Vol. XXVI. MmÖlinljt No. 22 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, ®3a.'ajH!aaaaa/BE/a/aíajaa/aíaja®arr Advantage of a ü. Checking Account. 1 wo large parlor hanging lamps for sale. Mrs. Rollie W. Watson. B. B. Alley formerly of this county was in the city several days on busi- ' ness. 1914 I1.50 PER YEAR. cause of the action being that defend­ ant deserted her husband without a sufficient cause and against his con­ sent. Invitations are issued for a Thanks- I here will be shooting matches on gining Flag Dance at the Tillamook Sunday near the P. R. & N. depot for Commercial Club rooms on T hursday turkeys. Before cashing a check, payee must sign his evening, Nov. 26. It is requested that We are in a position to make some each gentleman wear either a neck­ name on back in acknowledgment of receipt of the long time farm loans. First National tie or ribbon of red, white and blue money. Bank. * and that some part of the ladies All checks which depositor issues are returned For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River wearing apparel be of the same color. bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free- to him after cashed by the bank. Death claimed Sim Earl, an old man. These checks constitute a valid receipt for resident of Tillamook County, on Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of the moneys paid, and safeguard the depositor against kinds, and fence posts, for sale. all Sunday night at the Tillamook Sana- See tarium. Dr. Wendt operated on him claims for duplicate payments. Shrode. * about ten days previous to his death We will soon have several cars of for cancer. Deceased was a member Checking accounts are always welcome at this hay for sale from the car. See Shrode of the Oddfellows’ lodge, and on bank, subject only to reasonable restriction as to for prices. * Tuesday the funeral was held under minimum average balances. The passanger train on Sunday did auspices of that order. not arrive until eleven o'clock at Three suspicious characters, hard night owing to a slide. looking cases, were in town this week Spruce limbs for immediate deliv­ and they were noticed to be watch­ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, ery—Phone Bell 2F14—Dewey Or­ ing several business houses and the chard Co. » back entrances. They would gather For Sale, full blooded Holstein at certain places in the city and then Bulls, one year and six months. Apply dispurse, their action being watched to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * by the sheriff and his deputy. They Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ were given the hunch, and they clear­ sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ ed out going south. >O>O&O>9»O>O9aiOOQC>OOO>OG>O9OO0Oe>OOO&O>OOOOOOOQC«OOOOOQQGia merly of the Spanish Kitchen. » L seful and fancy articles, place cards and favors for sale. Mrs. Geo. Willett, 3rd St. West. ♦ Wanted:—A job cutting wood by the cord. Must have work for the winter. Inquire Watson’s office. Todd Accept our statement at your own valuation—only come here. You will find Hotel. we live up to our advertising. A child is as safe—buying at this store as the The millinery season is one of alluring fascinations. This J. A. Dalgren, the photographer most skilled grown-up. No mark up remnant scandal—no raising in price of store has telegrams from Fisk, of Chicago; Robinson Straus, with his wife and family, have moved advertised goods—no old time chicanery methods. Truth in our Advertise­ from this city and located at Sheri­ of St .Paul,Minn.; Armstrong, Turner&Co., Denver, Colo.; ments. We carry dependable merchandise, the best obtainable—- NO STORE dan. United Importing Co., Sonnenfeld Importing Co., San CAN UNDERSELL us for the same class of materials—the REMOVAL T. C. Percy, the bicycle doctor, has Francisco ;>Muller’& Rass Co., Frisco; PerdilloCo., New SALE IS POSITIVE. No ficticious bargains—no false price comparisons— removed to the store near the court York. Keeping in touch by wire and correspondence, is such as some stores resort to, no impossible reductions, for back of it all is— house, formrly occupied by Allen why we can show the very smartest in trimmed millinery, THE GUARANTEE—OF-STILLWELL'S Page. you are positively assured of the very latest creations. Married on the 9th of Nov., in this Tillamook should be proud of such advantages, and why city George Bye and Miss Ida Russell Rev. Gittins of the M. E. Church per­ we can undersell. forming the ceremony. C. S. Atkinson vs. James Langley is a suit filed in the circuit court recover $170.00 balance due on promissory note. Married at Cloverdale, on Nov qth, William T. Collins and Mrs. Lizzie Johnson, the ceremony being per­ formed by Rev. F. S. Ford. Married on November 11th at M. E. parsonage in this city, by pastor, Rev. E. Gittins, Clay Moody and Miss Addie E. Scott. Archdeacon H. D. Chambers will be in Tillamook city on Nov. 29th and will hold service. This will be the first Episcopal service held in this county. Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. * The Commercial Club will give a Way back early last Spring we gave an impoiting firm our foreign order for card party and social this (Thursday) dolls, two months ago, after a tempetous voyage they landed in New York, evening, when progressive "500” will be played part of the evening and to-day they are in Tillamook, some from Germany, others from Austria and dancing the remainder. Switzerland. Of course, had we known or given a thought as to moving from Want to rent bottom land dairy our present location, no such import order would ever have been booked by us. ranch in Tillamook one year with privilege of buying. Give full details first letter promptly. J. A. Lemmon, Cornelius, Ore., Box 33. * Rev. Van Winkle of the Christian church with Mrs. Van Winkle, have ADAME your Thanksgiving Hat is here. It is created arranged to hold a service at Bay City this (Thursday) evening, when for the entire Winter Season. Models too for the his subject will be “Waylaid.' Young Lady. They are full of life, class and smart It's a good rule to buy a sewir.-; lines, hand made shapes of straight silk pile Lyons velvet, machine vith an established rep.r.a- ftf tempetoas service. They are the exclusive individual tion fo quality services. The White authentic Winter Models—No-two-alike, For such strictly for sale on easy terms at Jones Knudson Furniture Company. * upf-to-th« minute trimmed Chappeaux, such values were Mrs. Alex McNair will leave for tie ver presented. Just 30 shopping days before Christmas, this sale will mean very generous Rochester, Minn., on Friday, where i Ignore the fact that atty profit is in evidence—Rather, savings for those sending dolls away early, also purchasing high grade im­ she will undergo medical treatment extend sympathy for the losses, however. at the hands of specialists. Miss ported character and aristocratic dolls at crisp underpricing. By making a SELECT YOUR WINTER HAT DURING Blanch McNair will accompany her. small deposit any doll you may select reserved for future delivery- THIS SALE, IT WILL BE THE SENSATION Arrangements have been made to $18.00 Engli*h Walk- $11.95 OF THE SEASON. ± keep Bar View hotel open during the winter, and the speciality will be in •• AUTOGRAPH ” HATS AT LESS THAN 2 providing fish and clam dinners for $4.SOChil Iren's Nobby parties who desire to spend a few XMAS. KERCHIEF SALE. Coats .......................... days at the beach the coming winter. Phone orders. $4.<10 Infant's Warm À A meeting of the ladies of th* city Coats........................... 15c. Dainty Embroidered 7^. is called for Saturday afternoon at 'kerchiefs N ew S tyle 5c. Chiffon Sateen In Under-pricing-we can Save You I our Rail­ 2:30 for the purpose of forming a 55c, Petticoats ........ .... 20c. New Wide Hem 1 Civic League, the object of which is road or Stage Fare. Embroidered ’ Kerchiefs to devise plans to obtain a Carnegie 75c. Fancy Hosiery. .. 19c library for this city. The meeting is 25c. Pure Linen or lin- Ifip weave ' Kerchiefs........ 1OV to be held in the high school building 10c. Outing Flannel« 7ic >• L. Gruttner returned on Monday Married on Sunday in the parlor of Childrens Hemstitched 1 C- TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS from a visit to'Montana. Hotel Tillamook. Rev H. F. White School kerchiefs, 6 for Children* fiatici “ nigh- OQ — Bom, to the wife of W. C. Miller, of the U. B. Church officiating, ties ........................... fcUL. Fleisher’s Standard 7c Ths Tillamook Headlight office 1* Julius W. Tohl and Miss Ruth V, on Wednesday, a son. yarns .................... 1 now k>aat*d opposite the court houae. well Farmer Ira Smith was in from Blazer. The young couple are we!! Blaine on Saturday. Ira hasn t started known and they will make their home S»f« rf-poait boxet for rent. Tilh- SHOP WITH US BY at Nehalem. growing whisker» yet. raok County Bink. * Jeff A Matney vs Lizzie Matney is MAIL OR “ PHONE A meeting of the school district is Th* place to cat it at the "Good »•>« «f«'* called for the 28th to levy a school a divorce »uit filed Atta,” Rasitey Hotel. * YOUR ORDERS. TILLAMOOK, ORE court. The»* parti*» were marned at tax to pay for bonds and other Chehalis, Wash, >n May 1908, th* A heavw team, wagon and harness penses of the school. tor tale. See Shrode. Receipts. 1 Thanksgiving Day being a Legal Holiday the First National Bank of Tillamook will be Closed all Day. Tillamook County Bank. Assuring Correct HEAD DRESS. S' RELIABLE GOODS & METHODS ONLY ! GREAT - PRE-HOLIDAY A Wonderful Sale of Mid-Winter TRIMMED HATS ! Neuer before in the History of Millinerydom were such High Class Hats priced as low as these. M ET GENUINE BIMPORTED SALE DOLLS ! WE DO NOT WANT TO MOVE A DOLL To carry this out thoroughly we announce an EXTRAORDINARY PRE-HOLIDAY STARTING Luday, Nov. 20 DOH S 9.1c BE HERE “X? STILLWELLS gTILLWELL’g