Tillamook Headlight, October 15. 1914. Prof. Richard ' charge, except for transportation, WOMEN VOTERS ENDORSE R. i THE AMENDMENTS TO THE council, and that the ordinance shall when not actually in use by the stu­ in every case be subject to a vote CITY GHARTER. A. BOOTH FOR SENATOR. I thereon by the people of the entire dents they may be borrowed by any I one in the district. Fully Explained for the Information city under the referendum, so that if A twenty five dollar prize is offer­ the bonds are not desird by the peo­ of the Voters. | ple as a whole, they cannot be issued, ed by Mr. Small for the best can c. except in cases where they are issued salmon cheeks canned by the Domes- The first measure to be voted on It was a remarkable tribute to the to pay for street improvemens where tic Science girls. The class visited the 1 I character and life of R. A. Booth, Re­ I changes the present charter provis­ the city as a whole is not liable for fish cannery last week, Mr. Small Com os publican candidate for Senator, which ions. As the charter stands at the the payment of the bonds, but they showed them the plant and carefully j I the women of his home town gave to present time the Common Council is With Healing are payable only out of the proceeds explained the work. His kindness was him Monday night in Eugene, at the I given unlimited jurisdiction to im appreciated by Miss ,U e l ar *d an d the of assesments made against property in His big rally given him by the people of prove any of the streets of the city benefitted by street improvements, girls. with any character of improvements his home county. It should be read Arrangements have been made for Hands and so that the people, as a whole, are not by every women voter in the state of and without regard to expense and in subject to have a lot of bonds issued vocal training in the school this year, Oregon. The letter handed by the defiance of the wishes of the proper­ Truth Upon with Mrs. MacKenzie as instructor. without their c.onsent. women of Eugene reads as follows: ty owners. Tillamook is in a class by The fourth measure proposed is one The high school class meets for one His Lips.” itself in this respect being the only To Mr. R. A. Booth:— providing for the manner of the ex­ hour every Monday and Wednesday incorporated city in Oregon exercis ­ We, your neighbor women, who ercise of the initiative and referen­ evening after school. Those who at­ GREATEST LIVING MAS- have intimate acquaintance with you I ing no legal restraint over its of­ dum powers which are reserved to tend these lessons regularly will re­ THE ; TER OF THE OCCULT SCIENCE The proposed amendment that has extended over many years ficers. the people. Without this amendment ceive two-fifths of a credit. The boys and girls have organized j and who earnestly petitioned you to takes this autocratic power from the the council can take any steps which ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? become a candidate for the United hands of the Council by providing it sees fit without any restrictions as basket ball clubs and are arranging 1 ____________ that whenever the owners of two States Senate, desire to express our to submitting the measure to the vote teams. The boys have rented the , I thirds of the property affected by any renewed interest in you and your can­ i of the people, They can determine band hall for a place to play. They Downhearted, Discontented, Dissatis- proposed improvement remonstrate fied, Worried and Discouraged? If didacy. what notice is to be given and pro­ are practicing every evening under , against the Council can go no further. So, Consult Richard. their coach Mr. Crenshaw. The fol- < vide for such short time of notice, We desire most emphatically to re­ Again, under the present charter Without asking a single question, lowing officers were elected. Boys etc., that the people might have very sent the slurs aimed at you by your the property owners are deprived of and before you speak one word, this political enemies now in high places any right whatever to secure an im- little notice of it and an election club:—Pres. Lalen Maddux; V. Pres., strangely gifted man calls you by Lamar; Sec. Tres. Alfred Howard could be called and a measure passed in Oregon. piovement. Under the proposed name, tells your age, occupation and Boquist. I We would like to have the message amendments the owners of two thirds by a very small vote" and a greater number of people have no opportun- ' I Girl’s club:—Pres. Gertrude Ebin- exactly what you called for, or makes go from us to the women of Oregon of the property affected by a propos­ ' ger; V. Pres., Marie Holden; Sec. no charges. that we know you intimately—we ed improvement will not only be able ity of really knowing that an election A man of international repute, ac­ Ties, Margaret Coates. have seen you in your home and you to demand and secure such improve­ was about to be held. This measure knowledged leader of clairvoyants The girls adviser and coach is Prof. provides that there must not be less in ours—that we are your friends and ment, but will be clothed with auhor- and recognized authority on person­ Onthank. They are very enthusiastic supporters because we know that, if ity to designate the character of said than fifteen days notice given of an al magnetism, mental telegraphy and over the prospective games of the election and that the full measure to elected, you will carry into the Nat­ improvement. be voted on is to be published in the year. The boys have given up Tues­ the finer forces of nature. ional counsels the same high moral Under the existing charter the citi- Years of study, travels in far east­ notice in two issues of a newspaper. days after school for them to prac­ attributes, and the same unselfish de­ zens and property owners can be ern lands and . endless researches— tice. This is really only a matter of re ­ votion to right, that has characterized kept practically in the dark as to any Saturday night the Seniors give a coupled with rare spiritual gifts, have striction upon the power of the com­ your home and community life. proposed improvement. Under the mon council, and guards the people party at the basement of the Chris­ crowned him the greatest living ex­ In every battle that we have proposed amendments due notice and against hasty action being taken by tian Church. A large crowd enjoyed ponent of this weird and mysterious fought for purity, for home protec­ publicity must be given every act in them if the common council should themselves playing many new games, profession. tion, for civic virtue, you have been relation thereto. An estimate of the Without knowing who or what you which were prepared for the evening. be disposed to do that at any time. our counselor and helper; we want cost thereof must be furnished in ad­ I The fifth and last measure proposed At about 11:15 the boxes which the are, without asking you any questions the same spirit, the same high pur- vance so that the property owners is one providing for the issuing of girls brought were sold and all ad­ this strangely gifted man reads your poses that have characterized your may be fully advised and be able to I entire past and future life with unerr­ bonds for the payment of the city’s journed to the dining hall. hi.me and contunity life, that has remonstrate to protect themselves The Webster Club was reorganized ing accuracy. He tells you the names floating debt, and the running ex­ made homes brighter, schools strong­ against extravagance and imposition. penses for the year 1914. As the city with the following officers: Pres. of friends, enemies or rivals; tells you er and churches more effective Further, a just and equitable appor­ has a larger number of warrants out­ Thomas Coates; Vice Pres. Areta Ev- whether husband, wife or sweetheart throughout your influence to every tionment is provided for so that each standing which are bearing interest etson; Sec. and Tres., Lalen Maddux. is true; tells how to gain the love of I home under our flag.” property owner affected can know in at the same rate that the bonds would The club meets the first and third advance the exact cost as to his or bear if this measure were carried, the Tuesdays in the month. The purpose her individual property. I city will not lose anything in that of this club is for practice in public Parent Teachers Meeting. Another important feature of the speaking, study of parlimentary rules way. proposed amendments is that the i The Parent Teachers social given at 1 It further provides that outstand­ and orders and general debating. The the high school auditorium on Friday Bancroft Bonding Act is made a part ing warrants for which the city has club will be glad ti have any body evening, Oct. 9 was well attended, thereof with the added protection received value may be exchanged for come and visit these meetings. The » there being much interest manifested. that the property owner is given these bonds at par, but that no war­ next meeting will be Tuesday, the thirty days instead of ten in which to A short program was rendered by rants shall be taken up which are 20th, when the following subject will pupils from the grades and high take advantage of this act. ' outstanding for which the city has be discussed. “Resolved, that certain This measure also provides for the school. These numbers furnish an op­ not receive value. This is inserted to amount of physical training should be portunity for the parents to enjoy changing grades of streets and allow­ prevent some of the warrants which required by every high school stu­ ing damages and assessing benefits the work of their children. I have been issued and for which no dent.’ ’ Dainty refreshments were served in on account of it, something which the value has been received, being taken I The Shakespeare Club is giving a the school kitchen, after which par­ »pt esent charter does not cover in any | in by the city and the people having prize to the best debator for the en­ I ents and teachers became more ac­ way. to pay therefor. suing year. This is the first year that | This measure provides that the city quainted. The measure also provides for re- a club of this city has ever offered the The receipts of the evening were shall not be liable for any bonds demption of the bonds and the re- high school a prize. This is very con­ $18.20, to be used in the interest of which may be issued for paying fob serving of the right to the city to re- siderate of the club as it will encour­ street improvements, unless the the school. deem at any time at or after five age the debators to become the best. These socials will be given each %onds are specially guaranteed, aiul years from the time of their issue. month and it is hoped that they may this guarantee is to be given only I ' This would bring city warrants up Poyskey for County Surveyor be instrumental in fostering a hearty when the common council finds it to par and put the city’s business on a proper in order to make the bonds co-operation of all the factors that cash basis, the city not having to pay sell for par, and bonds c;)inot then If Tillamook County is to have the make up the school. high prices by reason of discount On Monday evening Oct. I2jth, a be issued binding the city as a whole warrants. | best possible roads at lowest cost, business meeting was held. The ad­ unless the people are satisfied, as Even with this authority the voters the county surveyor must be able to visability of preparing the soil for such a bond issue is made always sub-1 would, when the bonds are proposed handle road construction from start school gardens was discussed, and it ject to the referendum for the people to be issued by the council, have the to finish. That is what is required of was agreed that a portion of Stillwell to vote on it if they desire, right to have the ordinance for that him under the laws now in force; and Another provision contained is pro­ purpose referred to the vote of Park be used for that purpose. the that what he is paid for. I Two interesting numbers were ren­ viding for making a new assessment people so that if the purpose for i Concrete is getting to be an impor­ for street improvements if the first dered, a solo by Mrs. Trombley and which any particular part of the tant factor in road and bridge build­ assessment is not valid. This would bonds is proposed to be issued is a reading by Mrs. Whitehouse. not ing. Concrete is permanent. It is The business meeting of this society apply only where the first assessment satisfactory to the people they will cheap. Concrete bridges are rapidly occur on the second Monday of each through some technicality is held not still have the power to prevent their replacing wooden structures. Even month, and all concerned in the wel­ not to bind the property. It is also being issued notwithstanding this roads are being built of concrete. The fare of the school are urged to attend. provided that the amount of the as­ measure may be adopted. county surveyor must be familiar A picture is to be given to the room sessment shall not exceed the amount I Each measure stands alone and is with concrete construction. having the best representation of of benefits which property receives to b voted on separately, so that any I G. J. Poysky, independant candidate fiom the improvement made, so that parents at these meetings. one not satisfied with and particular is able to look after road building the rights of the property owners are measure may vote against it without from beginning to end. He can do it fully protected. This provision is the voting against any other which is properly. He has had experience in Fly “Swatter” Coming. same provision that is contained in road and bridge building, including satisfactory. the charter of the City of Portland. the use of concrete, in this county. Dr. Clifton Freeman Hodge, for- Under the present charter, if the com­ To the Citizens of Tillamook City. A vote for Poysky is a vote for the i merly of Clark Univeriity, and now mon council in making an assessment In view of the fact that next Mon­ man who is qualified. engaged in extension work With the through some oversight fails to in­ day is the date set for the special Information furnished by E. J. University of Oregon, has been se­ clude something necessary to bind election to vote upon the amend­ Claussen, Tillamook, Oregon. cured by the l’arent-Teachers’ Asso­ the property, no assessment can be ments to our city charter and believ­ Paid Advertsement. ciation to speak in Tillamook next made and the city at large would ing it to be of vital importance to our Friday, October 23. have to pay the cost of improvement ' cit”y that the amendments be adopted, Dr. Hodge is noted as the original notwithstanding the property owner we> as citizens and taxpayers of Till- “Swat the fly” advocate. It was while would be greatly benefitted thereby, ‘ amook City, take this method of ex- he was at Clark University that he and have no objections to the im- pressing our unqualified approval began the study of the fly as a car­ provement made in any way what- J and endorsement of said measures rier of disease. The results of these c'*r- . and would respectfully urge every studies were so startling that many 1 lie second measure proposed pro- citizen interested in the welfare of communities started clean up move­ vides for widening or establishing , our - to use hj, or ker effort, lo ments. Several large cities, including