X Men s Furnishings Reduced Women’sGarments Reduced >> Children’s Garments Reduced Millinery Reduced Shoes Reduced Knit Goods Reduced Handkerchiefs Reduced Laces Reduced. Embroideries Reduced Art Goods 156 men ; s HOSE 106 German silk lisle hose. Have double toe and heel All sizes in black and tan. SPECIAL at pr .. . .106 256 WOOL SOX 19.£ Men’s heavy wool work sox very serviceable. SPECIAL AT PR.. .196 $2.00 BAGS $1.19 Ladies’ leather and plush hand bags in a large variety of styles and colors. These bags will not last long at the prices we are asking. .. SPECIAL AT........ $1.19 $3 50 COATS $2.29 REMNANTS $1.75 SPREADS § A lot of heavy serviceable coats for children, Made of fancy Scotch mixtures, SPECIAL AT ... $2.29 To $1.25 DRESSES 69C. Children’s Gingham and Percale Wash Dresses. SPECIAL AT.......... 696 REMNANTSJ ! Fine large size Croche Spreads. Made cf extra quality double tv bleached yarns, Plain med, neat attractive terns. SPECIAL AT e Hundreds of dress goods and wash goods remnants, accumulated during the past few weeks selling. All go during this sale at *4 PRICE. 25c. DEVONSHIRE Cloth 196 This is the new cloth that takes the place of Galatea. It is just as firm ancl is warranted to be sun proof and tub proof SPECIAL at yd .... 196 GOLD BOND TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL PURCHASES. 356 BLEACHED Sheeting 296 Heavy closely woven bleached sheeting. Buy now during the sale At per yard................................. 296 386 Unbleached Sheeting 346 2% yards wide, very firm. SPECIAL AT YD................... 346 ; 156 BLEACHED OUTING 116 36 inch Bleached heavy fleeced out­ ing flannel, yd........................... 116 206 KIMONA FLANNEL 166 Fine fleeced flannels in Persian and floral effects Special at yd. . . . 166 126% DRESS GINGHAMS 96 Good washable dress ginghams in checks, plaids and stripes, yd. . . 96 COMFORTER CHALIES 66 Large range of patterns in this staple fabric at yd........................ 66 $3.00 MEN’S FALL HATS $2.45| Men’s fine soft felt Hats. This sea­ son’s newest shapes. Come in var­ ious colors with contrasting hat bands. SPECIAL AT............ $2.45 $1.25 MEN’S Union SUITS 986 The celebrated Chalmers Spring needle Union Suits with closed crotch in white or tan. .Take advan­ tage during the sale, per gar. . .986 Entire stock of underwear Reduced. $1.25 Men’s UNDERWEAR 95<. Men’s natural wool shirts and drawers. A good warm line of under­ wear for this penetrating weather. All sizes per gar......................... 95<*. Entire Stock of Underwear Reduced 50C. MEN’S NECKWEAR 29<-. Men’s new fall silk neckties in re­ versible and flowing end styles, SPECIAL AT........................... 29<*. 75C. MEN’S NECKWEAR 19<. Snappy styles in the latest weaves and colorings, SPECIAL AT. . 49c. UY NOW Seldom have you had a better opportunity to buy New and Seasona An opportunity to save money on Garments and Materials you need RIGHT NOW, also an opportnnity to Save Money And in order to induce you to come, we have CUT THE PRICE ON EVERY ARTICLE in the Store, ex IBUY NOW SALE STARTS SATURDAY, The Most Astounding Fall Trade Sale Women’s, Misses and Children’s KNIT UNDERWEAR, The entire stock of Cotton Ribbed, Fleece Lined and Wool Underwear. Union Suits and separate garments. All grades. Broken and complete lines go during this sale at record breaking prices. i K hit U hdebweai ?. I $1.00 Wool UNDERWEAR 59<. $ 1.75 Women’s Union Suits $1.49 Fine silk and cotton ribbed Union Women’s Cashmere Vests and suits. Special per garment. $1.49 Pants. All sizes. An extraordinary $2.00 Women’s Union Suits $1.79 cleanup per garment................. 59. $3.00 Women’s Union Suits $2.70 $1.25 Wool UNDERWEAR 79.^ $1.75 Misses Union Suits $1.39 Wool Unions 2 to 16 years sizes, 856 BLEACHED UNIONS 696 Special at per garment.......... $1.39 Misses and Children’s Cotton ribbed Union Suits, sizes 2 to 16 years, Special at per garment............69<4. 35^. BO Y’S U N PER WE AR 296 Boy’s silver grey fleeced shirts and drawers sizes 6 t 014 years. Special at per garment. .... .................... 