I ^ITIamook Headlight, November 5, IQ14 BRITISH CHURCHMEN REPLY about our own position. Eagerly de­ Killing off the Fit. Sunday Law Void. Ex-Governor Francis once said: 1 ic ALVIN R WORRALL, sirous of peace, foremost to the best TO GERMANS. j “Each year the local paper gives from of our power in furthering it, keen By far the most dreadful conse­ LAWYER. Eugene Oregon, October 27.— $500 to $1,000 in free lines to the com- especially to promote the close fellow quence of war is its destruction of the The Oregon Sunday closing law, sec­ munity in which it is located. No BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES, England’s Position in War One of ship of Germany and England, we very flower of a nation, the young tion 2125 Lord’s Oregon Laws, was other agency can or will do this. The ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY Right and Justice, They Declare. have nevertheless been driven to de­ men who fight its battles. These are, today declared class legislation and editor, in proportion to his means, PUBLIC. clare that, dear to us as peace is, the as a rule, striplings from 18 to 25 unconstitutional by Judge R. G. Mor- does more for his town than any 25 years experience. Consultation A document of great importance is principles of truth and honor are yet years of age, the pick of its manhood row, of Portland, sitting in the Lane other ten men, and in all fairness he | Free. more dear. chosen because they are physically published, signed by the archbishops Circuit Court. The dcsision is the re­ ought to be supported—not because "To have acted otherwise than we perfect, free from the defects of heart sult of a test case brought following you like him or admire his writings, Commercial Club Bkl . Tillamook. of Canterbury, York and Armagh, the bishops of London and Winchester, have acted would have ment deliber­ lungs, eye and teeth, and thus able to the closing on Sunday of cigar stores, but because the local paper is the best 1 the primus of the Episcopal Church ate unfaithfulness to an engagement sustain the fatigues of march and fruit shops and confectionary stores investment a community can make. It ; P)R. L. L. HOY, in Scotland, the Bishop of Ossory, by which we had solemnly bound our­ conflict. When these young men, the in Eugene by the District .Attorney may not be brilliantly edited or Lord Balfor of Burleign, president of selves, and a refusal of our responsi­ prespective fathers of the succeeding several weeks ago. crowded with thought, but financial­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the Edinburgh World Missionary bilities and duties in regard to the generation, are killed off by the hun­ The effect of the decision is to leave ly it is of more benefit to the com­ T illamook B lock , Conference; Dr. F. C. Bucket of Cam­ maintenance of the public law of Eu­ dreds of thousands, as is now being Eugene wide open for any class of munity than the preacher or teacher. - - Oregon. bridge, Rev. R. J. Campbell, Rev. rope. We have taken our stand for done, leaving a feebler stock to carry business on Sunday, except pool­ Understand me, 1 do not mean men­ Tillamook, John Clifford, Dr. W’. T. Davidson, international good faith, for the safe­ on the tourch of life, the effect can rooms and theaters, which are closed tally. and yet on moral questions you K1MKK ALLEN Dr P. T. Forsyth, Mr. T. R. Glivcr, guarding of smaller nationalities and not but be disasterous in lowering the by city ordinance. The District At­ will find most of the papers on the vitality, both physical and mental, of for the upholding of the essential right side. Today the editors of the torney said tonight that he will not of Cambridge, Dr. Evelyn R. Hasse, (Successor to Dr. Sharp), bishop of the Morivan Church, and a conditions of brotherhood among the a nation. In the wars which began carry the case to the Supreme Court. local papers do the most for the DENTIST. The decree of Judge Morrow' held least money of any people on earth. - I I with the French revolution and were large number of the divines of the nations of the world.” I continued by Napoleon Bonaparte, that the law not only contravened various churches. Commercial Building, Tillamo:k I This document is a reply to the ap­ Wilson Proclames Nov. 26 as Day of covering nearly a quarter of a cen­ section 20, article I, of the state con­ tury, it is estimated that not less than stitution, but violated the fourteenth Watchtower Apartments' peal of German theologians, which Thanksgiving. 6,000,000 French soldiers perished—a amendment to the Constitution of the JACK OLSEN. obtained circulation in England and MRS. ALICE HEITSMAN, fearful loss, from which that country United States. America, with reference to the war, i Washington Oct. 28.—President DENTIST. 1, 2, 3 Room Apartments, "The law is unconstitutional on addressed to “the Evangelical Chris­ f Wilson today issued a proclamation has never recovered. If the present war is long continued it is inevitable (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Furnished or Unfurnished, more grounds than claimed by the de ­ tians abroad,” and making special ^designating Thursday, November 26, $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK reference to the members of the as Thanksgining day. The proclama- that the dreadful massacre of young fendant,” declared Judge Morrow in Tillamook - Oregon! men will have a strong adverse in­ returning his decision. “If a young World Missionary Conference in Free Phones, Water ami Light. r tion, which refers to the fact that the fluence on the future of Germany, man is not allowed to take his lady Edinburgh. It was signed by men First St and 4th