Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 19, 1914, Image 3

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Headlight, November 19,
Foot and Mouth Disease.
small, being estimated by some of the prised that he does not find and inter­
>« *.......... ...........
Notice to Creditori.
authorities at 5 per cent, although it view himself, we are also gratified at
The outbreak of foot-and-mouth di­ frequently is much greater than this.
this continuing silence. As things are
sease.has already affected an area so The mortality, however, by no means
Notice is hereby given to all whom
now going in Mexico, he would find
targe that it is evident most active represents the real losses occasioned
his opportunity to make a jest of the it may concern, that on the nth day [
neasures are necessary to eradicate by the disease. No revenue is possible
L nited States while rolling a cigar­ of November,i9t4 the undersigned
it. Cases have been found as far a from infected herds, and in thecaseof
ette. And since everybody can see l was by the county court of Tillamook
_______ ’
part as'Iowa and Massachusetts, and dairymen an outbreak of foot and the joke now, there is really no use of C?u.n,y’ Ore8on duly appointed ad-
at the time of this writing (Nov.io) mouth disease frequently means that rubbing it in. We rejoice that Huerta ™,n*^rat°r °f the estate of Bell
. ij states have been quarantined— their business is completely ruined. continues embalmed in silence.
i Handley, deceased. All persons hav-
Massachusetts, New York, Pennsyl- I ! Blooded or other cattle that have be-
, ing claims against said estate are
rania. Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, | i come sick with the disease naturally
. hereby required to present same,
Keep Your Temper.
Ohio, Wisconsin, Maryland, Iowa, I lose their value as breeding animals.
I with proper vouchers, to the under­
Rhode Island, New Jersey and Del­ It is, however, impossible to get rid
signed, at the office of T. B. Handley
Dr. J. Strickland Goodall, in a re-
aware. Interstate shipments of live­ of the disease by ignoring it. The
in Tillamook City, Tillamook County,
of Oregon, within six months from the
stock from,.these states is absolutely only possible remedy is to kill off in­
prohibited, and such articles as hides, fectcd herds, disinfect the premises. Hygiene, illustrated the enormous the xlate hereof.
power of the human heart in a strik­ Dated November 12, 1914.
itraw, -hay, etc., must be thoroughly and begin over again.
ing way. He told his hearers to take
George Williams,
disinfected before they can be moved
What the disease means to those a 2-pound weight in the palm of the
Administrator of the estate of Belle
into interstate commerce. Both in countries where it has gained a real [
| hand, resting the elbow* upon a table, Handley, deceased.
virulence and in extent of area affect­ grip is shown by the fact that its last:
and raise and lower it from the level
ed the present outbreak is more ser­ serious outbreak in Germany the
of the elbow to the shoulder. This
Notice of Administrator’s Sale of
ious than any of the five previous German Government spent $2,000,000
is exactly the work done by the heart
Real Property.
ones which have occurred in the in fighting it. In 1890 officialstatistics
at each beat. Do this about seventy or
----- o-----
United States.
showed that in the German Empire eighty times a minute and see how
Notice is hereby gvien that in pur­
These previous out breaks have not 431,235 head of cattle, 230,868 sheep long you can keep it up. The heart suance of an order and decree of the
been sufficicncly serious either to and goats, and 153,808 swine were af­
keeps it up from before birth to just County Court of Washington County,
familiarize farmers with the symp­ fected with the disease. During the after death, perhaps seventy years. It Oregon, made and entered on Nov­
toms of the disease or to render them same year the pestilence ravaged live never takes a rest. It never sleeps.
ember 9th, 1914, authorizing and di­
folly alive to the losses that it occa­ stock in France, Italy, Belgium, Aus­
At each contraction the heart does recting me, the administrator of the
sions when permitted to gain a firm tria-Hungary, Switzerland, Roumania
estate of Marshall Roberts, deceased,
loot-hold. One of the most dangerous and Bulgaria. In 1883 is was estimat­ enough work to lift a 2-pound weight to sell at private sale the real proper­
characteristics is its extreme conta­ ed that the disease cost England $5,-
ty belonging to said estate, I will,
giousness. Not only may it be con­ 000,000. On the occasion of the last healthy person is almost immune to from and after Monday, the 21st day
veyed directly from one animal to outbreak in the United States in 1908
of December, 1914, proceed to sell at
another, but it may be transported in $300,000 was appropriated by Cong­ be weakened by the accumulation of private sale, and to the highest bidder
[fodder, picked up from the ground ress, and with the exception of a few
for cash in hand, all of the following
carried over the country by cats and hundred dollars it was spent in stamp­ easily strained. The heart has been described real estate, situate in Tilla­
dogs and chickens, or communicated ing out the disease. This of course known to break from the strain of mook County, State of Oregon, to-
emotion. Anger will increase
I through the agency of man. Cases does not include the direct loss caus­ sudden
of the heart from 152 to 224 wit:
I have already been found in which it ed by the interruption of business and foot pounds
The Sutheast quarter of the North­
a minute. Therefore as
I items certain that the disease was other factors.
west quarter, the East half of the
I ¡pread by the curiosity of farmers to While the Federal Government is your temper" is good physical ad­ Southwest quarter, and the Northwest
I inspect sufferingànimals. They re- active in fighting the disease through vice.”
quarter of the Southeast quarter of
I turned from these visits to commun­ its power to control interstate com­ Running to catch a train, running Section six (6), Township two (2)
iste-the disease to their own healthy merce, cooperation on the part of the
up stairs or any sudden and unusual North, of Range nine (9), West of
I herds.
State authorities is most essential. exertion puts a great extra strain up­ the Willamette Meridian, containing
I The contagiousness of the disease The quarantining individually of in­ on the heart. The healthy heart of One Hundred and Sixty acres (160).
I «plains the action of the Federal fected farms is a state matter, and it youth is equal to such strains; not so That bids will be received by me
■ authorities in quarantining such large is, of course, a most essential pre­
either at the office of the Tillamook
heart that has been weakened by
I ires». The practice is to clap a blan- caution. Farms on which the disease the
Headlight, in Tillamook, Oregon, or
dissapation or old age. Dr.
I ket of quarantine on the State in has broken out should be rigidly quar­ disease,
at the office of W. N. Barrett, at
tested the heart of a healthy Hillsboro, Oregon, and said sale will
I which a case of the disease has been antined as if some contagious human Goodall
before he ran to catch a train; be subject to confirmation by said
I tad, and then, by careful investi- disease had been found. Since the man
it was beating 76 to the minute and County Court. L. M. Herron who has
B ption, determine the exact area in- germs can be transported by cats, doing
152-foot pounds of work a mortgage and tax deed to said land
■ Itcted. When an ani-mal suffering dogs, chicken or human beings, noth­
minute. He tested it immediately will at date of delivery of deed to pur­
I from foot and mouth disease is dis- ing should -be allowed to leave the after the run; it was beating 180 to
chaser cancel mortgage and execute
fl covered in a herd the whole herd is farm until the proper disinfecting
minute and doing 360-foot pounds quit claim deed to purchaser.
I it once slaughtered. Otherwise it measures have been taken. In partic­ the
Dated this 14th day of Nov., 1914.
■ would remain a dangerous source of ular, farmers are urged to keep away of *vork a minute.
John Roberts, Administrator
I infection and be made a menace to the them selves, and to assist in keeping
British Finance.
of the estate of Marshall Roberts,
whole community. It is customary to others away, from all infected ani­
rppoint an appraiser to value the mats. The inspectors who do the
People generally have always
W. N. Barrett,
herd. One-half of thé appraised value slaughtering and disinfecting are sup­ known in a large loose sort of fashion
for said estate.
is paid to the owner by the Federal plied with the necessary equipment that England has gigantic financial
Government and one half by the state. of rubber gloves, coats, boots, and resources. But only experts and spec­
The slaughtered animals are buried in hats, which can be thoroughly disin­ ialists in such subjects have fully ap­ Blames Home Life for Fall of Girls.
ta deep trench, their hides slashed to fected as often as necessary. Others preciated the immensity of the Brit­
More girls go wrong because of
Mice it useless for anyone to dig who lack this equipment merely help ish empire’s financial assets. Now,
1 them up again, and the carcasses are in spreading the disease over the however, the war is revealing to the home conditions than for any other
sturated with quicklime. In this man­ country when they visit or inspect gaze of an astonished world what a reason asserted Miss Margaret E.
ier previous outbreaks have been sick animals.
financial colossus is England. Discus­ Luther, superintendent of the Flor-
completely stamped out and there is
sing this subject the Spokane Re­ ence Crittenten Home, New York
City, in an address before the Inter­
every reason to hope that this will be
view says:
A Grateful Silence.