streets, and charging up the benefits ' secure the adoption of said amend­ Baltimore, and Cleveland, Ohio, em­ of street to the adjoining property.1 ments. ployed Dr. Hodge to direct the work Also allowing damages to the prop­ Respectfully submitted, of fly extermination. At Baltimore his erty owners whose property is taken. M. W. Harrison. work was so thorough that the story The present charter provides for S. S. Johnson. is told that students in Johns Hop­ opening or widening streets, but the F. R. Beals. kins University there had to send city as a whole is required under it to Alex McNair. over to Washington to get flies to use pay any cost which is incurred in H. H. Rosenberg with the problem of buying Harness that respect. There are many cases in labratory work. B. E. King you will find it distinctly advanta­ where the property owners in a cer ­ Dr. Hodge is also an author of con­ Henry Crenshaw geous to come and do your select siderable note. His ‘‘Nature Study of tain locality are greatly benefited ing here. You will get the best E. T. Haltom qualities, the moat thorough and Life” is in universal use the country by opening streets, and it is the in­ H. T. Botts conscientious workmanship and be os er as a text in schools and for the tention of this measure to provide D. L. Shrode charged the most reasonable prices. use of teachers in directing nature that they shall pay the cost of the We can supply single or double C. H. Woolfe study, and his new book ‘‘Civic Biol­ opening as far as they are benefitted bets or any single article that you W. J. Stephens. may be in need of. ogy” promises to be still more widely by it, and for the entire expense to be used. I thrown on the city as a whole where T. H. S. Notes. It is expected that Dr. Hodge will large portions of the city would re­ lecture either pn “The Plague of ceive no direct benefit from the open­ A large number of book* have been Flies,” or on “Eugenics.” Tillamook ing of the street. secured by Mr. Onthank, from the 0R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN. On your front porch can be lit i’ very fortunate to secure a speaker The third measure is one merely State Library, at Salem, which are every niglit until midnight oi the note of Dr. Hodge. His lecture pioviding for the way in which bonds I being used extensively in the school and register not over DENTIST, I will be given in the high school audi­ are to be issued when they are pec- J work. These books will be returned fifty cents per month • on the meter. torium and will be entirely free. The milted to be issued. It specially pco-' in December. The greater part are Successor to Dr. Perkin*. lecture will begin promptly at eight vide* that no bonds shall be issued books that are being used in the o’clock. except by ordinance of the common history classes. They are sent free of . TILLAMOOK, OREGON. COAST TOWER COMPANY Chairvoyant, Palmist, oi Psychologist, and Mag- i netic Healer. Eugene Women Tell what They Know of his Home Life. anyone; teaches you how to succeed in business, love, marriage, lawsuits and investments, in fact everything. If you are in doubt or trouble of any kind, in ill health or unsuccessful no matter what the cause or nature of your trouble or illness may be, consult Professor Richard. ONLY SEVEN DAYS IN TILLA­ MOOK. .Nation wide Rreputation as Healer, and Mental Diagnostician. I; perplexed, worried, in doubt or trouble consult him, in love, business changes, marriage or divorce; tells names, dates, secrets—how to get well, be magnetic physically and men­ tally vigorous; overcome bad habits, gives good luck, cures constipation, indigestion, rheumatism and memory, evil influences, spells, deafness absent treatment for all troubles; lo­ cates missing friends, buried treas- ures, mines, ore veins; tells you ex- actly what you wish. He tells you EXACTLY what you wish to know concerning the very af­ fairs in which you are most deeply interested, or makes no charge. Implants in your affairs a wonder­ ful unseen influence, whereby you can control any cne secretly in 3 to 21 days, Will give you the most com­ plete, exact, reliable and intelligent reading you ever had. Tell you more than all others combined. Prof Richard asks no money in ad­ vance and positively refuses to accept any unless entire satisfaction is given. Those coming from out of the city will find Prof. Richard’s parlors rest­ ful a.id retired. Private reception par­ lors and so arranged that you meet no strangers. Maid in attendance. Readings in reach of all. Consultation Free. Honrs, 10 a.m. to 8.3O p.m. Daily and Sunday. Office : Hotel Tillamook. FOUNTAIN PENS 25 per cent off on Standard make Fountain Pens. Some Regular $3.50 pens for $2.00 C. I. CLOUGH CO -Vlr 1 w^V*11 LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, i I I I 1» TILtUAmOOK, OREGON. Drop in and Look Around-” $ A15 Watt Mazda Lamp W.A, Williams Ic Cc. Ç I bidn»y E. HinJers^n, Pre»., Surveyor. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Trea9., Attorney-at- Law, Notrary Public Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Liw. Aoitricts. R «.il Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON.