'Tillamook Headlight, October 29, State Press Flashlights. Less / rs dred rhat , go dry »sits the nks )se- :hat >ro- ith- im- sa- of ice ivy ills on ily ed ed as n- as irt y, c. r- m n. 4 n It n a s e ) î T. B. HANDLEY. I ive and hard working members in the ' lower House, and he held more im­ The Mutts are to organize at Dal­ Republican Nominee for Joint Rep­ portant committee appointments than resentative. las. The only requirement for mem­ any one ever representing Tillamook bership in the Mutts is a full and free County in the State Legislature. He confession that you have recently Attorney T. B. Handley received took an active part and passage of the made an ass of yourself. This will the nomination on the Republican Workmen’s Compensation Act, place a ban on only about one in a ticket for Joint Representative, a po­ Widow’s Pension Bill, Minimum million. Every town can organize. sition he occupied in the last State j Wage for WomenAct and many oth- The fee for joining is two dollars, and Legislature with considerable credit er mentorious measures. He secured HOOD RIVER DRUG STORES FL\1> for not joining is four dollars.—Tele­ to himself and this and Yamhill an appropriation of $10,000 for a fish ( “BUSINESS IS FINE." phone Register. counties. He was one of the most act- hatchery for Tillamook County, the 1 ------- only State money this county has had Grand Jury in Dry Town town Says Sava Too Too ------ —’y in Dry In Portland most of the saloons for many long years, notwithstand­ Much Liquor Sold — Raps Doctors. have large notices in flaming red ing Tillamook County pays a large 1 posted up on the most conspicuous Hood River is one of the “dry" amount of money every year into the parts of their places of business stat­ State Treasury. He was a recognized! towns that the Committee of One ing: "This place for rent if Oregon leader in the House , and had the Hundred hasn't said anything about. goes dry." It would be a real blessing T hat W e have commendation of Governor West and But “business is fine” there too, es­ pecially in the drug stores. The Oc­ to Portland if the state does go dry Speaker McArthur. He was chairman tober grand jury spent some days for these saloons in many instances of committee on Commerce and Nav­ looking into the matter, and reported occupy the “best business locations igation , member to the Judiciary . on it. In fact about all the grand in the city,” and their term of vacancy Committee, Forestry Committee, jury did was to probe the liquor sit­ would be mighty short.—Yaquina Resolutions Committee and Commit- uation in "dry” Hood River, thus . _______ — WVZMI4UI«' Bay News. tee on Vetoed Bills. When he return­ spending the taxpayers’ money to ----- o----- ed to Tillamook after the meeting of discover if prohibition prohibited. The great war involves 847,000,- the State Legislature said OI of I This is what they found out, as „__ _ _ • it » was saiU 000 people, we are told, which is more him that no member of the house set forth in their formal report to i^l'CLi^xr the Circuit Court on October 6, 1914: than one half the human beings now /nr had devoted as much time and did | “Nearly all of the time of the living in the world. When we keep in more hard work than Mr. Handley. grand juty has been taken up with if yo wuijh for . . something extra fnie mind the vast number, if a million, or He is the Republican Nominee, and consideration of alleged violations of even two million were killed it really IN CR.OCER.IE5, FR.E5H FR.UIT5 OR. VEGE­ having made good, is entitled to the the local option law within this juris­ I wouldn’t make so much difference in TABLES, YOU DON’T HAVE To WI5H LONG. support of Republicans in this "and diction. We have received the report the population as a whole. But half of the sheriff of the county as to the Yamhill Counties. JU5T COME INTO OUR JToRE AND 5EE THE the world may be killed in a day, and quantity of intoxicating liquor shipped it does not seem so great a calamity, into this county during the last three TEMPTING EATABLE5 WE HAVE FOR YOU. months. By this report it appears gs to have the father, husband or Salem, Or., March 20th:— In reviewing the work of the WE CAN 5HOW YOU LoT5 THING5 THAT YOU that a large amount of liquor has brother of one family lose his life—if last Legislature, Speaker McARTHUR today paid a high com­ been shipped to private individuals WILL LIKE. YOU WILL LIKE OUR PR.1CE5 it is your family.