Tillamook Headlight, November 5, 1014 A. H. Burton, Prog- Prohi. ^j'WETS LEAD IN PORTLAND J. A. Churchill, Rep-Deni. A Land Slide for the Water Wagon. Flora A. Foreman, Socialist 273 Withycombe In Lead for Governor; The Usuay Democratic Majorities Are State Engineer. Returned in Dixie. McArthur is Ahead for Congress. In the state there was a Republican John H. Lewis, Rep-Dem. 1865 Atlanta.—Returns from the southern Portland, Or. — Returns from more landslide with the exception of United Commissioner of Labor Statistics. than 180 preciucts out of the 426 pre­ atal,"s indicate the usual democratic States Senator, the present incumbent " I' Hoff, Rep -Dem. 1879 cincts Indicated that George E. Cham­ victories for state and congressioi al George Chamberlain, beating R. A. Stanfield Macdonald, Progressive 214 berlain, democrat, has carried the tickets. The republicans claim one Booth with a majority of nearly August Nikola, Socialist 225 county over Robert A. Booth, repub­ congressional district in Maryland and 18,ooo votes. Railroad Commissioners of Oregon. lican, and William Hanley, progres­ two in Nortb Carolina. Dr James Withycombe, defeated J. Frank J. Miller, Rep-Dem-Prog. 1970 A democrat, Johnson N. Camden, sive, and that Dr. James Withycombe, C. Smith, Governor West’s candidate I. O. Peurala, Socialist 279 republican, for governor; C. N. Mc­ was elected in Kentucky to the United for governor, with an overwhelming» Supt. Water Division No. One. Arthur, republican, for congress, and States senate, for the unexpired term majority. 1624 Thomas M. Hurlburt, republican, for of tbe late Senator Bradley, republi­ James T. Chinnock, Rep-Dem. W. C. Hawley was re-elected in the Judge of Circuit Court. sheriff, are maintaining substantial can. The democratic candidate also First District for Congressman and Harry H. Belt, Republican, 1614 leads. was elected to the full term in the N. J. Sinnott in the Second District. Webster Holmes, Democrat 896 If Chamberlain maintains his pres­ United States senate. C. N. McArthur won the seat in the Governor Hooper, republican, of Representative. ent lead he will carry the county by Third District. Tennessee, was defeated for re-elec- ; R. Y. Blalock, Dem.-Prohi. 10,000. The other officer* elected are: T. 1J. Handley, Repubican The prohibition amendment is run­ tion by Thomas C. Rye. Thomas B. Kay, State Treasurer. W. P. Martin, progressive, leads the J. T. Smith, Progressive ning behind in tbe county. Indications Henry J. Bean, Justice of the Su- are that the "wets" will carry Multno­ democratic candidate for representa- County Clerk. preme Court. live in congress from the third Louis- Myron Blanchard. » 530 mah. Henry I.. Benson, Justice of the Su- I J. C. Holden iana district. Most of the other important amend ­ 1839 preme Court. States in which the democrats . seem ments on the ticket, however, are run­ Sheriff. ,__ to have made clean sweeps are Arkan­ Lawrence T. Harris, Justice of the F. W. Berger, Socialist ning behind, including the 11500 tax >57 sas, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, Flor­ Supreme Court. H. Crenshaw, Republican 1442 exemption, the abolition of the state Thomas A. McBride, Justice of the N. J. Myers, Democrat senate and the universal eight-hour ida, Georgia, South Carolina, Missis­ 1157 Supreme Court. sippi and Kentucky, law. County Treasurer. The four successful candidates are Frank Ailender, Socialist, The only measure that is maintain ­ 468 ing a lead on the early returns is the Republicans. Wm. Galloway was the B. L. Beals, Republican Indiana Republican in Lead. 2075 dentistry bill. fifth highest, and like the rest of tly Indianapolis.—While Miller, repub­ County Surveyor. Democratic candidates were badly Geo. E. Davis, Socialist lican, had a slight lead over Shively, 227 defeated. democrat, for United States senator, G. J. Poysky, Independent 1026 Prohibition Wins at Arizona Polls. George M. Brown, Attorney Gen- R. L. Shreve, Republican Phoenix, Ariz.—Arizona went dry in in 193 of 3171 precincts in the state, 1346 eral. • County Commissioner, two year. .. tbe election Tuesday. Returns indi­ Shively’s friends say their man will J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of George R. McKimcns, Ind. • >469 cate that prohibition has won the win with a majority of 30,000. Public Instruction. The republicans made a clean sweep F. L. Sappington, Republican 974 state, but by an as yet unestimated John H. Lewis, State Engineer. S. Scovell, Socialist 207 majority. Wet leaders conceded the in this, Marion county, Miller, repub­ victory of the drys by about 600. Dry lican candidate for senator, leading O. P. Hoff Commissioner of labor County Commissioner, four years. Statistics. leaders claimed tbo state by at least Senator Shively by nearly 3000 votes. ' C. J. Blanchard, Socialist 383 Frank J. Miller, Railroad Commis­ Frank I.. Owens, Republican Representative Korbly, democrat, 1669 2000. Democratic office-holders were re­ was defeated by Merrill Moors, repub­ sioner. Francis J. Welsh, Democrat 446 elected, including United States Sena­ lican, by about 5000 votes. James T. Chinnock, Superintendent Coroner. tor Mark Smith and Representative of Water Division. B. S. Clark, Socialist 500 Carl Hayden. Governor Hunt was re­ Of the 29 measures submitted to the S. M. Wendt, Republican Kansas Going Republican. 