Tillamook Headlight, October 29. 1014 How do the New Orleans health I Maddux,, forwards, Marie Holden, authorities know that that mouse HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. 1 center. Belle Bailey and Helen Stam, died of the plague? It may have died of heart desease. Dr. Clifton L Hodge, of the Uni­ guards. Gertrude Ebinger and Mar- ______ The Kansas City electors may a.«k versity of Oregon, spoke at the high garet Coates, forwards, Mabie Lance, center, Lizzie Coates and Fay Harris the courts to enjoin women from tak­ school Friday evening October 27, guards. ing snapshots of them during regis­ on "Disease and Eugenics in Relation The boys team, Howard Lamar tration, divers millionaires having to School Life.” Dr. Hodge is well been granted similar relief. known for his "Swat the Fly” cam­ and Arthur Wallace forwards, Lalen It is time to pay a tribute to French paign. His talk was very valuable and Maddux, center, Don Newman and I ' Alfred Boquist, guards. Lloyd Jones arms. What we can see is that they interesting to his large audience. i are restoring, or rather maintaining “We don’t know what’s eating us,' »♦ and Albert Crimmons, forward. For­ the old glories of the name. The Lon­ was brought out forcibly by Dr. est Erickson, center, Alfred Fletcher don censorship has failed, we fear, Hodge, we spend one billion dollars a ; and Lowell Moulton, guards. More games will be played in the from the first, to do justice to the year trying to cure diseases which are bravery and efficiency of the French preventable. This is the real cause for future, which promises to be very ex­ troops. Had we not been all advised the high cost of living. The school citing, as the boys and girls both have that the French outnumbered the children should be taught the dangers very good material and the teams British in the allied ranks at a ratio of flics, rats, mosquitos, ets. the value will be well matched. Of course each higher than ten to one, we might have of birds which destroy the insects. class thinks its team is the best. The eighth grade will meet at the They should also learn the effect of had to conclude that the British alcohol on the progeny. He conclud­ old school house Saturday evening to troops were in the majority, if wc ed his speech with the statement, that organize their class, also the boys should judge from the manner in "we should all live together so that and girls basket ball teams. After the which they are made to figure at we may know how to live together.” business is transacted a general good every critical point in every engage­ Mrs. A. B. Haney, Mrs. D. Mac­ time will be enjoyed, only for the ment. Kenzie, Miss Mabie Goyne, and sev- class pupils. The agriculture class has interest­ ral of the high school girls, rendered a delightful musical program before ing talks by County Agriculturist Dr. Hodge gave his talk. After the Jones. He has given two on soil and lecture Miss Ueland assisted by the drainage and fertilizers. The talks Sophmore girls, served coffee and were appreciated by all the pupils, as it made the subjects much more in­ doughnuts. The eighth grade girls had a candy teresting. County Surveyor Jackson 4 t sale at the high school, Friday even­ will speak on good roads. Congressman W. C. Hawley has ing, the proceeds of which are to buy sent to the school a large number of a basket ball. Statements published yesterday by ■j U. G. Holt, manager of the logging Saturday, October 24, the eighth "Farmer’s Bulletins” and other pub­ the “Taxpayers and Wage Eamrs' < departmnt, Spaulding Logging Com­ grade organized its class. Margaret lications of the department of agric­ pany: "Plant will run full force all Follet was elected president of class ulture. These are being bound in in­ League” that Salem and Oregon City winter. More men have been taken on A and Leslie Conover of class B, The dividual binders and will be part of are not prosprous are denounced in 1 since January 1, when the town went eighth grade colors decided upon are the library. The library is now being those cities as a tissue of lies. dry. The local demand (city sales) orange and black. The basket ball catalogued and, classified as a stand- [ Lading citizens of Oregon City are 1 for material is 10 per cent heavier, with the problem of buying Harness teams were also organized. Margaret ard library, Many of the books are j showing the Salem dry has meant you will find it distinctly advanta­ geous to come and do your select Follet and Denna Curry were chosen now in use and the rest will soon be today preparing an answer to the lat­ more building and better business. ’ I ing here. You will get the best est efforts of the brewers. captains of the two girl’s teams. The available. Officers of the Capital National qualities, the most thorough and boy’s team was also organized. Regarding Salem, Joseph H. Al­ Bank and Salem Bank of Commerce conscientious workmanship and be War. Games were played and a general charged the most reasonable prices. bert, cashier of the Capital National | say bank deposits have increased. We can supply single or double good time was enjoyed by all till ten Banker Says Trade Good. Sets or any single article that you Take not up the sword. They that Bank, says: “I do not know of a city o’clock. Mrs. Stockham was assisted 1 _ may be in need of. by Mrs. Curry throughout the even­ take up thc sword shall perish by the anywhere where business is as good Joseph H. Albert, cashier Capital sword. — Jesus. National Bank, says: “ I do not know ' as it is in Salem”. W.A, Williams A: Cc. ing. The eighth grade social club will a city anywhere where business is as Whenever there is war the devil meet at the old building on Saturday | The Committee of One Hundred 1 good as it is in Salem today. As a evening, November 7, and every makes hell larger.