'FITlamoso Headlight, November l2, IP COUNTY COURT INVITES AD­ and in case no bid was submitted for Tillamook Cow Testing Association. first, $15 to the second and $10 to the third. (4000.00 or less, to call another VISORY BOARD. The Tillamook Testing Association The competition for these prizes has special meeting to vote more funds. The plans and specifications were was the first one of the kind to be been keen right along as can be seen To discuss the Budget for next Year’s obtained and bids called for, the organized in the state among those by the six months summary below. County Expenses. At a meeting of the County Court, lowest of which was considerable in now doing business and is now half Many a horse has crept up front near way through with its third years the rear of the bunch after the dis­ it was decided to ask the assistance excess of $4000.00. The lowest bid submitted is higher work. About ten of the present mem­ tance is half covered and come under of an advisory board, in preparing the budget for next year’s expenses when than we have been authorized to ex­ bers have been in for the whole three the wire a full neck in the lead. So the following resolution was adopted: pend, and we are letting the matter years and they report that the bene­ we find that this cow race is only Whereas, on account of the Euro­ rest there until we are further in­ fits derived have far outnumbered half finished, It would be entirely those expected at the start. possible for any of these first ten or pean war, business is badly unsettled, structed by the voters. Improvement has been brought even twenty cows to win out by In the whole matter we have en­ and there is a general depression in business throughout the United deavored to carry out the wishes of about by culling, better feeding, and greater persistency than the others. States, and it is uncertain how long the voters and that continues to be a more general interest in the busi­ It is hoped that the report will our desire. Should the voters desire ness. There is now in the vicinity of arouse all the owners of these cattle this may continue, and whereas. Because of this depression, saw to vote on the proposition again and 700 cows being tested. to better feeding and a little better This year a prize fund was made mills have been compelled to shut file with us a petition to that effect, care of the stock. A little extra care donations from the down, farm products have been lower­ we will call another special meeting possible by and feed right now will make a great Clough Drug Co., Tillamook Feed ed in price, and business houses have to consider the matter at any time. difference in the persistence of the Owing to the lateness of the season Co., and several individuals in the milk flow. Now is the time you been compelled to lay off some of community and this has been offered their employees, and to retrench in and general conditions we have con­ should supply the cow with the ma- cluded that it is inadvisable to pro­ in prizes for the best records in two terial to make her "second wind” so their expenses, and whereas. Because of the above situation high ceed with the erection of the build­ classes as follows: able ’ to sprint a In the cow class $100 is ta?be divid­ that she will be taxes would be unusually burdensome ing and so recommend. little on the home stretch. ed; $50 to one making the best record The report having been circulated at this time, the County Court has de­ R.C.Jones, termined to reduce taxes to the low­ that we have contracted for the erec­ $35 to the second and $15 to the third. The other class is for heifers with first est amount consistent with the proper tion of this building is a mistake. County Agriculturist. calf and to receive $50; $25 to the H. T. Botts, administration of County affairs; to C. Everson, enforce the most rigid economy in All cows in the Tillamook Cow Testing Association making over G. B. Lamb, directors. 250 lbs. fat in tne first six months of the test, arranged in the order ot every branch of the county govern­ ment, and to postpone all unneces­ T————______ ~~ production. sary new work until better times, and Lbs. Fat Lbs. High School News. whereas, in carrying out this policy of Breed. Age. Fresh, of per Cow’s O wner . Milk. Cent. Fat the County Court desires the help Name. On Monday, November the 9th, the and advice of representative taxpay­ 9124. 6 Teacher ’s Annual Institute met in G. Hol. No. 15 Chas. Kunze ers and men experienced in business 8234. 5 G. Hol. No. 23 Chae. Kunze I the High School Auditorium. Dr. and county affairs to assist the Court I 7801. 6 Hol. G. No. 4 Claude Ackley 7508. 