Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 15, 1914, Image 1

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    rol. XXVI.
No. 18.
How do People Acquire Property
and Gain Independence?
By saving in a small way to accumulate
capital for investing and re-investing.
Large profits are often made from timely
investments. You cannot tell when an
opportunity for making a profitable invest­
ment will present itself.
A growing savings account in this bank
will provide for such an emergency. It
will give you a borrowing power equal to
the capital which you save.
We want you to consider this a personal
invitation to call and open on account here.
Many of our large deposits began with a dollar
Tillamook County Bank.
War does not effect our prices on
school books and supplies. We placed
The Tillamook Headlight office is our orders before the advance and
«located opposite the court house. give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. *
A morgage has been filed in which
Safe <’-posit boxes for rent. Tillt- the Wilson River Co. mortgaged its
ok County Bank.
property to the Olson Trust Co., of
New York, for $250,000.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
machine with an established rep.ua*
Calves for sale, four head. Apply to
tion fo- quality services. The White
torge Olds, Fairview.
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
Bee. T. H. Goyne.
Want to rent bottom land dairy
one sale,
year with
Fits,” Ramsey Hotel.
Single ranch
harness in and
buggy for
pply at the City Transfer Co.
* details
Good house and lot for sale on easy
first letter promptly. J. A. Lemmon,
terns. Apply to J. S. Stephens. * The place
to eat Ore.,
is at Box
the 33. “Good
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
Registration closed on Thursday,
kittom land. Inquire of Frank Free-
when a large number of voters, espec­
ially women registered at the court
We are in a position to make some house. Thus far the registration in
time farm loans. First National the county will be over 3000.
W. C. King, Ira Smith and Clent
Wanted, a stock dog, apply to King will move to Blaine the end of
Claude Christensen, address Bay City the week, where they will run a stock
ranch of 777 acres they bought from
Saturday Matinee, a ticket free with C. J. Magarrell.
every 50c. cash purchase. C. I.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Guild wish to thank those who so
If. J. Cone, of Netarts, informs us kindly helped making the Harvest
that bear are quite numerous in that Supper a success, especially the
orchestra and the young ladies who
at the tables.
For rent, a 42 acre farm, 1^4 mile
F. A. Enright, of Burns, Kan, is
wanting to know the whereabouts of
his brother, M. J. Enright, who re­
sided in Tillamook County scene
years ago, and sold a timber claim in
1907 to Clark Hadley.
White Leghorns, Cockerls and a
Mesdames R. A. Sylvester and Dan.
lew pullets for sale. F. S. Armentor-
I Goodspeed having been appointed
out, Hemlock, Ore.
by the Parent-Teachers Association
Mrs. Levina Anderson, of Los to gather bulbs for use by the pupils
Aagiles, Cal., is visiting at the home 1 of the public school, those having
•f her daughter Mrs. L. E. Hewitt. 1 any to spare should let them know.
of Tillamook—Apply to Geo.
Cohn, Tillamook.
Wanted, by young woman, house-
hold or other work. Call at Rollie
Watson's office.
F. D. Small and D. C: Urie vs. R.'
I Hays is a case appealed from the ,
justice court to the circuit court.
J. B. Giesby, traveling auditor of
•be state Industrial Accident Com-
•usion, was in the city this week.
the afternoon for the benefit of those lawed in every intelligent community.1 90000000CO0O0<X»0G0S<^^^
who reside a distance from the city. Come and join in a service that will X
The film will be sent to San Francis­ bring you a heap of help.
| X
co exhibition after being shown here.
The session and congregation of
Mrs. May Kingsland and children, this church extend you a most cor­
who have been visiting with her par­ dial welcome to all our church ser­
■ ents, Mr. and Mrs. DeLillies for the vices. Give us the chance to do you
< summer, left for Portland and Ore­ good.
I gon City to visit with her sisters. She
D. A. MacKenzie, B. D., Minister.
will proceed to San Francisco and
Los Angeles, where she will spend the
Water Permits Granted.
winter with her others sisters.
