Tillamook Headlight, October 8, IP 14. Instead of the Democratic party the Republican party because they association. Another thing, imposing additional taxation, why not failed to obtain office. Had Mr. Jones scoring contest, the same cheese that take the money belonging to the gov- received the nomination for congress- scored 96 points at Sacramento and For U. S. Senate— » ernment out of the banks and use it man on the Republican ticket he Tillamook, fell five points below at ROBERT A. BOOTH. for the running expenses of he coun ­ would not be supporting a free trader Salem. It is well to explain here that For Congress— Mr. Lea obtained possession of the try. Not much the bankers need it and for Senator. WILLIS C. HAWLEY. I scoring cards before they were turned the taxpayers will have to go down For Governor— There is a difference of opinion as ■ over to the secretary. This is charac­ JAMES WITHYCOMBE. in their jeans and pay more taxes. to the result of state wide prohibition teristic of a big trust like the Union ----- o----- For State Treasurer— 1 in Oregon, which is to be voted on , Meat Co., and Mr. Lea is the dirty THOS. B. KAY. Bro. Tromb|ey is boosting the nom­ o. ! , next month. Quite a number of I little nigger in the wood pile who is For Supreme Court— inee for Congressman. Don’t Bro. counties will give the prohibition doing the bidding of the trust com­ THOS. J. M’BRIDE. Trombley know that Tillamooker ■’ ’ * s, counties pany in "knocking” the Tillamook HF.N'RY J. BEAN. are disgusted with the Democratic cause large majorities, but to off-set County Creamery Association. As a this, Portland will cast a large vote T. L. HARRIS. party and the candidates of that against state wide prohibition, and result of Mr. Lea’s unfairness, we can HENRY I . BENSON. party won’t stand a ghost of a show assure the citizens of Tillamook For Attorney General— at the coming election not even Fred for that reason we expect to see Oregon remain on the “wet” water county that this will be the last time GEO. M. BROWN. Hollister, for W. C. Hawley will beat wagon. There is one phase, however, that he will have charge of the dairy For Supt Public Instruction— him to a frazzle. of state wide prohibition this is over­ departments at the State Fair, a po­ J. A. CHURCHILL. For State Engineer— Next year when Tillamook sends , looked that is going to cut some sition which he obtained, no doubt, to in the election, numbers of "rub it in to Tillamook,” The dirty JOHN C. LEWIS. its exhibit to the State Fair, a car , figure _ For Commissioner of Labor— load of small cheese should be sent citizens who voted for local option little nigger is too small a little nig­ O. P HOFF. along. They would sell like hot cakes will not vote for state wide prohibi­ ger to have anything to do in the For Railroad Commissioner— and would not only be a good adver­ tion and to prohibit the shipment in­ future with the State Fair. All Tilla­ FRANK J. MILLER. mook County wanted was a “square tising stunt.but a source of profit as to dry territory. For Supt. Water Division No. 1— State wide prohibition will not deal” which was impossible to obtain well. We believe that the County Fair JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Board would find this to be a money amount to anything unless liquor is with Mr. Lea connected with the For Representative— maker, and would help it out finan­ also prohibited from being imported dairy department. In all fairness to T. B. HANDLEY. into the state. And it is on this one the management of the State Fair, we cially. For Circuit Judge— phase of the question where some may state that it was not aware of ■ o--------- HARRY II. BELT. W. S. U'Ren was in Tillamook persons think that the prohibition what was being done, in regard to„the County on Monday, and this is the party is incroaching upon their liber- cheese display, but in every other I THE COUNTY TICKET. gentleman who is responsible for so I | ties. It is a debateable question and respect Tillamook County was well much freak legislation in Oregon, and if the voters can legislate on what a treated and will make a better display For County Judge— A. M HARE. at the same time additional taxation. person shall or shall not drink why next year. But not if Mr. Lea has We don’t think that any one in Tilla­ not make a crusade on the vote anything to do with the State Fair. For County Clerk— J J. C. HOLDEN. mook County will vote for U'Ren, against many of the injurious food unless it is some political crank who stuffs that are consumed, and the Oregon Farmers Move Frequently. For Sheriff— H. CRENSHAW. believes that more foolish, impractical gluttony of voters in over eating’ For Treasurer— laws should be passed. From our observation the person who In compiling data for the last Fed­ i B. L. BEALS. ----- o----- over