—News Times. pliment to Representative T. B. Handley, of Tillamook and during the period, and presumably AND OUR METHOD5 TOO. Yamhill Counties. procured and used legally. It fur­ A little boy over in Weston was re­ ther appears that the quantity re ­ "Mr. Handley was one of our best members,” s aid the GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG quired to write an essay the other day ceived by the drug stores during the Speaker. "He was an earnest and sincere worker in the cause on the subject of "newspapers," and ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. period was considerably more than of many meritorious measures before the House, and his ser­ here is the result: “I don’t know how during the preceding three months, vices upon the Judiciary Committee were particularly valuable. ■nd too large to be disposed of in newspapers came into the world and Mr. Handley showed himself to be a big, broad-guaged legis­ accordance with the section of the lo­ don’t think God does, for he hasen’t lator and the people of his District will do well to re-elect him cal option law regulating the writing got nothing to say about them, and if he desires another term.” (Tillamook Herald March, 1913.) TILLAMOOK, of prescriptions by physicians, and in ’editor’ is not in the Bible. I think j this connection we call the attention the editor is one of the missing links of physicians of Hood River County you hear about, and stayed, in the 3 to Section 4921 of Lord’s Oregon brush until after the flood, and then ing as a citizen and of his dignified I systems of taxation should be based, i Laws. _ wne out and wrote the thing up, and campaign. For years the Dr. was en- The universal eight-hour bill for ’ "We recommend that the physi­ cians confine themselves more close­ has been here ever since. I don’t gaged in furthering the interests of laborers he said to be the most un- ly to the letter of this section of the ’ think he ever dies; I never saw a the commonwealth by helping the usual and drastic ever proposed. local option law.” dead one and never heard of one get­ farmer and stock raiser; as head of The Davis bill for a non-partisan Can Squat The report is signed by Joseph | ting licked. Our paper is a mighty the United States Experiment Sta­ judiciary he attacked as absurd in i Frazier, Jr., as foreman. poor ’un; the editor goes 'thout un­ tion at Corvallis, he studied the needs ___ , .„s» .v.131uu3 <*iiu its F provisions and ne he read read extracts extracts derclothes all winter, don't wear no of every county and knows just what from the minutes of the State Bar socks and paw hasn’t paid his sub­ is best for every community. He ' Association showing that the bill had LIQUOR BUSINESS FINE SINCE EU­ scription in five years.”—Yaquina stands for a business administration not been indorsed by that body, as ¡9 that will make Oregon the mecca of j asserted GENE IS “DRY” Bay News. or the asserted in in the the official official argument in the honest investor and the produc­ its favor. ---- o----- The tariff for revenue only has ing settler. It used to be that when Southern Pacific Shipments Indicate proven a failure from a revenue, pro­ Arkansas was mentioned, people How Normal Demand Is Still Met. Holstein Breeders Organize . ducing standpoint, and it can not be smiled; now with marching-up-the EUGENE.—The Committee of One | shown that it has reduced the cost of hill-and-down-again campaigns, with This was crowded out last week for Hundred, together with other prohibi I’ll-use-a-shotgun-if-you-don’t I living. Before the war imports had the want of space. tion organization«, boast» that Eugene, increased, but the revenue had fallen. watch-out statements, with the be- the seat of the University of Oregon, Last Saturday afternoon, at the call Its effect upon business and employ­ sure-to-have-the-moving-picture lna- is one of their “model” dry towns. of County Agriculturist, Jones sever- THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY ment is already an issue in the con­ chinc-ready-before-you-pose policies alHolstein breeders met at the court And they say “business is fine” there. gressional campaign. By bringing of the past four years,strangers also house and organized the Tillamook Investigation proves that in the uni­ forward a plan for war taxes, at a smile when Oregon is named. But County Holstein Breeders Associa­ versity city at least one form of bus! “ Sbasta Limited ” Leaves Portland........................ 3:50 p.m. time when the United States is at with the election of Dr. Withycombe tion. Temporary officers were elect­ ness is good — the mail order liqnor “ San Francisco Expreaa” Leave Portland ........ 8:15 p m. business. as governor this state is assured a peace, the Democratic party deliber­ “California Express” Leaves Portland ................ 