Vol. XXVI. No. 21. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 12, 1914 I1.50 PER YEAR. L'dii Useful and fancy articles, place I The age limits are 18 to 45 years. cards and favors for sale. Mrs. Geo. Men only will be admitted to the ex­ Willett, 3rd St. West. » amination. Mrs. Alice Cave, of Waverly, Iowa, The entrance salary for post office is visiting at the home of her brother clerk is $800 per annum, with an­ G. A. Edmunds, and will remain here nual promotions up to $1000 per an­ num. Over ninety per cent of transfers of funds in bus­ until the first of the year. Application blanks and instructions iness are made through the medium of bank checks, Want to rent bottom land dairy to aplicants may be secured from thus avoiding the dangers incident of carrying large ranch in Tillamook one year with the postmaster, Tillamook, Ore., or sums about, and the risk of ■ making the wrong privilege of buying. Give full details the Secretary, 11th Civil Service Dis­ first letter promptly. J. A. Lemmon, change. trict, 207 Post Office Bldg., Seattle, * ? Cornelius, Ore., Box 33. Wash. This method enables the business man or individ­ It s a good rule to buy a sewing JUir Styredjeit Jury List for Special term Circuit ual to keep his money safely in the bank, instead machine vith an established rep-.r.a- Court. of ou the premises or about the person where it| tion fo- quality services. The White for sale on easy terms at Jones would be subject to hazard. A jury list was drawn for a special Knudson F'urniture Company. • term of the circuit court, which will A checking account at this bank is agreatcon-| Married, on Monday, November 9, venience and costs the depositor absolutely nothing. | at the M. E. Parsonage in Tillamook, convene in this city on the 23rd, as follows: To obviate handling the account at a loss the batik| Mr. Geo Bye and Miss Ida Russell of Henry Rogers, Tillamook, farmer. requires that reasonable average balance be main-g Nehalem Oregon, Rev. Edward Git­ Thos. R. Monk, Tillamook, physician. tins officiating. tamed. Frank Freeman, Tillamook, farmer. You can get the “Designer” a reg­ Frank Miller, Rockaway, merchant. ular 75c. magazine, for 30c. per year. Ed Blum, Hemlock, farmer. I Offer expires Nov. 20, 1914. Leave John Schild, Tillamook, farmer. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, orders jt Lamar’s Variety Store. Fred Nichlaus, Tillamook, farmer. “Drop in and look around.” ♦ A. Plasker, Tillamook, farmer. A large compound Willammette Joe Donaldson, Tillamook, farmer. donkey engine, for the logging S. M. Batterson, Mohier, farmer. camp of A. F. Coats Lumber Co., was R. Y. Blalock, Beaver, farmer. qcocooooooooocooocooooocogooooqogooocooooocogcccoco taken from this city on a scow to A. H. Harris, Tillamook, farmer. W. A. Gage, Cloverdale, farmer. Bewley Creek. 8574. No. 201. Alex. McNair, Tillamook, merchant. Germany will.not at this or any other Report of the No. condition of the FIRST District Attorney M. J. Gersoni re­ John Creecy, Blaine, farmer. NATIONAL BANK, at Tillamook, in the Report of the condition of time realize the dream of Napoleon State of Oregon, at the close of business. turned from the East on Monday, Everett Landingham, Cloverdale and many other great European gen­ October Slat. 1914. ___ _______ ______ where he had gone to see his father KK8OURCBS. farmer. erals. Namely Europe all united with Loans uxtl Discounts................. $ 116.448.93 At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business who is suffering with cancer of the E. J. Geinger, Tillamook, farmer. their country in control (Dan. 2:4-3). Overdrafts, secured and unse­ stomach and can only live for a short Frank Berns, Tillamook, farmer. cured ............................................... 447.70 October 31, 1914. Again he showed that the monarchies U.S. Bonds deposited to secure time. circulation ................................... S. M. Moulton, Tillamook, barber. 25,000.00 will not give place to the republican Other bonds to secure U.S. De- RESOURCES. The Fairview birthday club will Olof Gulstrom, Tillamook, farmer. Iiosits, $ ............ ; to secure form of government (Dan. 2:44) as ’ostal Savings, $1,015.00 1,015 00 R. O. Richards, Beaver, farmer. some predict. Bonds, Securities, etc. (other Loans and discounts........................... $274,316.05 have an all day meeting at the Grange than Stocks) ............................... 20,095.0« A. N. Erskine, Tillamook, carpenter. Hall on Nov. 18. All the members He also showed that the world will Stock in Federal Reserve Bank, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,191.32 $300.00 ; all other stocks $ 300.00 not be converted, but that the wicked Banking Bonds and warrants........................... 33,675.61 are urged to attend with their families F. M. Davidson, Tillamook, farmer. House, Furniture and E. K. Gilbert, Beaver, merchant. We will have lunch and a program, Fixtures .......................................... will be destroyed (Dan. 2:35) at the 7,243.5» Stocks and oth<»r securities.............. 421.84 Real Estate owned......... 5,820.64 S. W. Conover, Tillamook, clerk. coming of Christ, which according to Other Hue from State and Private 40,750.00 and expect a good time. Banking house ..................................... C. P. Knudson, Tillamook, merchant. Banks and Bankers, Trust the Bible, is in the very near future. 