5 G. Jer. Goldie in determining how far reductions of ' Sheldon of the University of Oregon, Joe Dürrer 9525. G. Hol. 6 No. 32 CliaB. Kunze County expenditures may be made one of the most interesting speakers 0753. 6 G. Jer. No 12 who could have been obtained, spoke Claude Ackley without impairing the efficiency of 0385. 5 G. Jer. JerBey Adolph Erikaon 6989. any branch of the county government on various subjects during the session G. Guer. 5 Alice Adolph Erikson 5320. 5 Native Slivers Now, therefore, be it resolved, that Professor Pittman of the Normal E. Geinger 7327. 7 Brinette G. Jer. Sollie Smith W. H. Christensen, of Oretown; School also gave an appreciated 6962. 6 G. 1er. Blazer I.on Kinnaman speech on Monday night. Frank Owens, of Cloverdale; F. R. 6531. G Dur. 7 T. H. McCormack Pidie During the session of the Institute 7035. Beals, of Tillamook; Wm. Maxwell, Native No. 27 G. Hannenkrat 6307. 5 G. Jer. Jersey Joe Dürrer of Fairview; Robert Watt, of Bay our praise worthy Domectic Science 6203. G Jer. Rose |oe Dürrer City; G. R. McKimens, Mohler; and girls gave luncheons to which the e093. G. Jer. 2 Ruby Joe Dürrer public was invited. The proceeds Ben Kuppenbender, Nehalem; be and 6858. G. Jer. 9 Clay oe Dürrer I 5519. F1OB9 4 G. Jer. they are selected as an advisory com­ from these luncheons are to be used Amos Vnughn in interest 7313. of the proposed gymna- 8 G. Hol. No. 8 J. Schild mittee to met with the County Court 7276. 6 G. Jer Mouse Joe Dürrer to consider the county budgt for 1915, sium. 7671. G. Dur. Gladdie John Zurcher Next Thursday the Webster Club “ , 1 ; 6968. and make such suggestions and rec­ G. Jer. 8 Baby Joe Dürrer 4999. G. Dur. 10 No. 8 ommendations as they may deem fit will have its meeting. The Club has 23 Claude Ackley 7329. for its purpose the instruction of de- | 24. Sollte Smith G. Jer. 12 Speck and proper concerning the same, and 6588. No. 38. Mark Harrison bating, oratory, parlamentry law and also to suggest the amount which in 6157. Native Cowdy Carl Hunt development of literary art in gen- 1 5933. Native S their opinion should be raised by tax­ Mu ley E. Geinger 6460. 9 Native No. 25 ation for all County purposes, for the eral. The meetings are interesting 28. Chas. Kunze 6451. G Jer. 4 Lillie E. Geinger year 1915. to meet at the County and will become more so as the time I 29. 5918. 7 Native Coalie 30. E. Geinger Court room in Tillamook City on progresses, The subject under dis- ’ 31. T. H. McCormack Midge 5192. G. Jer. 4 cupssion is “ Resolved that it will 6008. 5 G. Jer. 1 32. Joe Dürrer Chancy Thursday Nov., 19th, ¡914, at one I 5436 G. Jer. 5 o'clock p.m., when it will organize by benefit the farmers of Tillamook : 33. T. H. McCormack Nig 6175. G. Jer. No. 25 G. Hannenkrat electing a chairman and secretary. I County to join the Port of Tilla- . 54. 6849. G. Jer. No. 10 35. G. Hannenkrat mook. ’ The affirmative speakers are The members of the committee will 5084. G. Jer. 12 Muy 36. Joe Dürrer 6847. G. Jer. 5 Daisy work with the County Court in pre­ Margaret Coates, Lalen Maddux and I 37. E Geinger 8156. G. Mol. 6 No 5 paring the budget, and will have be- ’ Eldred Reed. The speakers on the 38. Chas. Kunze 6085. G. Dur. 8 Roa tty 39. fore them complete facts and figures ! negative side are Thos Coates, Hcl- 40. E. Geinger G. Jer. S 6046. Red Sollie Smith 6204. G. Jer. 5 as to expenditures of the current * len Stam and Franzel Miller, The 41 T. H. McCormack Jersey 4 G. Jer. 5892. year, as prepared in detail for their . discussion will no doubt be very in­ 42. T. H. McCormack Grace G Jer. 11 5766. Jewel teresting. There will also be other 43. Sollie Smith information by the County Clerk. 5991. Jewel numbers on the program. The public 44. Carl Huut Dated this 12th day of Nov., 1914. 5304. G Jer. 7 Baby 45. Amos Vaughn is invited and admission is free. The 6785. G Hol. 5 No. 1. 46. Chas Kunze Homer Mason, Judge. G. Jer. 4 5303. F. L. Sappington, Commissioner speakers will benefit by the presence 47. T. H. McCormack Jeanie G. Dur. 5 6787. Tom 48 T. H. McCormack of a large crowd, by learning, to H. M. Farmer, Commissioner. G. Hol. 6 7628. No. 10 49. Chas. Kunze speak before the public. G. Jer. 8 6273. Beauty 50. E. Geinger The Parent Teachers Association 51. Joe Durrcr Brownie G. Jer. 6 6024. Board Defers Building Gymnasium. Native 7286. Pink will give a dime social next Friday 52. Carl Hunt R. Hol. 4 6011. No. 14 night, November 13th in the high 53. John Schild G. Jer. 7 6185. Pet To the voters of School Disi. N0.9.: school auditorium. The grade pupils 54. W. E. Noyes G Hol. 6 7413. No. 0 55. Chas. Kunze 6678. We wish to make the following will furnish the entertainment. 