* » Tillamook Headlight, October 15, 1914. We will quote the law as it appears in .the Normal School vote of 1910 QALVIN R. WORRAlx, Jackson county gave the largest coun in the official pamphlet: lawyer , “From and after January first, 19*6, ty majority for the Normal School at d the second largest( Mult- 1 BUSINESS COUNSELOR T it eston ant For U. S. Senate— no intoxicating liquors shall be manu­ exceeding) for the Mon “ .vreedimr) Mon- ­ ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY ROBERT A. BOOTH. factured, or sold within this state, ex­ nom^h only For Congress— cept for medical purposes upon per- mouth Normal. In 1912 the Agri­ PUBLIC. cultural College and U. of O. millage WILLIS C. HAWLEY. There is a wider split in the Demo­ t scription of a licensed physician, or bill received the second largest coun­ 25 years experience. Coe«^ For Governor— cratic party in Oregon than most per­ for scientific, sacramental or mechan­ ty majority from Jackson; and in I Free. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. sons imagine, and it is not confined I ical purposes. “This section is self I 1908 and 1913 the University of Ore­ Commercial Club Bld Til)» For State Treasurer— to one locality, brought about by the executing, and all provisions of the gon appropriation bills received their THOS. B. KAY. West-Smith Chamberlain faction of Constitution and laws of the state third largest (.Multnomah and Lane 0R. L. L. HOY, For Supreme Court— the Democratic party wanting to and of the charters and ordinances of THOS. J. M’BRIDE. leading) county majority from Jack- dominate the other factions, For in- all cities, towns and other municipal­ HF.NRY J BEAN. son. The vote of other Southern PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ities therein, in conflict with the pro ­ stance, we see that Colonel C. E. S. I T. L. HARRIS. Oregon counties was apporttonately T illamook B lock Wood, a life long Democratic, jump­ visions of this section, are hereby re­ HENRY I. BENSON. as strong. Their people believe in ed the fence because he has no faith pealed.” ____________ , For Attorney General— and support state schools. Tillamook, in Chamberlain and that faction of Oregon< GEO. M. BROWN. ■ Southern Oregon United. the Democratic party. The Colonel in For Supt. Public Instruction— J2) R ’ ELMKR ALLEN Summons. a speech related that two years ago J. A. CHURCHILL. when Dr. Harry Lane was the Dem ­ | The effect to open the Southern (Successor to Dr. Sharp), For State Engineer— In the Circuit Court of the State of ocratic candidate for the Senate, both Oregon State Normal School at Ash­ JOHN C. LEWIS. Oregon for Tillamook County. DENTIST. Dr. Lane and Frank S. Myers—now land seems to have secured the quite For Commissioner of Labor— John Hahn, postmaster of Portland — came to him general support of the counties of Plaintiff, O. P. HOFF. Commercial Building, Tillamook vs. and said that they had no confidence Southern Oregon. This fact should lor Railroad Commissioner— About 50 years since the snap in Senator Chamberlain, that they help thateffort, for the people of the Gus Mahne and Marie Mahne FRANK J. MILLER. and M. W. Harrison, J~^R. JACK OLSEN, shot man heard temperance lecturers had no trust or faith in him, that state have too long considered the For Supt. Water Division No, I— Defendants. treacherous they believed him to be predict that in a few years liquor state ’ s schools as means of passing JAMES T. CHINNOCK. To Gus Mahne and Marie Mahne, dentist . Jonathan out “spoils” from the state treasury the above named defendants: would be wiped from the face of the and in fact supported For Representative— You, and each of you, are hereby (I. o. o. F Bldg.) Bourne. This will give some idea as earth. We have heard the same pre ­ to the several localities where they T. B. HANDLEY. required to appear and answer the dictions a good many times since, and to the spirit amongst Democrats. are situated. For Circuit Judge— complaint filed against you in the Tillamook - Oregon1 we are hearing them again today, and i The school was in operation under above entitled suit and court, on or HARRY H. BELT. Our rattled brain governor is mak ­ if we live another 50 years, no doubt, biennial appropriations from the leg­ before the last day of the time pre­ we shall hear the same thing. When ing a fool of himself again. Read islature for fourteen years. In the scribed in the order for the publica­ THE COUNTY TICKET. C. HAWK, we look over the statistics and see what he says, “The next legislature is session of 1909 the appropriation bill, tion of summons herein which said For County Judge— order was made and dated September the enormous increase in the consum­ going to crucify the people’s most after passing the house, failed in the 