STUB. [STUB. To be Torn Off by the Chairman. SAMPLE SUNNYMEAD FOR BALLOT To be Torn Off by the First Clerk. PRECINCT, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1914 -------------------- ---------------------------------- Mark X Between the Number and Name of Each Candidate or Answer Voted For--------------------------------------------- ------------- REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, 12. CURTIS P. COE, of Yamhill County. ’3- 14. W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion County. FREDERICK HOLLISTER, of Coos^ounty ’5- 16. FRED W. MEARS, of Jackson County. H. S. STINE, of Jackson County. Democratic 301 No FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT of Section 8 of Article V of the Constitution of Oregon for the purpose of creating the office of Lieuten­ ant-Governor. who shall act as Governor m case of the inability of the Governor to perform his duties, and who shall also act as president of the Senate, fixing his salary at $10.00 per day. but only while the Legislature is in session, and prowling for the Speaker of the House to act as Gov­ ernor m case of the inability of both the Governor and Lieutenant Gov- ernor to act.____________________ Vote ygg or NO Democratic Progressive 30a Socialist Progressive Non-Partisan WILL E. PURDY, of Yamhill County. C. J. SMITH, of Multnomah County. Democratic «5- 26. W. S. U’REN, of Clackamas County. 27. JAMES WITHYCOMBE, of Benton County. W. J. SMITH, of Multnomah County. Socialist ’8-________ THOS. B. KAY, of Marion County. Democratic—Prohibition Socialist FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. VOTE FOR FOUR HENRY J. BEAN, of Umatilla County. 34- T. H. CRAWFORD, ofUnion County. 35- 36. WM. GALLOWAY, of Marion County. A ddison 39- 40. CHAS. H. OTTEN, of Multnomah County. WM. M. RAMSEY, of Yamhill County. 41. 4». DAVID ROBINSON, of Multnomah County. W. T. SLATER, of Marion County. Prohibition FOR AMENDMENT of Section hTrnr"1-. iînK ,hf..rc‘’u.,rc7c,>‘ foi niihl?rdorOV,< WB f?r CVy. for public purposes only, and Democratic ,, Democratic Republican—Progressive Socialist Republican—Progressive Socialist Democratic—Prohibition Socialist Democratic —---------------- ------------------------------- —---------------------------- FOR. ATTORNEY. GENERAL. VOTE FOR ONE GEORGE M. BROWN, ofDouglas County. Republican J. E. HOSMER, of Marion County. Socialist JOHN A. JEFFREY, of Multnomah County. Democratic WM. P. LORD, of Multnomah County. A. H. BURTON, of Multnomah County. Progressive—Prohibition J. A. CHURCHILL, of Baker County. Republican—Dmeocratic 49- FLORA A. FOREMAN, of Columbia Ccunty. Socialist FOR STATE ENGINEER s • » I oil-, OF ■ ■ 1 33» Yes 309 No 339 No No No 313 FOR AMENDMENT of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Ore­ gon by adding a section authorizing the enactment of a general law to enable an incorporated town, city, or municipality, by a vote of the elec­ tors interested, to surrender its charter and be merged into an adjoining city or town. Vote yES Jor N(J LABOR Republican—Dmeocratic STATISTICS AND INSPECTOR M .■ I» OF Initiated by Ernst Kroner. Worcester Bldg., Portland, Oregon. F A Newby. Salem. Oregon. Geo. G. Paterson, Form Grove. Oregon. John A let- ory’t’ . Ocgon. Douglas I .luxm, McKav Bldg SURANCE ¿FpnA^TMFSWOTqD^T,NG CORPORATION AND IN-' bUKANlE DEPARTMENTS.