56 E. Geinger Native 9 Bob R. Hol 5 6950. No. 1 statement regarding building of a Several musical recitals will be given 57. John Schild 6979. Native No 5 58. G. Hannenkrat gymnasium. by some of the high school students. 59. 6205. 8 G. Adolph Erickson Hannah This movement originated last After the entertainment a jolly good 00. Chas. Kunze 6442. No 9 G. 2 G. Jer 6696. 7 winter with the Parent-Teachers As­ get together time will be had and re­ 61. T. H. McCormack Bird G. Dur. 7 Annie 5202. sociation. freshments will be served, Eve ry- 62. Adolph Erickson G. Hol. 4 6028. No 14 63. Chas. Kunze We are infortnd that the original body is cordially invited. G. Jer. No. 1 6002. 64 H. Rogers idea was to construct a play room for Friday night Nov. 7th the Senior 65. T. H. McCormack Bell G. Jer. S 5315. the small children of the school. Lat­ basket ball team went to play Bay — R. G orham , Tester J oe D ürrer , Secretary. er, at a meeting of the above associa­ City’s team, a large truck load of tion, at which there was a very large young people left Tillamook about 8 attendance, a resolution was adopted o'clock and landed in Bay City Notice to Jersey Breeders. Notice of Completed Contract. asking the school board to take im­ I about an hour later. The roads were mediate action with the object of bad and progress was slow, but this Notice is hereby given, that U. G. I .building a large gymnasium, it being only gave time to store up more en­ f There will be a meeting of theTill- Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ I thought that the play room and i ergy in the Tillamook team. The re­ amook County Jersey Breeders Assn, mook County, Oregon, has filed in gymnasium could be built together at sult was a victory of the Seniors over next Saturday at 1 o’clock at the this office his certificate for the com­ a considerable saving. This resolution Bay City. The rousing cheeing yells court house. The object of this meet­ pletion of the contract of W. Mayer, was presented to the board, probably given were unmistakable signs of true ing is to perfect a permanent organi­ for the construction of a warehouse zation and to lay plans for the activ­ for Tillamook County, at Nehalem about the last of March, duly consid­ school spirit. ered, and action deferred until the I The school library has been chang­ ities of the winter. Every one who is Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­ i date of the annual school meeting in ed from the customery place to the interested in the Jersey breed of cat­ poration having objections to file to June. At the annual meeting, at which room which was used for typewriting tle is urged to attend. the completion of said work, may do there was a large attendance of voters last year, all the books have been en­ W. S. Hare, Sec. so within two weeks from the date of the matter was fully discussed and it listed by the D system, this makes I R. C. Jones, County the first publication. was estimated that such a building as the library very flexible and new ad­ Agriculturist. Dated this the 29th, day of Oct., 1914. was desired would probably cost ditions can be made with little or no J. C. Holden $4000.00. difficulty. All the libraries in large County Clerk. Christian Church. i On motion a committee was ap- cities are arranged and managed by ------ o------ pointed, consisting of Carl Haber- this systm. I Our meeting closed with 45 new Notice of Completed Contract. lach, A. G. Reals and F. J. Stranahan, i'he T.H.S. umbrella stands are well members for the church. Many of to investigate and report to the filled with umbrellas, they say that these were heads of families, ten re­ board their estimate on the amount to this is a sure sign of rain. There has Notice is hereby given, that U. G. sponded to the invitation the last day. Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ be expended on such a building, the been slight evidence of rainy weather Our Sunday School has passed the mook County, Oregon, has filed in board being directed that on the fil­ in the last few days and it appears ing of such report to call a special that the umbrella stands are good zoo mark and we are in line for 300 this office his certificate for the com­ which number we expct to reach the pletion of the contract of Derk Rut­ meeting to provide funds for such a this system. I first of the year. gers, for the grading of the Eugene building. During the summer the We ate doing our best to make our Atkinson, County road, known as the committee filed the report recom­ I Notice to Creditors. services attractive and helpful to all Sand Lake road, and any person, firm mending an expenditure of a sum not that attend. in excess of $2000.00. or