8th, 1914, and if you fail to so answer, A. M. HARE. ption of liquors of all kinds, it looks cherished possessions—direct legis­ senate, and the regents were without for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ For County Clerk— PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to us that temperance orators and lation—and we need a man in the authority to continue the school. ply to the court for the relief prayed J. C. HOLDEN. this prophets are not confining them­ governor’s chair who will give For Sheriff— 1 he plant consists of two main school for in said complaint on file herein, Buy City Oregon crowd the fight of their lives—a man buildings, women’s dormitory, men’s towit; for judgemnt against said de­ selves strictly to gospel truth. H. CRENSHAW. fendants and each of them for the who will stand for the rights of the dormitory, gymnasium, library, heat­ sum of $200.00 together with interest For Treasurer— Cheese took another drop on Tues­ people.” It seems to us that the peo- ing plant, and considerable equipment thereon at the rate of 8 per cent pet QARL HABERLACH, B. L. BEALS. day as the result of Democratic free pie of the state nominated tickets at —all of this the property of the state annum from the 4th day of October, For Surveyor— ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. trade, with little or no demand for the primary election and will cast of Oregon and free from indebtedness 1906 until paid and for the further R. L. SHREVE. sum of $75.00 attorney ’ s fees herein, Tillamook Cheese, The price of their ballots again next month, at the or incumbrance of any kind. For County Commissioner— The and for the costs and disbursments of T illamook B eock cheese in Wisconsin is the lowest in general election, and that being the school is under the State Board of this suit; that a certain mortgage (Two years.) Tillamook Oregon many years, a large quantity having case, will any sane person dispute Normal School Regents, a board ap­ mentioned in said complaint, for F. L. SAPPINGTON. been sold last week for 121ZC. Are the fact that those who are elected pointed from citizens of counties hav­ $200.00 given by said defendants to (Four years.) H. GOYNE, you going to vote for more Demo­ will be by the sovereign rule of the ing no state educational institution, plaintiff be foreclosed and the prop­ FRANK OWENS. erty covered by said mortgage, towit; cratic free trade next month? A people? And how does Governor For Coroner— hence its management in the interest the NE quarter of section nine Town­ whole raft of our citizens, and dairy­ West know who the people will elect S. M. WENDT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. of the entire state is assured. No ship three North of Range six west of the Willamette meridian, in Tilla­ men as well, bolted the Republican as legislators before the election? citizen of Jackson County is on the mook County, Oregon, be sold in the party two years ago, who wanted a Such Tommyrot is characteristic of Office: O pposite C ourt H ovsi , ADVERTISING RATES. board. manner provided by law and the pro­ change. Wei! they’ve got what they the governor, and certainly laughable The committee behind this effort, ceeds of such sale applied to the pay­ Tillamook .... Oregon. voted for and should not complain. to those who watch his antics. It Legal Advertisements. composed of prominent citizens from ment of said judgment, and that all First Insertion, per line...............! I .10 Haven’t we got free cream, free milk, shows plainly that we need a level each of the seven counties of South­ persons claiming by through or under said defendants or either of them J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, free lumber, free fish, free meat, free headed, business man like Dr. Withy­ Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 ern Oregon, emphasizes these points subsequent to the execution of said eggs, free wool, etc? combe at the head of the state gov ­ Business and professional cards in their argument for the re-estab­ mortgage either as purchasers, in- ATTORNEY ernment, and not a cranky crank. one month ................................ 1.00 cumberances or otherwise be forever lishment of the school. AND Not one word is heard these days barred and foreclosd of all right, title, Homestead Notices .................... 