drinks is in the same class as eral Census, the enumerators asked The Democratic party after placing those who over eat and gorge them- every farmer in Oregon this question For Surveyor— R. L. SHREVE. Are you better off now than you were under a the farmers’ products on the free list selves, with food stuffs. “How long have you lived on the For County Commissioner— is throwing bouquets to the Grangers Republican administration ? farm you now occupy?” This ques- So-called reformers in Lane county tion was answered by 42,064 of the (Two years.) of Oregon for the purpose of procur­ F. L SAPPINGTON. ing their votes. Wouldn’t that jar you have started out to make that county 45,502 farm operators in the state. (Four years.) And they are doing the same thing j I “wet” again, although they would be More than 12,000 stated that they FRANK OWENS. with the "wets” and “drys”. But the horrified to think they were the had occupied their farms only one For Coroner— farmers, the "wets” and the "drys”, cause of such a movement. Last Sun­ year or less; 10,563 from 2 to 4 years: S. M. WENDT. have caught on to the scheme and day the District Attorney put the 8,407 from 5 to 9 years and 11,001 10 can't be humbugged in that manner “lid” on ice cream parlors, candy fruit years and over. The most restless and cigar stores, in fact, every store class of people in the state is the again. ADVERTISING RATES. but the butcher and the baker who tenant who operates his farm on the are privileged characters in Oregon share basis. There are 3,127 of these Mark Holmes, a Democratis war Legal Advertiaementa. horse, is one of the many Democrats to do business on Sundays according farmers in this state; 3,047 of them First Insertion, per line........... $ who have deserted George Chamber- to an antiquated law just resurrected. made answer to the query and their Each subsequent insertion, line. lain. And we are given to understand They haven’t arrived at Puritanical replies indicated that 1,559, or about Business and professional cards that there are Democrats in Tilla­ perfection over in Lane county, where 20 per cent of them moved every one month .............................. mook who have had enough of Cham­ you can’t get a meal on Sundays, but year. Homestead Notices ................... berlain’s free trade, non-partisan if it is a crime to sell ice cream, fruit An official of the Federal Census Timber Claims .......................... 1 spectacular performances, and we are and candies on Sundays to the little Bureau, in discussing the report re­ Locals per line each insertion. somewhat surprised to find so many tots, why isn’t it equally a crime to cently issued by the government, Display advertisement, an inch, Democrats fighting Chamberlain and employ cooks and waiters in restau­ dealing with the term of occupancy one month ................................ the Smith-West-Chamberlain political rants and hotels and servants in pri­ of farms in the United States said: All Resolutions of Condolence vate families, street and railroad car boss combination. “This frequency of moving from and Lodge Notices, per line.. 05 drivers and conductors, girls in tele­ farm to farm or instability of occupan­ Cards of Thanks, per line......... OS This is the issue at the coming phone offices, police men, firemen, cy, very likely forms one of the chief Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Are you satisfied ? election: If you believe in free trade preachers and the organ players and causes for the decline of rural pros­ etc., minimum rate, not ex­ If you believe in the principles of the Republi­ for everything produced in Tillamook vocalists who are paid for their ser­ perity, or is a hinderance to greater ceeding five lines ................... •25 vices, business men who go to their can Party, if you are convinced that these principles vote for county—then you should progress. Frequency of removal of George Chamberlain to succeed him­ offices on Sundays and do a large farmers results in general shiftless­ are best for the country, then prove it by voting for RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. self, C. J. Smith for governor and amount of work, liverymen and those ness; the roads and bridges are gen­ your standard bearer, Robert A. Booth, Republican (Strictly in Advance.) Fred Hollister for Congressman. On who have autos to hire, the daily erally in a poor condition because the Candidate for the United States Senate. One year ...................................... $1-5° the other hand, if you believe in pro­ newspapers and the news boys, Uncle farmers, moving at frequent periods, You know that under Republican presidents the Six months ......................................... 