Tillamook Headlight, November 1Ô, £014. ' Q ALVIN R WORRALL, state of Ohio. City <>f Teledo ( I Lucas County. » Washington County. What we want Prank J. Cheney make» oath tha. liK State Press Flashlights is to let the outsiders know jt, and senior j: Cheney LAWYER, partner of the firtn of F. J- C _ a, Co doing bu.ine»» in the city of To­ they will come in and help us devel­ ledo. County an.l State afore.aid «nd BUSINESS COUNSELOR, TITLES, «nd One of the "trusty lieutenants” of op these resources,—Beaverton that »aid firm will pay the »urn of ONE ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY HUNHKKIl HOLLARS for each and every Colonel Roosevelt has made a public eaae of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the I Times. PUBLIC. announcement that under no circum­ use of HALL'S CATAKKU CURB. -o----- I FRANK J. CHENEY. I Hillsboro Independent. stances will the Colonel be a candi­ 25 years experience. Consultation Sworn to before me and subscribed in Judge McGinn of Portland made Free. my presence, this «th day ot December, In their overwhelming vote for Dr. I date for president in 1916. Seems A most interesting story, "The Gcr- them I the women mad by excluding A. W. GLEASON. Commercial Club Bld , Tillamcok. man Nation,” in the September Nat- Withycombe for governor the people to us this has a familiar ring and from the hearing of certain cases of * ^¿an J Notary Public. i i ional Geographic Magazine, gives a showed the same ability to go to the I. that we have heard this before.-Ump­ immorality tried in his court. He Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the bloodIand mu­ striking lesson to the American far­ heart of a problem that thay did in qua Valley News. charges that the base passions are at cous surfaces of the system. Send for testl- QR L. L. HOY, dealing with the measures on the bal­ mer. It says in part: free. . , _ the foundation of such desires. He is monials. F.J. < HENRY & CO., Teledo. O. Not since the hand of historyfirst lot. Misrepresentation, ridicule and I I Oregon game laws do not provide bold by all Druggist». 75c. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON probably right. At least it is base Take ilall’» Faiiill. Pill, for constipntion. began to write the rise and fail of abuse of political enemies were ig­ for the licensing of blind pig hunt­ curiosity. We remember a salacious T illamook B lock , nations has there been a more won­ nored and the fact was kept in mind ers, and the coming legislature should case brought down from Sheridan sev derful story pf a people’s existen­ that the Republican candidate was a remedy this, for it is predicted that i Tillamook, eral years ago and tried in the Yam­ Oregon. ce than that to be found in the annals man whose ability, honesty and fit­ there will be an influx of blind pigs I ness for the position to which he had in this state after the first of Jan­ hill circuit court, which was held with of the Germans. The star of their des­ I BAT VIERECKS open doors and brought out a large J“-)«- ELMER ALLEN tiny more than once has mounted to aspired had been proven by close con­ uary 1916, and it is well to be prepar­ attendance of the fair «ex, every one the zenith of European power, then tact with the people during almost a ed in advance.—Umpqua Valley News BREAD, of whom ought to have been ashamed (Successor to Dr. Sharp), has passed down to the western hori­ life residence. of herself of being present. The wo­ Dr. Withycombe will place much The votfi was almost an emphatic zon, only to rise again, because of the DENTIST. men in Portland are pleading that TILLAMOOK BAKERY, extraordinary recuperative strength rebuke to Governor West, who for­ emphasis on rural development. Too their presence is necessary as a pro ­ Commercia! Building', Tillamook getting and neglecting his high office many governors of the past have play­ of the German race. tection to the young girls in the case. ' I The Germany of today is a wonder­ engaged in a campaign in the interest ed too much politics and failed to look Judges and court officials are entitled I ful empire— whatever the book of of the man he had picked as his suc­ after the greatest problem of our J~^R. JACK OLSEN, I to the confidence of the people that At All Grocers. fate may have in store for it tomor­ cessor and in which his weapons were state—that of bringing more acres they will deal fairly with the accused. under civilization and raising the row. Its people are so old in the his­ those of the ward politician. DENTIST. —Telephone Register. The vote is also an absolute repud­ standard of those already under cul­ | State Wide prohibition tory of'western civilization that Julius (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Ceasar, when he became governor of iation of West and Westism and tivation.