Iw 14 DEMOCRATIC EXTRAVAGANCE. Beer Drinkers To Bear the Burden- Nehalem Loses its Appropriation By Peter Radford. Lectbrer National Farmers' Union. THE NEW RURAL CIVILIZATION By Peter Radford, lecturer National Farmers' Union. We are confronting a new rural With'the ne.z development of rural civilization. It is so radically differ Last Spring, when the Democratic life, there comes the demand for in­ ent from the life of the past that u party was in the full sweep of its orgy creased educational facilities and tlie may well be called new. not nierel, of extravagance and a new raid on impulse of universal education which because of its characteristics, but be- the Treasury was a daily occurence is sweeping the country calls lor in­ cause of its triumph in rural co-opera­ I Representative Fitzgerald, of New telligent and consecrated leadership tion and leadership. The utilization of modern agencies, and the use ot York chairman of the committee on In our rural schools. It is upon the farm machinery have greatly increa». rural teacher that one of the heaviest appropriations, sounij^d this unavail­ burdens of civilization falls, for not ed the efficiency of the farmers, ing protest: only must he lay the foundation of broadened their vision and made lite “In a few months I shall be called education, but he must also instill into more satisfying. upon, in the discharge of my official the pupils the real love for country The most serious enemies to coun­ duties, to review the record that this I life, which will hold him on the try life are isolation and drudgery, and Democratic House shall have made in farm and help to stem the townward perhaps the worse of the two is iso­ lation. It is the curse of the coun­ its discharge of the expenditures of tide. the public money. Whenever I think In the city, the teacher is a cog in try. The hunger of young people for of the horrible mess I shall be called the vast wheel of educational machin- companionship has been disregarded and in various ways the social in­ upon to present to the country in be­ ' ery; in the country he ie the wheel. stincts have had their revenge. The ; It is he who must mold the character, half of the Democratic party I am inspire the ideals and shape the des­ fruits of modern Inventive skill and tempt'd to quit my place.” tiny of the farm boys and girls, and enterprise have enriched country life The horrible mess is now repre- if he is fitted by nature for the taask, and afforded the facilities of banish­ sented by a record of over $100,000,- not only will the results of his ef­ ing forever the extreme isolation 000 excess in appropriations over the forts be reflected in the pupils, but which used to vex the farm house­ year 1912, when the Republicans were gradually the whole community will hold of the past. The telephone is a great social asset in the rural home; yet in control. Now the dilemma be leavened with a new ambition for the rural free delivery brings the progress. confronting the Democratic Congress world's daily message to the door; the He can organize around the school parcel post delivers ten million pack­ is an approaching deficit in the Treas­ TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S BOOTH AT THE STATE FAIR. ury. They say it is due to the war, the main intereste of the boys and ages per annum at a halt million girls and develop the Impulse for co- homes, and the automobile annihilates and they call it a war tax. operation, which In time will displace distance, making Isolation a myth. vices to the scholars, urging pure, 1 tractive. The preaching will be done ' But no Democratic from President the old competitive individualism and The building of public highways has Tillamook at the State Fair. moral thoughts and living as the ' by H. A. Van Winkle, minister of the Wilson down to the meanest party make rural social life more congenial brought communities and farm home« Tillamook County had a creditable only way to happiness and success; Church, and his themes for the first servitor, has dared to say that the and satisfying. The possibilities for closer together. wild craze for more jobs for hungry making the rural school the social display at the State Fair at Salem the study of the beautiful and the week, beginning with next Sunday I Democrats and the lavish expenditure and economic center of the commu­ The Slave of Drudgery. morning, will be as follows: , last week, the county exhibit making good; the study of practical things “What would this revival be if of money by an incompetent and un- nity are almoat endless, and the facul­ a splendid showing. Mr. and Mrs. as taught in the Domestic Science, It Is a dramatic moment on _ ___ the | thrifty Congress—all in direct viola­ ties of the rural teacher may have every member were just like me?” Dunstan and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell the Manual Training and the Com­ full play, for it will take all his time farm when machinery emancipates tion of campaign pledges — were in or Special for Sunday night: “Men and ingenuity if he attains the full the slave of drudgery. The evolution deserve great credit for the artistic mercial Departments; obedience to 1 any way due to the war. 1 Hogs, which.” of farm machinery is a continued measure of success. manner in which the exhibits were rules and discpline of school life; j I "Others He Saved, Himself He story of human ingenuity. One man The $100,000,000 “ war ” tax is caused that modern life demanded, to reach ' i displayed. Tillamook JZounty as was Must Be Community Leader. now, by the aid of modern mechanical Cannot Save.” by the $100,000,000 excess of Con­ stated last week, won the first prize success, practical, useful, forceful A noted college professor recently devices, can 'do as much as five or "Running From Jezebel.” gress—nothing else—Oregonian. in the Coast counties class, with a men and women; that the old school said that three things are now re­ ten men used to perform and the "Making a Fortune. ” points, with Lincoln discipline of the "rod” and fear had score of 91 quired of a rural teacher. The first work is less burdensome and more “The Shadows of a Cross.” county next with a score of only 69 given way to the rule of reason and To obtain the $1000,000,000 the requirement is that he must be strong fascinating. The miracle of conquest "The Unselfish Christ. ” points, Tillamook also carried off the love; that each one sowed in their Democrats were in caucus at Wash­ enough to establish himself as a lead­ will lift the curse of drudgery that "Dwarfs.” special prize as the highest scoring young years so should they reap in ington this week devising ways to er in the community in which he lives has crushed the courage out of farm These services will all be short and county in the first district. It was the their mature years: that all should | full of life, beginning each evening raise money for this deficit, and the and labors; second, that he must have boys and caused them to retreat to the cities. There are many labor-saving large number of different kinds of ex­ remember the maxims, “Be sure your j burden of this will fall on those who a good grasp on the organization and devices for the homes that can relieve each evening at 7:30 p.m. management of the new and scientific sin will find you out. ’ ’ There was no , ' hibits in the Tillamook display that Orchestra every Sunday use beer. The telegraphic reports farm school and. third, that he must the wife of back-breaking tasks. La­ gave the county the first prize, One escape from the results of wrong do­ evening. I say: show expert ability in dealing with bor-saving machinery has wrought thing where it fell down was in some ing. "As the bill was completed by the ■the modern rural school curriculum. educational problems that have en­ That education had brought us up kinds of vegetables, which had been caucus, with its added levies on beer If he lives up to the opportunities of­ gaged the attention of the boys, re­ displayed at the county fair, but in from the stone age, when right made and rectified spirits, and minus the fered him as a rural leader, he will lieved the housewife and added new economies and values to farming and shipping them they lost their fresh­ right, when men selected wives with a proposed tax on gasoline and auto­ train boys and girls distinctly for has taken away self pity and given rural life, not only by giving them ness, but in potatoes the display was club, dragging her to their cave by mobiles, Senator Simmons estimated the rudiments of agricultural training, them a genuine pride In their calling. good, the judges stating that the dif­ the hair of the head, when women that it would yield annually $105,000,- but by enabling them to see the at­ We need to take full advantage of were slaves and beasts of burden, un ­ ferent varieties were true to name. 000, unless a slump in beer.production tractive side of farm life, and to real­ these facilities. Tillamook County's display was made til today reason and law ruled, and cuts down the estimated revenue ize that it is a scientific business, and suffrage, women up of 8 varieties of grain, 40 of veg­ through women Co-operation the Key-Note. fiom that source. one of the most complex of all pro­ • were the equals of men in all depart ­ etables, 15 of potatoes, 36 of apples, The increase tax on beer is expect­ fessions with opportunities as great One test of modem civilization is ments of life, that their necessary 1 of peaches, 3 of cucutfl- 5 of pears, the capacity for co-operation. The ed to yield from $43,000,000 to $46,- as those of any other calling. forces, working conjointly, to insure bers, 4 of stock carrots, 3 of table selfish days of the Independent farm­ "School for Parents ” Needed. 