J. C. Creecy, of Beaver, for domes­
Geo. R. McKimens, independent
y.Hv gtyvedjen pcutecl)
candidate for County Commissioner, tic supply, diverting water from
two year term, believes in co-opera­
tion with the taxpayers in deciding W. Florence V. Getchell, of Hebo,
on the artiount of money to be raised for domestic supply, using water
each year by taxation, in expending from an unnamed spring in Sec 13, T
the money in the best and most econ­ 4 S R 10 W. Joseph Wilson of Hebo,
omical manner, and in keeping a cor­ for domestic supply, diverting water
rect and itemized account of all ex­ from spring in Sec 23, T 4 S R 10 W.
penses.—Paid Adv.
• L. P. and H. B. Lockwood, of Clover- ’
Member of
dale, for irrigation of 10 acres, in- !
At the Methodist Parsonage, on eluding domestic supply, diverting ;
Monday evening Oct. 12th Rev. Ed­ water from unnamed springs and Ar-
ward Gittins officiating, Mr. Frank C. stell creek, in Sec 27, T 4 S, R to E.
Of the United States.
Reynolds and Mrs. Mary I. Shenck O. W. Kinnaman of Beaver, for irri­
were united in marriage. Relatives gation of ten acres, diverting water
and friends present on the occasion from Boulder creek, in Sec. 35, T 3 S,
were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Himes, Mr. 1< 9 W. School Disthict No 50, for 1
and Mrs. Walter Anderson, and Mr. domestic supply, using water from
Wyant, of Portland, a relation of the spring in Sec. 35, T 3 S, R 9 W.
groom. Mr. and Mrs Reynolds left
for Portland for a brief visit, and will
then make their home on their farm
near Cottage Grove, in Lane county.
Elsie O’Hara vs. Mark O'Hara is a
divorce suit filed in the circuit court.
These parties were married at Astor­
ia Ore., on Oct. 29th 1904, and two
boys have been born to the union.
The grounds upon which the divorce
is sought is cruel and inhuman treat­
ment, the defendant falsely and
maliciously accusing the plaintiff of
being untrue to her marriage vows.
The plaintiff alleges that for the last
two or three years defendant has
contributed nothing towards the sup­
port of his family and compelled her
to take in work. Plaintiff acuses de­
fendant of being openly and notor­
iously devoted to disreputable wom­
I Founded in the Strongest Way,
Growing Stronger Every Day
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore
Some of the friends of Mrs.
Juhrs have taken exceptions to
paragraph which appeared in
Herald, which they contend, cast
flections on her. The paragraph stat­
ed that Mrs. Al. Juhrs and her large
family of children and dependants
had sold the small farm she owned on
the Miami and left for new pasture.
Only two of Mrs. Juhrs children ac-
comppanied her. We want to say
that the Juhrs were hard working,
industrious people and did a lot of
work to clean up a piece of land, as
well as improve the road on the east
side of the Miami. Several others who
» located in that neighborhood met
premature deaths on account of the
hardships they endured clearing up
land and getting in and out of that
r<vugh vicinity. Probably $1000 in cash
did look good to Mrs. Juhrs, after
so many long years of hardships, but
her friends resent the slur being cast
at her now that she has left the
Artisan’s Social.
----- 0-----
Artisans and their friends are urged
to attend the Hallowe'en social and
program on Monday evening, Oct.
19. Refreshments served.
L. Friend,
, ---------
■> —
of —
the Holtz
store, of Portland, and a dry goo s
man of many years experience, has
assumed management of Haltom’s
Dry Goods Department. Mr. Friend
is one of the best dry goods buyers
M. E. Church Announcement
on the coast.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram-
Sunday services at the Methodist
Died on Monday evening, William
‘Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for- Franklin,
the youngest child of Mr. ! Church, Edw ard Gittins, pastor.
y of the Spanish Kitchen.
Sunday Schi'ol 10 o’clock,—Preach-
and Mrs. Geo. Vandersee of Long
For Sale, full blooded Holstein Prairie aged one year ten months and ing it a.m.—Cl »ss meeting 12 p.m.
meal that
one year and six months. Apply seven days. The remains were buried j Morning seru.son"The
wasted not, and why.”
John Neiger, Fairview, Ore.
on Monday in the Oddfellow’s ceme­
Epworth League, 6:30, if Preaching
Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c. P«r tery.