-German proverb. has obtained from E. B. Lockhart, , banker I am in a position to know.” Watchtower Apartments O war, thou son of hell. — Shakes ­ other week attar that. I city editor of the Salm Statesman, an 1 ! Mr. Turner says none of the Cher- MRS. ALICE HEITSMAN, Dr. J. Olson spoke to the high peare. War is a brain spattering, windpipe­ answer to the Turner statement, , . rians are prohibitionists. The facts school physiology class Thursday at 1, 2, 3 Room Apartments, ,|:jo on "Care of Teeth,” It was very slitting art.—Lord Bacon. 1 which is published herewith. Turner .1 of the case are a number of them Furnished or Unfurnished, worked hard to put the city dry and War is thc devil's gambling game.— interesting and instructive as he | was manager and secretary of the wet $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK. , are doing the same to put the state brought various teeth to show the George Fox. organization in the recent fight to Free Phones, Water and Light. ' dry because it will mean better busi- students. There never was a good war or a 1 make Salem dry. First St and 4th Aye. East, 1 ness all around. One of them, when bad peace.—Benjamin Franklin. —□— A * he read Mr. Turner’s statement, was T illamook ................. War never decided any question of This was crowded out last week for O regon so indignant that he used language want of space. right or wrong.—Thoma, Jefferson. By E. B. Lockhart. With the end of the first six weeks War is thc trade of barbarism.— City Editor of the Salem Statesman. that would not look well in print, When Mr. Turner gives the school of work this year the students receiv­ Napoleon Bonaparte. — o----- j attendance figures he evidently had a A good man never makes a good ed their report cards. The grades on John D Turner sacrifices the fair . brainstorm. the whole were rather low, especially soldier. The worst man always makes EAT VIERECK’S ; reputation of Salem on the altar of for the underclassmen. The teachers the best soldier. Th soldier is noth­ i the drinkshop. School Attendance Better. say this is due partly to poor study ing but a hired, legalized murderer.— BREAD, Bankers, merchants and business 1 The attendance this year in excess habits and partly to a general raising Napoleon Bonaparte. j of last y ear has broken all records, of the standard of grading, [. The military profession is a damn­ men are today denouncing thm man In the i The statement of the principal of the TILLAMOOK BAKERY, past qo per cent or even t above has able profession.-The Duke of Well­ who deliberately states what he high school is that the attendance knows are not facts. meat only about average work, but ington. John D. Turner is associate3 with there is tremendous for a city of this Nepolean was a great gambler, under the present grading system S, size. from 00 per cent to 95 per cent means whose game was empires, whose Carson & Brown, attorneys for the Two more teachers have been ad­ At All Grocers. wets in the several cases brought i*ito superior woik. They say also that the stakes were thrones, whose table, ded this year. Student enrollment in­ work has been improving markedly earth, whose dice were human bones. the courts here to keep Salem we.‘- John D. Turner w'.s the manager and creased over last year 136. Enroll- ■ ’• ■ * ■ ■' since the first of the year, an indica­ —Lord Byron. .ment October 17, 1913. 2715; on Oct-! J tion that those who receive low War is the statesman's game, the I secretary of the wet organization, 1 Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., grades this time have a good chance lawyer’s jest, the hired assassin's which was supported almost entirely otrer 19. iQt-t, 295, an increase of 236. ■ W Surveyor. The school board is now picking out . 3 by the brewers, saloon keepers and to raise them before the end of the trade.—Shelley. a site for a new building of eight if J°hn Lela“d Henderson, Sec- next period. My greatest regret is that I have allied intertsW. g retary Treas , Attoiney-at- rooms to accommodate 300 pupils in The high school singing class, un­ been thc author of three wars in 1 g Law, Notrary Public. Saieiv. is Indignant. South Salem. der direction of Mrs. MacKenzie, which thousands of lives were lost.— 1 "Several of the best buildings in I Tillamook Title and consists of about twentw-five stu­ Prince Bismarck. | Which giws an interesting light on dents. The song book which arrived I hey should beat their swords into ' why Mr. Turner chooses tomalign town have their windows boarded up • Abstract co. the city in which he lives. Indigna­ to serve as billboards,” says Mr. 1 this week will make the work more plow-shears ------ .1 and their spears Into! tion h.tre is so general at this cam- Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, ■ Turner. interesting and valuable. pruning hooks. Nation shall tiot rise ...................... I paig'A ...................... of misrepresentation that — the - Surveying, Insurance. s The school library is indebted to against nation, nor shall men This is not true. One has. It was learn Turmer iai*statements probably r cost cost • Both Phones. _ ‘Senator Chamberlain for a number of war any more.—Isaiah. formerly a s loon. The owner had I thk brewers severa’. hundreds of vote- TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ■ valuable government publications. an opportun ity to rent the building. —San Francisco Star* I in Salem and Marion County. Among them are thet9i4 census re­ john D. Turner, attorney and mart­ He is r.ow in Germany. A concern *1 ■ ports, congressional record fer the was anxious to move to the capital I Christian Church. T 'ager for the saloon interests’ organ • city a year 1910, different publications is- nd pnt in a $50.000 stock, but ’ , t ization of Salem during the campaign sued by the Bureau of Education, arid j j Large audiences are in l the owner prefered to board up the 1 attendan'' e * that made Salena dry, states: "Bank Land Office map of the United States each night and deep nterest L building. Both daily newspapers have ; These are being made a part of the manifested in the services. 1 On ** b' |llg deposits show a. decrease of $309.942 spent thousands of dollars on im- ! after library and the people of the district dred and fifty heard the serme lr , hun- ( since the town went dry, even provements. Better business is the ’ n Wed- allowing for th e $485,000 deposited reason. may use these when not in use by the nesday night on the "Parti* in ig of the this year from the sale of bonds students. Ways” Tonight, (Thursd* I Saloons Are Occupied. The Webster Club met Tuesday . jeet is, "The runaway. * >y) the sub­ . Boston.” Mr. Turner says: "All the buildings This is misi eading and untrue. as evening, the topic for debate was• be a combination see Boy” this will On your front porch can be lit occupied a year ago by saloons are mon and song, are most of Use other statemnts. every night until midnight "Resolved, that a certain amount of | something differ,. vacant except six." and register not over physical training should be required Church Serv'te. ”* in the wav of a Bank Deports Increase. fifty cents per month This is a lie. All but four are occu­ of every high school student.” The I sponded to the J 4 have thus far re- on the meter. Instead of decrcasii'K> •oUl de- pied with other businesses, some with affirmative won unanimously. Affirm­ mothers comin ’’ u gr,ce sweoi ont yea» of the former date, the total de * land informed me there is or.e vacant parsits were $4,318,762.00, showing an numbers. The public is invited to at " "nder*u,,, *s 1 ... he art of singing. singing, _____ h ->use in Salem to five in Portland. Friday night’s tl.terne will be 1 he increase of $117,597. fend these meeting, The cup lha, ,hr pol «land is wet; Salem is dry. To show a decrease Mr. Turner had Shakespeare club offers for debating conversion of art Indidel,’’ you ate Dili • thc sch°o1 I he Board of Directors of the Vllv rlass of the Christian church are go­ of 1913 after the crops had been sold em. Incide. attendance si. Mr ’ Turn£r U far and thc proceeds deposited in the hbrary have decided to loan bo>,k, to ing to give a Hallowe’en 'upper in the school library. These bock, wm the dining room of the church, l'e8'n‘ banks, and compared with the Sep­ from the truth. ning at 6 p in. Saturday night, t ’*nd" tember statements made this year bc- Building permits' less with’tl’ bV ’thr wtclies, coffee, pumpkin pie. doug , fore crops were disposed of and the than they were a yt *r That ,s uitn their classes, and in any wav the same the country ovcr- ^r- «hat will help the student,, This will nuts and other food* will be served. proceeds were deposited. The l ank deposits in the city of ner says they are $120,. XX1 lc,s’ enable them to do better work as i A real Hallowe'en, lunch. "Spooks” will serve you the table. Go up Portland during the same period bish the correct figure is v'«’000 '*»»• «hey will have a larger variety and there for your ‘lunch it won’t take as H Hich showed an increase of $117,697 number of books with which to work And so it goes on, every statement jn Salem showed a decrease of $2,- is untrue; evry satement garl'k’d- halltLf X ern,nK •“he b»"<* long as to ges home. Orchestra music. 069,8 \- h«H the boy, and girl, both had a Mr. Turner’s article is a ju.,'b 'e ol 9 -IL - J I business: I prefer to accept The cessai ion of fighting on ac-1 As t practice backet ball gamr. The Senior words —silly, silly words—and m« *'nc Hoy V«- the Junior Sophomorv boy. count of tht rain would indicate that ! thc stat tments of responsible bu»i- knows it better than he. His "ar ” » to those of a young attor- The game was very exciting, the I the European troops are not equipped ness men ments’’—but why dignify them wi. has been here but a few ney who •core was 23-ij jn f,vor of the I with umbrellas. that title? Senior,^ The girl’, game Was inter- I 1 he English rioters who have been years. Buainess Bette* . J list let his remarks go as a jok Salem «•■ng. but the score was not kept a, destroying German shops in London The Myers 1 ^»Pattment Store