— Its purpose is to consolidate the office of the Corporation Commissioner with the office of Insurance Commission er, the latter officer to transact the business of both departments and mak ing the office of Insurance < ommissioner elective, the first one to be elected at the regular biennial electior in tqib; The Insurance 1 ommis sinner also to be Fire Marshal of State of Oregon Repeals all acts in contllc< Vote YES or NO Yes VOTE FOR ONE JOHN H. LEWIS, of Marion County. Ci 32 of Article I of the Constitution of Ore- 'hat "All taxation shall be equal and uni- a"d coUfc‘ion «axes under general law prohibiting surrender of taxing power. Vote YES or NO A B.iLL! fSr an Ac,! to levy annua,1y a 1« of one-fortieth (1-40) of a mill on the dollar on all taxable property within the State of Oregon for the con­ struction of buildings and the support and maintenance of the Southern Oregon State Normal School at Ashland, Jackson County. . __________ Vote YES or NO 312 Yes VOTE FOR ONE 4T. 48. COMMISSIONER No FOR AMENDMENT of Section 1 of Article IX of the Constitution of Ore­ gon changing the existing rule for uniformity and equality of taxation -bTu0' ,axes , ?n SUCh propcr,y a"d in such manne: ai shall be prescribed by general laws, the classification of property for tax- authoiizw’rea ’hC ,.’?pos,,,on ,of specific taxes and taxes on incomes, and __ authorizing reasonable exemptions. Vote YES or NO 310 Yes Progressive FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 50. 337 308 311 45- 46. Yes A No 307 Republican—Progressive g . hotchkiss , of Washington Count* THOMAS A. McBRIDE, of Columbia County. 43- 336 Republican—Progressive LAWRENCE T. HARRIS, of Lane County. 37- 38. Constitutional Amendment initiated by H D. VSagnon. Poj Sixth Street, ^ortland. Ojrgon, G W Ort®«. 8.: . Front Street. Fortland. Oregon. H A, hl "*• EOvh-d- OrfK°n- C S Goldberg. 1026 E Ninth w-t. N.. I Oregon, F. h t culler, Room wo 1-abbe Rldi Portland a ILSS00 —SPECIFIC PERSONAL GRADUATED EXTRA-TAX AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE IX, OREGON CONSTITUTION — I mpose Places extra tax on owners ot realty assessed valt* over $2^.000 to-wit On each $100 over $25.000 and under $50.000. 50c; over $50.000a nd below Syyxxs $1.00; over $75.000 and below $100.000. $.*oo. over $100 ooo, $3 ®O; said personal tax not exempting the realty from regular taxes ap­ plication of funds so raised to—First County * share state revenues Sec G^nty general school and hbrarv fund: Third. Counts road and br,rt8< '»nd. Fourth, other rx|>en.< •. ..I the count) Vote YES or NO A FOabk:“h^NSrn EtoT °d >CC,i°d> °f Ar,idc X! ,hc Constitution, to en­ able the State to lend its credit or incur indebtedness in excess of fiftv thousand dollars for building and maintaining pesmadent roads construct* nl ,theBtourcreditPan TO* and developing untilled lands, but limi»- .Si ! 1 a- ?nd ""iebtedness for road purposes to two per cent the total credit lent or indebtedness incurred for irrigation and Dower eWua\^o<,f\VIllHPn,ent °f Unt,"id 'andS '°dW° P" "" for both f hC Property in the state making a total of foui per cent ------ — ~_____________________ Vote YES or NO 306 Yes No 335 — Republican—Progressive ’9-________ B. LEE PAGET, of Clackamas County. 3°- B. J. SLOOP, of Clatsop County. No 305 Republican VOTE FOR ONE HENRY L. BENSON, of Klamath County. C. J. BRIGHT, of Wasco County. No Independent FOR STATE TREASURER. 33- —-----.... 1. ... - - - i Constitutional Amendment initiated bv Paul Turner, co« Fourth Street Port- ahohB8 ol Cunstitution and laws in conflict with the ___ ______________________________ Vote YES or NO 334 Yes FOR AMENDMENT or Section 6 of Article XV of the Constitution of Ore­ gon, to provide that when any county contains a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, the boundaries of such county and city may be made ■Critical, the two governments consolidated and the remaining terrho“ of such county, if any, be created into a new county or attached to the adjoin­ ing county or counties but not changing the requirement that every county must have four hundred square miles and twelve hundred inhab- ___ —______________________ __________ Vote YES or NO Yes 304 VOTE FOR ONE No 333 Yes 303 Prohibition FOR GOVERNOR. 