7:30, "A bowl of w’hite salt.1
■ Bell telephones 130 J and I31
Arrangements have been made to
Come and welcome!
—The Electric Store, next to Gem keep Bar View hotel open during the
* winter, and the speciality will be in
The Presbyterian Church.
Carl Patzlaff vs. Jarr.es W. Myers providing fish and clam dinners for
Sunday school at 10 a.m,’ We have
*1 A. M. Myers is a suit filed in the parties who desire to spend a few
classes and teachers for all ages.
1 court to recoy er money on a
Every Sunday shows a marked in­
Phone orders.
j *
»airy note.
crease in attendance. If you are rtC”
A. F. Jackson a logger of consider­ already a member of another school,
The friends of Mr! s. Jack Olson will
|iad to know tha t she is somewhat able experience, will have charge of it would give us pleasure to have you
°ved in health and was able to A. F. Coats Lumber Co.’s logging in join our school. We have the best
the future. He comes from Aberdeen
1Te lhe hosn’^al this week.
teachers in the city.
Sunday morning at 11 a.m. the pas- |
For »’.e, lot and two roomed and will log some of the timber be­
longing to the Whitney Co. on Bew­ tor will speak to the junior congrega­
"it Raymond Washington worth
ley Creek.
tion on "Shining for Jesus.” This will
Rev. Aug Olson,, state missionery be an illustrated sermon. Sermon to
for the Swedish Baptist Conference the senior congregation; "The Chal­
of Oregon,
■— - —o — , will preach at the Wilson lenge of the better way." The vested
School house next Sunday at 11 a.m. j junior choir will sing a special num­
and 7.30 p.m. He informs us there ber, and assist in the congregational
are 20,374 Swedes, 13,920 Norwegians singing.
and 7,436 Danes, making a total of
The second Service at 7:30 p.m. will
be in the interest of Social Service,
48,620, in Oregon.
or the Kingdom of God in faith and
Tillamook county fair and indus­ practice. The subjects under discus­
tries will be shown in moving pictur­
^0. all for $25.». Address C. M. es at the Gem Theatre on Friday and sion from Sunday to Sunday are the
living issues of the hour. Thoughtful
Box Portland
282, Tillamook
on the
train, on
Aug, Saturday nights. This is the film the
everywhere are discussing
■7^1 dark blue rough neck sweater,
Wanted to rent a d*»>ry ranch, with
g*1 fount»in pen and a pair of county fair board had taken and was them. Inferior amusement ajtd mere j
or more*'
Cash shown at the State Fair. There will be fun on Sunday nights has Ireen out­
M"**1- with
Leave 10 same
at the cows.
*’ or shares.
r two shows on Saturday, one given in
ckett, Hemlock, Ore.
frotect your valuable papers iron
* unexpected fire by renting one °F
lr safe deposit boxest. Only ot.’e
Per year. Tillasnook County
First Birthday
To Which the Entire Public is Invited.
Tillamook, Ore.
The Greatest Event Ever Known in
The Celebration of our First Anniversary.
An Occasion of Tremendous Importance.
SATURDAY, October 17th,
We begin the celebration of the Rounding-out of one year’» progressive
store keeping, five years of dependable merchandising, over 40 years in the city
of Tillamook. Two-fold advantage will be keenly appreciated by our custom­
ers. First—the Birthday—Removal Sale Combined. Second the price ad­
vantages obtained by early buving that cannot now be duplicated, these two
advantages—NEW FRESH STOCKS AND LOW PRICES- will be shared
with our patrons. The best merchandise obtainable will be offered during this
important gala birthday week at prices that represent in every instance ACT-
Dependable Merchandise that Cannot be Equaled in Style or Quality
at the Prices we quote anywhere.
This Sale bids fair to out rival any sale ever held in this section.
We frankly suggest, in view of existing conditions and the unparalleled
LOW PRICES offered on most every article in this anniversary sale, that our
customers should buy Al’ ONCE.
So important is this Birthday Removal Event, and so numerous the offer­
ings ‘hat we are compelled merely to announce it in the plainest and simplest
In grateful acknowledgement of your more than generous patronage which
has given US’ such progress and prosperity the past year, and to celebrate most
fittingly we have prepared and invited you to a
Deeply Underpriced.