75 tection for home products, then you Sam for handling mail, the farmer for are not particularly interested in their people of the United States have good times. Three months............................ .50 should vote for R. A. Booth for Unit­ pumping his cows, etc.? We don’t be­ upkeep. Farm buildings of such farms ed States Senator, Dr. With y combe lieve in making fish of one and fowl are not usually kept in good repair, You know that under Democratic presidents Entered as second class mail mat­ for Governor and W. C. Hawley for of others, for it is one of Governor as the farmer who is about to move you have Democratic times. ter July, 1888. at the postoffice at congressman. This is what these West appointees who is discriminat­ will leave the repairs for the ! next Remember the prosperity under McKinley, ing against children obtaining can­ tenant to make. The same 1 fillamook, Ore., under the act of gentlemen stand for. reason Roosevelt and Taft. dies, ice cream and fruit on Sundays, will apply for the lack of interest by March 3, 1879. Remember the conditions under Cleveland and The Grand jury will indict District while the grown folks employed in the "unstable’ ’farmer in the schools, Wilson. Attorney M. J. Gersoni, charged with the numerous avocations we have churches and general welfare of the THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. incompetency, failure to attend to his i above mentioned are not molested. community. They move frequently; The issue in this campaign is not one of per­ duties and gambling. This will give 1 Such a farce is laughable, and we are they do not remain on a farm long sonality. It is not one of non-partisanship, ltisa Gersoni a day in court where both inclined to believe that these socalled enough to get the best results from it, Editorial Snap Shots question of whether you prefer prosperity under reformers in Lane County have sides will have to defend their posi­ consequently they are usually in a Republican administration. tions. It is premature for us to dis­ sprouted wings and are too good to poor financial condition.” Republican .logan for November 3: cuss this matter at the present time, live in this world much longer. t Do you have enough work ? Are your wages —■ "Vote her straight!” for we do not want to prejudice the hat have J good ? we Is your business what you want it to be ? Cut Prices. Tillamook County did not get a case on either side. We have contend­ Registration will close on the- 15th. BUILT If you OUR are BUSINESS satisfied with present conditions, well square deal at the State Fair in the You had better hurry if you want to ed that the District Attorney is en­ The State Fair Cabinets per doz............ $1.00 and up titled to a day in court, and we are cheese exhibits. ! [ and good; if you believe that the present situation vote at the coming election. £°?‘ cards........................... 50 and up doing usiness glad that it is to be deieded in that Board, however, should not be blam­ Enlargements ..................... 25 and up I is BY better than under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft, ON know THE. what LEVEL The cheese market is on the slump, manner. We may shy that it is the ed for this. But it won’t happen again | you to do. . Tillamook Studio. Of course the Democrats will blame grand jury that is responsible for the for the “live wires” from Tillamook ¡1 WEVANTYOURTRADE The way to bring prosperity is to help elect a Opposit Court House. were on the war path when they this on the war and not on free trade. investigation and the indictment. ! [ Republican Senator. found out that the Superintendent of AND WE GAN KEEP The IT Republican candidate in Senator Chamberlain made a speech the Dairy Department had discrimi­ ! Oregon is R. A. Booth. If the District Attorney has been if You will ome to year. Vote the ticket gambling, then there must be others, in the senate against free wool and nated against Tillamook cheese be­ This is a Republican Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., V5JUSTgNC£ /i; for it takes more than one to make a predicted that it would ruin the wool longing to the Tillamook County straight. industry of the west, but when the Creamery Association. A. H. Lea, , Surveyor, I [ I p i l -T-TT game. (Paid advertisement, Republican State Central Con:., Imperial Hotel i Democratic party’s whip snapped he purchasing agent of the Union Meat ijohn Leland Henderson, Sec­ i retary Treas., Attoiney-at- I not only voted for free wool, but free 90®®©0©0®®0©GCCGCGG©C« *' eg w' ( I year’s I edly bc in I I in Sout I tries wl I >t war I Product I Possible that cot of the f eumstan Prevent I usual rm ton wou the worl favor a i •mt odds I R' A ’ It« Of th, I'ion and |dt«nt an Iffrpetuat l^’rs, but loiher Ref I’on has y |*>ll not c I5«" Ore? iSenate. j r°w that H**f ears i r‘N be ele rut every H’O'ild see **rge a; H'ical ta r’*Wssinat eandidat