22. F. M. GILL, of Wasco County. 31. 33. Yes Republican B. F. RAMP, of Marion County. ’3- «4- 300 VOTE FOR ONE GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, of Multnomah County. 21 Republican Socialist R. A. BOOTH, of Lane County. WILLIAM HANLEY, of Harney County. Initiated by Joseph H. Albert, ¿as X *-nter St , Salem. Oregon; G H Bill­ ings Ashland Oregon. P I Brix. Exchange St . AstorU Owg«". PorthndUOre<.JMl v 7^1 R C Co"° M D t.lea.on SU uSm- " r {•"’•«■rick Eggert. 2O5 14th St Portland. Oregon William r. Foster. Reed College. Portland. Oregon. Loi- p Mver.\it Vote YES or Portland, NO ”ancocl< Ortg.n Alfred C. Schmitt. 740 W sth St* Albany, Oregon; J. R. Wilson. 524 E 24th St \ P n-tlini th w ** PROHIBITION CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.-n; is to prohibit after January first, toio. the manufacture and sale o’ inuw- icatmg bqnors within the State ot Oregon. except upon pres“riptioi o“a physician, or for scientific, sacramental or mechanical purposes* Vote YES or NO Yes 33’ FOR AN AMENDMENT of Section 2 of Article II of the Constitution of Oregon, so as to require voters to be citizens of the United States, in all elections, unless otherwise provided for in the constitution. Progressive FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS. 19 20. Clackamas? Prohibition W. S. RICHARDS, of Linn County. »7 ¡8 Benton of - • one-fortieth - S’’ for of the e<> on F ACJ-O R1 KS^ANO Measure initiated by John T Corcoran, 232 Fast 78th St N.. Portland, Orc gon'—DENTISTRY BILL—Its purpose is to allow persons who have graduated from any reputable dental college, requiring at least two years course of study of six months each year, and persons who have been licensed to practice dentistry under the laws of any other State, to prac­ tice dentistry in the State of Oregon and requiring applicants to file diploma or previous license with affidavit of at least two citiaens attest ing to applicant’s good moral character with Secretary of State and repealing all laws in conflict. Prescribes penalty for violation Vote YES or NO 340 Yes 34’ No Constitutional Amendment initiated by R. I’. Rasmussen, Corbett, Oregon, W. M. Davis, 138 Laurelhurst Avenue, Portland, Oregon.—COUNTY OFFICERS’ TERM AMENDMENT.—Its purpose is to amend Section 6 of Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, so as to make the terms of county clerks, treasurers, sheriffs, coroners and surveyor», four years each instead of two years, including those which may be elect­ ed at the regular November. 1914, election. Vote YES or NO 34a Yes 343 No Measure initiated by The Non Partisan League, Fletcher I.inn. President, Northwestern Bank Building. Portland, Ore.. George Lawrence Jr., Tre»- urcr, 82 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Arthur C. Callan, Secretary. Ycon Building, Portland, Oregon, Geo. C Mason, Manager, North western Bank Building, Portland, Oregon.— A TAX CODE COMMISSION BILL.— Its purpose is to require the (jovernor t<> appoint a commission of five members to prepare a new tax code and present the same to the fter the appointment of the commitlion, unit clerk hir»- utirl other_ expense» of the .,t th. *’<1 —MMBJM in charge <>( I uinalo Socialist I. O. PEURALA, of Multnomah County. 55- FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER DIVISION NUMBER ONE. Benton Clackamas, Clatsop, F° Columbia. Cool. C^rry, Douglas. Jackson. Josephine. Klamath, Lake, Lane. Lincoln. Lmm Manon, Muh . nomah, Polk, Tillamook. Washington and Yamhill Counties. __________________________ VOTK FUK vmh . Republican—Dmeocratic JAMES T. CHINNOCK, of Multnomah County. 