Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 19, 1914, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight. November 10. 1914.
to realize that they and not the big
FREE -Roger Bros. Guaranteed Silverware- Oregon Rese
city dailies, have the balance of pow­
Secretary’s Report .for First Six
7vilh cash purchases. Tillamhok Agents for Warner Bros. Rust Proof
Legal Advertisements.
er in the state, and it is their deter­
Months of Fiscal Year.
First Insertion, per line............ $ .10 mination to organize for the purpose
Corsets. Butterick December Patterns—Ready.
Each subsequent insertion, line.
•05 of exercising it in the most effective
Business and professional cards
From Iniations ..............
one month ................................ 1.00
From rent of club rooms
Homestead Notices .................... 5 00
We are informed by several of the
Old dues collected ..........
Timber Claims ..................... .... 10.00 large timber owners and their repre­
Current dues collected .
Locals per line each insertion.
■05 sentatives that they are not in accord
Display advertisement, an inoh,
with the other timber owners who are
Total collected ...............$1,265.90
one month ..................................
■5° creating strife and agitation in Tilla-
Less 10 per cent collections $126.60
All Resolutions of Condolence
mook county, and for that reason they
and Lodge Notices, per line..
■05 have withdrawn from agreement to ]
Net from collections .. ..$1,139 30
Cards of Thanks, per line..........
•05 employ and keep a person in
this j
Recd. from former Sec............. $21.20
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen
county to watch the county court. It <
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
was against their better judgment <
Total Receipts ........
ceeding five lines......................
•25 that some of the timber owners were (
drawn into it, but seeing how things i
• Postage .............................
$ 51 3t
have developed they decided to have ?
Supplies, Misc. items ...
nothing more to do with it, for they >
(Strictly in Advance.)
Receptions and smokers
One year ........................................ $150 do not want to antagonize the people S
• Telephone and telegraph
40.83 '
Six month« ............................................75 of Tillamook or to run politics in this s
Periodicals ......................
Three months........................................ 50 county. The snap shot man is glad to <
Cigar Stock to Barrett .
hear this, for we believe the timber ?
Electric lights ................
interests and the citizens should get >
1 Insurance .........................
F.ntared as second class mail mat­
along peacable together and work ■ >
i Printing, stationery etc.
ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at for one anothers interests. While we !)
Repairs .............................
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of
all admit that every county court J
March 3, 1879.
Water rent (7 months) .
have made mistakes and future courts <
Rent clubrooms ............
are going to make mistakes as well, ?
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. I it hardly looks fair to us to make >
Current expenses
I mountains out of mole hills and close >
I ones eyes to many good improve-IS
Editorial Snap Shots. I ments county courts have carried out
An average per month of .. . .$130.00
I to successful completion and a great <
Old debts of club piad during
It is Leginning to dawn on some of I benefit to the citizens in all parts of J
our progressive citizens that some of I the county. Not one word is said j
six months.............................. $4'2-57
the timber men have been, knocking, I about this in the present agitation |S
1 Current expenses paid
knocking, knocking the county for I against the county court sttx’ed by 1S
several months, and it would not I some of the timber owners. We be-|(
Total paid out
surprise us to see a movement started I lieve that the timber owners would C
Total receipts
in the near future to resent this.
I have no trouble whatever with the z
Bal due secretary..................... $32.07
I county court if better tactics and bet-
The recall law seems to be in the I ter judgment were used. This, in our
Bal in Entertainment fund ........ $5.00
lime light just now not only in this judgment, has not been done. A dom- ;
Due from members ............
Such extraordiary underpricing in Austrian, German and Irish Linens I
county but in other counties, where it I meering threatening attitude was as- \
part of which is collectable.
has been abused. Here is an illustra­ sumed and it was likewise resented. < will not happen again in many years. Prices are not quoted here. ‘‘You will see
; Amount due club from cheese sold
tion that comes to our notice in this Probably the whole agitation was
a window full.” They are the choicest whipped cream of—Flax Linen De Luxe.
about, $75.00, cheese account not yet
county a few days ago. A citizen the started to create a sentiment against
Happy Bargains for every enthusiastic housewife. Prices are soaring high on
other day got mad with one of our a heavy levy this year, but if all the , these beautiful linens, however, we ordered last March for Fall, rich natural
Nine $25.00 notes, one due each
county officials and came to town
remain unpaid; 7 notes have
timber owners would get together and
color, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Sets, Table Damask by the yard, Lunch I
and consulted an attorney about get­ come in and talk the hatter over with
been paid during past six months. All
Cloths, Towels and Novelty Linens. Elegant, practical, Christmas gifts
ting and preparing recall petitions,
current expenses of club are paid up
the county court, in a business, friend- '
Make your choice selection during the money saving sale.
and—notwithstanding that he was I
to date.