1:30 n m. ed to serve until a larger meeting can 1 From January 1 to October 1 this ately focuses attention upon extrava­ dignified, business administration for be called and a constitution adopted. year, the Southern Pacific alone has Direct connection at [San Francisco with trains EaBt via Ogden gance and the failure of the tariff for his term al least.—Telegram. Mr. W. E. Noyes was elected presi­ shipped into dry Eugene from outside or South through Los Angeles, El.Paso or New Orleans. points: revenue only. It suggests an inquiry dent and Mr. Ben Kuppenbender of 1,342 barrels of beer, Every Citizen a Legislator, I is to the reason why economics have of Nehalem secretary. The date for ! 85 cases of liquor, n not been practiced, and why the tariff the next meeting was set for October ; 69 kegs of liquor F lor revenue only has not produced If you were a member of the Legis­ 31 at one o’clock p.m., and it is hoped 21 barrels of liquor. the revenue. Many of these issues lature, how many of the vicious, busi­ that every man in the county, North, Thia is enough liquor to stock oae might have been overlooked by the ness destroying bills that are now on South or Middle, who is now using busy saloon for a year. public if they had been left as ab­ the ballot, would you vote for? We or who is planning to us a pure bred Doubtless similar amounts have been ON SALE DAILY. LIMIT SIX [MONTHS. stract problems, but with a large pro­ are all legislators in Oregon, and as Holstein bull will make it a point to sent in by the Oregon Electric Rail portion of the public feeling the pinch citizens voting to make laws, we are be present -at the meeting. The meet­ way, and by the several express com Corresponding Low Round Trip Fares All Other panies operating within the city. The in the pocketbook some original under just as much obligation to use ing will be held at the Court House. good judgment in voting for meas­ The object of the Association is to records do not show the amounts in thinking will be done at the polls. S,P. Points. each keg, ease or barrel, but the fig ----- o----- ures on the ballot, as we would be if promote the breeding and improve­ ures in any event indicate that there Dissatisfaction with conditions ex­ we were in the legislature. When a ment of high grade and pure bred haa been a vast amount of liquor con­ Ticket« to all points aontli und east on sale isting under democratic administra­ man goes into the booth November Holstein cattle in the county and to sumed in “dry” Eugene from which daily. Literature descriptive of California tion is soldifying the republican vote 3rd to cast his vote on these initiative aid the members in buying, breeding the City baa received no license re The Exposition and the trip San Francisco I in Opegon. This has been especially diills he should be just as conscien­ and selling first class animals; also to turns at all. to New Orleans on application to nearest The Committee of One Hundred says Agent, or marked in the past few weeks, and is tious, careful and thoughtful of the establish a good reputation for Tilla­ business is fine in dry towns,” but responsible for the renewed activity public welfare as he would be if he mook County as a Holstein, center. “ it has failed to specify the kind of John M. Scott, General I’anaenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. taken in the political campaign. There were a member of the Legislature The Association opposes the admix­ busineaa. Official records at Eugeae, are more unemployed; wages are be­ and the same bill came up there to be ture of the blood of several breeds the home of the state university, where ing cut; jobs are scarce and neces­ acted upon. and the use of cress-bred, grade or hundreds of young men and women Where you don't know that a pro­ scrub sires. It also pledges itself to from all parts of the state, speak sities harder toget. This is a condition which has been brought home to the posed law will benefit the State as a exert every possible influence for the themselves. voters and they are seeking a reason, whole, the only safe thing to do is to furtherance and improvement of the Eugene Matron Finds Liqnor. tnder republican presidents the vote “NO". livestock interests of the community. EUGENE.