Tillamook Headlight, October 22, lolA. I voted gone into the dairymen’s pockets? This is a direct question and we challenge Bro. Trombley to prove For U. S. Senate— ROBERT A. BOOTH. If you are in doubt about any of the wherein their bank accounts have in­ amendments and do not fully com- creased. He will have to admit that For Congress— prehend the meaning of the proposed free trade was injurious to the dairy WILLIS C. HAWLEY. laws the proper system is to vote industry and that the dairymen will For Governor— JAMES W1THYCOMBE. “No”. So many voters have become receive less for their butter fat since Loss of Reclamation Fund disgusted with the abuse that is made free trade went into effect, and that For State Treasurer— Share Greater Than Rivei Store Property Rentals Drop $75 “Dry” Regime Followed by Query THOS. B. KAY. of the initiative law that they will prices will continue to be low. Yet in vote “No” to all of them on general the light of these facts Bro. Trom­ For Supreme Court— Appropriations. a Month in City fas to Receiver THOS. J. M’BRIDE. principles, as political cranks are us­ bley is boosting for the Democratic ; HENRY J BEAN. ing this method of continually airing free trade party. The same question I Oregon’s share of the reclamation T. L. HARRIS. their ideas. Every voter should vote and remarks apply to lumbering 'in fund lias been lost by Senator Cham­ BANK DEPOSITS OFF $300,000 CITY WARRANTS UNSALEABLE HENRY I. BENSON. on these amendments, and to give the this county. Wasn’t it, Bro. Trom­ berlain, or at least he permitted other For Attorney General— voters of this county an opportunity bley, free trade that closed down the Senators to "slip one over” on him. Fourteen Business Houses Quit in Less City Council Calls Election November 9 GEO. M. BROWN. to study the amendments, we have saw mills at Wheeler an in this city Oregon, in round numbers, has con- Than Year. School Attendance Less to Raise Levy 8 Mills to Pay Debts For Supt. Public Instruction— and threw hundreds of men out of I tributed »10,000,000 to the fund, more published to-day a sample ballot. J. A. CHURCHILL. employment? And also deprived the than any other state, and its allotment Many Oregon papers have For State Engineer— Those who are inclined to think two places of good pay rolls? And ' was »4,000,000, none of which has been Oregon City and Clack­ over. JOHN C. LEWIS. that they can be non-partisan and in­ still another question, Bro. Trombley I paid been loaded down within amas County, of which Ore What Oregon has been deprived of Tor Commissioner of Labor— dependent in politics are mistaken in when pay rolls are cut off and the 1 through the inaction of its Senators the past three weeks with gon City is the county seat, O. P. HOFF. their ideas that political parties don’t price of dairy products go down to , amounts to far more than the total repeated assurances that present ' as lamentable a For Railroad Commissioner— amount to anything. The dire effect rock bottom, don’t the business .nen ' of the appropriations received for “ Business is Fine in Dry condition in a business FRANK J. MILLER. of the Democratic free trade tariff suffer by loss of business? Now, in river and harbor improvements, and Senator Chamberlain's friends assert For Supt. Water Division No, I— Towns. ” closing these pertinent questions to sense as a defunct corpora­ law should convince them that they JAMES T. CHINNOCK. The three most important are wrong. Anyway the dairymen of our respected brother, we want to say that he is entitled to all the credit tion about to go into the For Representative— Tillamook who are shrewd in busi­ that in boosting for free trade party for all the appropriations. They do Oregon cities to become hands of a receiver. In not, however, discuss the loss of the T. B. HANDLEY. ness and know how to figure what he is “knocking” the dairymen's in­ reclamation fund, which, through the “dry” nine months ago were fact, a receivership for Ore ­ For Circuit Judge— their profits should be under a pro­ terests, "knocking” the lumber indus­ repeal of Section 9 deprived Oregon Salem, Oregon City and gon City already has been HARRY H. BELT. tective policy, are figureing their loss try, “knocking” the fish industry, in of millions of dollars. seriously discussed by cer­ To persona) and intimate friends Springfield. this year under free trade. This non­ fact “knocking” every industry in Til­ THE COUNTY TICKET. If business is fine in those cities tain of its creditors, and partisan, independent idea won’t go lamook County and laboring men Senator Chamberlain afterward said For County Judge— with them nor will free trade in the who wants employment. Please an­ that he never understod how the trick the taxpayers and most of the Judge Campbell of that city A. M HARE. swer these questions. Bro. Thombley was turned by the Senators who engi­ business men would like to have future. neered the deal. He was either at has declared his willingness For County Clerk-*- and show wherein free trade has ben­ his desk, otherwise engaged, or not the “drys” explain just what to declare such a receiver­ they mean by “ fine. ” If they J. C. HOLDEN. efited anyone in Tillamook county. in It should be remembered that in the Senate chamber. had said “ business is thin, ” then For Sheriff— ship, if formal application voting for justices of the supreme The fact remains that Oregon has they might have been more easily H. CRENSHAW. contributed more to the reclamation were made to him, as he court the voters are to vote for four, SUte Press Flashlights. fund than any other state and is not understood. For Treasurer— and the pick of the whole bunch is would for “any bankrupt Let them answer first about B. L. BEALS. receiving a square deal. It is the the four Republican candidates— corporation. ” For Surveyor— Robert A. Booth’s father, accom- state that has contributed more and conditions in Salem. Ex-Council­ Henry J. Bean, Henry L. Benson, tecelved less. Had Chamberlain been A special election has man John D. Turner, of Salem R L. SHREVE. Lawrence T. Harris and Thomas A. I panied by his family, came to Oregon "at his post of duty" and Oregon per­ an attorney, is sponsor for the been called by the city for For County Commissioner— McBride. They are the ablest and by ox team in 1852, and took up a do- mitted the use of the »10,000,000 it (Two years.) best jurists in the state, and we want I nation land claim near Grand Ronde contributed, this sum would have following facts about that city: November 9 “to relieve the Salem went “dry” December 1 last, F. L. SAPPINGTON. to say a word of praise for Lawrence Indian reservation in this county. In given the state reclamation projects closing 15 saloons, three restaurants financial condition of the (Four years.) second to none in the country. T. Harris, who has made good as 1867 he removed to Wilbur in Doug- city,” the purpose being to FRANK OWENS. Stress is laid on the appropriations ■ and two wholesale houses and withdrew circuit judge and is a gentleman in | las county. Here Robert, with other liquor permits from eight drug store« vote $250,000 5 per cent For Coroner— every respect. Every body should I members of the family, attended for rivers and harbors, but the loss 1 and cut off an annual license revenue of the reclamation money is greater , S. M. WENDT. bonds and to increase the vote for Harris for he is certainly de- I school at the academy. Mr. Booth than the other government appropria­ of $15,400. Ninety men and a monthly tax levy eight mills in or­ serving of the honor after proving came to Eugene and at once com- tions. In his campaign in 1908, when payroll of $5,700 were put out of com­ ADVERTISING RATES. himself such a fair and square jurist menced to develop the timber resour- a candidate for Senator as a non-par- mission. Most of the men have left der to take care of the new on the circuit bench. I ces of Lane County. At that time tisan, Chamberlain spoke at Vale and the city. All buildings vacated by indebtedness. Legal Advertisements. _____ I timber was so abundant as to be con- elsewhere that if elected he would these concerns are still empty, except On the part of Clackamas First Insertion, per line.............. $ .10 The Tillamook Hearld the Demo- sidered almost valueless. When the give his undivided attention to the six, which have been occupied by ten­ County the County Treasurer is ants who have vacated other buildings, Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 cratic organ for__ this county, is still I McKenzie wagon road land was offer mission of securing for Oregon Its several of the best buildings being confronted tvith an empty treas­ boosting for the free trade party, not I f°r sa>e no one wanted to buy it rightful share of the reclamation boarded over and used as billboards. Business and professional cards ury for the first time in six years. one month .............................. too withstanding that everything produc- I but finally Mr. Booth with his corn­ fund. More than five hundred modern dwell­ The Morning Enterprise, a radi­ Homestead Notices ................... 5.00 ed in Tillamook county have been I Pany bought'a large tract Of this tim- ings are “for rent.” Store property cal prohibitionist daily of Ore­ Timber Claims .......................... 1 10 00 placed on the free list, Bro. Trombley I ^cr at a ’ow figure and int ime it grew GEORGE SELFISH, IS CHARGE rentals on State street have dropped gon City, in explaining this sit­ from $185 to $110 a month, but “busi Locals per line each insertion. ■OS is a Democratic "standpatter." Bro. *0 be very va’.table and »his is the uation, says “the condition is con­ Display advertisement, an inch, Trombley is holding his whist about Ireason Mr. Booth gained hit wealth, Old-Time Democrats Are Lukewarm ness is fine.” sidered the result of the amount Fourteen other business places havi Toward Chamberlain This Year. one month ................................ invested his money and took his •So those Democratic caucuses they hold | of delinquent taxes on the closed Bince December 1 last, asid« All Resolutions of Condolence It is an open secret in Democratic in Washington, for when the party chances and it turned out well. He county’s tax rolls. County Treas­ from the saloons and restaurants. In circles that in this campaign the party and Lodge Notices, per line.. -05 whip cracks, every Democratic sena­ with his company built sawmills, log­ urer Tufts refused the first war­ eluded are three shoe stores — two by Cards of Thanks, per line......... ■OS tor and congressman, falls into line. ging road and sawed up and shipped is lukewarm toward George E. Cham- sheriff and one voluntarily; one of ths rants on the general fund Mon­ berlain's candidacy, whereas for the Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Talk about boss rule, the Democratic over a billion feet of lumber from first time in years the Republican largest drygoods stores has been sued day (October 12, 1914).’’ ^tc., minimum rate, not ex­ Business must be “fine” in a city party is a peach in this respect. And I.ane county and paid out for labor party is united on a candidate for for the first time in twenty years. Scores of clerks have left the city, ceeding five lines.................... and a county when the treasuries of over $io,oOo,ooo. Who can say that •25 Bro. Trombley, like a good United States Senator. Old-time Demo­ causing the loss of more payrolls tc both are empty because of lack of crat, is standing “pat”, although he Robert has not been a benefactor to Democrats, who have for years the city, but “business is fine.” money coming into their strong boxes, worked enthusiastically for Chamber- made such a fuss and belly ached the state?—Telephone Register. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. A leading prohibitionist promised to with a special election called by the lain each time he has been a candi­ when other parties only resorted to (Strictly in Advance.) build 16 new dwellings if the city went city to increase its tax levy, with a re­ date now regard him with apathy. One year ..................................... $1.50 that method occasionally. The Itemizer has always deplored The Democrats who have been de­ “dry.” Nine houses were begun, twe ceivership threatened and with “dan­ Six months ......................................... 75 and abstained from as much as pos­ voting time and money for years to have the windows and doors in, but ger” signs strung along the length of Just to show how people are mis­ sible the use of personalities in an the cause are letting it be known that have never been finished; no work hai the business portion of Main street by Three months..................................... 50 informed or do not understand what election contest. It is not the right they regard Chamberlain as selfish. been done on the others, besides thei) “order of the City Council,” which bare frames. read: Entered as second class mail mat­ they are talking about, we heard a way to conduct a campaign. We do They recall how he failed to recipro­ Building permits from January t< “Danger — Main Street Declared cate. When he was a candidate, all I ter July, 1888,’ at the postoffice at citizen say the other day that the sa­ not commend the recent attack of Gov other nominees on the Democratic August, the last nine wet months oi Dangerous—All persons traveling on Tillamook, Ore., under the act of loons would have to close right away ernor West upon Bob Caples far his ticket had to be ignored for fear 1913, were $388,925; from November Main street between North side of if prohibition carried. And this state­ well known personal deficiency, but Chamberlain’s chances might be in­ 1913, to September, 1914, the next Moss street and South side of Third March 3, 1879. ment was made in the presence of a West had an excuse, for there is jured. So far as the public was aware eleven “dry” months, they were $120,- street do so at their own risk.” Banks are refusing to cash Oregon number of voters who took it asgospel probably no other man in the state Chamberlain was the only man run­ 000 less, or $268,160. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. truth. Even should Oregon go “dry,” who has been so bullied and vallified ning on the Democratic ticket. The grammar school opening day en­ City municipal warrants. Since Janu­ Finally when Chamberlain was in rollment in 1913 was 1510; on the same ary first the city has issued »39,991.05 which we are inclined to think is very by the Republican press as he, and it position to reward the old friends by day 1914, 1469, bnt “business is fine.” in these warrants, according to the re­ is his nature to come back it his en ­ doubtful, the law does not take effect Editorial Snap Shots. Bank deposits show a decrease of port of City Recorder John W. Loder, until January 1916. This is done to emies by saying hard things. We giving them Federal appointments, $309,942 since the town went “dry,” and these warrants are still unpaid. which he was in position to do as the wish he were of a more diplomatic J The city tax levy in 1913 in Oregon The election is all over but the give the liquor interests time to dis­ senior Senator, he turned a deaf ear even after allowing for the $485,000 temperament for his own good, but to