296 Boys Wool.Union Boy’s spring needle wool union suits in 6 to 16 year sizes. Specially priced at per garment......................... $1.12 50 to 90c. Underwear 39 to796 Children’s Fancy Wool vests and $1.00 Women’s Union suits 896 drawers in sizes from 2 to 16 years $1.25 Women’s Union Suits 98<. Reg. 50to 906 NOW 39 to 796 COATS. SUITS Every item is of this Season’s Best Styles, in the m or a coat, or a dress, or a waist, that will be offer SPECI To $37.50 SUITS at $19 We confidently believe that we hav offered you a better bargain than thi lot of stylish suits, which includes t latest approved styles. The materials very best. The colors are all of this most popular shades. The tailoring Choose Now at 5 $15.00 Stree An excellent rang able saving. Rig The materials are plain or plaited e fully trimmed wi from this splendi $4.50 Silk W A large selectio lk Waists inlig shades of plain stripe silk Mess course we have al Specia Our Entire Children’s NOTICE—If you cannot attend this sale in person, kindly send us a Mail Order, or use the phone, and we assure you that it will be just as properly taken care of as though you were shopping yourself. MEN’S KENYON RUBBERIZED RAIN PROOF SLIP-ONS $15.00 values at..................... $12.98 $14.00 values at.... ............. $12.15 $10.00 values at........ ............. $8.95 $9.00 values at......................... $7.85 $7.50 values at......................... $6.65 $1.50 MEN’S Golf SHIRTS 95.< Made of good fast color washable Percales in a wide range of neat black and colored stripes, made in Coat shirt styles, all sizes. SPECIAL AT........................... 95.<* 85C. Flannelette DRESSES 59C. Women’s Flannelette night dresses. Made of a firm quality fleeced out­ ing flannel. All sizes. Specially pric­ ed at per garment...................... 59c. FALL TRADE SALE MEN’S WEARING APPAREL FALL TRADE SALE OF FOOTWEAR FOR Men and Young Men here are values you cannot afford to pass by in New Fall Suits and Overcoats. 317.50 MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S SUITS $12.98 As a fitting Special for Haltom’s Fall Trade Sale We. are offering this lot of Men’s suits values to $17.50. There is not a suit in the lot that sells for less than $16.00. And every one of them is an exceptional value Good Wool Materials in Cheviots, Serges and Scotch Mixtures that will give Satisfaction. Come in box and form fitting backs. In this lot you are sure to find a suit that you are looking for, to $17.50 values at.............................................. $12.98 $15.00 MEN’S NEW FALL OVERCOATS $10.98 Men’s Overcoats in full 52 inch lengths Rainproofed in belted and box backs, good heavy materials in Black, Brown and Fancy Mixtures, Values to $15.00 at $10.98 $12.50 YOUNG MEN’S OVERCOATS $10.65 Young Men’s Overcoats in the New Balmacaan Styles so much in demand this Fall. Also Box back styles in 52 inch lengths. The materials are a very servicable Fancy Grey Mixture, Regular $12.50 Vai. Special at.. . .$10.65 $5.00 JUVENILE BALMACAAN COATS $3.95 Boy’s Balmacaan Coats sizes 2 to 9 years. Made of Fancy Brawn and Grey Mixtures, Special at........ $3.95 THE ENTIRE FAMILY. This is one of the greatest footwear sales we have ever featured and its announcement will be greatly welcomed by our many patrons. $3.75 WOMEN’S SHOES AT $2.55 The most snappy up to date footwear of the season. You will find in this great assortment Pat. Colt Shoes with new Gaiter top etfect Gun Calf and Vici Button Shoes. In fact all1 the new Fall Models. We have all sizes and widths in stock. Buy now at this Extraordinary Pr^ of per ............................................................ $2.5^ $2.00» MISSESSHOES $E65 Misses Gun Metal and Vici Shoes in Buttor and Blucher Styles. Sizes 8% ton. ^egu a $2.00 SPECIAL PR................................... $2.50 MISSES SHOES $185 Same as above sizes 2% to 5% $3.00 BOY’S JSHOES $2.15 Boy’s Fine Gun Calf dress shoes in buttoi and Blutcher styles sizes 2% to 5%. $.24f SPECIAL per pr............................... 1 50C. NECKWEAR 1ÖC. Ladie's fancy collars and Jabots in a big variety of embroidered and lace effects SPECIAL AT.......... 166 $rOO NECKWEAR 39C. A sample line of beautiful collars and Jabots at. 39f. $5.00 SUITS AT $3.95 Boy’s Norfolk Suits \vith ’n knickerbocker pants fancy greys and tans. 1 SPECIAL AT ... $3.95 $5.00 SLIP-ONS $4.35 Boy’s Kenyon Rubberized slip-ons for the rainy sea son 'CTAT. AT NOV. 14th, 12/£C.jrqWELS^AT 9c Good servicable boy’s caps made of exceptionally fine grade fancy wool mixtures SPECIAL AT.......... 33c. $1.35 Boy’s Pants 98c. Boy’s knee pants made of st rong durable fancy mater­ ials. All sizes. Unbleached Bath Towels. A good wearing quality. SPECIAL EACH... 9?. 76 TOWELS AT 5.C Unbleached Bath Towels a serviceable grade for good hard'wear. SPECIAL AT EACH 5.c Bleached Bed Sheets made of good quality sheeting. SPECIAL AT.......... 59C. Pillow cases size 42X36. A good firm grade.