.25 GOWNS 98?. 50?. BRASSIERIES 39?. i ’kmen’s fine heavy fleec- tnnellette night gowns jlain white or fancy •s, neatly trimmed with ithout collar. Women’s and Misses Bras- sieries, made of very fine quality muslin, in plain and all over Embroideried effect Have reinforced armpits. 98?. SPECIAL AT........ 39?. CIAL AT 25J»ER CENT OFE On our entire stock of velvet ribbons, Almost every shade and width to be found in this large assortment. Specially priced during this sale. LESS 25 PER CENT TRADE SALE $2.00 WAISTS $1.39 Women’s and Misses Waists in wool and fancy cotton styles. Wool waists come in the sailor blouse effects. Others are made of fancy figured crepe ratines. SPECIAL AT.... $1.39 $3.00 Petticoats at $ Ladie’s and Misses Silk Messaline Petticoats. Come in plain ruffled or accord­ eon plaited styles. This is the kind so greatly in de­ mand for the new style gar­ ments. SPECIAL AT.... $2.19 GOLD BOND TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL PURCHASES. GREATLY REDUCED. b the People of Tillamook and Vicinity. UY NOW. rchandise right at the Height of the Season at such Remarkable Prices. S you need for the Holidays. But we are determined to make this one of the Greatest Sales ever held in Tillamook County, few contract goods. Come early while Stocks are at their best. AGAIN WE REPEAT, BUY NOW. ENDS SATURDAY, es we have Ever Offered in tresses and Waists ¡fabrics and the most desired trimmings. There isn’t a suit iin this sale that isn’t worth a great deal more than the ffiS QUOTED. To $27.50 COATS at $17.85 I ‘ ; NOV- 21st. • BUY NOW. Free Delivery by Parcel Post to any point in Tillamook County of all purchases amounting to $1,00 or over. FALL. TRADE[ SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS We have just unpacked one of the largest and finest selections of Handkerchiefs that ever entered this county. Supply your wants now for Holiday Gifts at these exceptional savings. 15?. LADIES KERCHFS 9?. Fine sheere quality with hem­ stitched borders. Special ea. . 9?. 25?. Ladies Kerchfss 19?. 35.? Ladies Kerchfs 25?. A beautiful All Linen Initial and Ilemstisched Kerchf. SPECIAL at each............ 25?. 50?. Handkerchief S3 $1.19 to select from at this remark­ eight of the social season too. 'oplins, Silks, etc., in tunic, [htand dark shades. Beauti- contrasting materials. Choose [thissale at $10.65. Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced $3.50 ROBE BLANKETS $3.19 Very Fine Heavy Fleeced Robe Blankets in a beautiful array of new up-to-date patterns. Cords to match. Suitable for gifts. Special during this sale at............................... $3.19 4 4 ■* [POSITIVELY Dress Goods Silks Domestics Linens Beddings Notions Ribbons Neckwear Hosiery Gloves Ladie’s Beautiful Embroidered Kershiefs, come neatly packed 3 in a box, Make an ideal Xmas gift, Special 3 for............ $1.19 18?. Emb. Kerchfs 11?. 5?. Handkerchiefs 2 for 5?. FALL TRADE SALE MILLINERY. Who could imagine the price I to be $2.49 for these hats worth up to $8.00. Every Millinery experts are Amazed that such beautiful hats can be priced so low, 100 of these Charming Hats—Fashions most approved styles go during this sale at the special price of $2.49 $10.00 HATS AT $3.69 Our entire stock of Millinery Reduced. $15 00 Fall Coats at $7.98 WOMEN’S KENYON SLIP-ONS Keep dry during the rainy season with one of our rubberized rain gar­ ments. $6.50 Rain Coats. $4.98 $8.00 Rain Coats. $6.39 $10.00 Rain Coats $8.75 $8.50 Women's DRESSES $5.98 A fine lot of street dresses made of good serviceable wool serge neatly trimmed, with laces, fancy buttons and contrasting materials. All sizes. SPECIAL AT ....................... $5.98 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS. Reg. $1.25 Styles go at. .......98?. Reg. $2.00 Styles go at........... $1.69 Reg. $2.50 Styles go at........... $2.19 Reg. $3.50 Styles go at........... $3.14 $6.00 Children’s COATS $4.98 Here are a lot of fine Dress Coa*s for the young ones. Come in fancy plaidt. checks, boucles etc. Buy now at per garment........ .............. ,......... $4.98 65C. BOY’S UNDERWEAR 49?. Wright’s Health Underwear for Boy’s Unshrinkable. These are ex­ ceptionally fine quality fleeced shirts and drawers at per gar............. 49?. 65?. WOOL CH ALLIES 35?. NOTIONS AT EXTRAORDINARY PRICES You will find in this lot fevlish serviceable coats that will gjjve wear and satisfac­ tion ite long as there is a ¡thread left. Come in heavy [fancymixtures. At $7.98 5c Clark’s ONT Cotton 7 for 25c I 10c Rick Rack Braid - Clark's ONT Lustre 7 for 25c 10c Bone Hair Pins - 5c - 3c 5c Sanitary Napkins 7 for 25c 5c Package Pins - Clark’s Dar’g Cotton 7 for 25c 5c card 1 looks&Eyes, 2 forSc Carson Currier Spool Silk 8c 10c Hair Nets, all shades, 5c 5c Embroidery Silks,skein 4c 5c card Pearl Buttons - 3c - 3c Sc Toilct Soap, bar - 3c 5c Box Hair Pins - 6c 25cChild’sWaist Supports 19c 10c Skirt Brak's 5c Hose Darners - 3c 10c Box 1 lair Pins omen’s, Misses and [Apparel Reduced 4.00 MEN’SSHOES $3.30 ’s Gun Metal dress shoes in Blucher and styles. Reg. $4.00 Vai. Special.. .