Tillamook Headlight, ,he natl0ns only now army flghnng agre‘d The number and form in which the ballot titles for maintain managed by tne said measures will be printed on the official ballot is as international council and used for follows: policing purposes only, they could October 8, Ini 4. DEMOCRATS FAVORED THE SOUTH WITH FREE TRADE. Notice of Sheriff'« Sale. claim or equity of redemption in - z to said real property and every thereof, and that said defendant. Plrt each of them be adjudged tow’ deficiency which may remain after applying the proceeds sale properly applicable to the ■ faction of said judgment, and 1». i other and further relief a> to Court may seem meet with equity I bis summons is served upon v«. and each of you, by order of tki Honorable Webster Holmes, Ju£ of the above named court a,, j Sept Sth, 1914. and the dau ’ of first publication of this summon, tjc 10th day of September, i9u the date ot the last publication the" of and the last date upon which vou are required to appear and answer « or before is and will expire on tk 22nd day of October, 1914. °n ,ht T. B. Handley Attorney for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. No. 1487. Sinnott Shows how They Discrimi­ Oglesby Young, nated against the West. dictate eternal peace for the rest of Plaintiff, Shall a measure entitled *A Measure vs. to Amend Article VII of the Charter of Europe.—S. F. Chronicle. Congressman Sinnott, of Oregon, Isabella Collins, C. B. Collins Tillamook Citv, Oregon,’ proposed by throws some light on how the Dem­ Charles Earl Collins, V. L. the Common Council of Tillsmook City, A GOOD IDEA. ocratic party favored the South and Robinson, Vallie V. Robinson, by Ordinance No. 2b2, be enacted? Thia measure changes Article VII of 1 the W est, L. R. French, VV. H. Wilson, discriminated against U. G. Longsworth, Onieatta the Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon, Suggests that Yamhill, Polk and Till­ which makes interesting reading at McK Longsworth, F. L. Kel­ ao as to provide that two thirds amook Get Together. ley, and M. Adelpha Kelley, “Proposed by the Common property owners may prevent street this time: Defndants improvements by the Common Council, Mr. Sinnott: Mr. Speaker, this war ­ By virtue of an execution, judgment and allows property owners to specify | I have noticed of late a number of Council: and how to . tax measure before the kind of street improvements they articles on good roads, ---- —-- the House has order, decree and order of sale issued wish made; makes more definite prop­ build them, in which I am always 1 neeessarily focused attention upon in the above entitled court and cause to me drected, dated the 8th day of chargeable with expense of im­ 100 YES. erty provements, requires published esti­ terested. As to the different ways of the jjnderwood tariff bill. Under the September, 1914, upon a judgment bulletin« and ana constructing consuuni**6 roads I am , 1 Democratic gag law under which we and decree rendered and entered in mate of cost before improvement is building which cost can not be exceeded not capable of saying, but I do believe arf worHng> and under which I am said court and cause on the 8th day of NO. ordered 101 more than five per cent, makes the city there is only eo nright way, and that now speakingi ;t will be impossible September, 1914, in favor of Oglesby aurveyor City engineer, makes the Young, Plaintiff, and against Isabella __ - A o ssrti form . . . . «I...« AnA Bancroft Bonding Act specifically is for the county to adopt a uniform for me to pay attention to but one Collins, C. B. Collins, Charles Earl SUMMONS. applicable, with changes, authorizes system, and employ a competent en feature of the Underwood bill as it Collins, V. L. Robinson, Vallie V. change of street grades and assess­ gineer to have jurisdiction over the affects my state, the Pacific Coast, Robinson, L. R. French, W. H. Wil­ ment of benefits and damages caused roads of the entire county and make In the Circuit Court of the Stat. son, U. G. Longsworth, Oneiatta Mc- and Northern States. thereby, authorizes guaranty by Citv K Longsworth, F. L. Kelley and M. Oregon for Tillamook County plans and specifications for all roads Mr. Speaker the Underwood bill Adelpha Kelley, in the sum of Robert Osborn, of street improvement bonds, subject to referendum, and provides for re­ that are to be built or improved, and was brought before the House when I $6693.20, with interest thereon from Plaintiff, assessment where original assessment see that the different supervisors car­ was but a juvenile, a freshmen Mem­ the 24th day of April, 1913, at the rate vs. invalid. Mark X between the number ry it out accordingly, and all bridges William L. Riefenberg and cent per annum, and the ber, when I had served but a few of six per / and answer voted for.” sum of $96.90 with interest Lillian C. Riefenberg, his wife with spans under 50 feet be under the days in the House. On first glancing further thereon from the 12th day of May, John Storm, the unknown jurisdiction of the county engineer, at that bill I noticed that cotton ties 1914, at the rate of six per cent per heirs of Obed S. Thomas, de­ Shall a measure entitled A Measure , b -d , w;th spans over 50 feet and cotton bagging were on the free annum, and the further sum of $650.00 ceased, and also all other'per- Charter and wnn y to > Amend Article VIII of the proposed be under the jurisdiction ot the state list. I glanced down toward the wool attorney’s fees, with interest thereon sons or parties unknown Tillamook City, Oregon” .... ; . ~ 1 vs «• . 