Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 22, 1914, Image 1

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Vol. XXVI.
No. 19,
" ji
J Protect your valuable papers from
1 the unexpected fire by renting one if
, our safe deposit boxes. Only
~ ’ one
dollar per year. Tillamook County
j Bank.
The heavy rains brought a Urge
amount of salmon into the bay and
the fishermen for the past few days
have been making unusually large
Deposit all your income at this bank
and pay it out by check.
Thus you will make a written record
of all your money transactions,
wkich may be referred to
months or years hence, when
information is wanted 1, or the
amount or time of a payment
is questioned.
Most of the large deposits began as
small ones.
A checking aecount at this bank will
be your stepping stone to suc­
Tillamook County Bank.
Wanted, a stock dog, apply to
Claude Christensen, address Bay City
The Tillamook Headlight office is Oregon.
now located opposite the court house.
For rent, a 42 acre farm, IJ4 mile
east of Tillamook—Apply to Geo.
Safe c’..posit boxes for rent. Tilh- Cohn, Tillamook.
mok County Bank.
Wanted, by young woman, house-
Calves for sale, four head. Apply to
hold or other work. Call at Rollie
George Olds, Fairview.
Watson’s office.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
George E. Hamlin vs. Charles E.
office. T. H. Goyne.
Haas is a suit filed in the circuit
Single harness and buggy for sale, court to recover money for expenses
Apply at the City Transfer Co.
♦ in removing building.
The editor wishes to thank Mr. and
E. E. Ginn has gone to the North
Mrs. Henry Kunze for a crate of
West Dentil College of Pharmacy.
The place to eat is at the "Good grapes sent him from their place in
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Portland Mercantile Union vs S. G.
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River Reed is a suit filed in the circuit
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ court to recover $561.91 for goods
furnished the defendant.
C. M. Terry has taken John Sheets’
First National Bank of Tillamook
place as manager of the Mutual Tel­
vs. C. E. McAlpin is a suit filetbin the
ephone Co.’s wires.
circuit court to recover $257.40, being
We are in a position to make some the balance on a promissory note.
long time farm loans. First National
Rev. Dora Young has gone to Van­
couver, Wash., where she will take
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ up the work of deaconess of the U.
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ B. church.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
For sale, lot and two roomed
For Sale, full blooded Holstein house at Raymond Washington worth
Bulls, one year and six months. Apply $65.00, all for $250. Address C. M.
Reynolds, Box 282, Tillamook Ore.
to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with
Mrs. Jack Olson, who went to Port­
with ¡0 or more cows. Cash
land for medical treatment, returned
rent or shares.
Address G. F.
on Sunday.
• »
Hackett, Hemlock, Ore.
Mrs. T. B. Finney and son, whose
At the election on the 3rd of No­
husband recently died in California, vember, a vote will be taken in Bay­
returned on Monday. She was met in ocean, Kelchis and Rockaway pre­
Portland by her mother Mrs. W. E. cincts whether stock shall be allowed
to ruri at large.
c L O T H I ».
Pay enough to get real value and
service, but made sure that, you get what you
pay for. Ware
Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. Cloths
You will find them distinctive in style and
decisively good.
<Mw...iyi«V* -V-Q
Lost, . on the
-- - Portland 11
»«in, on nug,
18th a dark blue rough neck sweater,
with a fountain pen and a pair of
gloves. Leave same at the Headlight
; office.
• Henry Crenshaw has bought Ira
■ Smith’s interest in the King & Smith
Co.’s hardware store. Mr. Smith and
; Clent King left for the stock ranch
at Blaine on Wednesday.
The Tillamook Commercial Club
will give a Hallowe'en Masque party
and dance at the club rooms on
Thursday evening Oct. 29. This is an
invitation dance.
Clent King having resigned as
deputy sheriff. Sheriff Crenshaw has
appointed W. L. Campbell to fill the
vacancy, who is a good man for the
D. H. Robinson, “Bob,” of Port­
land, the Alaska miner poet, will dis­
cuss the prohibition amendment from
a liberal standpoint at the Court
House on Friday evening, Oct 23rd,
at 8 p.m., to which all are invited,
Want to rent bottom land dairy
ranch in Tillamook one year with
privilege of buying. Give full details
first letter promptly. J. A. Lemmon,
Cornelius, Ore., Box 33.
The County Court met on Tuesday
and transacted some business and al­
lowed the following bills: Dolan &
Delsman on contract, $1598.75 and
extra on contract, $138.25; F. C. Feld-
schau, $28.00.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.g
machine with an established rep-.r.a-
tion fo- quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
The rain and wind storm which
commenced last Thursday, continued
until Tuesday, causing the rivers to
overflow. A number of calves were
drowned on the tide lands on account
of the high tides and freshets in the
Dr. Monk moved his studio to the
building he purchased opposite Jones
Knudson furniture store, where lie
will have more convenient quarters,
which have been newly fitted up for
Arrangements have been made to
keep Bar View hotel open during the
winter, and the speciality will be in
providing fish and clam dinners for
parties who desire to spend a few
days at the beach the coming winter.