000,000, and the rectified spirit tax of success in the lives of the young, er are rapidly passing and we are be­ carrots, 4 of table beets, 4 of stock five cents a gallon is calculated to where the home and school training The duties of the rural teacher are ginning to catch the vision and share beets, 6 of turnips, 7 of onions, 12 of and the teachings of religion, raise $5,000,000. Stamp tax on negot­ more varied and complicated than the profits of organized efforts. There pickles, 24 of canned fruits, 8 of iable instruments, stocks and bonds, j those of the city teacher, and he some­ are many farm machines adapted to The Banner was a beautiful crea­ canned vegetables, 6 of canned wild tion of satin, blended in Tillamook deeds and transfers, bills of laden, times has to include the parents in serving a community, but organiu- fruit, 7 of canned meat, 6 of jelly, 2 of County's colors of yellow and green, pullman car and steamship tickets and directing his efforts for the best re­ tion of farmers Is required to pur­ oats, 2 of wheat, 2 of corn, 4 of clover worded insurance policies are expected to sults. In communities where the old­ chase and operate them on a co-oper­ as follows; "Tillamook 22 of grass, rye, flax peas, hops, County Fair” “Worrall Banner,” yield $30,000,000 and a stamp tax on er population ie opposed to any de­ ative basi3, and new' lews are needed parture of the younger generation to permit these transactions. kohl rabi, salsify, tomatoes, cauli­ "Best School District Exhibit.” The proprietary medicines, cosmetics and from established customs in either flower, green beans, cramberries, 3 banner will be competed for by all perfumeries is expected to yield $7,- social or economic life, their co-oper­ t New Tasks for the Rural Church. kinds of eheese, dry loganberries, schools in the county, each year at 900,000. the remainder will come from ation can often be secured by calling butter, milk sugar, celery, sweet pota­ the Fair, until the same school has special taxes on theaters and places community meetings and instructing The rural church has been slow to to«, water melon, cabinet work, dah­ won it three years, when it will be­ ' of amusement, on tobacco, cigars and the parents on matters of community adjust Itself to the new order of J. B. Baird, Singing Evangelist. lias and a fish display of clams and come that school’s permanently. The cigarette manufacturers and on do­ interest. It is related that a success­ things. The churches are discover crabs in glass jars and a large salmon banner is now admired in the Assem­ ful young teacher in a remote local- ;a« _new opportunities for service, mestic wines. weighing 48 pounds and trout in a bly room of Tillamook County’s State of Ohio, City ofTeledo, > ity had weekly meetings attended by broader community usefulness and a I The caucus eliminated a special tax Lucas County. | glass case, which attracted considcr- High School. parents of his pupils, which finally greater social mission. The church Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is of $40 on brokers, CHtting out $300,000 senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney evolved Into a "echool for parents r must gird itself for new tasks and able interest. & Co., doing business in the City of To- of estimated revenue. A vigorous con­ in which they were taught how to live under a new virile type of leadership ledo. County and State aforesaid, and The Tillamook County Creamery Rcss Shreve for County Surveyor. test by Senator Lewis, of Illinois, re­ a community life in its broadest that said firir will pay the sum of ONE and undertake real community building Association had a fine display of HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every sulted in a reduction of the tax on biggest sense. with the modern church as the center case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the cheese in tlie new pavilion, and won use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. of activity and source of inspiration pullman tickets from 2 cents to I FRANK J. CHENRY. Social Feature« Essential. first and second prizes in the scoring and guidance. The triumph over iso­ cent each. It was estimated that the Sworn to before me und subscribed in contest. my presence, this 6th day of December. The successful rural school is the lation and the gradual emancipation 2 cent tax would have yielded $500,000 A.D. 1WH6. Red Clover won second prize r»eal) A. W GLEASON. of revenue. Efforts to impose a vital social and economic center of from drudgery, the development of „ ,, Notary Public. good roads, telephones, rural mall aer- best display of cheese. There was Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally stamp tax on bank checks of 1 or 2 the community and the successful vice and the wonderful evolution of and acts directly upon the blood and mu­ rural teacher is the one who realizes* large amount of cheese on display cents each were voted down. cous surfaces of the system. Send for testi­ that the responsibility of training lo­ farm machinery make for religious the dairy building piled up on top monials, free. The caucus .authorized the finance cal leaders for the future devolves advancement. The Increase in Intel­ F. J. CHENEY A CO., Teledo, O. one another, which ha ¿«t, on tl k a dark * fount. Leav