their applications and permitted deposited this year from sale of bonds City wa3 eight mills. Two weeks af­ pose of their stocks and arrange their shouting—and hear the Republicans affairs with as little loss as possible, can hardly blame him for being that his Junior colleague. Senator Harry in Boston. The decrease, therefore, ter the city went dry the council in­ shout on the night of the 3rd. and the snap shot man will add to way. The same might be said of | Lane, to fill the Federal pie counter really should be $794,942, but “busi­ creased this levy to 10 mills for 1914, and on November 9 there is to be a Caples, inasmuch as it was his play to ( with Lane's personal»- friends, who ness is fine.” It is freely predicted that Senator this by saying that it gives the pri- The attendance at the “Cherry special elction held at which the voters keep his mouth shut. Had it not been i were not the Democrats who bad de­ vate citizens, who is going to have Chamberlain will meet his Waterloo Fair” this year was about one-half will be asked to sanction an additional his liquor, an opportunity to lay in a for that same unfortunate failing he voted years to electing Chamberlain what it was the last “wet” year. The on the third of next month. levy of eight mills to meet the munici­ to office. In this manner Chamber- might today be a national figure, for good stock of "wet" goods. Ministerial Association before the elec­ pal tindebtedness. Yet “business is he has the brains and the ability. "Let lain lost supporters in every count? tion which made Salem “dry,” told fine in dry towns,” and Oregon City in the state, and these supporters were And cheese took another drop this The citizens of Tillamook City re­ the other fellow do the talking,” is a mainly the men who have been re­ the Cherry Fair promoters that they is doing well. week. And Bro. Trombley is still pudiated the sovereign will of the safe axiom in both politics and busi- I sponsible for his past victories. would make up for the donations usu­ Vacant buildings now stand on Main boosting for the free trade party that people on Monday in the first amend­ ness.—Itemizer. Thus Chamberlain Is entering the ally made by the saloons, but utterly street, the chief business thoroughfare placed Tillamook cheese on the ment they voted at that time. In­ hardest campaign of his career with failed to do so this year and the pro­ of Oregon City, as monuments to the slump and closed down the saw mills stead of leaving it to the city council, Every family which has a member dissatisfaction in the Democratic moters refused to hold that carnival. memory of one garage, one clothing in this county, depriving working which is elected by the sovereign will ill with typhoid fever, scarlet fever, ranks, brought on, declare the old- The “Cherrians,” consisting of 100 store, one restaurant and one li ery incn of employment in the logging of the people, to determine what or other contagious disease, is entitl­ timers. by his own selfishness, and real boosters, but of no prohibitionist», barn now closed up, but formerly did confronted by a united Republican then pledged their personal member­ good business. Fourteen vacant stores camps and saw mills. streets shall be improved it is now left ed to the sympathy and intelligent party behind Booth, Republican can­ ship for the necessary funds, requiring line both sides of Main street, and to the option of one-third of the pro­ help of the community. At the same date for United States Senator. And the payment on their part of $500. To three vacant lots mark the places There arc .’033 voters in this county perty owners to decide whether a time, the stricken family should real­ as if these tilings wore not sufficiently rub it in, the Methodists then turned where three other stores formerly who have registered as Republicans street shall be improved. This is per­ ize fully that simple good citizenship serious, there Is a feeling of dissatis­ their church into a restaurant, put ths stood, but which have burned down. and 375 Democrats, which is over fectly proper when the property calls upon its members to do every­ faction with business conditions, the kitchen In the pulpit and competed So little has been the demand for busi­ 3 to 1 in favor of the former, and as owners arc willing to do the right thing in their power to prevent the depression of the times, little work with the legitimate restaurants for ths ness property that the burned struc­ little business that their proprietors this is a Republican year, it is safe to thing, but suppose a few persons who spread of the contagion to neigh­ and low wages, and a feeling that the had hungrily looked for as a possible tures were never rebuilt. But “busi­ ness is fine in Oregon City.” way to bring prosperity back is to vote bors. In the country, especially, predict that there are a number of own property for speculation or be­ The Enterprise printing office, the Republican ticket straight, start­ annual godsend. Democrats who will vote the Repub­ long to the mossback brigade, and re­ where there are seldom health offi­ ing with ~ Business must be “fine” in any eity which formerly employed a large force Booth and ‘ ending with the cers to impose rigid quarantines, the lican ticket on account of free trade. when building permits, payrolls, bank of printers and bookbinders, and often last name. fuse to make improvements, no mat­ duty of keeping the sick separated deposits, bankruptcies, closed stores, de­ worked night and day to fill orders, is ter how important, how is the city '| I from the well falls with, particular populated dwellings, depressed rSalty now operating ita job department crew Mulkey and Bourne For Booth. How much have the Democratic council going to handle that class oil ight on the afflicted family. Ordi­ Colonel Roosevelt's manager in Ore­ values, school enrollments and carnival but five days a week, yet The Morning free trade ‘‘shaded’’ the monthly milk property owners, at it is now left to statistics all tell so dreary a story of checks in Tillamook county since the the sovereign will of one third of the nary neighborliness demands that gon in the last Presidential campaign. literal faet. Maybe the prehibitieaists Enterprise is one of the papers that hss * printed the Committee of One such a family keep its members away Frederick W. Mulkey, has ana?unced new tariff law went into effect’ Per­ property owners whether a street ■can that the “agitatiag buaUsae” is Hundred matter about “business is from others and prevent outsiders his support of R. A. Booth, Republican fine. adventure, we arc wrong in our idea shall be improved. We know that I fine in dry towns.” candidate for United States Senator. of the checks being ^shaded”. Can this is a debatcable question, and can I from coming in contact with the in­ Mulkey decided the Progressive party fection. On a farm producing and any dairyman in this county show be argued fropi two stand points with selling milk, a contagious disease was dead In Oregon, and, anyway, the Paid advertisement, Taxpayers & Wage Earners’ League of Oregon. where the checks have grown in good arguments, but our r experience ----- !----- such „ typhoid or lcar]et fever, de- candidate on the Progressive ticket Portland, Oregon. amounts for the same number of is that a city progresses awfully slow I for Senator is an ex-Democrat, an ex­ , - I - — X V«UliVII3. ] ---- niands special f'l precautions. A very Republican and bitterly opposed cows milked this year? These are fair in improvements when it ts left to few Rfrm, of th„e diie„ej — ------ --------- .J allowed Roosevelt in the Presidential cam­ questions which are of sonic impor­ inossbacks and property owners who to get into the milk may multiply paign when the Colonel was the head tance just now. never want to spend a cent for street rapidly and be a source of disease in of the Progressive party. Before turn­ Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., improvements. many families on the milk route serv­ ing Progressive. Mulkey was one of Surveyor. “Lets see." says the blind man. ed by the farmer. In case of typhiod, the leading Republicans of Oregon. John Leland Henderaon, Sec Senator Chamberlain voted for free Be sure you vote for the candidates the disease may come from the germs Equally Interesting is the fact that retary Treat., Attotney-at- lumber, free milk, free cream, free with ‘'Republican” after their names. in the well water, and this water if Jonathan Bourne, another ardent ad Law, Notrary Public. meat, free fish, free eggs, free wool, That should be a guide to every Re­ used unboiled for cleansing milk bot­ mirer of Roosevelt, and who haa been at outa with Oregon Republican lead ­ and to reduce the tariff on butter and publican voter in casting their votes tles or can$ may very well On your front porch can be lit Tillamook Title and start a ers for years, is backing the entire every night until midnight cheese, and Congressman Hawley at the coming election. typhoid cp|dimic in a neighboring ticket, has contributed »»00 to the Re­ Abstract Co. and register not over voted against it. Chamberlain and \\ ill Brother Trombley please in­ town. Inspectors have I frequently publican state campaign fund and fa fifty cents per month Law, Abstracts, R.»al Estate, Hawley both represent the people of form the dairymen of Tillamook in traced outbreaks to scarlet fever and personally supporting Booth. Cham­ ott. the meter. this county, and we will leave it to what way and manner free trade have typhoid along a milk route and back berlain's friends had confidently ex­ Surveying; Insurance. the voters of Tillamook which was benefited that industry in this county, to a sick person on the producer’s pected Bourne to help their candidate, Both Phones. but Bourne has written a letter lay­ COAST POWER COMPANY. looking after the interest of the peo- and how much additional money has, farm.—News Reporter. TILLAMOOK . - OREGON. ing the blamq for dulj times pl t£e REPUBLICAN TICKET pie of this county when they for or against free trade. SALEM SUFFERS CLACKAMAS AND OREGON DEPRIVED OF ITS MILLIONS BUSINESS LOSSES OREGON CITY HIT FROM DRY RULE A15 Watt Mazda BY EMPTY TILLS I n : 8 :