Aye. East, United States is at peace while the France and England especially. friend to get some ice cream on Sun­ whose names carry weight through­ 1 C. HAWK, T illamook , .. •. O regon rest of the world is at war, follows: It is the contention of Dr. David day afternoon she is deprived of that out the world among those who think I ___________________________ ’ By the president of the United Stat­ Starr Jordan, the peace advocate, constitutional right of granting life, and teach and pray. The document es of America. who has given much stjidy to this liberty and pursuit of happinness.” I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. states: A proclamation: question, that in modern war the He emphasized the "pursuit of hap­ “It fills us with amazement that It has long been the honored cus­ fatality among officers is especially piness” and continued: OreRon Bay City these who occupy the positions held tom of our people to turn in the fruit­ heavy and that this tells with double EAT VIERECK’S "I’ve been waiting five years to get by the signatories of the appeal ful autumn of the year in praise and should commit themselves to a state­ thanksgiving to Almighty God for his effect upon the future, for it is from a whack at that law, and I’m glad QARL haberlach , BREAD, this class, young men of superior that, I”ve had the opportunity.” ment of the political causes of the many blessings and mercies to us as ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. war, which parts so strangely from a nation. The year that is now draw­ mental and physical attainments, that What Becomes of the Money. the leaders of the succeeding years TILLAMOOK BAKERY, what seem to us to be the plain facts ing to a close since we last observed would naturally come. Our own civil T illamook B eock I of this grave hour in European his­ our day of national thanksgiving has war, in which the youth of the South What can be done by a resourceful Tillamook J. . . .Oregon tory. They offer in brief words some been, while a year of discipline be­ particularly suffered so terribly, is juggler with statistics was illustrated I account of the events of recent years cause of the mighty forces of war cited as an illustration of this theory. by a former Governor of Kansas in a At All Grocers. or months, but to the most silent of and of change which has disturbed rp H. GOY NE. Certain it is that in the last half cen­ recent article in a weekly periodical the facts out of which the war has the world, also a year of special bles­ tury the political leaders of the South on the railroad question. He showed arisen they make no reference at all. sing for us. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. have ranked decidedly below its that the annual receipts of the rail­ ■1. a a a. at a a .at a a a Quotes the White Paper. It has been vouchsafed to us to re­ statesmen of ante-bellum days. ways of the United States amounted ■ Sidasy K. Hsnlersin, Pres.. | Officer O pposite C ourt H ouse , "It has not been a light thing for us main at peace, with honor, and in England has been a great sufferer to $3,000,00«,000, making an average I Surveyor. I to give our assent to the action of the some part, to succor the suffering and in this way. The very best of her expenditure of $150 for each of the Tillamook - Oregon ■ John Leland Henderson. , Sec­ government of our country in this supply the needs of those who are in young men have been sacrificed in 20,000,000 families of the country. retary Treas., Attoiney-at- matter, but the facts of the case as want. We have been privileged by endless wars, large and small in every Figuring the average income per fam­ Law, Notrary Public J OHN LELAND HENDERSON. we know them have made it impossi­ our own peace and self-control in part of the world. The Boer war ex­ ily at $600, he asserted that the aver­ ■ Tillamook Title and ■ ble for us to do otherwise. some degree, to steady the councils acted as traffic toll in this way, and age expenditure for railway transpor­ ATTORNEY "Of these facts we offer here a brief and to shape the hopes and purposes already the present struggle must tation is one-fourth of this income. ■ Abstract Co, AND but a careful summary, derived from of a day of fear and distress. have counted hundreds of her very Logan McPherson, writing for the gLvv, A'utru'ts, R >.il Estate, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. the official papers, the accuracy of Our people have looked upon their bravest and brightest young officers New York Evening Post, adduces Surveying, Insurance. T illamook B lock , * which cannot be challenged. It is up own life as a nation with a deeper among its victims. Of this phase of some other illustrations to show that ” Both Phones. Tillamook - - - - Oregon. - on these facts that Ave rest our assur­ comprehension , a fuller realization of war Dr. Jordan says: there must be sonicsophistry con­ room no . an. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ed conviction that, for men who de­ their responsibilities as well as their “Everywhere in England can be cealed in the ex-governor’s argument. sire to maintain the paramount obli­ blessings and a keener sense of the seen tablets in memory of young men He shows, for example, that the farm­ J. CLAUSSEN, gation of fidelity to plighted word, 1 moral and practical significance of gentlemen’s sons and scholars, who . ers of the United States collect $157.