corporation, having objections to Notice is hereby given to all whom In pursuance of the instructions at Read the following and see what's file to the completion of said work, may do so within two weeks from the the annual meeting the hoard called a it may concern, that on the nth day coming next Sunday. special meeting of the voters to con­ of November,t9t4 the undersigned Morning subject it am. ‘A Back­ date of the first publication. Dated this the 29th, day of Oct., 1914. sider plans and provide funds for the was by the county court of Tillamook ward Look.” J. C. Holden building. This meeting was not County, Oregon duly appointed ad- Christian Endeavor service 6:30 pm. County Clerk. largely attended, but those present ministrator of the estate of Bell I Evening program beginning at 7:30 were quite favorable to the construct­ Handley, deceased. All persons hav- p.m. ion of a gymnasium, and after con­ ing clainps against said estate are Call fot Bids. I hereby required to present same, I. Chorus singing led by orchestra sidering several preliminary sketches which were submitted, we were direct­ with proper vouchers, to the under­ of eight pieces. Bids will be received at the office ed to have plans prepared along the signed, at the office of T. B. Handley i a Instrumental duets by Mr. andMrs of the undersigned for the clearing lines suggested by the voters and in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Koch. in whole or in part of nine acres of 400000 was voted to pay for the Oregon, within six months from the 1 3. Sermon subject, "Christ before land at Sea View, adjoining Rocka­ the date hereof. erection of the building. Pilate and Pilate before Christ." way, Oregon, up to November 10th, Dated November 12, I9t4. Some doubt was expressed as to There's no need of staying from 1914. Stumps, logs and brush to be George Williams, (400000 covering the cost, and to Church just because you’ve always fully removed and holes filled up. Administrator of the estate of Belle done so. Break a bad rule Sunday meet this situation the meeting direct­ For further particulars see, ed us to call for bids for the building, Handley, deceased. night l and come to Church. H. T. Botts, I LOW ROUND TRIP FARES EOK thanksgiving . For Thanksgiving Day, November 26th, low round trip tickets will be sold between all points on the Pacific Railway & Navigation Co., also be­ tween P.K. & N. and S.P. points in Oregon, November 25th and 26th, Return limit November 30th. Convenient Train Serviee Between all points on the P.R. & N. also to S.P. points. Full particulars as to train service, specific fares between all stations, etc. from nearest Agent of the JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Ageut Portland. Gold Fish Free. A complete gold fish outfit freo with every 50c. REXAL remedy. Come early and have fust choice, C. I. CLOUGH CO. Some of the Reasons Why A Perfect SaAar—absolutely dependable, every day, year in. year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. Outwear» Three Ordinary Ranges T]iC,.nn{y, range madt entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won’t ruet like steel. Economical In Fuel The teemi of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with boltaand stovo putty)—they will always remain air tight, because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic ©▼cn is ltnet* throughout with pure asbestos board, held in place by an open iron grating -you can see it—and it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure asbestos lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. _ All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No springs. Malleable iron oven racks slide out automatically, bold­ ing whatever they contain. The Great AÍjHHHIt jll M ajestic R ange ^^Charcoal and Malleable Iron rwrryoir which heats like a tea kettle, through a EVTIJTv • 8taJnF'<1 .from ?ne of copper. setting again»« fc* 150118 15 Ka!lona oZ water in a very "-ndby tupang a lever the frame and reservoir move« away tram Are. A^earioaive paten ted Majestic feature. Open end ash pan does away with shoveling ashes— ventilated ash pit prevents floor from catching fire— ash cup catches ashes. Ask us to shozc yo» the greatest improvement ever put in a rmgr. Don t buy the range you expect to last a life time unsight. unseen." or you’ll be sure to be dis- t sucnic |.| 1-; Miztli 1C i 1 Aome ,to our ■torB« *n,l the <’fcar hl ae.stic ~ have >ts many exclusive features ex- plamed-flnd out why the Majestic ia XH »trover “*’? *2?PM**S wh. re m«t rangee are weakest. FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO. ’ i J W m CM W I ¡jTinmd »; «Tv> t* »* J r-Shl a p TTTÎ