The Blue Sky Law SPRINGFIELD IS MERE GHOST OF OLD BUSY CITY GO TO ROSEBURG AND SEE WRECK DRYS HAVE MADE Prohibition Makes Formerly Thriving Center Banen Bank Deposits Fall Off Half Mil­ lion Dollars in Dry Town BINK DEPOSITS $57,000 LESS ASSESSMENTS MICH HIGHER The abolishment of the Corpora­ tion Department of Oregon and plac­ ing 01 the vast work of that depart­ ment under the jurisdiction of the in­ surance Commissioner, whose duties under the present law are *0 onerous a* should develop upon the Insurance Commissioner, cannot possibly result in any greater efficiency than is now afforded by the two departments working separately. The functions of the two commissioners are absolutely separate. The abolishment of the Cor­ poration Department cannot result in Twt Blocks of Vacant Buildings Line Real Estate Offered for Sale at Less a saving to the people and the bill Main Street in Place of Busy Stores Than Valuation But No Bidders providing for the consideration of the two department* carries a joker The city of Springfield, which will result in increased taxes. The Committee of One Hundred in its present cobwebby, It provides for a State Fire Marshal, says: with numerous deputis and heavy staguant condition, today “If you want to find out what traveling expenses which would add presents a picture, as com­ dry Oregon will do for Oregon, go greatly to the taxes of the people. pared with its thriving, to Roseburg and see what dry Bill No*. 338 and 330 is on the bal­ bustling condition of a year Roseburg has accomplished.” lot because the Corporation Commis­ Here’8 what it has done. ago, that would make the sioner refused to grant a permit to It has cut down the bank deposits A year ago by over §500,000, in spite of the the Mutual Fire Company of Port- j angels weep. fact that there are now four banks every store was filled and land for the sale of $100,000 of bonds, to the two in existence when Rose­ H. D. Wagnon of Portland, Vice crowds of people thronged burg had licensed saloons, and that President of the company, made ap- its streets. Every merchant the population has increased in pro­ plication for the permit. The com- was making money, practi­ portion to the settling up of South­ pany had no tangible property as- ern Oregon by new settlers and im­ cally everyone who wanted sets. The report of Paul L. Woolston, migration. work was employed. Every ­ an expert actuary, shows that on Oct. When Roseburg had licensed sa- 31» <913. the total liabilities of the one seemed happy and con­ loons the tax levy, on one-third of the valuation was two mills. Since company were $344 28 in excess of its tented, except the prohibi­ Roseburg has gone dry the tax levy admitted assets. There was no basis tionists. has varied from eight to ten mills for an issue of $100.000 of bond* and Today Springfield looks like a on a full valuation; and in addition the permit to issue them was refused. deserted village, business is par occupation taxes have been steadily Wagnon asked for a rehearing, and alyzed, and more than eight or increased. at it* conclusion, the permit was ten people on its main street at The Committee of One Hundred again refused. Then Mr. Wagnon any one time would actually be boasts that dry Roseburg has erected said to the Corporation commission, the cause of excitement. Yet a §115,000 hotel. The hotel was "If that is your final decision, I will the Committee of One Hundred erected in 1913, stood idle and ten­ instruct my attorney at once to draft says: “Business is fine in dry antless for four months, and was rescued from the bankruptcy court an initiative bill abolishing your of­ towns. > by liberal business men of the city, fice." Springfield went “dry” at th« among whom were E. L. Parrot, C. The motive back of the bill is im­ election last fall, the saloon­ W. Parks, Joseph Micelli, A. N. Or- proper, unfair and unjust and it is an closing January 1. cott and Henry Hart, all of whom Let the “drys” tell all about miquitious use of the right of the in­ are radically opposed to a dry town. itiative not contemplated by the initi­ these “fine” business conditions The Committee of One Hundred in Springfield after nine months' ative and referendum act. Such abuse also boasts of the armory as an of the initiative will result in the Ore­ operation of their “business the achievement. The armory was built by state, county and city funds com­ gon law being