- . LAWYER, and the duty of defending weaker na- ' what their part of the nations of the gave their lives in some far off petty 43 per family; that the owners of DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT tions against violence and wrong, no ' world may come to be. war. Their bodies rest in Zululand, mines and quarries collect $46.09 per 213 T illamook B lock possible course was open but that ¡ The hurtful effects of foreign war in Cambodia, in the Gold cost, in the family; that the manufacturers collect which our country has taken.” $409.11 and the insurance companies in their own industrial and commer­ Transvaal. In England only they are Till iiinook Oregon The document then proceeds to re- cial affairs have made them feel the remembered. In the cathedrals they $37.46. By adding other items he view the events which led up to the more fully and see the more clearly are recorded by the thousand—Can­ shows that the averag family spends T. BOALS, M.D., war, as fully set out in the White ' their independence upon one another terbury, Winchester, Chichester, Ex­ $987.09, or some $387.09 in excess of Papers, published by the government. ' and has stirred them to a helpful co­ eter, Salisbury, Wells, Ely, York, Lin­ its income. PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. The fundamental error is in looking On your front porch can be lit The violation of the neutrality of Bel- ' operation such they have seldom coln, Durham, Litchfield, Chester— every night until midnight Surgeon S.P. Co. gium and the obligation of Great practiced before. always the same sad story, the same upon the railways as parasitic con­ and register not over (I. O, O. F. Bldg ) fifty cents per month Britian are set out in detail. The : They have been quickened by a array of memorals to young nun. cerns, that live like leeches oil the on the meter. . Tillamook .... Oregon. document proceeds: great moral stimulation. Their unmis­ What would be the effect on England blood of the public. One of the best “We can only suppose, incredible takable ardor for peace, their earnest if all of these ‘unreturning brave’, and ways to detect this 1-ror is to find as it seems, that those honorable and pity and disinterested sympathy for all that should have been their de­ out what the railways do with the COAST POWER COMPANY. J E. REEDY, D.V M., gifted men who signed the German those who are suffering, their read­ scendents could be numbered among $3,000,000,000 a year they collect for transportation. Two-thirds of it is appeal were unaw-are of the obliga-' iness to help and to think of the her sons today?” VETERINARY. Some day this fearful injustice to expended for labor, and gets back in­ I tions by which we were bound, and ' needs of others, has revealed them to Both Phones. also the story of the negotiations. A themselves as well as to the world. the world will be recognized as one to the channels of trade. The taxes amount to $130,000,000 a year. Their of the most powerful arguments violation of such promises on our part Our crops will feed all who need Tillamook - Oregon would have been an act of perfect ' food; the self possession of our peo­ against war. The material losses can interest on their funded debt amounts beu ■ M to $400,000,000 a year. The annual J perfidy. ple, amist the most serious anxieties be made up, but when a nation’s brav­ dividends paid to the myraid stock­ Influence of Bemhardi. E. E, DANIELS. and difficulties and the steadiness and est and best, who would be its pros­ to $300,000,000. "When you turn to the generalities 1 resourcefulness of our business men pective leaders in later years, are kill­ holders amount CHIROPRACTOR. which the document contains about I will serve other nations as well as our ed off by the thousands there can be Using the Kansas system of illustrat­ ing, Mr. McPherson shows that this no recompenses for the loss. German thought and policy and plans own. Local Oftiee in the Commercial latter item amounts to 4 cents a day we seek in vain for any reference to j | The business of the country has per family, or four fifths of a cent a Call for Bid». Building. the teaching of such writers as Treit- 1 been supplied with instrumentalities, day per person. Some of this money schke and Bernhardi. TILLAMOOK and the commerce of the world with Bids will be received at the office goes to Europe, but most of it re­ “Does it mean that those who have ■ [ new channels of trade and intercourse of the undersigned for the clearing mains in the United States. A large signed the German appeal regard , I The Panama Canal has been opened R. L. E. HEWITT, IS— in whole or in part of nine acres of percentage of it belqngs to life insur­ those leaders and teachers as negligi­ ! to the commerce of the nations. The OSTEOPATHIC ance companies and the security of land at Sea View., adjoining Rocka­ ble,, or that their own opposition to ( two continents of America have been with the problem of buy ng H imes» PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. way. Oregon, up to November 10th, policies rests upon it. what those widly read books contain . bound in closer ties of friendship. you will find it distinctly advanta­ But the great value of the railways OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. 1914. Stumps, logs and brush to be geous to come ami do your select I is so well known as to need no asser- ' , New instrumentalities of internation­ fully removed and holes filled up. i to America is the incomparable serv­ ing here. You will get the best Belli Phonos tion? We can not tell, but the facts of al trade have been created, which will I ice. We have grown »0 accustomed to qualities, the most thorough am! For further particulars see, the hour, as set forth in the summary, | f,e a|so new r instrumentalities of ac­ it that we can hardly conceive what conscientious workmanship and be Residence and Office in Whitehouse H. T. Botts, charged the m int reasonable prices. Residence, which we have given above, corres- quaintance, intercourse and mutual its permanent impairment would We can supply single or double Tillamook Oregon. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. pond so clearly with what is inculcat­ service. Never before have the people mean. It is only by concrete illustra­ Sets or any single article that you ed and driven home in those writings of the United States been so situated The Indiana Board of Pardons a tions that we can realize how cheap may lie in need of. T. BUI 1U that we at least find it impossible to for their own advantage or the ad­ few days ago _> considered forty-five transportation is. President Bush in W.A, Williams A Cc. i vantage of their neighbors or so pplications for pardons and parols, his recent address to the Missouri separate one from the other. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. "Again, we cannot pass in silence equipped to serve themselves and but granted only seven parol*. The editors, called attention to the fact Complete Set of Abstract Book» in statement of the manifesto that un­ mankind. recent tendency is to grant parols that his road hauled a ton of coal Offlce. Now, ______ therefor, _ I, . Woodrow Wilson rather than pardons, the usual prac­ fifty miles for a 2-cent postage stamp. stable horrors have been commit- Taxes Paid for Non Residents. led against Germans living peaceable president of the United States of tice being to reserve pardons for clear It is the aggregate of such small T illamook B lock . abroad. We do not know to what America, do designate Thursday, the cases of miscarriage of justice. But units which makes the imagination •be signatories refer in this general 1 26 th of November next, as a day of the Indiana board is setting a new staggering $3,000,000,000 total. The Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. statement, but we may be permitted thanksgiving and prayer, , and invite mark for scrutiny of applications for paralysis of the railways would dis- 10 speak of what is within our per- the people throughout the ¡and land to parol*. Th* parol system, when asterously affect every man, wjaman G. McGEE, tonal knowledge. Peaceful and well ■ cease from their wonted occupations wisely administered, is approved by and child in the United States, so in­ disposed Germans in this country are and in their several homes and places humane people. It* purpose is to hold terwoven is the interest of every in­ bring treated with all possible con-| of worship, render thanks to Al­ out inducements for the reform of dustry with the transportation prob­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON persons convicted of crime*. But lem. It is the recognition of this fact sideration and kindness, and the mighty God. In witness whereof, I have hereun­ there is danger of granting parols that has brought sober men to realize iome secretary has taken them under ¡¡Joflice : Next door to Star to set my hand and caused the seal of too freely. The antecedent* of a con­ that the railroad question is no long- bis own protection. matter of justice or liberality to the United States to be affixed. vict should be investigated thor­ er a Principles Dearer Than Peace. Theatre. “God knows what it means to us to i Done at the City of Washington, oughly. Many serious crimes have ward railway investor» alone, but one br separated for a time by this great this 28th day of October, in the year been committed in various part* of of the most vital concern to the pub­ Ç^EORGE WILI ETT, hun­ the country within the last year lic itself. *ar from many with whom it has of our Lord, one thousand nine hun- sui x- - dred anu and fourteen b en our privilege—with whom we areu — and of the inde- by paroled convicts and in some in­ When the German troop» are not ATTORNEY AT LAW b°pe it will *be our privilege again— pendence of the United State» of stance* it was found that the offend­ repulsing the allies the allies are ers had long been habùual criminal. America, the one hundred and thirty ­ In work for the setting forward of the T illamook C' ommemi ial B vilihng One of the hio»t striking illustration* checking the German*. And thus the Christian message among men. We ninth. * 1 illsmook . . . • Orsson war goes merrily on. Woodrow Wilson. is the case of the pare led convict who "nite whole-heartedly with our Ger- (signed) With nearly 8,000,000 soldier* en- Robert Lansing, was recently executed in Illinois for a rnan brethern in deploring the disas- By the president. peculiarly heinous murder. It was gaged in the European war the prob­ ous consequences of the war, and, Acting Secretary of State. 0R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN, I learned after his last crime that he lem of feeding them become* a seri­ 1 Particular, its effect in diverting ous one, and ration* are already being i had made a business of murder and DENTIST, e *nergies and resources of the It is not improbable that the p 1 other felon* since boyhood. Lack reduced to the minimum The actual ristian nations from the great con- necessities of the several armies may loving citizens of Warsaw *> • 1 of care in granting parol, m a few Successor to Dr. Perkins. “ctive tasks to which they were in a petition to have the nam . j cases may cause a popular revnls.on eventually bring the war to a »udden ridentially called on behalf of the their town changed to «omethmg le*, TilXAMOOK. OREGON. close. I against I the whole system. P'rs of Asia and Africa. ul there must be no mistake suggestive. . I i ! ! I I I ) I I I ¡ Î I : I « R E A15 Watt Mazda Lamp -ve ' harness 1 —'J ’. I 1 1 <■ • * •