500 They point out, first, that a Nor­ claim or equity of redemption in and There is a movement on foot to de­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 about Statement No. 1, the Oregon System, the sovereign rule of the feat F. L. Sappington, for county mal school is not a school of high to said real property and every part T illamook B lock , Locals per line each insertion. •OS people, etc., for the politicians rode commissioner, who is the nominee of education, but for the sole purpose of thereof, and that said defendants, and Tillamook - . . . Oregon. Display advertisement, an inch, training teachers in the common each of them, be adjudged to pay any ROOM NO. 261. these hobbies to death in the pre ­ the Republican party. The snap shot one month .................................. deficiency which may remain unpaid ■50 vious elections and it is necessary to man can say this without fear of con­ schools. after applying the proceeds of said All Resolutions of Condolence Second, that the state spends over J. CLAUSSEN, sale properly applicable to the satis­ have something new to fool the peo­ tradiction, that Mr. Sappington is the and Lodge Notices, per line.. •05 $5,000,000 annually on its common faction of said judgment, and for such • LAWYER, Cards of Thanks, per line.......... .05 ple and to divert their minds from est qualified candidate running for schools and that, from a standpoint other and further relief as to the the real issue that confronts them, county commissioner, for he is not DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Court may seem meet with equity. which is Republican protection for only a civil engineer, but a practical of economy alone, this school should This summons is served upon you etc., minimum rate, not ex­ 213 T illamook B lock that the common and each of you, by order of the American producers and manufac­ road builder and knows from actual be maintained ceeding five lines.%.................. ■25 schools may have trained teachers. Honorable Webster Holmes, Judge turers vs. Democrtic free trade and experience how they should be con­ Tillamook - ■ Oregon of the above named court, dated competition with cheap foreign labor. structed in this wet climate. But In other words, that this $5,000,000 Sept 8th, 1914, and the date of the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. This is a clean cut issue. "Wet” and how ofteft it does occur that when it of taxpayers’ money shall be spent first publication of this summons is T. BOALS, M.D., (Strictly in Advance.) “dry" docs not cut any figure in this comes to selecting men to conduct through teachers who know their the 10th day of September, 1914, and One year ....................................... $1.50 issue. Which do you favor of the two county business, especially in road business. The efficiency of our the date of the last publication there­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Six months ........................................... 75 policies? common school teachers should be of of and the last date upon which you building, the taxpayers select those are required to appear and answer on Three months....................................... 50 Surgeon S. P. Co. prime concern to citizens. He em ­ —o------ least suitable. And then they wonder or before is and will expire on the _ The Democratic free trade fallacy is why their taxes are so high, and so ployes a clever lawyer; he is particu­ 22nd day of October, 1914. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) T. B. Handley, Entered as second class mail mat­ tough on Tillamook we are willing much Tillamook .... Oregon good money squandered lar about the doctor he calls in. How Attorney for Plaintiff. ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at to admit. The price of cheese is again on roads. We believe that F. L. Sap­ much more particular he should be Tillamook, Ore., under the act of on the downward grade, saw mills pington and F. L. Owens, will make a with the ability of the trainer of his J K. REEDY, D.V M., have had to close down and money good road team, and with A. M. Hare children. March 3, 1879. President Campbell of the State for harbor improvements denied Ne­ as county judge, the taxpayers will VETERINARY. halem. But this is not all. Business have a clean, economical, progressive University says; “There could be no THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. and employment has been on the bum administration of county affairs. Mr. greater extravagance than that of Both Phones. I «.ver since the Democratic party Sappington obtained the Republican spending large sums of money on pub Oregon came into power, with the prospect nomination and is entitled to the sup­ lie schools which are ‘kept’ by un­ Tillamook trained teachers.” that this will grow worse. And the port of the party. Third, it is pointed out that the The dairymen of Tillamook county Democrats have the gall to ask the QR- E- E, DANIELS. history of every state in the Union people to vote for them so that free have lost at least from 2c. to 3c. per The trouble with Oregon is the Thinking people of every proves that all Norman Schools (and ti.ide and cheap