ly manner we believe it would bring
leaving the county, he was willing to I
The club now numbers 91 resident
about tetter results, not only satis­
remain here long enough to circulate
members and 14 non-resident mem­
factory to the timber men but to the
the petition, and had he succeeded h<
citizens as well. As the timber men /
bers. The books of the secretary are
would have entailed an expenditure
pey 80 per cent of the taxes, we J
open for inspectio of members and
on the taxpayers of over $1,200 be­
think this is what they should do
contain an itemized account of all
cause he had a grouch against an of­
every year, for the timber men are <
items of receipts and disbursments.
ficial. We are firmly convinced that
■ The above shows the club, both as
not opposed to road and other im­
those who want to invoke the recall
provements. The timber men have /
to membership and finances to be in
law should foot the bills not the tax­
too much at stake in this county, and '
good condition.
payers, and swear to their complaints
it is to the best interest of the county /
Respectfully submitted,
»• that officials could come back at
and the timber interests to get to-
C. R. Worrall, Sec.
them for damages if their accusations
are false. Office holders should have
ing the opposite.
some protection.
several thousands of United States To Provide Farms for Europeans. folk and Western Railway. He said:
The following resolutions were ad­
The Battle For Home Industries.
troops are still in watchful waiting.
“The farms of Belgium, Western
Are Tillamookers
in favor of
A gigantic plan, fostered by every France, Austria and perhaps Germany opted by the teachers at the Annual
curtniling road work next year? We
railroad in the United States, to pro­ will have been devastated at the close County Teachers’ Institute held Nov.
hardy tlhink- so. The needs of the I From the Pacific Coast Manufacturer
The president was quoted in a vide farms for immigrants driven to
The Oregon voters pamphlet was
county require better and more
of the war, and their owners if alive, 9-10 and 11, 1914.
Washington dispatch as saying that this country at the conclusion of the
Whereas Institutes are provided so
roads, and any effort to stop road I
hopelessly bankrupt. They will face
improvements will retard the devel­ I on which the printer lost money be- he is now more interested in action European war, was launched in Chic- enormous taxes. America will be their that the teachers may be enabled to
opment of the county.
We can nil I cause it was always tearing and clog- than in talk. If such a change has ago. The plan is to be carried out by mecca. The railroads of the United - get in touch with educational thought
really been worked in him, it will not the Railroads Industrial Improvement States, the heaviest ownets of good ' and problems requiring present day
look back at the deplorable condition I ging the machinery—paper made in
a a
. . . ’ - «1..41 —„ 4. L.
urLz-v tlQVP
fall short of a metamorphosis. The Association, which is made up of in­ e
of the comity before the good roads
farming land, are planning to ‘stake’ solutions, through experts who have
The Oregon City paper mills have charm of Mr. Wilson was one of dustrial representatives of more than these very desirable farmer immi­ quaified themseles along these lines.
movement started and now see what
And whereas we feel that we have
a transformation have taken place, I been running on reduced shift be­ words wherewith he could induce 300,000 miles of railroad. A two-day’s grants to small farms by the tens of
thanks to those who have had the grit I cause foreign tompi titioh has been writers of platitudes to feel that his convention of the organization is in thousands if necessary. The minimum received much help from the present
and initiative to push this good road I made easier, while in Washington charm was universal. It was never session at the Hotel La Salle.
farms will be from two to ten acres. session of the Tillamook County In-
mov< ttictil to the ft ont, and those w h< the voters pamphlet was required to that his words were many, or weighty
The movement was outlined by F. The railroads will sell the farms on stitute.
and there was always an indefinite­ H. La Baum, president of the associa­
Therefore be it resolved: .
have had charge of building roads I he printed on state made paper.
credit and advance enough money to
ness and vagueness in them to leave tion, and industrial agent of the Nor- install farming equipment.
»•t for all that there are districts I
That we express our hearty ap-
preciation of the many applicable sug-
which have waited patiently for road build a pipe line to the Clackamas the ordinary mind guessing at their
improvements, and should a curtail river it call for bids on many miles inner meaning. But they held, always
gestions and ideas which the in-
ment be made in road work next yar of 16 and t8 inch pipe from all over a beauty of texture, and of arrange­
structors have brought to us, and that
places like Sandlake and Bayocean the United States, and even from Pit­ ment, which, for a time, convinced
we have enjoyed very much the in­
the man out of a job that there was a
will get next to nothing for those tsburg to compete.
tellectual traets in which those high
With several factories in Oregon, good time coming, and left the chil­
long delayed improvements. Wc be
ideals were held up for the inspiration
lieve in giving these places a square making wood and iron pipe, with a dren of light enchanted with the il­
of those whose sacret duty it is to
deal, which they have not received. magnificent plant right adjoining the lumination of how the most practical
guide and direct the mind of the child
We believe a great mistake will be city of Oswego, this manufacturing problems can be made interesting by
in selecting that which is good, and
made if a stingy policy is adopted in city goes out of its way to encourage a weaver of words who aims only to
rejecting that which is evil.
make them interesting without ref­
road improvements in this county. foreign competition.
