the Whitney Co., et al, vs Beall and Co. ed so quickly that adjournment soon P. M. of said date, 1 will begin the sur­ law off>ce of M- B. Bump, , in Hills­ iFtheVne» till. Injunction. came. The hostess then invited us to vey an 1 the establishment of ‘-L- ”—- boro, Washington County, Oregon and corners to the East half of the Opliby Young vs. Isabell Collins take our places at dainty arranged Northwest-quarter and lots Two (2) also at the office of the Tillamook •»I Foreclosure. little tables. Here we seated oruselves and Three (3) of Section T wenty (20) Headlight in Tillamook, Tillamook tosis L. Smith vs. W. G. Dwigltt. and enjoyed the delicious luncheon and the South half of the Southwest ¡ County, Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914. quarter of Section Seventeen (17), . Qwt title. that Mrs. McNair had prepared for us Township Three (3) South, Range Ten Widow’s dower right in said land For Thanksgiving Day, November AN. Marolf vs. Preston Marolf et The next meeting of the club will be (10) West, Willamette Meridian, in can be purchased for a reasonable hrtition. 26th, low round trip tickets will be in December with Mrs. Webster Tillamook County, Oregon, and in eon-, nection with said survey, 1 shall locate P • G>y 0. Smith vs. Merton R. De Holmes. Hold between all points on the Pacific and establish th 1 ction corners com 1- ­ { Dated at Hillsboro, Washington et al. Foreclosure. mon to Section Seventeen (17), Eigh- r _ Cunty, __ Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914. Railway & Navigation Co., also be­ Robert Osburn vs. William and Lil- teen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty , Katie J. Creighton, Government Lands for Sale. tween P.R. & N. and S.P. pointH in (20) and common to Sections Sixteen , "E Riefenberg et al. Quiet title. Administratrix of the es- (16), Seventeen (17), Twenty (20) ■ Oregon, November 25th and 26th, Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance tate of R. R. Creighton, and Twenty-one (21) and the : Return limit November 30th. We are advised by the United quarter corners con.uion to Sections ’»• A Ramsey et al. Foreclosure. deceased. Land Office that on Nov., 27th Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18 ,1 McMillan, guardian Frank Marey States _________ M. B. and D. D. Bump, Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20) in said Will Ten Eyck et al.’To quiet title there will be a public sale of lots and Township Attorneys for said Estate. and Range; said survey will ■ « thleen Mills vs. Mary Jane Mar- small tracts in the townsite of Siletz, be begun at the section corner common ( Notice of Completed Contract. Lincoln County, in the former Siletz to sections Seventeen (17), (18), _ Nine- Foreclosure. | teen (19) and (20), said Township and < Notice is hereby given, that U. G. orfiion Mills vs. R. Lamb et al. Indian Reservation, Oregon. Our information is that the sale em­ VSt-tal-S*. 0W». tbl. mook County, Oregon, has filed in rick and Anna Don vs. John braces the disposal of 112 lots and 24 day of October, 1914. this office his certificate for the com­ G. J. Poysky. MM Henderson. To set aside deed. five-acre tracts; also a three acre Deputy County Surveyor of pletion of the contract of W. Mayer, tract for public school purposes. The nn J. Owens vs. Alberta Frock Tillamook County, Oregon. for the construction of a warehouse lots are appraised at from $20.00 to Foreclosure. ----- o----- for Tillamook County, at Nehalem Hahn vs. Gus and Marie $185.00, an average price of $6799 STATE OF OREGON Between all points on the 1*. R. & N. | sg Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­ The five-acre tracts range in price Foreclosure. also to S.P. points. poration having objections to file to • $• Whitehouse vs. Calvin S. from $313 95 to $526.70. an average of COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK J the completion of said work, may do I hereby certify that I have carefully »1. Foreclosure. $89.99 per acre- , , compared the foregoing with the origi­ I so within two weeks from the date of Full particulars as to train service, specific We are informed that the sale o nal Notice of Survey and the same is a 1 ®*“tngartner vs. Martha PoltAk fares between all stations, etc. from nearest Agent I the firit publication, this land will be the entering wedge full, true and correct copy of said No­ Foreclosure. Dated this the 29th, day of Oct , 1914. of the H. Hamlin V». Lydia S. to the opening and development of a tice and of the whole thereof. J. C. Holden G. J. Poysky, very fertile country on the Siletz JOHN M. SCOTT, General I'aHncnger Ageut Portland. Foreclosure. ‘ County Clerk. Deputy County Surveyor. Kirk vs. Mamie Kirk. Di­ river. The Siletz river is about 100 mtlcs long and traverses a very beaut­ Notice of Completed Contract. The Democratic« and Progressives *• Iyer», jr., v. Margaret iful valley, intersected by hundreds Notice is hereby given, that U. G. mount- combined in Utah and Vermont Jor Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ t’ter.ll valleys, more or less *' *'• 'k> quiet title, < the purpose of humalitating the Re- mook County, Oregon, has filed in 00k Cqmty Bank vs. Marion ainous. , Joreclom* publicans. But they are not mention­ this office his certificate for the com­ pletion of the contract of Derk Rut­ ing it now. Mark O’Hara. Di- to get The Wilson-Bryan anxiety from un- gers, for the grading of the Eugene Fighting from the clouds, Mexico 'J. McAlpin and the American troops out of red the sea, and bj powerful search­ Atkinson, County road, known as the obviously is inspired by the fear that t aside con- otherwise the peace-at-any-pnce pro­ I lights at night, is not adding to the Sand Lake road, and any person, firm ) I popularity of war. The old method or corporation, having objections to gramme may be spo.led. U.th Je was not so rapid as the modern way, file to the completion of said work, vs Frank factions fighting bitter y may do so within two weeks from the I but it was more human like. welcome to date or the first publication, ¿^Matney. ,polls and with Mexico in hop es The Democrats are chaos, the danger is ever present that ;> claim credit for the Panama Canal Dated this the 29th. day of Oct, 1914 the Administration may be force , , J. C, Holden claim such blus- but the R. publican. Count finish what is the one in this country. * a few months -------o-- : HIGH SCHOOL JOTTINGS HeacIiigLt, November 19, Io RAY & CO LOW ROUND TRIP FARES thanksgiving . Convenient Train Service