an illanwk UcaMiöht- TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 8, How to Get Rich Live within your means. Limit your wants while enlarging your re­ sources. Dispense with luxuries as long as you can pay only for necessities. Promote your independence by becoming a money saver as well as a money earner. ou can buy an interest-bearing Certificate of Deposit or make a deposit in our Savings Department every time you have a spare dollar. ••rf’O Ti Wanted to rent a daii^y ranch, with stock, with 10 or more' cows. Cash rent or shares. Address G. F. Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. * War does not effect our prices on school books and supplies. We placed our orders before the advance and give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned to the city on Tuesday from Salem where they had charge of the Tillamook exhibit. GRAND JURY 1914 I1.50 PER YEAR. ACTION ASK^P Governor Lays Charge« Against Dis­ trict Attorney of Tillamook. Salem, Ore., Oct. 5.—Governor West announced today that the evi­ dence obtained by Miss Fern Hobbs, , his private secretary, in her investi­ gation of charges against M. J. Ger­ soni, District Attorney of Tillamook County, had been turned over to the grand jury. The charges against Gersoni are incompetency, failure to attend to his duties and gambling. Governor West said he had asked for the official’s resignation, but that he had declined to give it. Gersoni was appointed by Governor West when the county attorney bill passed at the last session of the Legislature became operative. Founded in the Strongest Way, Growing Stronger Every Day. “ SERVES YOU RIGHT 99 Protect your valuable papers from Wtr gyrrdjcn £kutt»d| the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. * I Attorney C. W. Talmage and broth­ er Marcus Talmage, returned on Tuesday after a two months hunting and fjshing outing in Southern Ore­ We understand that previous to the i gon. Member of grand Jury appealing to Governor It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.g West, it had papers drawn to indict machine v ith an established rep.r.a- FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION District Attorney Gersoni, and as tion fo~ quality services. The White I soon as Judge Webster Holmes re­ Of the United States. for sale on easy terms at Jones turns tn the city the indictment will Knudson Furniture Company. * be filed with the judge. The grand i Dr. George J. Peterson has bought jury had a session on Tuesday and CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,SOO, Dr. Perkins’ dental practice in this decided upon this. i city and will occupy the same office on First Street. Dr. Peterson came OOOOOOOOOOOOOeOOOOQOCOOOOGOOGOOOOOOOOGO&OGOaOQOOGCO« Death of Mrs. C. H. Waymire. from Seattle, Wash. I We are sorry to announce the death Report of the condition of Rev. R. Y. Blalock left last week to There was a great many matters THE HADLEY CASE. visit the State Fair and to look after of Mrs. Waymire, wife of Rev. C. R. suggested on this appeal that we have his political fences in Polk and Yam­ Waymire, which took place on Sat­ Attorney’s Fee« a Matter for County not discussed and deem them entirely 1 At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business hill counties, for he is the Democratic urday afternoon at the home of her I immaterial, as we cannot give final Court to Decide. daughter, Mrs. Frank Freeman. The I candidate for representative. decision on this appeal. The case September 12, 1914. - r, ..... , • _ J , funeiai funeral service was held in the U. B. ought to go back to the trial court I The case of Mrs, Otelia Hadtey vs. Cfcurek on Sood., Afternoon, ______ , con- RESOURCES. I for complete trial between the parties from the Dalles, where he had visited ducted by the Rev. H. F. White, and C. E. Hadley, which was appealed as to the existence of the partnership relatives. He was highly pleased Loans and discounts............................ 1 from the circuit court of Tillamook $286,205.10 the interment in the I. O. O. F. cem- and for final disposition there; and if Overdrafts, secured and unsecured j County to the supreme court, in 543.86 •with the county fair at that place, es­ etery. the partnership is found to exist, the Bonds and warrants ............................ 35,082.38 pecially the round-up features. Martha A. Waymire was born in which Mrs. Hadley obtained a verdict decree should be rendered in favor of Stocks and other securities ............ 469.02 Attorney Harry H. Belt, of Polk Indiana on New Year’s day, 1843. in her favor, was remanded by the Banking house ..................................... 40,750.00 County, candidate oti the Republican Came to Oregon with her husband 23 higheY court on Tuesday. Mrs. Had­ the estate, putting thé administrator Furniture and fixtures ..................... 6,000.00 ticket for Circuit Judge, was in the years ago and settled at Cloverdale, ley sued the Hadley estate for her in charge thereof for final settlement Other real estate owned...................... 4,726.00 county this week in the interest of his Tillamook County, was associated share of the estate, and the case was and distribution. The settlement Due from banks (not reserve banks) 1,534.10 campaign, and he considers his pros­ with her husband after his conversion compromised out of court without made with plaintiff cannot prejudice the rights and duties of the adtninis- Due from approved reserve banks 58,645.18 pects of election good. in the active ministry of the gospel, I the knowledge or consent of her At­ tiator to take notice of the partner- Checks and other cash items............. 