56. FOR JUDGE OF CIRCUIT COUR t ” t WELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Polk, v™a«°pkORandONE Yamhill Counties. __________________________ ______________________________ Republican HARRY H. BELT, of Polk County. 57- Democratic WEBSTER HOLMES, of Tillamook County. 5». FOR REPRESENTATIVE, FOURTEENTH REPRESENATITVE DIS TRICT’Tlllamo°koaTnd ^OR’oNE Counties Democratic—Prohibition R. Y. BLALOCK, of Tillamook County. 59- Republican T. B. HANDLEY, of Tillamook County 60. Progressive J. T. SMITH, of Yamhill County. 61 'regular^ nor one hundred and twenty five dollars for any extra The Speaker of tlic House and President of the Senate each to rec civ five dollars per day additional. Vote YKS or HU 318 Yes 3’9 No ± PROPOSED BY INITATIVE PETITION Initiated by authority of Mrs. Jean Bennett, 429 E. Morrison St- Portland, on behalf of Universal Eight Hour League.—UNIVERSAL CONSTITU­ TIONAL EIGHT HOUR DAY AMENDMENT.—Its purpose is to add Section 9 to Article XV of the Oregon Constitution prohibiting any man women, boy or girl, from being employed more than eight hours in any one day, or forty-eight hours in any one week, in any trade, business or profession, or on any farm, or in domestic service, or in any kind ot employment whatever, skilled or unskilled, mental or physical, withm the State of Oregon. This law applies t<- children and other relatives of the employers, and provides penalty for violation thereof. 320 Yes 321 No VOTE FOR ONE 346 Yes 347 No Socialist O. W. PROCTOR. 63. VOTE FOR ONE FOR COUNTY CLERK. MYRON BLANCHARD. 64. Socialist Republican J. C. HOLDEN 65 VOTE FOR ONE FOR SHERIFF. F. W. R ERG ER. 66 67. H CRENSHAW. 68 N. J. MYERS. Socialist Republican Democratic VOTE FOR ONE FOR COUNTY TREAEUTER. FRANK ALLENDER. 6q Socialist Republican B. L. BEALS. 70. It GEO. E. DAVIS. 7’ O J POYSKY. R I. SHREVE 73 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Socialist Independent Republican TWO YEAR TERM 74 GEORGE R MiKIMF.NS,______ 75- F L. SAPPINGTON. 7«- S SCOVELL FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 77 C J. BLANCHARD. 7» FRANK L. OWENS. 79 FRANCIS J. WELSH B. S. CLARK. 81. S. M WENDT VOTE FOR ONE T Independent Republican Socialist FOUR YEAR TERM VOTE FOR ONE Socialist Democratic VOTE FOR ONE Socialist Republican SECOND JUSTICE AND CONSTABLE DISTRICT FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. K E. W. STANLEY. «4- B. W. TURNER. H. G. PARSONS *6 WM. POWELL. 3’3 No 349 No Yes 3’5 Nu Initiated by W, S. U’Ren, Oregon City, Oregon, G M Orton. 8a' Front Street Portland Oregon, W. H. Dailey. City Hall. Portland, Oregon. H 1). Wag- non, Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon. A. D. ( ridge. 954 b 22d Street, Portland Oregon, Fred Peterson, Klamath Falls, Oregon, r J. Stack, tba Second Street. Portland, Oregon, C. Schucbel. Oregon City. Oregon — I1.500 TAX EXEMPTION AMENDMENT.— Its purpose is to exempt from assessment and taxation, dwelling houses, household furniture, live­ stock, machinery, orchard trees, vines, bushes, shrubs, nursery stock, merchandise, buildings and other improvements on. in and under lands made by clearing, ditching and draining, but not to exempt the land; it is intended to exempt up to $i,soo. all kinds of personal property and land improvements,of ail kinds, but the land itself shall be Vote YES or NO 3’8 Yes 3’7 No 3’8 Yes Socialist 3’9 No Republican VOTE FOR OR AGAINST CREATING A HIGH SCHOOL FUND Entire County of Tillamook. Mark X between the number and answer voted for. •5 For County High School Fund. YES. «8 For County High School Fund. NO. Initiated bv authority of C. S. Jackson, Journal Building. Portland. Oregon, and F. W. Mulkey, Room 21 -Mulkey Building, ^-rner Sei-ml .< ol Mor­ rison Streets. Portland. Oregon—PUBLIC DOCKS AND WATER FRONTAGE AMENDMENT.