held up to ridicule. The ories.” Although a much smaller city than bined, and is not yet completed. Corporation Department is the larg­ Salem, the bank deposits in Spring Over 140 leading business men est money earning division of the field have fallen off in the laat signed a petition calling for a have state government, and therefore the over 457.000. local option election in Roseburg this When .Main street finally 1* greatest lax reducer It* income from 1 year, and such an election will be June 3, 1913 when the department justed in the next month or two, held. tieally two blocks of store buildings on wa* established, to June 30, 1914, in­ Many empty store buildings are to each »ide of the street west of the clusive, was $310,61309 The normal Southern Pacific tracks will be desert be found on the leading business running expense of the department ed, but “business is fine.” streets—a condition that never ex­ will he approximately $17,000 a year I isted when Roseburg had licensed A real estate sale is unheard of and saloons. Scores of dwelling houses To merge the Corporation Depart­ would be impossible on sny part of are vacant for the first time in the ment with the Insurance Department Main street, but “business is fine.” Constitutional Amencbnent initiated b> Paul Tun:.-, etc.,—ABOUSHI.'.G DEATH PENALTY. etc.. Yore YES or NO history of the city. The Springfield Toggery, the beat is like asking Jonah to swallow the 33» Yes John Hunter, a leading contractor whale. There are 9386 domestic cor­ gent's furnishing stere, is now being closed out by a receiver, but '‘business 315 No and formerly a supporter of the drys, poration* and 693 foreign corpora­ - —----------------- —------------- is fine.” is now advertising in Roseburg pa­ tions upon the active record of the The La France Confectionery Store, pers: corporation department and there are one of the best in "wet” days, has Business block for sale 286 insurance companies doing busi­ closed out. but "business is fine." for §500 less than present as­ O. W. Johnson's Hardware Store, the ness in Oregon. During the fiscal sessed valuation. year 985 permit* have been granted beat of its line durini' "wet” day», Another property owner has of­ fered four parcels of inside prop­ investment companies in the admin­ already has been sold out by a re ceiver, but "business is fine." erty for sale at less than the as­ istration of the “Blue Sky" law. A. J. Henderson, the leading dry sessed valuation, and has not even The consolidation or abolition of a goods merchant, occupied a double received a tender. department of state should not be a store a year ago. Today he occupies One of the leaders of the dry haphazard procedure, l>ut should fol­ but one store and will tell you his forces in Roseburg is a man who as low after the most careful legislative business is "about half” whet it was a former agent of the Albany brew- inquiry indicates that such consolida­ a year ago, but "business is fine." ery made his fortune, and who to- The city has run into » 4',200 deficit tion would result in a saving of dol­ day is the owner of a drug store, from an excess of expenditures over lar* and cent* without loss of effici­ He was at one time prominent in income, although the "drys" promised ency in the administration of the that less police and court expenses politics, was repudiated by the vot­ ers of Douglas County, and is now state's business. This hill is in viola­ would make a surplus, if the people said to be seeking to place lieuten- tion of this fundamental principal of would vote the 112,000 saloon licenses ants in office through the dry move- sound business judgment, For the out of business, but that's “fine busi ment. nesa. ” above reason* the Headlight reco- 1 Beggars are common on the streets, The prohibitionists a year ago prom mend* that the voter* oppose the and many poor families are appeal­ iaed to reduce the tax levy, but have consolidation of the Corporation and ing to the local bankers for aid. increased the levy thia year by five Insurance departments by voting Bill mills, but "business is fine." And vet the Committee of One 339 X "No.” Hundred says: Not s foot of permanent street im “If you want to find out what Ore­ jrovement work has been done, ex­ gon dry will do for Oregon go to Although the Oregon “Blue Sky" cept the construction of a small briJg- I Roseburg and see what dry Roseburg law