2133 elected over Ralph Cameron, republi­ voters only two managed to get a Topeka, Kan,—Sixty scattering pre- j O. Myers, a socialist, defeated can. His estimated plurality was 3000. favorable vote, that to amend voting Frang Taylor, Republican, for justice cincts throughout the state, incom- j qualifications and prohibition, the plete, give for senator: Curtis (Rep.), of the peace for the Third District, Colorado in Dry Column. latter carrying with a majority of 1181; Neely (Dem.), 713; Murdock. our count showing that Taylor polled somewhere near 30,000, which will Denver.—George Carlson, republi­ (Prog.), 427. 268 votes to 271 polled for Myers, a place Oregon amongst the “dry” can, maintains his lead for governor For governor: Capper (Rep.), 1289; difference of only 3 votes. i over Thomas M. Patterson, democrat, Hodges (Dem.), 717; Allen (Prog.), states after January 1916. There is a The County High School Fund was 398 precincts in 29 counties, Including 323; Billard (Ind.), 189. possibility that one or two others defeated. 105 in Denver, giving Carlson 44,728, may pull through. Representative Murdock is running Kelchis precinct voted that stock Patterson 24,820. Harry H. Belt defeated Webster could run far ahead of his ticket. at large. One hundred and thirty-six pre­ Holmes for Circuit Judge. Justice of the peace Stanley and T. B. Handley was elected joint Taylor are making the official count, cincts, including 26 in Denver, give Smoot Leads in First Returns. representative for Tillamook and and as Justice Taylor is only three for Senator: Work, Rep., 10,182; Salt Lake City, Utah.—First Utah Yamhill counties, with about 500 votes behind we hope lie wont count Thomas, Dem., 7517. returns on senatorial candidates give Three hundred and twenty-two pre ­ majority, over R. Y. Blalock, who his opponent out. Frank says he will cincts give: Dry, 30,194; wet 24,795. Smoot, republican, 1908; Moyle, fus­ had the Democratic and "dry” sup- count him in if he can. ion, 1725. A normal vote I b indicated, port in this and Yamhill counties. with republican and democratic gains In the Second Justice and Constable T. R. and His Employes Vote. and progressive losses, as compared District E. W. Stanley was elected Oyster Bay, N. Y.—Theodore Roose­ ELECTION IN TILLAMOOK. with two years ago. A total vote in justice and Wm. Powell constable. velt drove to the polling place in this There was considerable interest In the Fourth Constable and Justice village with his coachman and two the state of about 100,000 is expected. taken in the election on Tuesday District, R. E. Jackson was elected gardeners. He voted first and then owing to the prohibition amendment justice and J. J. Longcor constable waited while his employes cast their being voted on. The weather was wet In the Third Justice and Constable ballots. but notwithstanding this there was a District O. Myers is elected justice large vote cast, somewhere near 2700 and R. L. Huston constable. Penrose's Plurality Heavy. going to the polls. Every candidate on H. V. Alley and C. H. Wheeler Philadelphia.—Election of Penrose, the Republican ticket in Tillamook I county obtained a plurality of votes, were elected commissioners for the Rep., to the United States senate from Boise, Idaho.—The republican con Port of Nehalem and Russell Haw ­ Pennsylvania, by a large plurality, and with the exception of F. L. Sapping­ gressional delegation appears to be kins and Fred Robison for the Port also an easy victory for Brumbaugh, ton, who was defeated by Geo. R. far in the lead in the general election of Bay City. Rep., candidate for governor, are In­ McKimens, an independent candidate in this state. Returns indicate that dicated by returns from 1242 election for county commissioner, Sheriff United States Senator James H. Girls to Aid Gymnasium. districts out of 6727 in the state. Crenshaw met with some opposition Brady, republican, has defeated James but he managed to pull through with H. Hawley, democrat, and that Con­ The high school girls laid plans last Champ Clark Re-elected. a good majority. G. J. Poysky an in­ gressman Addison T. Smith and Rob­ night to serve luncheon at the school Montgomery, Mo.—Returns indicate ert M. McCracken, republican, have dependent candidate for county sur­ each noon during the county teachers the re-election of Champ Clark, demo­ veyor, put up a strong, and we are intsitute next week for the purpose of crat, speaker of the house, by a ma­ been elected to congress. glad to say, a clean fight against R. raising a fund to go toward furnish­ jority of from 3000 to 5000 votes. L. Shreve, but failed in his efforts ing the new ghymnasium and play­ The vote on the prohibition mea­ room as soon as it is completed. Miss Vancouver Goes Dry. sure caused a good deal of rejoicing L'eland will assist them. Vancouver, Wash.