i (WK Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER ‘*9 Cash and Credit People who carry all their cash around with thetn seldom accumulate a competence Those who deposit regularly in this bank increase not only their cash assets, but build a substantial credit also. Cash goes furthest when supplemented bv Good Credit. Deposit your cash and build your credit at Tillamook County Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS 1 Wanted, a stock dog, apply to 1 Claude Christensen, address Bay City ♦ The Tillamook Headlight office is Oregon. now located opposite the court house. Petitions are being circulated for the recall of District Attorney M. J. Safe deposit boxes fcr rent. Tillx- Gersoni. mok County Bank. * Allen Page has bought the stock of Blacksmith shop to rent next to my goods ftom Eugene Page and moved office. T. H. Goyne. * his stock of goods there. Mrs. Small has gone to California Spruce limbs for immediate deliv­ for the benefit of her health. ery—Phone Bell 2F14—Dewey Or­ ir The place to eat is at the “Good chard Co. ♦ Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. ♦ For rent, a 42 acre farm, 1% mile For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River east of Tillamook—Apply to Geo. bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ Cohn, Tillamook. man. ♦ Wanted, by young woman, house- We are in a position to make some hold or other work. Call at Rollie * long time farm loans. First National Watson’s office. Bank. ♦ Dennison Billings and wife vs Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Frank J. Dye and others in a forclos- sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ ure suit is filed in the circuit court. merly of the Spanish Kitchen. ♦ Miss Nell Links, of Links Oregon, For Sale, full blooded Holstein is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bulls, one year and six months. Apply Bacon, and may spend the winter in to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. ♦ Tillamook. Lost brown plume with yellow tip Ladies desiring their children cared between Bay Cjty and Tillamook. for by the hour, day or evening, ad­ Finder please leave at the Headlight dress, box 351, Tillamook, Ore., Ref­ office. * erences. i»J Ï $ CLOTHES. A Pay enough to get real value and sure service, but made sure that, you get what you pay for. Ware - f $ □ Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. Cloths You will find them distinctive in style and decisively good. ■ SOLD BY A. A. PENNINGTON bRJWAR’S VARIETY STORE, TIUUAiDOOK, OREGON- Drop in and book Around □ □ <» For sale, lot and two roomed The grand jury decided on Tuesday house at Raymond Washington i worth after confering with Judge Webster $<>5.00, all for $250. Address C. M. Holmes and Attorney H. T. Botts, Reynolds, Box 282, Tillamook Ore. who is acting as deputy prosecuting Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with attorney, not to indict Attorney M. J. stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash Gersoni, for incompetency negligence rent or shares. Address G. F. in attending to business and for gam­ Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. * bling, it being found that some of th<" The Gem theatre now changes its charges that they had preferred program five times a week, Monday, against the district attorney had tak­ Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and en place before he was appointed to Sunday, giving twenty reels a week. that position. As it was doubtful in the minds of the Judge and Mr. Botts Protect your valuable papers from whether Gersoni could be convicted, the unexpected fire by renting one of the grand jury decided not to file the our safe deposit boxes. Only one indictment but to take action for the dollar per year. Tillamook County recall of the district attorney. Bank. • Judge Mason and Commissioners Lost, on the Portland train, on Aug, Farmer and Sappington left on Mon­ 18th a dark blue rough neck sweater, day morning for Portland, where with a fountain pen and a pair of they will confer with the State gloves. Leave same at the Headlight Highway Commission and the State office. ♦ Engineer with the object of obtain­ Want to rent bottom land dairy ing some of the State money for road ranch in Tillamook one year with building in this county and to include privilege of buying. Give full details Tillamook County in the Columbia first letter promptly. J. A. Lemmon, Highway. This county has to pay its share to the state road fund, but thus Cornelius, Ore., Box 33. * tar not one cent of this money has It’s a good rule to buy a sewing been expended here, but to improve machine v ith an established rep-.r.a- roads in other counties. The county tion fo" quality services. The White court, before making any recommen­ for sale on easy terms at Jones • dation in the annual budget thought Knudson Furniture Company. it best to confer with the State High­ Drs. Low and Turner well known way Commission and see for them­ eye specialists of Portland will be in selves what is necessary to be done Tillamook again at Hotel Tillamook with regard to connecting this county Thursday and Friday, Nov 12—13. with the Columbia Highway, so that Don’t fail to consult them about your they could lay the matter before the eyes and glasses. ♦ taxpayers. Arrangements have been made to keep Bar View hotel open during the Soda and picnic crackers 7’1 cents winter, and the speciality will be in lb. by the case. providing fish and clam dinners for Creamery butter (best) 75c. parties who desire to spend a few 5 lbs. best caracul coffee, $1.00. days at the beach the coming winter. Bran, per ton, .. ................... $28.50. Phone orders. ♦ Shorts person,.............■....... 29.50 At midnight on Monday the old Process Barley, per ton .... 29.00 Goodspeed barn on the depot grounds Middlings, per ton .............. 33 50 of the P. R. & N. caught fire and was Wheat, per ton....................... 37-5° destroyed. Although a fire alarm was 60 lb. Sk. bran ..................... turned in the hose company could do 80 lb. Sk. shorts.................... no good as as there are no hydrants 75 lb Sk Process barley .... there to fight fire. too lb. Sk middlings............ 100 lb. Sk wheat .................. Fred Foster vs. O. W. Chase and Fruit gran sugar .................. Otis Chase, partners, is a suit filed in Tillamook Mercantile Co. to recover the circuit court t_ -------- $21T.*7 ------- on a contract for fish. The plaintiff delivered 4972 pounds of fish to the Election Returns. defendants at one time and 1456 pounds at another time, for which he The people of Tillamook County has received no pay. and State will be anxious to Ret elec­ The Supreme Court has decided tion returns as soon as possible next that circuit court and county judges week. The Headlight has for years who were elected four years ago undertaken to gather the returns were elected for six years. This gives from this county and furnish the in­ Judges Mason anothqf two years to formation to inquirers. serve as county judge, and it is also We have made arrangements for re­ contended that this applies to justices turns to be phoned or mailed us as quickly as possible, and when the of the peace as well. Married at the M. E. Parsonage by Headlight’s representatives asks elec­ the Pastor Rev. Edw. Gittins, Tues­ tion boards to lake partial counts this day, October 27th, Miss Myrtle Wil­ will take only a few moments and son to Mr. Claire Follett, of Newberg will enable us to give out the figures Oregon, Miss Wilson is a daughter as to how the election is proceeding. of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. The We ask the co-opration of the elec­ young people will make their home tion boards and any information we have on the election will be given free on a farm near Newberg. of charge to any of our citizens. After running a few weeks the The Headlight will also make ar­ Coats Lumber Co.’s saw mill in this rangements to procure the result of city had to close down again on Tues­ the election in the state. day on account of stagnation in busi­ ness, brought about by the Demo­ cratic party. Last year this saw mill Program for Fairview Grange. No- vembed nth. gave a good pay roll to the city, ----- o - ■ which, from present indications the city will be deprived of the coming Song by the Grange. Select reading, Anna Billings. winter. Geo. R. MeKimens, independent Do women influence men to leave the farm, Wm. Maxwell. candidate for County Commissioner, How to rid our farms of the "Yellow two year term, believes in co-opera­ Weed” and other obnoxious weeds, tion with the taxpayers in deciding Roy Jones. on the amount of money to be raised each year by taxation, in expending What are the main points to insist on the money in the best and most econ­ in building a farm house, Anna Bur­ ton, Myra Goeres and Myrtle Hol­ omical manner, and in keeping a cor­ den. rect and itemized account of all ex­ Song, Oscar Tittle and Helen Durrer. penses.—Paid Adv. Essays, Why 1 believe in the Grange, R. Y. Blalock was nominated by Fanny Dunstan and Morrison Mills. the Democratic Party at the direct Why Good Roads Pay, Sid Anderson. primaries, for Joint Representative of Possibilities of the Grange in this Tillamook and Yamhill counties and neighborhood, J. Dunstan. because of his principles and high Five reasons why a man should join moral character, the Prohibition the Grange, Grace Bester. Party then nominated him, which is Five reasons why a women should a high commendation of him to the join the Grange, Will Goeres. people. You will do well to vote for Recitation "Hello”, Rose Crawford. him next Tuesday Nov. 3rd.—Paid Roll Call, Responded by aeh member Advt. present giving his experience in a muddy road. Attorney T. B. Handley left on Wednesday for Ysemhill and Polk Closing Song, By the Grange. Counties to look after his political campaign in those counties. Mr. Call for Bids. Handley is the Republican nominee for Joint Representative, and made Bids will be received at the office good at the last sute legislature, be­ of the undersigned for the clearing ing highly commented by Governor in whole or in part of nine acres of I West and Speaker McArthur. Mr land at Sea View, adjoining Rocka-| Handley could have been district at­ way, Oregon, op to November 10th, I torney lor this county, but there was 1914. Stumps, logs and brush to be I a. question as to whether he could ac­ fully removed and holes filled up. |. cept the position, as he was one of For further particulars see, those who voted for the law creating H. T. Botts, county attorneys, which was offered Tillamook Oregon. him by Governor West li.so PER YEAR. Founded in the Strongest Way Growing Stronger Every Day “SERVES YOU RIGHT lUiv §vrccljrn Petituch First National Bank Tillamook, Ore Member of FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION Of the United States. We are Giving a Beautiful Electric Drawing Room Lamp with Purchases in Our Millinery Department, Two Groups of WONDERFULLY PRETTY TRIMMED HATS. None-So-Smart Unless $5.00 or $8.00-is Asked Group No. 1—Choice $2.68 Group No. 2-Choice $3.95 Beautiful Velvets, Hatters Plush, Silk Beavers, etc., in Classy, New and latest Fall and Winter Models, Hand made shapes that would cost you in the large cities twice or three times the price. AND WE CANNOT GIVE SUCH HATS EVERYDAY AT THESE PRICES. It is an absolute fact Hitch clever creations of truly Parisian millinery is offered to you at this very modest prices we ask, means—emphatic, money saving. Come early -make your selection—and if not just convenient to purchase—pay a small retaining deposit. ALL CHILDRENS HATS AT LESS. STILLWELL’S Butterick Patterns New To Day Free—Oregon State Silverware with Cash Purchases. NEARER-REMOVAL LIME, GREATER SA VINGS -IMMENSE REDUCTIONS. FLASTEB ZL-uiù.'T'TŒ, lime zozkiozc ZLufLXTXD ZTIL-¿LSTZSZEB and CO2xL. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. IXM’KS; WAREHOUSE, PROMT STREET. BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. I