6,000.00 Furniture and fixtures ..................... The Tillamook County Boosters Companies and Savings......... 1.7H3.74 from approved Reserve 4,726.00 Band returned to the city on Monday Clande Christensen, Tillamook, far­ Before this can come, however, the Due Other real estate owned..................... Agents in Central Cities, mer. nations will give their power to the $2,918.91 ; in other Reserve Due from banks (not reserve banks) 1,751.02 after filling a four days engagement Cities, $24,453.74..................... 27,372.05 Roman Catholic Church for a short Checks 30,376.75 at the land product show in Portland. J. M. Liisberg, Tillamook, farmer. Due from approved reserve banks and other Cash Items... 97.30 Exchanges for Clearing House 52 5 32 period of one half hour prophetic Notes 469.37 The band met with considerable Theo Haugen, Tillamook, farmer. Checks and other cash.items............ of other National Banks 75.00 J. Lewallen Hebo, farmer. Fractional Paper ‘Currency, 20,131.48 praise while in Portland. time (Rev. 17: 12-13) Cash on hand......................................... Nickels ami Cents .................. 100.10 H. C. Sanders, Cloverdale, farmer. 15.00 Other resources ................................. The question is are we ready? For Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, Miss McDowell, commercial teach­ vix : probation will close before the com­ Specie. .. »32,823.« er of the high school, resigned last Legal-tender notes....................... 32.823.45 $413,824.44 plete destruction of the Turkish do­ Reel cm pt ion fund Total Remains of Mr. Handley Buried. with US. Friday on account of poor health. minion, which seems so near at hand Treasurer (5 per cent of cir­ Miss McElvaine, of Reseberg has 1,250.00 culation) ......... ............................. LIABILITIES. The rertiains of Mrs. Isabelle Hand- at present. And the holy war which been elected to the position and com­ Total ........................................... »241 .083.00 ley, was brought to this city, on Sat­ seems so soon to be declared will Capital stock paid in ......................................................... $ menced work today. urday from Bend, Or. The deceased close with the great battel ofArm- Capital stock paid in — Surplus fund ........................................................... . Surplus fumi ..................................... The Fairview Literary Society will died there the previous Wednesday gedden. tndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Undivided Profits, less Ex­ meet at the Grange Hall, Saturday where she had gone for the benefit of Friday night’s subject "Court week penses and Taxes paid........... Postal savings bank deposits ......................................... Reserved tor taxes........................... evening, Nov. 14 at 7:30 o’clock. A her health. The burial took place on in Heaven. You are summoned.” National Bank Notes outstand Deposits due state treasurer............................................. ing program of readings, recitations, Sunday, the religious service being Saturday night’s subject, “God’s Due Individual deposits subject to check ........................... to State and Private Banks and Bunkers ............................. talks on neighborhood topics, and Standard of Judgment. ” held in the M. E. Church, conducted Demand certificates of deposit......................................... Individual deposits snbject to music will be given. Everybody in by Revs. Gittins and D. L. Shrode. Sunday night’s subject "Turkey and check.................................................. Certified checks................................................ .................. Demand certificates of deposit vited. The church was packed with sym­ Armegeddon.” Time certificates of deposit............................................. Time deposits payable after 30 days or after notice ut 30 Monday night’s subject, “Hell! days Savings deposits................................................................. Remember that Drs. Lowe and pathising friends. The Rebekahs and 17,923.40 or longer................ ............ 42 I 1 2 Where? When? ” Certified checks.............................. Turner eye specialists of Portland Eastern Star lodges, of which she was 314 24 Postal Savings deposits.......... $413,824 44 Tuesday night's subject, “ Spirit ­ a member conducted the service at Total will be in Tillamook again Thursday Total ........................................... »241.083 OO ism.” Friday and Saturday. Nov. 12-13-14. the grave. State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. Wednesday night ’ s subject, "Gods The deceased was greatly beloved I. W. J. Kicchers, Cnahirr of the above- named bank, do solemnly swrar that the I, Erwin Harrison, cashier of the above-named bank, do Consult them at Hotel Tillamook. by all who knew her, and her death last great warning." above Rtateinent in true to the bent ol my They do not go from house to house, Jnlemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of Thursday night’s subject, "God's knowledge and belief. came as a surprise ’ to many of her . thy have no agents. *7 * W.J. Kircher*. Caaiiici my knowledge and belief.