—Though one of the country has been prosperous, with Oregon Commercial Protective Asso. It is hoped that in the near future Bremen had failed to find liquor upon Portland, Ore. we shall be able to report the organ­ the person of a drunk picked up on ths plenty of work and good wages. The Yeon Bldg. (Paid Adv.) teverje js trpe under democratic ad­ ization of some of the breeders of streets here, Mrs. J. It Cox, poliee ma­ ministrations. What causes these the other breeds for similar purposes ( tron. succeeded is discovering three things is a matter of dispute, but the as the improved breeding and better quarts of whisky eoscesled is the pris­ Scores Abuse the Initiative. oner’s elothes, snd confiscated the 11 f’ct remain that a republican admin­ advertising resulting from such or- ’ qnor. ganizations will make the county istration means good time*. It is be­ The folly of hasty and ill-advised cause the people have been thinking presentation of amendments for in­ famous as a producer of dairy cattle Albany Bootlegger Guilty. of these matters that they are consid- itiative vote was commented upon by as well as cheese. There is no reason ALBANY.—A. J. Miller, charged er>ng the election seriously as it af- James B. Kerr in his address before why the income of surplus stock with violating the local option laws, fccts their own bread and butter. the First Presbyterian Church of should not be nearly equal to the has been convicted of “bootlegging” cheese income and that with very by a jury in Judge Kelly’s court. Evi President Wilson has at solicitation, Portland. denee against the prisoner was strong, written a letter saying that a demo- The universal eight hour lay bill, little more work than is required at and the jury reached a verdict with but vratic majority in the Senate is need­ the Wagnon sure tax bill and the bill the present time. little delay. Organization» of this kind have ed if the present policies are to be providing for a 10-per cent inheri­ Albany Haa Twelve Casos. made thousands of dollars annually J 0 Continued. Those who are tired of tance tax to be applied to relief con­ for the farmers of Wisconsin in sales AI.BANY.—Thoma» Irving Terrill, a present conditions and want a return ditions of unemployment were held loeal restaurant men, h»» been fined d prosperity will seek tp give the re­ up by him as especially shining ex­ of cattle alone to say nothing of the *200 for telling beer in bie place of improvement brought about on the busiaess in violation of the loeal op publican party a majority in the sen- amples of this folly. herds of the state. We all know that tioa statutes. Hia trial it the firat of *te by supporting R. A, Booth.—As- bill, called Of the inheritance tax torian. by sone the “hobo bill” he said par­ cooperation and organization have twelve to follow a dozen indictments done for the country in the manu­ handed down by the September grand ticularly: “This represents the un­ Four years of a punch-and-Judy wisdom of proposing bills by the in­ facture and sale of cheese and it is jury, each one relating to liquor law •how in the governor’s office is long itiative without careful consideration.’ safe to »ay that it will do as much for violation» in Linn county. Paid Adv—Taxpayer« A Wage enough for one state to endure. This One of the princiual results of the the breeding and selling of high class ► 15 what Oregon has been compelled dairy cattle. Earner» ’ League of Oregon Forth nd, application of this measure, if passed R. C. Jones, Oregon. ,0 take, and so sick and sore are the he said, would be to make Oregon County Agriculturist. • «wens regarding it that they are go- the Mecca of the unemployed from to give Dr. Jatnes Withycombe all parts of the country. SOOOOOOOOOOQOOOCOOOOGOOOOQOO&aOOOOOOQ •uch a majority at the coming elec- The Wagnon sure-tax bill and the The president surely did not try to •*Jn a« will restore for a long time tax bill proposed by Mr. U’Ren he Bishop Osborn of Springfield, III., .Mr. Prendergast of New York hai J® come a reign of solidity and sanity held to be the bills the arguments in convert Col. Watterson on the pur­ object» to the Yankee Doodle type of decided to remain in politic«. He «ill II the executive’s chair. From all support of which appeal directly to poses of Manifest Destiny, whose >Jvt» of the state come the tidings class prejudice and to be accordingly prophet the Kentuckian is. The colo­ tune« in church. But it all depends campaign for Mr. McKinley Illi- ’•at Dr. Withycombe is receiving the in opposition to the principles of nel «ill still lift his excelsor shout; UpMt M m > WOW u « i «»u .«»»Mtion Army 1 . lu.ii.xl ol joining the cc.. la ***t*d support of the voters, who arc equity on which the effort to establuh "On to Panama!” Una tuuaM U*cia must cMccuvc. jrcvuigc mwvi us«». •atspoken in their praise of his »tand- RESOLVED JUST WHAT YOU" WI5H. A nd the " RkjHT PRICE Too. No Route South The Scenic Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC Through Oregon and California $55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line. I I