foreign labor can un ­ pound on their butter fat this sum­ taxpayers have been experimenting CHIROPRACTOR. religious creed and political mer as a result of Democratic free dersell the home manufacturers and with politicians to run their national the same is true to some extent of belief should give earnest Local Office in the Commercial trade. Remember this when you go to producers. It is to the interest to and state affairs instead of selecting the colleges) are decidedly local as heed to the expressions of every voter to go to the polls next to their spheres of influence. For the polls next month, Mr. Dairyman. successful business men. We wonder Building. opinion from eminent di­ month and vote the republican ticket how many persons in Tillamook instance, the Normal School at Mon­ TILLAMOOK vines, educators, editors, Those that contend that the prohi- from top to bottom. It is now up to county will take this into considera­ mouth has only thirteen pupils from governors, judges, legisla­ bition measure docs not contain a the voters to decide which they want tion when they cast their vote next the seven counties of Southern Ore­ penalty clause arc mistaken. As it Republican prosperity or Democratic month. Just to illustrate this more gon and only thirty-three from the tors, and others prominent R. L. E. HEWITT, eastern half of the state. will be unlawful to sell I liquor should ftee trade. in every walk of life, who OSTEOPATHIC fully. Senator Chamberlain and Gov- prohibition carry, the present laws In vain have eastern states under­ ------ o------ ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. have publicly voiced their ernor West are politicians and have What with free trade closing the made their livlihood in that way. But taken to make one large centrally with penalty will cover the I case. sentiments concerning pro­ OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. saw mill down at Wheeler and ex- no one ever heard of them starting located Normal School serve all the hibition in words similar to Beth Phones. Such extravagance is to be wonder- travagance of the Democratic party industries, giving employment to men state. The attendance has come these: I in “ knocking" the appropriation for or placing large amounts of money mostly from its immediate neighbor­ ed at, when we see the willful waste Residence and Office in Whitehouse i "Prohibition drives under­ of good lumber, labor and money be­ the improvement of Nehalem bar in circulation. Oh, no, it is the tax­ hood and t'ne rest of the state has Residence, ground the mischief which ing added to the old shack on First from the rivers and harbors bill, our payer's money they put into circula­ been without the influence of Normal TILLAMOOK, OREGON. it seeks to cure, making it streed, known as the old Headlight friends in the North end of the coun­ tion. On the other hand, those who training in its common schools. The more difficult to deal with office. This is enterprise of the back ty have probably, had enough of have watched the successful business result has been that state after state j T. Boris the evil and impossible to Democratic policies. Republicans in career of R. A. Booth knows full well has changed to a policy of taking the trot grade order. regulate the trade.” Bishop ’ attorney - at - law . ——O that as well as in all other parts of that Oregon and working men and school to the people. Oregon is the Hall, Vermont/ There isn’t a town in Oregon but the county will fall in line next month Complete Set of Abstract Books ia industries have been greatly benefitt- only state in the Union that ever re­ a big pay roll, like the sawmills R. A. and vote a "straight” Republican "Prohibition has been dis­ Office. ed by his efforts, and that of Dr. duced the number of its Normal a big pay roll, like the saw mill R. A. ticket, for they see it is to their own astrous to the cause of tem­ Schools. California has eight Nor ­ Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Withycombe in giving the best years perance.” Bishop Clark, Booth started in several towns of the advantage to do so. We feel sorry of his life to develop the agricultural mal Schools and 85 per cent of her T illamook B lock , Rhode Island. Willamette N alley. But the Democrat that the Nehalem appropriation is cut resources of the state and make this common school teachers have had Tillamook .... Oregon are putting up a dirty fight on Mr. out, for when local people show the These men are sincere and Oregon has one a greater Oregon. This is the con- Normal training. Both Phones. Booth and circulating all manner of amount of push and enthusiasm as conscientious. They deplore trast between the four men that no Normal School. Eighty per cent of I • untruthful reports. It will