Also that we thank Mr. Buel our
By voting down freak laws the erence to their practical solution. Wc
.Any« ay when it comes down to brass
County Superintendent in a most cor­
lacks, if you deprive the settlers of laboring men of this state have help- have had our era of government by
dial way for his wise selection of the
good roads, it is sure to raise a turn I < I inaugurate a new era in Oregon felicitous phrasemaking. The children
instructors for this institute, and for
pus sooner or later, f6r, after all, the | industrially, as well as in Washington of light may still be dazzelled, but
the social pleasures which he provid­
most important benefit to the settlec. and business and financial interest* the man in the street has awakened
ed for us.
ire improving.
out of his dream. The tapestries have
is good roads.
That we thank the School Board for
Oregon and Washington capitalists been torn down. Vandal hands have
their co-operation and the free use of
It is refreshing to hear that the ire bidding for the interstate bridge plucked down the pictures of silver
their High School building,
country editors are getting some busi­ bonds, but w hat is being done to keep framing golden apples of words fitly-
That we express to the Parent Tea­
ness sense and are not toadying to the manufacture of that bridge for spoken, but turning to ashes at the
chers’ Association and the teachers of
every Tom, Dick and Harry, nor are the industries of the two states that touch.
the city our thanks for the respective
they content to take work or do ad­ put up the money?
evenings’ entertainment, which they
The battle for home industries has
The Columbia Highway.
vertising at starvation prices, which
have prevailed too long. We give be­ only begun, and those in official au-
That we have enjoyed the special
low a short clipping of what trans* thority should heed the mandate of
musical numbers and kindly thank
That the Columbia highway will be
pired at the recent meeting oí the he people and give the Pacific Coast opened from Pendleton to Astoria
those who have participated in them.
industries a chance to live and get
State Press at Oregon City:
That the Commercial Club of this
July 1, 1915, is asserted by State En­
“The most significant thing in con- public work.
city be tendered our hearty thanks
gineer Bow-tby, who is preparing his
ncction with the meeting was the gen­
for its invitation to a reception Tues­
If the actual condition of affairs in annual report. Figures show that a
eral determination that the time of
evening which could not be ac­
Mexico could have been made known
emancipation of the country press is
cepted on account of a prior accep­
in this country the day before the the supervision of the state highway
at hand. I he time when the country
election instead of the day after, any commission during the past year.
editor is looked upon as an object of
That a copy of these resoultions be
narrow margin the Democrats may This work was done in the counties
charity is passing The time when the
given to the newspapers of this city
have had in the next House might of Jackson, Clatsop, Columbia, Mult­
country editor fails to adopt business
for publication.
have been wiped out. It was not un­ nomah, Hood River, Wasco, Sherman
methods, takes anything he can get
Committee on resolutions
til the day after the election we were and Washington.
fdr his work, and docs not work at advised that there are again two cap­
i »
Karl W. Onthank, Chr.
starvation wages is passing But most itals in Mexico, this time neither of
E. English, Sec.
significant of all, is the fact that the them being located in the city desig­ year on the Columbia Highway be­
P. H. Wyman.
time when the editor is afraid of his nated by law as the capital of that
will be available to be spent before
life, to say what he thinks; when he
Elka Take Notice.
\ isit a shop of integrity and buy clothes of
country. This is a distinct novelty,
fears to take a decided stand on any even for a .Mexican revolution. Usu­ July 1 of next year, $670,000. There
perfect style and quality. No “ hit or miss”
question, because a subscriber may ally, one of the parties has possession will be provided by July 1, 97 miles of
All Elks in the county are earnestly
newly located and constructed graded
object is passing. The free press is
requested to be present at the meet­
or modes will be found here.
of the capital city and from it assumes road of a maximum grade of five per
emerging from a state of voluntary
ing to be held at the Tillamook Com­
to govern: Gen. Carranza, abandoned
slavishness, born of cowardice, to a that possession, for what reason must cent, width of roadbed 24 feet, and
mercial Club, Saturday, Nov. 21, at 8
curves with a maximum radius of 200
freedom that is free in fact as well
p.m., to make further arrangements
soon appear, has established his cap­ feet. The wdrk in Clatsop county is
as in name. Another important thing
for a "High Old Jinks” and perma­
ital at Puebla, midway between the
80 per cent is completed and in Col- t
is that the uewspapers are beginning
nent Elks' Club.
city of Mexico and Vera Cruz.-, where umbta ia 75 per cent completed.
The Stillwell Store begs to announce an
| Tillamook, Ore
Hit or Miss” Shopping Like Ô
“ Hit or Miss” Methods Being
Very Unsatisfactory Results.
Vb w
. -, » ««Mr
n^ s*»
C. R. Worrall, Chairman,
R. A. Sylvester, Sec.