$3.30 16.00 MEN’S SHOES $4.95 »Dayton Heavy Kip leather loggers hg shoes in 10—12 and 16 inch tops. 0 Vai. Special pr......................... $4.95 RAPE SALE OF TABLE LINENS RTHE COMING HOLIDAYS. - -----------------^ZSZWSZ^ZsZSZXZ\ZWWSZSz^ZS^Z^WsZV 'Mercerized Table Damask yd. . .49?. >vy Silver Bleached Damask yd. .89?. linen bleached table damask yd. $1.12 Jin. Pure Linen Damask, yd. . .$1.19 in. Satin Table Damask, yd. .. $1.69 in. Double Satin Damask, yd. . .$1.98 Renfrew Table Damask, yd. .39?. tterized Napkins, large size, doz. 98?. ; ’Liner table napkins 22X22, doz $3.19 land Fancy Huck Towling, yd. .59?. Handkerchief linen, yd............ 59?. t Glass Towling, yd.................. 10?. bed Huck Towels, at each........ 9?. FALL TRADE SALE WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S HOSIERY. An exceptional planned occasion in which we present several desirable numbers at prices sharpely under regular quotations for like quality. 25?. WOMEN’S HOSIERY AT 19?. Women’s Black Burson Fashioned Hose. Regular and out sizes, Special per pr.......... 19<^. 35?. WOMEN’S HOSE AT 26?. Women’s Black Silk boot and Mercerized Lisle Hose Full Fashioned. All sizes Special pr. 26?. 50?. WOMEN’S HOSE AT 39?. Fine quality Black Cashmere Hose Specially Priced at per pr.................................... • 39?. LADIE’S WOOL HOSE AT 21?. A warm serviceable hose in regular and out sizes. Special at per pr.............. ... ^ • • ■ • • -21?. 20C. CHILDREN’S HOSE 14?. Misses and Boy’s Fine Black cotton ribbed hose. A good servicible quality SpeciaLpr. 14?. 35?. CHILDREN’S HOSE AT 27?. Boy’s and Girls Black Worsted Hose the kind you always buy at 35c. Special per pr. 27?. 25?. INFANTS HOSE AT 19?. Cashmere Hose silk toes and heels. All sizes . Special pr ......................................... ** EXTRAORDINARY Fall Trade Sale of SILKS and DRESS GOODS. Rep­ resenting about 3000 yards bought from the famous La Ports Woolen Mills. This is the most unusual value giving event this dept, has given this season. $2.25 NEW LUSTROUS SILKS $1.69 In this splendid variety you will find such de­ sirable silks as Crepes, Charmense, Moire, Chif­ fon, Taffetas, Roman Stripes etc. SPECIAL AT YARD............................. $1.69 $2.50 NEW FANCY SILKS AT YD $1.98 You will find no better silks any where at any price than this beautiful line of plain and fancy Crepes, Brocades, Charmense etc. SPECIALLY PRICED, yd...................... $1.98 $1.50 NEW FALL DRESS GOODS 79?. About 800 yards of fine servicable Serges, Pop­ lins, Cheviots, Fancy Mixtures etc. SPECIAL at per yd..................................... 79?. $2.00 NEW FALL DRESS GOODS $1.19 About 600 yards of the newest weaves and 1 colorings in Crepes, Poplins, Plaids, Serges Fancy Mixtures etc. SPECIAL yd. $1.19 EMM 65?. CHINAJ4LKS 39?. Supply your wants for your . Holiday work, a fine firm quality 27 in. wide at per yard..................................... ’ 35?. SECO SILK J66 A large range of shades in this wash silk at per yd..................... 16<- Fine all wool French Chalies in a neat range of stripe and figured de­ signs. A good washable quality for waists or dresses, Special, yd .35.? 25?. OILCLOTH 19?. Just received by freight a large ship­ ment of plain and fancy Oil Cloth. All neat desirable patterns. SPECIAL YARD..................... 19?. 35C. CURTAIN SCRIMS 27?. Plain White fancy and Echru cur­ tain scrims. A very firm quality Brighten youc homes for the holi­ days. Special per yd.................. 27?. 50?. Scarf and Center Piece 19?. Hemstitched and Drawn work, scarfs and center pieces. Made of a good washable grade of firmly wo’'- I en linen. Specially priced at. . . .19?. 10?. Fleicher’s Wool YARN 7%£. Fleicher’s Saxony, & Shetland Floss yarns, in a very large range of de­ sirable colors. Buy now for the fu­ ture at per skein ..................... 7%?. •f 1.00 NigJit^Presses $9?. Women’s Crepe Night Gowns in plain and small figured designs neatly trimmed. SPECIAL $9?. ¡$1.39 Undermushns$1.19 Chernies and Combination made of fine quality nain­ sook and crepes at. .$ 1.19 PER GARMENT._____ 15?. SILKOLINE 11?. --------------------------- ---- ~ Plain and Fancy Figured 1 Silkolines for Comforters and Curtains, at yd.. 11?. 12? 2?. CRETONNES 9?. Fancy figured cretonnes in a large variety of desirable 1 atterns. At yd.............. 9?. | ____________ $5.00 SUIT CASES$3.98 Leatherette suit cases very strong and durable, corners are well protected with heavy leather pieces. Good leather end straps. SPECIAL AT... $3.95 $2.50 Suit Cases $1.65 Straw fibre cases, a good all around case AT.$1.6.5 $1.25 House Slippers 98.? Women’s. Misses and Chil­ dren’s Felt and Crochet House Slippers. Soles made of good strong Crome leath­ er. Very warm and comfort­ able. SPECIALLY PRIC­ ED PER PR............... 98.? .