ha« been in operation leas than over a creek, and thst was paid for by * bend issue. Streets and sidewalks has accomplished.” eighteen month*, the Corporation are in * depl rable condition, end th' Department ha* squeezed over $>4,- probil.iti< ■> sts are now petitioning the of water out of over-capital­ coon'll to "dculle” the expense levy EUGENE, ized companies. The department, un­ If the local taxpayer*, but » few of Lane County’s “model” prohibi­ der the *ame law, refused permission whom are "dry*,’’ vote down thia pe tion city, and the seat of the to a »rorr of companies capitalized at tition, the city confront* the same pc* state university, is over $30.000,000 to sell stock to the Mbility as Oregon City, viz., the ap NOT A “DRY” TOWN. 4» public. Refusal wa* based upon the pointment cf a receiver, but "business From January 1 to October 1 » fine in dry towns.” unsound condition of the companies of this year there were shipped or because they were capitalized on Trchl Speaker Fined. into Eugene 102,457 QUARTS the hot air plan. The present “Blue SEASIDE. - J. A. Adams, a prohibi OF BEER. Sky" law is imperfect, but it is a 'icn speaker end worker, served out a From January 1 to October 1 of this year there were shipped good law and should be upheld by the five dollar fin« in the Seaside jail for into Eugene 3,490 QUARTS OF people. Had there been a "Blue Sky” fsl’ing to rbey the loc-I ordinances gulating street apeakng. Adams UQUOR. law in Oregon three year* ago the »ho bo-st* cf having been »nested 44 Of this amount there went to people of this state would not have time* tad of having served 14 jail sen 4 one drug store 524 QUARTS OF invested over $1,000,000 in the worth­ tenees. declares that he prefers tai UQUOR. 1 ies* bond* of the Columbia River «rtecee» to paying fines, ss they give Express company records show Orchard* Company. This company is­ I im more notoriety and enable him to I these figures. 41 sued $5,000,000 in bonds on $50,000 draw larger nudienee*. Upon com1 le IS EUGENE “DRY”T tioa of his jail term here he left town worth of assets. .Many a widow and VOTE 333 X NO. st once. orphan suffered through the opera­ * • • * • * a o a I f.f J tions of this fake orchard company. A new “Blue Sky" law is being pre­ pared by the Corporation Commis­ Die Anti-Prohibition forces have steadfastly claimed : sioner (or submission to the next Tlml ................ i. an infringement of personal liberty.- Mr. Wheeler admits it. word for word in oublie nriot That *• prohibition legislature, it will eliminate many of « 4 That prohibition will not prohibit." Mr. Wheeler's admission proves his Committee is not tryintr to nrohibit the imperfeetioos of the existing law. 1 he people of Oregon should not That • « prohibition docs not mean Dry Oregon.” P buy the stock or bonds of any com­ 4 4 That pany unless the vendor can show a tOthe Pre8eut healthy growth of TRUE TEMPERANCE SENTIMENT in the land.” permit for the sale of the stocks, is­ Mr. Wheeler’s admission proves it. sued by the Corporation Commis­ That " prohibition would let down the bars 'to BLIND PIGGERS and BOOT-LEGGERS, who would deal in deadly decoctions." sioner. 333 X NO Jokes in “Dry’ Amendment Admitted by “Drys.” Big blunder is misleading “Prohibition” Campaign is made. J. E. WHEELER, Chairman of the Committee of One Hundred Admits In Public Print. That Prohibition is AN INFRINGEMENT OF PER­ SONAL LIBERTY That the word “DISTRIBUTION w;s DELIBERA­ TELY LEFT OUT OF the proposed “ prohibition" amend­ ment. That ANY CITIZEN may ship liquor “ direct from some other state” into “HIS OWN HOME.” Every Claim made by the Anti-Prohibition Forces against the Proposed Prohibition Amend­ ment in Oregon is Confessed in the three above admissions. A fake orchard company operating on the Columbia River wa* rxposed by the Corporation Commissioner of Oregon, under the "Blue Sky” law and some of the people who bought orchard* have got their money back. I le same law would allow any blind pigger with a HOME to ship liquor "direct from some other state” to HIS own home, for the BLIND PIGGER is as much ofa "CITIZEN" as any other man or woman in Oregon And the b!.nd XgZ" leiausehe is NOl I NDER INSPECTION by federal, state or city officials, will make one barrel of PURF WINF RFER ^^°^Xi^XoBARRELS OF ro,soxol,s BEVERAGES ‘ -Œ2S I aid advertisement. Taxpayers A Wage Earners' League of Oregon, Portland Ore. I I