—Vancouver went in the “dry” camp for they carried Tonight the boys’ basketball team dry by a majority of 414 votes. The the county with 695 votes, the votes play the freshmen’s team of Bay City totals were: Wet, 1395; dry, 1809. cast being 1717 for prohibition and at that place. 1022 against. One surprising feature The freshmen class had a meeting Connecticut Is Republican. of the election being that Tillamook yesterday noon to pats a resolution City went “dry” with 200 votes to of sympathy for New Haven, Conn.—Returns indi­ Dewey Handley, one spare, the "drys" casting 526 to 326 • cate a republican sweep. Brandege of their classmates, on account of the republican, has a substantial lead over against prohibition, only one precinct , sudden death of his mother. Baldwin, democrat, for United States Tillamook , voting for wet I by a majority of seven votes only,. senator. Death of Mrs. Belle Handley. Indications point to a solid repub­ Representative in Congress. lican congressional delegation. Curtis P. Coe, Prohibition, 497 We are sorry to announce the death W. C. Hawley, Republican. >347 of Mrs. Belle Handley which took Frederick Hollister, Democrat 513 place at Bend Oregon at two o’clock Fred W. Mears, Progressive 46 on Wednesday. The body will be W. S. Richards, Socialist, >75 brought here for burial. United States Senator. R. A. Booth, Republican, JAMES H. BRADY Lost, on the Portland train, on Aug, Geo. E. Chamberlain, Democrat, 18th a dark blue rough neck sweater, Retains His Seat aa Senator San Francisco.—Scattered returns William Hanley, Progressive with a fountain pen and a pair of received from all parts of the Btate From Idaho. i B. F. Ramp, Socialist, gloves, Leave same at the Headlight indicated the following net results of Moses Alexander, democrat, seems H. S. Stine, Prohibition, * office. Tuesday's general election: to have defeated John M. Haines, re­ Governor. Governor Johnson (Prog.) has won publican. for governor. Incomplete F. C. Gill, Progressive, 25 a reelection by a plurality that ap­ returns indicate that the race between Will E. Purdy, Non-Partisan, 62 proaches landslide proportions over these two candidates will be close, C. J. Smith, Democratic, 809 Captain John D. Fredericks (Rep.) with a plurality of less than 2000. W. J. Smith, Socialist with the democratic candidate, John Alexander has broken into the hereto­ W. S. U’Ren, Independent B. Curtin, a distant third. fore solid southeast which Governor Janies Withycombe, Republican The vote for United States senator Haines depended upon to re-elect him. "I feel it my «'uty to tell other« what State Treasurer. Chwnberlai l's Tablets have done for was ao clone between James D. Phelan Haines lost Ada county by from 500 Thos. B. Kay, Rep-Progressive writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oak (Dem.) and Joseph R. Knowland to llX)0 votes, according to early re B. Lee Paget, Dem.-Prohi. Vi j Grove. Mich. "I have I' suffered with pains in (Rep.) as to make a forecast of the turns. B J. Stoop, Socialist, my lack and uuder final result a mere hazard. On the C. O. Broxon. progressive candidate Justice of Supreme Court. my shoulder blade for face of early returns, Francis J. He- for state treasurer, and Clarence Van Henry J. Bean, Rep-Progressive a number of years, ak.-> with a poor appe­ ney, tbe progressive candidate, wan a Deusen. progressive candidate for Henry L. Benson, Rep-Pro. state auditor, are leading the progrès tite >nd coMtipaaoa. lagging third. C. J. Bright, Prohibition John M. Eshelman (Prog.) has been stve ticket and have a chance of being I tried *H of th* rem ­ T. H. Crawford, Democratic edies tiia' I heard of, elected lieutenant-governor over J. V. elected. Both swept Ada and Canyon I Win. Galloway, Democratic and a nnui **r of doc­ Snyder (Dem.) by a vote that threat­ countie«. They are the only progres­ tors, but got ’»« relief. Lawrence T. Harris, Rep-Prog. Finally a friex'd told ened on tbe ecattering count to exceed sives who have a chance to break Addison G. Hotchkiss, Socialist me to try Chsu''hw- two to one. through the republican vote. If they Thoma* A. McBride, Rep-Prog. Iain’s Stomach a A® Two proposed laws In which tie in­ are defeated, it now seems apparent Chas. H. Otten, Socialist Liver Tablets. I giX terest throughout the state was in­ that aside from the governor the re a bottle of them and Wm. M. Ramsey, Dem-Prohi. tense—that providing for atate-wide publican state ticket will be elected. they soon helped tny David Robinson, Socialist stomach; by their prohibition, and the universal eight- i The big republican counties of south­ W. T. Slater, Democrat gentle action my bow­ hoc'*' «ork day measnre—have gone east Idaho when heard from may save els became more reg Attorney General. ular Today I feel Uka down >o overwhelming defeat Seem­ Governor Haines. The early returns George M. Brown, Republican praising them to all ingly lVohlbitloa haa loat by alnaoet Indicate they voted for Senator Brady J. E. Hosmer, Socialist who stiffer as I did. for two to i'**- while the margin of vic­ and the republican candidates for \\ m. P. Lord Progressive __ 166 they have cured me *u?