I the case this year. The chief danger
“Lloyd-George, chancellor of the national Purity Congress there. Miss
lilthat there may be infected herds
exchepucr, when he found the busi­ Luther spoke on the girls who go
the New York courts, point­
I whose existence is not reported to the Nothing but the war in Europe, ab­ ness of the world paralized, summon­ through
Ijroper authorities Farmers are thcre- sorbing so much of the newspaper ed the best financial ability in Eng­ ed out that most of the girls with
the courts have to deal are not
I lore urged, both for their own protec- activities of that continent, can ac­ land, regardless of party, to aid him whom
Inon and as a duty to their neighbors, count for the strange fact that Vic­ in coping with England's financial more than 18 vears old, and have fall­
■ report immediately all cases of toriano Huerta has not been inter­ difficulties. He asked the British en before they reach the discretion of
Iwpisious sore mouths or lameness viewed by the nearest resident cor­ bankers what was needed to enable maturity.
respondent for some American news­ commercial acceptances and dis­ ‘‘Statistics show that the larger
limong their stock.
of girls who go wrong are
I Foot-and-mouth disease affects paper. It is known that he is in the counts to proceed regularly. They re­ number
in the world." she said.‘‘Nor
|«Mtly cattle, sheep, goats, and swine vicinity of Biarritz, in Spain. Events plied that they must protect their
wage earners; girls come
I tat there are a number of other ani- now occurring in Mexico would afford endorsements or acceptance on
to us from all stations and all condi­
luls of less commercial importance him a topic upon which, we are well dreds of millions of commercial bills.
tions of life, in most cases the minds
Ithith are also susceptible. Occasion­ assured, he would now be glad to talk that they had no capital for new
are polluted in early childhood. Home
ally human beings are affected, but in
conditions are responsible Out of 450
Bthe majority of instances the disease ing to Huerta’s liking, however much England backed by government,
girls recently before the New York
■ Lot severe in the case of man. of pain and disappointment they must
Women’s Night Court, 289 were not
■ Children, however, may become dan- be bringing to Mr. Wilson and Mr. on acceptance antedating the war, more than 18 years old, while 116 of
■ ttrously ill if their milk is infected.
Bryan. There is much less of legal
them were only 16 years old.”
I The first indications of the disease and orderly government in Mexico merce in the usual way.
Stories of locked doors and barred
“It was a tremendous undertaking.
■ •«a shill followed by a high fever, now than when Huerta resigned the
in connection with white
■ ht temperature rising rapidly, soine- government and left the country. The bank and the government, in ad­ slavery are largely imaginary accord­
■ tateito 106 degrees F. In a short Anybody is capable of seeing that j dition to discount: lg promptly more ing to Miss Luther.
■ tœt vesicles about the size of a pea there is no such thing as a govern- I than $300,000,000 of offered bills, in­ "The men who live on commercial­
■ War in tfrç mouth at the end of the ment anywhere in Mexico, although sured endorsed commercial accept­ ized vice are the men you see stand­
■ •pe. on t,he inside of the cheeks, there are two sets of officials, each ance to the amount of $2.000,000,000, ing on the street corners,” she con­
Badon the gujms. These vesicles con- claiming to constitute a government, rated good as of Augvst 4, no matter tinued. “Their victims are usually
from America or from Ger­
Btat a yellowish watery fluid. They located at two separate points in the whether
it is intended to ex silly little girls they win by wile».
Btatad as the disease advances and country, each organizing an army
assistance And the girl such a man can enslave,
B®»e the animal to open and shut its against the other. Gen. Carranza, who
soul mind, and body, it worse than a
■»»th uneasily with a characteristic assumed authority without any con­ to loans, aggregating $400,000,000, on physical slave.
■■»king sound, A day or two after gressional or constitutional sanction,
"A judge recently told me that 90
■&t first appearance of the eruptions after Huerta withdrew, having since stock exchange.
cent of the men he had sentenced
■•the mouth similar indications ap- been deposed by a conference of con­ “The reach of such a policy is al­ for white slavery was le»s than
most incomprehensible to financial
B°t upon the ftet, which are swollen stitutionalist military officers in ses­ laymen. It is unique in the history of years old. Home conditions are
and tender. Because of this the sion at Aguascalientes, has left th
It means that the British em­ Sponsible for this situation.
B"8“* frequently persists in lying constitutional capital of the country, credit.
“Some people are inclined to
pire is knit solidly together commer­
»nd bedsores develop with at the City of Mexico, »nd establish­ cially, financially, industrially and if we had better laws we would have
rapidity In the case of cows ed himself much nearer X era Cruz
It indicates an iron resolve better living and better home condi­
B* sdder, and more frequently, the From that point he is deman ,nS ' socially.
to keep its credit unquestioned. It tions. Character is formed in the
^F1' »re affected by a similar erup- renunciation by Guitter.z elected ! shows, as nothing else has done and home long before the man goe* to
provisional president by the same a, nothing else could, that England make legislative law and the home
I r'T‘ce
disease is well established body which deposed Carranzt10all
is immovable determmed to fight un­ makes the man who makes the laws.
incomes so painful for the animal claim to the office. It is included a a
Speaking for New York, I do not be­
til it wins.
F ft that food is frequently refused part of an authorized Carranza state­ "During these three months the lieve it would be possible to have bet­
S“PP°;;’. bank of England has added |i«M»V ter or stronger laws. The thing we
«•'■•tether. Strings of saliva hang ment that if Gen. Villa,
need there is workers—persons who
the mouth, and flesh is lost with Guitterez and the Aguasca
oooto its stock oi^>dkEv"y
I” 'Ashing rapidity. When the udder vention, does not suppor^
outstanding is covered by gold. T h« make a specialty of fighting commer-
ptnously affected the milk becomes za Government, ne
nearly $145.000.000 of notes hat the cialized vice.”
p'aniiihted and may cause serious There needs no authorized Láteme^ government has issued »« *’»° toT
ffltslo suckling calves atad young from Villa ^»^“"‘'“’be’k’lled if cred in part by the gold of the bank,
With all their pity, the various
belligerants proceed on the theory
f*' In mild cases front to to 20 world that Carranza will be kille
( land it intends to help keep'.‘h'«
I »» may bring abdut an apparent r«-
1 ered by gold and to stand firm on the that the Lord help» only tho»e who
pe,y. but this time may be greatly
help themselves.
1 gold basis.
The National American Women
funded. Moreover, an apparent re-
by no means implies a real
The Pennsylvanians seem to think Suffrage A»sociation is progre»*ing
P” The animal may carry the virus
they know as much about the affair» nicely. The antibo»» issue is being
rai»ed in the election of a president.
B®* blood for a year or more and is
of their state as outsiders do.
Fran« T. O’Hara will be remember
r*“ dsr*nK all this time to spread
The Arkansas mine r:ete"
to serve their
as a Democratic who once slip­
F'®8tag 1 on or to experience a re- any longer fad to e
equal those of Colorado in ever,- re­
up on Unde Joe Cannon and beat
itself. The morality, consid- fatuity of our Mexican p r
aped except that their press agent
when he was not looking.
seriousness of the disease I we are surprised that Hu
not »0 active.
W* , H»*«s it occasions, is very
Is now ready to take
any Contract in the
Cement and Building
Hoof and
Should be guarded against by using Strong Disinfecteuts
in and around barns.
Is a cheap, safe ntid reliable antiseptic and disinfectent.
Costs ready to use only 3c. per Gallon.
Wier Sprechen Deutsch.
4 Some of the Reasons Why
A derfoc* 3a, re r—absolutely dependable, every day. year in.
year out. built un honor, of the best muteriaU.
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
The only range made entirely of charcoal and malltahlt iron.
Malleable irog can't breah-charcoal iron won't r act like eteeL
Economical In Fuel
The mama of Hie Majeetic arc riveted (not put together with
iM.itaunc Kt vo putty)—thry will alwaye remain air tight,
.»either heat nor cold afTecU them. The Maj—tic
even i:i lined throughout with pure atbeetoe board,
held in p. ice by an open iron V rating you can nee it — and
It Htaya there always. Air tight joint« and pure axbeatoe
l.ninic aaaure un even baking heat, Raving one-half the fuel.
All door a drop to form rigid ahalvta. No apringa.
Malleable iron oven rache tilde out •uUAUttKally. hUd**
in<r whatever they contain.
The Great
M ajestic
R ange
^Charcoal and Malleable Iron
r vn l r which hraU lika a taa Iwtlla, through a
erspurr Mrk«i ■tamtMid from '>ne
cf < - np*r iHt.ntf against
left hand lintnff of Ara box. It boila 15 aallofm or water Tn a v»rr
few frurmU*« and by turr.mg a I'wr lit« frame and re^ rvoir mnvoa
•way from nr* An »xrluaive paten tod Maicttk- f' »fur*.
a*h pan do«j away with * I
in< ash**
pr'-vanta noor from caUhinff Ara nth cup
h. a aah'-a.
Ail ut to ih no you rhw graatml tmprovtment
aww put fn o rnngf
Don't buy tha ran*« yw»i expect •*» laaf a Wa
time '‘«inaight. ummi ," or ynill I* «uro to ba «be­
ar'pointed, f ont" to our store, end
MaMffc - havo Ita many •»- tug 1 re f wit urea «a*
plairMsd And out why the Majeeftc Is
than ell other rwatee wherenmel ran*«e ar* weaheat.
P la tha la«t range al any pri * aal it ahuukl
ba Lfl youf Llcben.
• »CALS.