1.478.12 torney, Oak Nolan, who sued for his ship, if there be one, and to adminis- Theodore Finney, who went to either in a pastorate or mission work. fees. [Cash on hand........................................... 26,531.12 She was the mother of ten children manner, i Pasadena, Cal., for the benefit of his ¡Other resources .......... ................... 15.00 The case was tried before Judge J. ter the same in the usual health, died there last week. He was and step mother of twelve. She was I U. Campbell, Attorneys R. R. Dun- Plaintiff can only sue to have the with her husband in prison work in $461,979.88 well known here and married a Salem for two years, having the care iway and S. S. Johnson represented piopcrty adjudged partnenhip prop­ Total • • erty of C. B. Hadley, deceased, anil daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. E. of 17 paroled boys, all but one being the Hadley * and Attorney Oak No- C. E. Hadley, and to determine that LIABILIT1ES. Noyes. saved to an honorable citizenship and lan defended his own case. the interest of C. B. Hadley is the Rev. Aug Olson, of Portland, will some saved to Christ. Was converted Justice J. Eakin in rendering the [Capital stock paid in ....................................................... $ 75.000.00 property of his estate, to be adminis­ 6,500.00 preach at the Wilson river school in girlhood, and has been a faithful decision states: ¡Surplus fund........................................................................ tered in the usual manner, atid not to house next Sunday at 8 and a In the pleading as well as at 613.94 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Christian all her life. She was par­ 612,69 meeting of the women will be held tially paralyzed and suffered from trial plaintiff seeks to have her dower ' adjudge her interests therein as an Postal savings bank deposits ....................... . .......... 4,000.00 at the home of Mr. O. Gulstrom at 2 leakage of the heart, which brought in the partnership property declared I heir or distributee. That can only be Deposits due state treasurer........................................... done in the county court at the close 270.532.54 o’clock. individual deposits subject to check........................... on other complications, from which and admeasured to her, and that she ol the administration, and plaintiff's 3,424.70 have judgment for her half interest ¡Demand certificates of deposit...................................... Arrangements have been made to she died Saturday afternoon, Oct 3, 36,843.12 keep Bar View hotel open during the 1914. She leaves a husband and six in her husband's interest in said par­ interest in said property can only be ¡Time certificates of deposit ........................................... 64,452.89 winter, and the speciality will be in children and nine step children to tnership property. The main purpose recognized to that extent. [Savings deposits.................... .................................... . It is not the province of this court providing fish and clam dinners for tnourn their loss. She was a great of this suit seems to be to recover the to create ti lien in favor of plaintiff’« $461,979 88 widow's share of the estate's interest Total parties who desire to spend a few sufferer but cheerful, always cheerful, attorney on the property as the prop­ days at the beach the coming winter. never worried, always looked on the in said partnership. The title to the erty is not plaintiff's property, nor is tate of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. real estate in said partnership is in C. bright side. She was a women of * this adjudication thereof in her favor. I, Erwin Harrison, cashier of the above-named bank, do Phone orders. Marriage licenses were issued on strong spirit, but that spirit was con­ E. Hadley, and therefor, the interest If the estate is liable for an attorney's nletnnly swear that the above statement is true'to the best of of the real estate is an equitable in ­ Tuesday to Charles Hunt and Minta trolled by our Lord and its power fee, that is a matter to be settled in ly knowledge and belief.—Erwin Harrison, Cashier. terest; and a widow has no dower in the eountv court, and is immaterial Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of Sep- Allison, of Beaver; Walter Kinnaman spent in love and service. Her conse­ an equitable estate in lands. I here. and Sarah Richardson; the former is cration was complete. Her Lord’s ;mber, 1914.—C. A. McGhee, Notary Public. It was the duty of the general ad 77 years of age and the latter 55, this will was her will. She loved to sing I The decree of the lower court will Correct Attest—M. W. Harrison, H. T. Botts, Directors. ministrator, if he had reason to be­ the third time and fifth times J esus I love thee . She being UV...B ...» .............. — i, • . wa* a lieve there was a partnership, to have b< reversed and the cause remanded respectively they have been married; . 