— The j urp. of this am - It’ nt is to * prohibit the sale of the beds of navigable waters (at bank full stage), and subjecting the same to public use for water commerce, navigation, and improvements in aid thereof; authorizing the construction O' municipal docks on such lands within the municipality or within five m les from its corporate limits, and authorizing the leasing of such lanes fo- the con­ struction of private docks, when not needed bv the public or municipality, giving one moiety of the rents to the municipality and one to £omr25^ school fund. Vote YES or NO VOTE FOR ONE Republican VOTE FOR ONE Socialist FOR CONSTABLE. »5 Yes Republican FOR CORONER. 8c 348 3’4 Initiated b'- authoritv of C. S. Jackson. Journal Building. Portland. Oregon, and F W. Mulk< V. Room 21 Mulkey BiiiHmg .-jner >. e,md an I rison Street-. Portland. Oregon- MUNICIPAL WHARvES AND DOCKS BILL.—The purpov of thi» Act is t- auth rize cmr« a- It. wr.s to construct, operate and maintain wharves, docks, piers, etc., for the u*<* of boats and vessel* of all kinds, the said wharves, piers, docks, or other like utility to be constructed within the city or town, or within five ’’"•c* from its corporate limits, and also authorizing the leasing of submerged land- for the constnictior of private wharves, etc., when not needed for such municipal wharves, docks, etc. Vote 1 Eb or NU AMEND- may be secured for all political parties and other v<’""£ in accordance with the number of votes controlled by each p<> iticalI party or voting organisation, respectively; by amending the ConMUutior sf Oregon by adding to section 16 of Article 11 thereof a new Section nund.ered 16a, prescribing that Representatives »hall be c,**,*’d .V and not by .listrirts; that each voter may vote for only one f’‘"d'da*' ,br Representative and that the sixty candidates receiving tbe > "“"V her of voters shall be elected Vote YES or NO Yes VOTE FOR ONE FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. GO«n7e*O^^ 322 Initiated bv authoritv of W. M. '^vi’-.^l-iimbcrnicn’s Buihling Om.m NON PARTISAN JUDICIARY BILL PROHIBITING PARTY NOMINATIONS FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS. Its purpose is to prohibit nominations for judicial offices including county judges, justices of the peace or district judges, circuit and supreme court judges, ami permitting any person »¡csiring any such office to be a candidate by filing with the proper officer, a petition signed I v one per cent of the legal voters of the state or district in which such officer is to be elected. No nominations to be made at primary elections; no name to be placed on the ballot at general election except those filing petition* Vote YES or NO y Eg of NQ _ Initiated by the following officer, of Oregon State T II Burchard President, Portland, Oregon, L. J. Mac», oecrciary, land Oregon, Phillip R. Pollock, Executive Committee. I ortland. <>re^on. H M 1 orntsen Executive Committee, Astoria, Oregon; and the ing officers"of Farmers’ Union: T. A Logsdon. Vice-Presidentb Corvallis. Or.pon A R Shumway, Legislative Committee, Milton, Oregon, r. . S kes Secrcta.y Tr?a*u?cr, Milton. Oregon; and the following officer, of the Farmers’ Society of Equity: W. Grisenthwaite, State President. R F. D Oregon City Oregon, F. G. Buchanan, State Secretary Oregon CBy, Oiegon and the following qfficers of the Proportional «epresentatio« Burcau ’vv J Smith, President. Portland. Oregon, Nettie Mac Ra"k,.n; Secret“ r^freast’rer, Portland, Oregon; and the fo Owing officer,>of the Oopb’/Power League: C. E. S Wood. President M Orton Vice President. Portland. Oregon, B Lee •’8«'. 1 rrak. ,7 ' Pordand?OVregeon. W. S. U’Ren. Secretary. Oregon City 3regcm; and! h. following officers of Oregon State (.range: ( . E. Spc”7’ (¿ '«on B G Its purpose is to amend Sections 5037 a”d 5039. Lord’s Oregon Laws so as to limit the hours of labor and require certain conditions of rest lor female workers and make ejght hours a day's labor, not to extend over more than ten consecutive hours in any day, in all manufacturing, mechanical, mefcantilc and cannery establishments, and places of amuse­ ment. and laundries, hotels, rooming houses, apartment houses and res­ taurants, and telegraph, telephone, express and transportation businesses, and office employments, and providing penalty for violation of the Act Vote Y Eo or in w Republican A. M. HARE. 62. O ^Sup« rinU ndent» of be appointive by the State Land Board making all otuci ive it stead of elective as at present^. ____________ Initiated by authority of Mrs. I B. Harriott 290 FOR COUNTY JUDGE. *' ■3 Constitutional Amendment initiated by the following state Grange C. F Spence. Worthy Master, Cams, Oregon. ( 1. Snaw, Executive Committee. Albany. Oregon. B G Leedy. < omm.t- tee. Corvallis, Oregon. F A. Bond, Comm, tec• J r”*r"’ Oregon. C D. Huffman, Legislative Committee. >-a Grande. Oregon the following officer» of the Oregon State Federation of Ubor 1. H. Bnrch- ard, President, Portland, Oregon. 1. J. Stack. Secretary. Portland, Ore­ gon, Phillip R. Pollock, Executive Committee, I ort and, Oregon, H. M. Lorntscn, Executive Committee. Astoria Oregon, the following of the People’s Power League: C E S. Wood, resident, I or'‘and:,2,.' gon Geo M. Orton, Vice-President. Portland, Oregon, B. J aget. Treasurer. Portland. Oregon. W. S. U ^crr’ary: gon; the following officers of Farmers Union: 1 A. I^OgSdO«. Vice President. Corvallis, Oregon. A R Shumway. Legislative Committee M.lton, Oregon. F. A. Sikes. Secretary-Treasurer, Mdton. he following officers of the Farmers Society of Equity. W risen. State President. R F. D Oregon City. Oregon. F. G. Buchanan State Secretary. Oregon City, Oregon, th« following «Hicers of I roPOTL,°’’a' Representation Bureau: W. J Smith. President. » SENATE Mae Rankin, Secretary-Treasurer. Portland, Oregon —STATE SENA CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.—Its purpose is to abolish the State Senate and have a legislative assembly consisting ¿'/ n O 350 Yes 35’ No 4 ----- X Constitutional Amendment initiated bv the Socialist Party of Ore«<>ij»-F F- Dnmn Chairman Brnnk< Ortffon V I- C annofi, Secretary-1 reaxtirer, Salem, Oregon. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND PUBLIC WORKS AMENDMENT.—Its purpose is to establish, by adding Article XIX to the State Constitution, a department of industry and public work*, under control of the State I-abor Commissioner providmgJot the employ­ ment of the unemployed citizens of the State of Oregon The fund* there­ for to be derived from imposing a tax of not less than ten perjjnt on al estates of deceased person* of value <>¡.$50.000 or over. Vote YES or r 'regon —PRIM ARY DELE­ GATE ELECTION BILL. It* ; ur*oae is to authorize a primary elec­ tion of delegates to recommend names of p< rsons to primary nominating elections. _____ ”**** »XI or 354 Yes 355 No 3 Constitutional Amendment initiated by David M Dunne, 40 *7th Street N, Portland, ( 'regon. H' , , ,'L „ EQUAL ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION AND »400 EXEMPTION AMENDMENT.—It* purpo«* >’ to amend Section I ot Article IX. State Constitution, to provide for equal assessment and taxation of all proper­ tv and exemption of Ijoo. and also for exemption of such property for municipal, educationa., literary, scientific, religious or charitable purpose« as mav be specifically exempted by hw, and requiring a iwo-tHrJs vote to further amend or repeal the section Vote YES or NO Yes 358 Ye* I 330 No 357 No I 33’