—Umpqua Valley News. will become Gaul, encountered them to the east of proves that the people have had Tillamook - Oregon effective January I, 1916, because of Sidney E. Henierson, Pres., the Rhine and bore testimony to enough of both. The contest for gov- ( The greatest surprise of the election the adoption of the prohibition meas ­ Surveyor. their fighting spirit and their military ernor wa* squarely on that issue and (in Oregon was the majority for the John Leland Henderson, Sec­ C. HAWK, prowess, yet its government is so none other. The personality of Dr. 1 dry amendment given by Multnomah ure by the voters by a majority of up­ retary Treaa., Attoiney-at- " " ■’ Even the most t optomistic wards 25,000. The majority is such young that the men still on the sunny Smith did not enter into the case at County. Law, Notrary Public side of fifty can remember when it all. He was picked by West as his Prohibitionist had not hoped for a that it leaves no question as to the i people ’ s attitude toward the saloon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. majority in the metropolis. Now that came injo being. The present Ger­ successor, all the governor’s influence Tillamook Title and man Empire was born out of the was exercised to secure his nomina- ’ every county in the state has voted business. The fourteen months per­ Bay City Abstract Co. Oregon Franco-Prussian war, what its future tion in the primary and the executive , dry, the question is settled for all iod gives the interests ample time to adjust themselves to the new conditi­ shall be is now in process of determi­ neglected no means that would secure time.—News Times. Law. Abstracts, R >al Estate, | ons coming upon them and to enter ----- o------ nation. the election of hi* candidate. Surveying, Insurance. a QARL HABERLACH, fields of business. Some The average American has read so But the peple would have none of j When a man walks into our office, other Both Phones. B much about the might ol the German him. They well knew that a vote for ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. f_ wipes his soaking shoes on our edit­ of the individuals directly affected, TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. army, the prowess of the German na­ I Smith meant an indorsement of West orial carpet, doggishly shakes the may move out of the state but the T illamook B eock »HUH 1» ■ «I* IIMU 1*1 vy, triumphs of the German factory and they buried Smith beneath an moisture from his dripping coat over greater portion will remain in Oregon. It is only fair to state that the money Tillamook r- ! our editorial copy, bends over us and and the commercial conquests of the avalanch of votes. Oregon German exporter that he finds it a And in burying Smith they buried runs the water from the eaves of his that is now spent for liquor will, after surprise when he is told that Ger­ West also, but it remains to be seen watery hat down the back of our the saloons have been closed, be spent MRS. ALICE HEITSMAN, rp H. GOYNE, many, territorialy, is so much smaller whether he will show the good sense editorial neck and has the poor grace for necessities’such as clothing and food;also books and other luxuries. than Texas that a slice as big as all to accept the verdict and remain to remark; "Well Oregon went dry, 1, 2, 3 Room Apartments, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. New England could be cut out of the butied. He may not, for past history didn’t it,” we feel devilish like kicking The mney that has been going east to Furnished or Unfurnished, Lone Star state and what remained tends to prove that he is not thin- him out—and we would too, if he pay for intoxicating liquors will be $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK. Office; O pposite C ourt H ouse , kept in this state, at least two-thirds would be larger than the German skinned. wasn’t a subscriber. —Astorian. Free Phones, Water and Light. Tilla tn 00k - Empire. of it. It will go into the savings banks - Oregon. First St and 4th Aye. East, Press Call Halt on Fool Laws But if Germany be I small in territar- U'Ren? U’Ren? There is something or be spent with the retail merchants O regon J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ial extent, it has been powerful in familiar about the name. Wasn’t lie and domestic industries.—News Re­ T illamook .................. population, strong ; in industrial re- '• Every session of the legislature his own candidate for governr, and porter. sources and great in the technical sees a lot of fool laws enacted and a wasn’t he the chap that fathered a ATTORNEY ------o------ achievments. Only Belgium, Nether- lot more dumped before they are vot­ sly attempt to impose left hand singel The order of Elks is one of the AND lands, Japan and the United Kingdom ed upon. The citizens of all states tax on the people and another attem- broadest in its methods of charity of COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. among the nation*'of the earth have dodge all freak and fanatical laws. ¡ pt to abolish the state senate? Well, all the benevolent organizations in T illamook B lock , There is no limit to the distance to it does seem that if a fellow sticks to the world. It is first and foremost a denser popj*l£tion. Tillamook - - - - Oregon. i Only (. Jifida, India, Russia and the which some of these law-in.entors it long enough he will get what’s and most liberal when appeals for as­ ROOM NO. 201. Unitfid States have more numerous will go.— Mount Scott Herald. On your front porch can be lit coming to him, and last week’s vote sistance for world wide disasters stir every night until midnight tion. Only Great Britian is a ------o----- J. CLAUSSEN, indicates that the people are doing the hearts of a people. An instance and register not over . LAWYER, -''greater buyer in the world's markets, The result of a election should a little ablishing of their own and of this is shown in the movement that fifty cents per month and only the United States and Great point a moral for the prohibition peo­ U’Renism was included in the process has been inaugurated in the east and tn the meter, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Britian are greater sellei* in those ple, the Out-to-Winners, the social- — Hillsboro Independent. middle west, to equip and keep a unit i 2’3 T illamook B lock markets. ist-s and U'Renites, and to all others of the Red Cross for one year in the i COAST POWER COMPANY. Although embracing only one-fif- inclined to be led away from the Oregon Tillamook Summaries of Oregon election re­ war torn zone of Europe. A unit of teenti jf the area of Europe, Ger­ organizations embodying the over­ this organization consists of three turns show that all of the 27 meas ­ many in 1912 produced one seventh of whelming majority of the calm and surgeons and twelve nurses, and the T. BO ALS, M.D., its wheat, a fifth of its oats, more less emotional people of the state and ures and amendments on the ballot expense including transportation, I affecting industries, taxation and in ­ than a seventh of its barley, more nation.—Corvallis Gazette Times. physician ; and surgeon vestments have been defeated. The amounts to about twentyfive thousand * than a fourth of its rye and over a dollars, according to advices that press of the state was almost unan ­ Surgeon S.P. Co. third of its potatoes. Its yields place A subscriber to the Itemizer re- have been received from the head (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) it among the nations of Europe sec- siding in Yaquina Bay “»topped his imously against these proposed laws, quarters in Washington. It is a splen­ ond only to Russia. paper" because we stated that the condemning many of them as a radi­ did tribute to the liberality and char­ Tillamook .... Oregon. To what a remarkable extent the proposition for the state to pension cal and freak propositions and the re­ ity of this society, and shows its .«r- German farmer has mastered the the unemployed was a vicious meas­ sult is defeat of a vicious system of broad minded sympathy with human J E. REEDY, D.V M„ Science of agricultural is shown by a ure and advocated its defeat. Oh, well legislation. Fot some of these meas­ suffering, inasmuch as the order of comparison of his per acre yield with we will try and struggle along some­ ures campaigns were made and a Elks is distinctly American, and has VETERINARY. our own. If we had grown as much way, with the help of the 1499 we great deal of money spent in adver­ no connection with any foreign so- tising them, but the voters had made wheat to the acre in 1913 as the Get- have left.—Dallas Itemizer. Both PlioneB. ciety.—Umpqua Valley News. up their minds to check the system.— mans our crop would have been 2,- ------ o------ Oregon Tillamook 500,000,000 bushels, instead of 750.,- Among these defeated were several News Reporter. Apparently, just at the present with the problem of buy ng Harness ----- o----- 000,000 bushels. If our farmers had pood measures that would have been will find it distinctly advanta­ Representatives of English mer- writing, Colonel Roosevelt is a man you grown as much oats to t^jie acre as the of real value to the state and a great geous to come and do your select J~^R. E. E, DANIELS. without a party. Can he remain such? German yield ours would have been assistance to the slate officials in chants have taken all of the available ing here. You will get the b.ssl Mr. Roosevelt at one time spoke in qualities, the most thorough and 60 percent of the world's oat crop, handling the business of the state, hens’ eggs in cold storage at Chicago CHIROPRACTOR. being shipped to terms of characteristic contempt of conscientious workmanship and be Instead of 25 per ^tcad of 331,000.000. activity among the chicken raisers of OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Oregon system taxes will be high. If Roosevelt was to lead to the field of Where the American farmer uses this vast American republic, especial ­ Beth Pbonet all the measures at Tuesday's election Armageddon have vanished. It many acres and gets a small yield, had carried there is no telling how ly those in the Pacific Coast states.— might be almost true to say they have Residence and Office in Whitehouse the German farmer use* a very few Machines for sale and rent. high taxes would be for the coming Pacific Homestead. Residence, been dissipated into thin air. There is acres and compels the ground to give 1 o Needles, parts, oil and re year. We have too many useless com­ 1: TILLAMOOK, OREGON. a fighting nucleus left in California; him a large yield There are approx­ According to the investigation of pairs for all makes of machines. missions, freak laws etc., and the but in the person of the victories Gov ­ imately the same number of farmers sooner the people rise in their power Dr. Henry A. Waters, president of ernor Johnson there is plenty of L_I T. Burrs in Germany as in the United States— and demand the appeal of a multitude the Kansas Agricultural College, the leadership there, along with the rest. TILLAMOOK CLEANING 5,756,000 in Germany and 5,737,000 in ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. of them the sooner will taxes stop Phillipine Islands are admirable ad- And in all that there is little cause to our country The German* have fewer apted to the raising of beef. There are Complete Set of Abstract Book* tn AND TAILORING QO. climbing.—Silverton Appeal. than 700,000 farm* that are larger in the Phillipines a million acres of extend felicitations to the Colonel. It Office. ——o—— is equally amazing to think or to be­ than 25 acre* in extent. The people of Oregon are learning good pasture and never has the grass Taxes Paid for Non-Residenta- lhe German farmer is not like the He lieve that the Colonel can remain not only to swat the flies with suc­ been touched in a serious way. T illamook B lock , supine and idle. It may be that he can Atniercan farmer when it comes to cess, but also to swat- freak legisla­ estimates that two and a half acres of [ Tillamook .... Oregnn never come back; but mighty few peo­ choosing the good land and allowing tion. All of which lbads to a sane this land wilt maintain a bullock the Both Phones. ple there are who believe that he will that which is not »0 good to lay idle. base and the state will take its place year through. Labor is cheap. There not try. But in what way? By what More than 50 per cent of the farm in the column of reliable and pros­ are practically no good cattle in the coalition or combination? By virtue area of the United States is unim­ £)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN perous states.—The Brownsville ' Philippine Islands and it would be the proved, while only 9 per cent of the of what special appeal? These are the work of a great many years to ac­ Times. available area of Germany lies unused. climatize breeding stock in sufficient interesting questions, and time alone DENTIST, s----- ------------- — Germany's great agricultural pro­ will answer them.—Telegram. numbers, but once they get them, the There is not even a scrap of paper Successor to Dr. Perkins. ductive capacity which shows a great­ future in that country for beef pro­ er per acre yield of every staple ctop bearing any foreigner's signature rec­ duction is assured.—Rural Spirit. OREGON. TILLAMOOK, Col. Roosevelt would like to have than any other country in the world ognizing the Monroe doctrine, but 1 o ----- enjoys, has come from a mastery Uncle Sam has heretofore been able ' A big helping in the upbuilding of a his vignette used on some of the new hundred-dollar bills. Garfield, Mc­ of the simple, yet complex, science of to force respect for it. town is for every one of it* peogle to G- McGEE, M D. plant nutrition. We know that hu­ The R«niblic wonders why the Re­ spAak a good word for the contVnun- ' Kinley and Harrison were satisfied with smaller denominations. manity require* three things for it* publican/' did not blafne the Demo­ ity i‘p visitors and stranger*. It has a I exisftfitce—food, drink and raiment. crat- for the appearance of the foot wonderful effect on the general pub- ' One individual who heard Miss PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. The plant kingdom requirrs three and mouth diseases in Chicago. Be lie. It; will not be long until these Christabel Parkhurst lecture objects things that man can give it for its cause the Republican* aye fair. There Office : Next door to Star visito rs will be repeating the encour­ to her violation to neutrality. But a growth—nitfbgen, potash and phos­ is nothing wrong with the Demo­ aging words and forming a better im- neutral Parkhurst would be a great Theatre phorus. The Germans have nearly all crats’ feet. pressioto on our town and its people, ' disappointment to most people. the actively worked potash deposit* President \\ ilson's day of prayer But welmuit keep making tome pro­ The wolves in the forest of Ga­ in the world, and recently they have QfKORGE WILLETT, for universal peace seems to have gress in’ civic improvement in order licia are 901 giving the troops as much discovered that instead of buying ni­ been ignored in the old country. In to hold-their faith and good will to- J trouble as those that have begun trogen and phosphoric acid from fact, the bulk of the prayer* across ward our community. Beaverton is scratching at the doors of humble ATTORNEY-AT LAW South America, they can get nitrogen the water are for more rather than surrounded by resource* that will peasants in several countries involved front the air, from cuke v veils and T illamook C ommercial Bretnixo less war. a make h«f one of the bc*t towns in in the war. , . t GERMANY SETS PACE IN GOOD from the gasification of peat and nite. FARMING. «S ----- o----- A Repudition of Wett. Give* Striking Lesson to Americans in Matter of Efficiency. ! Watchtower Apartments Â15 Watt Mazda Lamp E •fl. HARNESS W.A, Williams & Cc. Singer Sewing Machine Company. GEO. H. ALDERMAN, Agent. A D lülamook . . . - Oregon