—Erwin Harrison, Cashier. financial system." Subscribed and «worn to before me thia friends. 11 th day of November, 1014. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of No­ The W. R. C. will meet in Artisan Deceased was born in Nortonville, Rollie W. Wutaon, Notary Public. Hall, Saturday afternoon. At the Cal., on the 22nd of Oct. 1876, and vember, 1914.—C. A. McGhee, Notary Public. Correct—Attest : fitted J. C. Holden. Death to headaches, glasses last meeting the birthday lunch was Correct Attest—Carl Haberlach, H. T. Botts, M. W. Harri- B. C Lamb died at Bend, Oregon, Nov. 4, 1914, Win. G Tait. held in honor of the President Mrs. aged 38 years. She came to Tillamook by Drs. Lowe and Turner. son. Directors. Lucas, and her mother Mrs. Johnson. with her parents ’ ’78, and resided It is requested that all members make here until about to nonths since, Born to the wife of H. P. Sheldon, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS an effort to be present Nov. 14th to when she left for the benefit of her on Saturday, a girl. hear the report of the convention held health. She married George Handley Attorney G. R. Bagley, of Hills­ here last June. The time for election The Tillamook Headlight office is in February, 1897, and one child was of officers is drawing near, so come born. Her husband was drowned in ww located opposite the court house. boro, was in the city on Monday. Attorney J. R. Callahan, of Port­ and get in good standing and vote for Tillamook Bay in 1900, a boat cap­ Safe c' •.posit boxes for rent. Tilli- land, has moved to this city and is your favorite candidate. sizing during a storm and -his body located in the Masonic building. Bok Cou-ity Bank. * As the Fairview Grange takes up was never recovered. Mrs. Handley Spruce limbs for immediate deliv- economic subjects, we heard a Fair- leaves one son, George Dewey, and Blacksmith shop to rent next to my Bell 2F14—Dewey Or- viewite say that enough money had four brothers, William, James, George ’«ice. T. H. Goyne. • ery—1 Phone ----- ♦ been expended on the road from this and J. C. Williams. chard Co. The place to eat is at the “Good mile For rent, a 42 acre farm, iH city, to the Grange Hall in recent Eat»,’’ Ramsey Hotel. * Professor Johnson on the War. east of Tillamook—Apply to Geo. years to have paved it twice. If that is The Priscilla club will meet Nov. Cohn, Tillamook. the case, and we have no reason to •J with Mrs. Frank Hadley. Professor Johnson is giving a series Archdeacon H. D. Chambers, of the doubt it, wouldn’t it be economy to A heavw team, wagon and harness Episcopal Church, has made arrange- pave that piece of road « •°°in. a* of lectures on the war at the Advent­ ¡ible and saxe money. The dairy- ist Church, and he said: »ale. See Shrode. * ments to hold services in this city possi------ men in the Wilson river di»tnct see Satin is causing the nations to be Tor sale, 200 acres of Wilson River on Sunday, Nov 29th. the benefit and economy of hard sur- angry (Rev 16: 13 and 14) by super­ bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ Ladies desiring their children cared faced roads. natural doings which he.is bringing man. * for by the hour, day or evening, ad­ before them in the last days (Rev.Ii: Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all dress, box 351, Tillamook, Ore., Ref­ Water Rates. ¡8) tadi, and fence posts, for sale. See God is holding in check the winds erences. •hrode. ♦ For the information of our citizens For sale, lot and two roomed we give below the water rates in Port or wars (Jer. 25: 31-33) for a partic­ bbe will eoon have several cars of ular reason (Rev. 7: 1-3) house at Raymond Washington worth Professor Johnson explained in hi, 1Jy for sale from the car. See Shrode ' ’ for family of 10 persons or less, $65.00, all for $250. Address C. M. * price». * lecture that, according to the Bible, Reynolds, B.ox 282, Tillamook Ore. ordinary use of water for drinking or the people would be saying peace, I We ire in a position to make some Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with cooking or washing and one toilet (Is 2:4) and at the same time God ^8 ,ir"e farm loans. First National stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash SO cents a month; each P«»?" «* says they shall beat plow shears into CLOÎ Hll b»nk. * rent or shares. Address G. K cecding 10, 10 cents a month addition­ swords (Joel 3:9) both of which are al; each additional toilet «Scents; and have be«n fullfilled. for the peace Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. 'X "Good Eat».’’ M. A. Olson for- Protect your valuable papers from each bathtub, to cents, each urinal. 25 people even now are telling us that ,er y of the Spanish Kitchen. * the unexpected fire by renting one of cents each water cooling closet. $3 when this campaign is over the war »'month; each water hating »7»«- will close because people will ear the For Sale, full blooded Holstein our safe deposit boxes. Only one iS cents a month. Compare the 1 awfulness of war, and yet both Eng­ dollar per year. Tillamook -ounty °ne.ye#r and *'x months. Apply tnook rates v-i'h these. land and Germany are planning yaar, John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * Bank. ahead along war lines. Examination for Portion in P.O-