avail them the people of Nehalem have in har­ drunkenness and cry against one can deny. Oregon needs more last year’s applicants for teachers’ G. McGEE, nothing, for Mr. Booth is going to de­ bor improvements, it is wrong to de­ it as a great evil. Who, in­ men like Booth and Withycombe, certificates had no training above the feat the Democratic free trade can­ prive them of the necessary funds, deed, does not? Yet they and less politicians and political eighth grade. didate with a large majority. especially when there is considerable cranks. It is pointed out that the various know from observation and » ----- o----- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. local money in the enterprise. collateral facts pertaining to a proper experience, that prohibition When we hear of life long Demo­ location for a Normal School are de­ Office : Next door to Star does not put a check upon crats in Tillamook who are going to The special election called for next A large number of citizens are of the desert the West-Smith-Chamberlain Monday to vote on several amend­ opinion that prohibition will carry cidedly favorable in respect to Ash­ intemperance but that, on Theatre machine and vote the Republican ments to the city charter is for the with an overwhelming majority in land. Climatically, it car.not be sur­ the contrary, it gives rise i ticket, there must be something radi­ purpose of placing the city in proper Oregon next month. It may, but we passed. The size of the town (6,000) to evils even greater than cal wrong with the Democratic party. shape to do business and place the doubt it for the reason there are those gives the school a local constituency, intemperance itself. Q^KORGE WILLETT And there is no doubt about that. ci edit of the city on a better founda­ who think and think honestly, that which furnishes a substantial basis —Paid AJ—-1 -„ft on which to build as well as to main ­ Isn't that the party that gave us free tion. These are necessary amend­ the prohibitionists are incroaching ATTORN E Y- AT-LA W trade and the West spectacular per­ ments and it is hoped that the voters upon their personal liberties, for the tain a thoroughly efficient training school. Ashland has one of the finest formances which caused every other will pass these measures. All the prohibitionists are decidedly outspok­ E. D. Ulrich, Chamber of Com T illamook C ommercial B cilolw state in the Union to snicker at Ore- measures are proposed by the City en in their efforts, not only to pro­ high schools in the state; it is the tnerce, 'Portland, Oregon. . Oregon oldest high school in the state outside lillamook gon. Council and arg' necessary to carry hibit the manufacture and sale of li­ of Portland. quor in Oregon, but will endeavor to on the government of the city in a i DR. WENDT Cut Prices. Governor West is a political ring­ proper manner, and it is to the in­ prohibit its importation into the state. | The committee wisely makes little ado about the attitude Jackson coun ­ stcr. Didn't he place Smith on hia Cabinets, per doz............... $1.00 and up terest of the city and the taxpayers This is where the prohibition law is political “slate,” and didn’t the latter that they pass. They have been pre­ defective, for it should have had a ty has taken toward other education­ Post cards........................... 50 and up agree to carry on the governor’s fool pared and published at considerable clause to prohibit the importation al interests in this state; but it is Enlargements..................... 25 and up Tillamook Studio. policies before the people were given I expense, and should they fail to carry with proper penalties for doing so. » fair to call attention to the fact that ' Ressomhle Price« Guaranteed. Opposit Court House. REPUBLICAN TICKET an opportunity to be heard at the primary election? Dr. Smith is the machine candidate of the West fac­ tion of the Democratic party. And it looks to us that West is "working” the dry vote and Smith the "wet" vote. Any old thing to fool the people ------o----- The manner in which the German army went through Belgium rough shod, is appalling, yet it is not sur­ prising that the sentiment of the American people is with Belgium, which was a happy, prosperous coun­ try before the war. But the military- ism of Germany had no respect for treaty obligations. Just consider the happy homes and the women and children who have had to suffer be­ cause of the whims of crowned heads of Europe, and the death and des- truction of property. Poor little Bel- gium, it is to be pitied. this will have to be done over again at some future time, Take a few min­ utes time next Monday and go to the polls and vote “Yes” on all the measures. E Editorial Snap Shots Does Prohibi tion Fulfill Its Promises? D