1__ 1 n11 »bn rAOilC engineer. I believe that all the roads sacks and wool bagging and wheat from the 8th day of September, 1914, claiming any right, title, estate “Proposed by the Common of by the Common Council of Tillamook the further sum of $18.55, costs 'ien or interest in the real es­ City by Ordinance No. 282, be enact- i ' should be built of a permanent nature sacks, and I noticed that they were and and disbursments, with interest there­ tate, described in the com­ ed?” Council: I of some kind. This will result in bet- not on the free list. Being artless on from the 8th day of September, pliant herein. This Measure changes Article VIII , roa(js with less expense to the and unsophisticated, I supposed of 1914, and the costs of and upon this Defendants. writ, commanding me to make sale of the Charter of Tillamook City bV ’ taxpayers of the county, and elim­ To the unknown heirs of Obed S YES. I of 102 course, that my amendment would providing for the assessment of bene­ the followng described real property, Thomas, deceased, and also all other fits against property specially'benefitt- inate the taking up of roads by super­ carry. I was myself making campaign to-wit: persons or parties unknown claimiae ed ......................................... by opening, closing or changing the visors that have been built by preced­ thunder for my campaign in Oregon The South half of the Northwest any right, title, estate, lien or interest 103 NO. streets and making the same a lien on ing supervisors, and will do away and the Northwest quarter in the real estate described in the and on the coast, but alas! to my quarter such propertv. Also allows appeal from of the Southwest quarter of Section complaint herein: I assessments in such cases. Mark X be- with that enormous expense and ac­ great dismay my amendment was de­ 12, and the Southeast quarter of the In the name of the State of Oregon I tween the number and answer voted complishing nothing, which is done feated. Why was it defeated Mr. Northeast quarter of Section 11, all in you and each of you are hereby re­ y for. throughout the county every year, Speaker? Why was the duty left on Township 2 South of Range to West quired to appear in the above en­ which means thousands of dollars wheat sacks and wool bagging, while I of Willamette Meridian, in Tillamook titled court on or before the 5th day County, Oregon, (excepting one acre lost and thrown away, for good roads cotton bagging and cotton ties w’ere I thereof described in the deed record­ of October, 1914, and answer the Shall a measure entitled “A Measure complaint filed against you in the I I mean a whole lot to this county and to Amend the Charter of Tillamook placed on the free list? Mr. Speaker, I ed in Book “J” at page 270 Records above entitled cause, and if you fail of Deeds of Tillamook County, Ore­ to so appear and answer within said City, Oregon, by adding thereto an every person in it. A/ticle to be known as article XII,”i I have also noticed a number of I hold in my hand a campaign docu­ I gon.) Also the Northeast quarter of time, Tor want thereof the plaintiff ment, the campaign book issued by proposed by the Common Council of | the Southwest quarter of Section 12, apply to the above entitled court Tillamook City by Ordinance No. 2b2, articles in regard to the road linking Mr. Underwood, the majority leader, I Township 2 South of Range 10 West' will for the relief demanded in his com­ I “Proposed by the Common be enacted?” the counties of Yamhill and Tilla- in his senatorial campaign in Ala­ of Willamette Meridian, in Tillamook pliant, to-wit, for a decree as follows' i County, Oregon. Thia measure adds a new Article to m<\°k together. I am glad the citizens bama last spring. It is headed: First: Decreeing that you, the said 1 First offering for sale in subdivis­ Council: the Charter of Tillamook City and pro­ ot Yamhill county have waked up to “Democratic senatorial campaign. ions, the one hundred and sixty acres defendants, and the other defendants vides procedure to be followed when such an important matter, believing The issue and the facts, ‘The man of described as the South half of the above named, or any of you, have no right, title or interest at law or in are issued; that all ordinances relations between the two the hour,’ Oscar W. Underwood, Northwest quarter and the Northwest equity, YES. /bonds 104 of any kind of nature, in and for issuing bonds are subject to refer­ that the quarter of the Southwest quarter of is of the best. I believe these counties to real property situated in Bay City, endum exeept for street improvements statesman, Democrat.” Section 12, and the Southeast quarter where city does not guarantee paament counties owe a great deal to one On the bottom of the first page is of the Northeast quarter of Section Tillamook County, State of Oregon^ NO. thereof, 105 ... as follows: requires all bonds to be sold another, for if we had good roads be­ this quotation from the Bible: 11, all in Township 2 South of Range described for not less than par, and reserves the tween them there would be thousands Beginning sixty (60) feet west of 10 West of Willamette Meridian in “And ye shall know the truth, and right to the city to take up any bonds northwest corner of block four Tillamook County Oregon, (except­ the at or alter 5 years from date of issue. , of dollars worth ••-«.<« »—• • — — v« mook Headlight”, a weekly news­ there could be a model road built— that I jmit wool bagging and wheat Date of last publication, October 8th paper of general circulation printed answer voted for.” 1914. _ __________ and published at Tillamook, Tilla­ almost a railroad grade, at a very J sacks on the free list. (Applause on mook County, Oregon, and requires small cost, considering the good it the Republican side.) He says further you to appear and answer the coni’ Summons. Said election will be held at 8 o’clock in the morning I will do. It would make a road that ' in * * his speech? plajnt on or before Oftober 5th. 19*4. and will continue until 6 o’clock in the afternoon of said could be traveled the year round and i “The records will sustain me in this In the Circuit Court of the State of The date of the first publication!» August 20, 1914. would open up a new country for set­ statement. Why any sane man, know­ Oregon for Tillamook County. October 19 th, 1914. Platt & Platt and J. Bailey, tlers and a fine belt of timber. ing the record of Capt. Hobson does, John Hahn, Dated this 24th dav of September, 1914. Portland, Oregon, Plaintiff, My idea s that th