Phone orders.
There will be a Club stag smoker
at the regular monthly meeting of the
Tillamook Commercial Club on Mon­
day evening in connection with the
business meeting. There arc two va­
cancies to fill on the Board of Trus­
tees, Geo. Henderson and Ira C,
Smith having removed from the city.
At the special election on Monday,
to vote on five amendments to the
city charter, there was not a very
large vote cast, but all the amend­
ments carried with large majorities
with the exception of that relating to
bonding the city to the amount of
$70.000, which came near being de­
feated as it only carried with a mar­
gin of 35 votes.
Geo. R. McKimens, independent
candidate for County Commissioner,
two year term, believes in co-opera­
tion with the taxpayers in deciding
on the amount of money to be raised
each year by taxation, in expending
the money in the best and most econ­
omical manner, and in keeping a cor­
rect and itemized aedbunt of all ex­
penses.—Paid Adv.
The Fairview Birthday club will
hold its next meeting at the home of
Mrs. John Rupp She will be assisted
in entertaining by Mrs. Nelson, Mrs.
Abplanalp, Mrs. Schmelzer and Miss
Helena Durrer. It is desired that
every one should be present, and also
to be prepared for a volunteer pro-
grame, as no one was appointed in
particular but every body in general.
So not knowing just where the blow
will fall, it is best to be ready for
whatever comes. Anything of a liter­
ary or musical nature will be accept­
able.—E. Stanley, Sec.
Sheriff Crenshnw'arrested a young
man on Friday by the name of Rod­
ney Cook, who was »anted in Yam­
hill county on several charges of
larceny. It se^ns that he iluded the
officers in Yamhill county and took
to the woods, making his way to 1 »11-
amook. He wa» a fine appearing
young man, and when arrested admit­
ted he was tbc right man. He tried
$1.50 PER YEAR.
to put cne over on the sheriff when ■
arrested that he would be right back
after going to the house, but the
sheriff did not see it that way, but
i 11 n^liately put him under lock and
key. He was taken to McMinnville
on Saturday.
Soda and picnic crackers 7’1 cents
lb. by the case.
Creamery butter (best) 75c.
5 lbs. best caracul coffee, $1.00.
Bran, per ton,
.................. $28.50.
Shorts per ton, ...................... 29-50
Process Barley, per ton .... 29.00
Middlings, per ton ............... 33-50 '
Wheat, per ton........................ 37-50
60 lb. Sk. bran .................. .
80 lb. Sk. shorts...................... 1.20
75 lb Sk Process barley ....... 1.15
too lb. Sk middlings............... 1.75
100 lb. Sk wheat .................... 1.80 j
Fruit gran sugar .................... 6.75
Tillamook Mercantile Co.
It is now charged that Col. Swin-
to really wrote those graphic stories
of the fighting appearing over the
name of Sir John French. Usually
the charge is made that a man's wife
writes his speaches.
Founded in the Strongest Way,
Growing Stronger Every Day,
Wir Jfryvrdjcn Jhutiôdj.
First National Batik,
Tillamook, Ore
Member of
Of the United States.
Just in by Express, Warner Bro.’s Rust Proof Corsets, latest Winter
styles. Free- with your cash purchases beautiful guaranteed silverware.
Emblem of Oregon, pattern. The Rose, which should be in every home
SHOP WITH US BY MAIL or phone your order—purchases of $1.00
or over sent free of charge to any point by Parcel Post in Tillamook Co.
Richardson's Embroidery, authoritive Silks, 3c. skein- Dressmakers Sale
of needful notions. 35c. Ratines, 15c. yd.
Come to Our Birthday Party and Share in
the Money Saving Round-Up of our Great
All Over the Store
The great crowds that are thronging this store during our celebration of our
first anniversary are a mighty tribute to a business with fixed high standards of
merchandising. Weascribe the wonderfid success of this sale to two things :
1. Always maintaining the quality of goods we offer.
2. Months of preparation, determining to render actual savings.
Do Not be Deceived.
Idle tongues are in full swing as to a fake REMOVAL SALE, used fortheir
own convenience to deceive and thereby is benelitted.
We will Positively Move
Ina very short time if we cannot make satisfactory arrangements with our
landlords. It is absolutely necessary to reduce the stock to a moveable con­
dition, making
An Occasion of Tremendous Importance.
Positive and great saving for all the people and at the very heighth of the
season, when you can purchase, the best, of the newest dependable mer­
chandise that cannot be equaled in STYLE or QUALITY at the prices
Shoes, Dress Goods, Suits, Coats,
Millinery, Bedding, etc.
A colossal, bewildering array of remarkable Sales—in every department—An
economy event you cannot afford to miss.
Children Share in this Great Sale.
Right now its, Sweater, CoatB, Underwear, Sleeping Garments, Shoes and a
hundred and one different wants—Mamma this and Papa that
This, then, is your opportunity Just at the right time An Economy
event you cannot afford to miss.
Tillamook, Or