'ovln8 and loved companion, a loving it as such, and if neces­ foi further proceedings not inconsis­ LAMOOK JOTTINGS I Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Geo. H. Peters and Loretta Ruther­ 1 and loved mother, a saint in her inventoried tent with the opinion. Christian character and devotion to sary bring suit lor the recovery there I sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ ford, of Washington. -------- ---------------- of from the person in possession, if Christ. * merly of the Spanish Kitchen. To all Property Owners at Bayocean. The Tillamook Headlight office is Geo. R. McKimens, independent Rev. C. H. Waymire and family de­ there was a reasonable ground to be­ * located opposite the court house. ! For sale a 3 year old full blooded candidate for County Commissioner, sire to thank the friends and neigh- lieve partnership existed, as is dis­ Holstein Bull. Apply to Claude Chris­ two year term, believes in co-opera-1 During the past few month* there j bors who were so kind, sympathetic closed by the administrator's answer ♦ Late Crawford peaches at the Fruit tensen on the Hathaway place. tion with the taxpayers in deciding and helpful during the recent sickness in this proceeding. If he was unwill­ ( has'been considerable criticism of the 'slice. * ing to do his duty in relation thereto, T. B. Potter Realty Co, by a few in­ 17 head of Spring calves for sale, on the amount of money to be raised and death of Mrs. Waymirc. he should have resigned as such ad-| Safe d.posit boxes for rent. Tilli- apply to John W. Jennings, Jr., each year by taxation, in expending dividuals, over the fact that we have the money in the best and most econ ­ ministrator and let some other person . Wedding«. 10k Cou-ity Bank. * Kelchis River. * omical manner, and in keeping a cor- attend to it. ! So that the plaintiff had , ‘,|accd a charKf ,or ,he u»e ! of our Roadster automobile for sale cheap Found a ladies’ switch. Same can rect and itemized account of all cx- Dr. Thos. W. Ross, formerly of Til- ' no personal interest in any of the dock at Bayocean by commercial I Ed's Garage. * be recovered by calling at the Head­ * lamook, was married to Mis* Kina property, real or personal, until the boats. Under our penses.—Paid Adv. - — ----- — ------- ------- --- contract of iin- I dose of the administration of the e»-J provcnlcnlt we a maintained « > 1 it t »1 t 1» 1 »1 <■ ¿1 this (lisa dock in »« zl 1 _ ­ ternoon at the Artisan hall. in rrzizszl good z»z-» condi Church. with his fishing rights on the Nestuc- to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * tion, paying for its maintainence en­ assets of the partnership, so that it Charles Hunt and Mis* Mint« Alli­ Single harness and buggy for sale, ca river. About a dozen fishermen way be included in the estate, and this 1 tirely out selves. T his dock was erect­ Bert Hudson was arrested for vio ­ son were united in marriage at the Pply at the City Transfer Co. * were brought in from the Nestucca lating the fish law, and the case has as witnesses. Justice Stanley took the Christian Church parsonage at high suit can only operate in aid of the ad- J ed for the benefit of Bayocean and it The place to eat is at the "Good I i< not the policy of this company to case under advisement until today, noon, Oct. 6, H. A. Van Winkle, pas­ ministration. Plaintiff by her reply ( • | not come before the justice yet. * will meet with cd. The state university suggests Will HlCtl . pastor of the Christian Church, and fraud and offered to put the defend guaranteeing to maintain this dock in October | ' that because of pressure of other ( r’ Carpenter on Friday, 1 . ant in statu quo by tendering back good order and operate it entirely on Tillamook County Bank, a corpor- work county superintendents may I , others present were: Mr. and Mrs. , the $7.000. The question of fraud was a free basis, we will deliver this dock Morrison, Mrs. C. M Rutherford, Jation, vs. Marion Celic, is a suit filed find supervision of tfns > >rt difficul | tbe ^ride and Napoleon [ not tried out or passed upon by the to them, for a period of five (5) years T'f Jack Olson returned to the city in the circuit court to recover $162.00 It has t— circuit court, and there was no teu- At the end of this time the above , ' u*sday and is ready for business and $50.00 attorney', fees. M *• and is ready to assist the superinten- | fast was served after which the young [ der back of the $7.000 as a condition arrangements can be renewed, at the ^n. ./ District Attorney M. J. re­ dent and teachers in any of several ccuple took the morning train for a of her right to proceed with the option of the parties taking it over, r*) Fred Poorman and child re- -. ceived a telegram on Saturdaf-statmg ways. "honey-moon” t trip , into British Col- !,rUI The fraud entitling her to re- 01 the dock shall he returned to us ,e on Tuesday from a visit to that his father was at the point of ombia, after which they will return to , scind the contract of the settlement in as good condition as it is at the farm for rent “**« at Woodburn. 1 death, with cancer of the lt0™icvh their home in South Bend, where the , and to proceed with the trial must be _ present time T B Potter Realty Co., For Rent, a 42 acre farm. mil« groom is a prosperous young busi­ established before the court as a con­ 'etc’*,r> w**° *,as resided near Mr. Gersoni left for Brooklyn N. », earn of Tillamook -Apply to Geo. By T. Irving Putter. dition of her proceedings therewith. ness roan. re,urned to this county to ( on Sunday, and will be gone three Cchn, Tillamook. his home here. • week*. \Tillamook County Bank. The Tillamook County Bank, I . I 1 First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore