't 4'F Tillamook Headlight, October 22, 1014. CHEESE ON THE SLUMP. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. We are Giving Away Beautiful Italian Marble, Brass Mounted Electric Drawing Room Lamps in our Milliner Salon—Get the Information ? Extra Special ! Important Message to the Women and Young Ladies. 148 UNTRIMMED HATS, Actual Selling Values to $8.00 Choice, $2.68. See Window Display. Just in by Express, the largest consignment of untrimmed hats—at any one time—in the history of Tillamook. Representing every smart model in vogue. It is an Absolute Fact You Can Save from 1-3 to 1-2. Beautiful Rich Chiffon Velvets, Silk Beavers, Silk Plushes, Tailored Hatters’ Plush and Hats of Panne Velvet. We have procured “The Last Word” in Paris Fashions. © «1 © o • -KJ a © bJO o w w 1 J ri r T'. Pli I « W o £ »< (/) (f) 3 TO El W And every hat hand made, for Service. No fade-away, papier-mache shapes. Positively exclusive and distinctive models, making their most interesting and important event for the woman or miss in quest of smart millinery. NOTE-When purchasing your hat shapes and adornments here, THE NO CHARGE 1 RIMMING SERVICE is a courtesy which should not be overlooked, it affords a saving. SATURDAY, Oct. 24. MONDAY, Oct. 26. TUESDAY, Oct. 27. Stil 1 well’s Democratic Free Trade “Knocks” the I Price of Tillamook Cheese. Tillamook cheese took another drop I I in price on Wednesday on account of I Democratic free trade, and from all I reports will continue to drop in price and get down to bedrock. 1 his makes ‘ a drop of ic. per pound in two weeks, ' with little demand for the home pro­ duct. Senator Chamberlain is one of the Senators who voted for free trade under the' Democratic party whip, 1 and as a result the dairymen of Tilla- | mook have suffered. And Free Trade I Chamberlain is asking the citizens to vote for him, and in that manner , show that they endorse free trade. The Registration. The registration in Tillamook County which closed last week, amounted to 3,187, made up as fol­ lows : Republicans ................................ 2033 Democrats »............................. 575 Prohibitionists .......................... 236 Socialists ................................... 117 Progressives .............................. 41 Miscellaneous ............................ 185 Total ........................................... 3’87 There is a large gain in the Repub­ lican vote since women were given the suffrage, and a small gain in the Democratic ranks. The Prohibition made an increase in their numbers over the registration two years ago, bringing the total number of prohibi­ tionists up to 236 in the county. Not­ withstanding that a number of wom­ en registered as socialists, that party’s registration remains about the.same as in previous years, being a little over 100. A few Progressives still cling to the Bull Moose party, but those who affiliated with the mush­ room party have returned to the two old parties. There are 185 voters who have registered as non-partisan or independents and, no doubt, a ma­ jority of these will vote the Republi­ can ticket. No Route South Can Equal The Scenic Shasta Route or* the SOUTHERN PACIFIC Through Oregon and California THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY “ Shasta Limited ” Leaves Portland........... “ San Francisco Express” Leave Portland "California Express" Leaves Portland .... 3:50 p. tu. 8:15 p in. 1:30 a tn Direct connection at San Francisco with trains East via Ogden or South through Los Angeles, El Paso or New Orleans. $55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return OX SALE DAILY. LIMIT SIX (MONTHS. Corresponding Low Round Trip Fares All Other S,P. Points. Tickets to all points south and east on sale daily. Literature descriptive of California. The Exposition and the trip San Francisco to New Orleans on application to nearest Agent, or John ?I. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be received School District No. 9, for the con­ struction of a playground building in accordance with the plans and speci­ fications therefor prepared by U. G. Jackson, Architect, Tillamook, Ore­ gon. Separate bids wanted for car­ pentry, concrete, sheet metal and plumbing, painting and electrical work. The contractors must furnish approved bond in the amount of the contract. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the Arch­ itect. The school board reserves right to reject any and all bids. Bids must be in the hands of Clerk by Saturday, October 31st, at 6 p.m. E. J. Clausen, Clerk. H. T. Botts, Chairman. “Hawley is a Man of the People,” So States Editor of the Lebanon Criterion. One of the strong reasons why the democrats are so anxious to defeat Congressman Hawley is that the Ore­ gon Congressman is a thorn in the flesh to the democratic majority in lower house of the national congress, and they would do away with him. He is not amiable to the administra­ tion and they want to fill his place with a man that will bend the knee when the finger of the congressional trust beckons. Hawley is a man of the people with the courage of his con­ victions and they want a man who will follow and ask no questions. R.E. .SOLVED T hat we have found what our P atrons NEED AND - “BLESSED 15 THE MAN WHO HAS FOUND HIS work “- we found ours . we know this GROCERY BUSINESS, AND ARE ABLE ToGIVE OUR PATRONS THE BENEFIT OF OUR EXPER­ IENCE. WE BoVCHT WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS WANT, AT THE RIGT PRICE. WE WANT YOU FOR A CUSTOMER, AND IF YOU BUY FROM US WE WILL MAKE A FRIEND AND CUSTOM­ ER OF YOU, BECAUSE WE WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE YOU. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG­ ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. RAY & CO. TILLAMOOK, - OREGON FOR RENT OR Singer Sewing Machine Company. GEO. H. ALDERMAN, G. J. POYSKY, INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE • FOR Agent. Machine* for sale nod rent. Needles, parts, oil and re­ pair* for all mak es of machines. COUNTY SURVEYOR. 1’ermiment rontls at lowest cost. Complete and accurate records of TILLAMOOK / CLEANING roads and surveys. Economy. AND TAILORING CO. Efficiency, I’uiil adv I --------- ' Gold Fish Free. A complete gold fish outfit free with every 50c. REX AL remedy. Come early and have first choice. . C. I. Clough. ■ Jersey Breeder« Notice. LA M Il-St IIR A PE It C< >M PAN Y. DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, UETWEKN tail A 3rd AVENUE WEST. I Every man in the county who is a breeder and all others who are inter­ ested in the upbuilding of ^he Jersey breed of C*ttle in Tillamook County are asked to meet at the Courj House next Saturday, Oct. 24. to talk over plans for development and if po«sible bring about a little organized effort This very dcstrablc 6 F >om House:—Consisting of three large bedrooms. 3 Large Closets Kitchen. Din* for that end. This means every man Room. Sitting Room & Bath Room. Large Front and Back Porches, Hot A Cold W.ter plumbing through.* that is using «.Jersey bull or who ex­ Bath. Toilet, Double Laundry Tubs, Sink and Kitchen work Table, Elect ric lighted throughout with conv« pects to tie to one in the near firm re. ient switches to all lights. Lineolum on kitchen and bath room floors. Window shades on all windows. Wi R. C. Jones, rent this house by the month or give a dcstrablc tenant a years lease at very reasonably rental. County Agriculturist. See u* at once. . ROLLIE W. WATSON, Todd Ho* * 4