Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 01, 1914, Image 8

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Tillamook Headlight, October
Christian Church Announcement
sponded most cordially. Mrs. Hewitt,
of Bar Vifw, was a visitor and made
a few pleasant remarks. After the “Are you married? Do you ever ex­
meeting adjourned a long table was | pect to be? Have you ever been? If
set, with all the good things that j you can answer either way to any of
help to make a birthday lunch long these questions we want you to hear
to be remembered Every one had a ( the sermon next Sunday night at the
good time and will be on hand at the Christian Church on the subject:
“Happy Tho Married”. In addition
next meeting October 10.
there will be chorus singing led by
----- o-----
violin quartett, a special by the or­
chestra, and a special vocal number.
Next Sunday being the day set aside
by President Wilson as a day of pray­
er for peace, we will conduct a service
at it a.m. with that in view, the pas­
tor preaching on the theme: Why
Christian Nations, so called, go to
War.” We invite everyone to attend
who does not go to church elsewhere.
prohibition of the liquor business is
Gref th?
concerned if you “Seek first the
kingdom of God and His
ness, all these things shall be added
unto you”.
On this phase he said:
Going dry boosts dividends. Get
behind the movement for a dry state
and a dry nation, for business reasons
This is the message which Pittsburg
manufacturers and members of the
Pittsburg Board of Trade are send­
ing to the business men of Oregon.
Washington, California and Colorado
this fall.”
"These Pitsburg men paid out of
their own pockets for a luncheon to
Portland business men in order that
they might tell them why the Pitts­
burg board of trade had petitioned
Congress to submit prohibition. Brief­
ly summed up, they found that valu­
able machinery stood idle on Monday
because men were absent, not having
recovered from their Saturday and
Sunday debauches in the open sa­
loons. They found that the accidents
and deaths which they were compell­
ed to pay for happened on Monday,
and for the same reason. They found
that their defective and spoiled work
happened on Monday, and for the
same reason manufacturers are dry.
"In December 600 of the Pittsburg
manufacturers, lunching together in
the Ft. Pitt Hotel, took account of
these things, declared for state and
national prohibition, and petitioned
Congress for the submission of the
amendment. The West Virgina Lum­
ber Industries Association, the Ohio
Manufacturers Association, the Nat­
ional Foundrymens Association, 98
per cent of the railroads of America
and many ether productive indus­
tries, are taking action along similar
“The Colorado Fule St I ron Coin­
pany was wet. This summer the
troops slosed saloons in the strike
district. The output man increased 11
per cent. Guggenheim and Rocka-
feller, who can smell a dollar further
than a camel can scent water, are the
owners of the Colorado Fuel & Iron.
The Colorado Fuel & Iron has now
turned dry.
“The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., of
Eugene, the Northw’estern Door Co.,
Portland, the Baker White Pine Lum­
ber Co., of Baker, and other manu­
facturers of Oregon, testify that the
saloon is the heavest drain upon their
business. In order to secure the loca­
tion of new factories, in order to pro­
tect the factories which we have, it is
business to get rid of the liquor busi­
ness in Oregon.
"The Anti-Saloon League has a
circulation of more than a million a
month for its several publications.
This means five million readers, and
includes most of the big manufactur­
ers. It is a paid circulation, which
means that the readers are iaterested
and read the paper.
“You would consider it good busi­
ness if the Babtists were going to
hold a national convention on the Pa­
cific Coast, to reach all the Babtists
in America with the facts as to why
your state your county your city were
the ideal places in America for Bab­
tists to invest. Your Chamber* of
The Priscilla club will meet with
Mrs. O. A. Schultz Friday afternoon.
Late Crawford peaches at the Fruit
Mr. Snoke of the Westinkhouse
Electric Co., and W. E. Peterson of
the Western Electric Co. were in
the city this week on matters connect
ed with the new day service.
Wanted—A buggy horse, weighing
about 1000 lbs., must be a good re­
liable, sound and handsome animal
and also a fair traveler. Inquire at
Headlight Office.
M. G. Hughes, the piano tuner, is
again in Tillamook for a short time,
get your orders for fall tuning in
early by phone to Lineback’s Piano
House. Expert work guaranteed.
Lost on passenger train at Garibal­
Sunday School every Sunday after-
di Friday Sept, 25th, an alligator
at 2 p.m. at the Free Methodist
purse containing $3000 in cash, note
Church. Preaching every other Sun­
for $6500 and return ticket to Port­
day after Sunday School by the Rev.
land. Finder notify Mrs. Blaser
Mr. Allison.
The new school room is almost
Arrangements have been
keep Bar View hotel open during
Miss Ethel Jensen has gone to
winter, and the speciality will be in
Philomath to school.*
providing fish and clam dinners for
Will Godsey and wife formerly of
parties who desire to spend a few
this place, but recently of Cloverdale,
days at the beach the coming winter.
are now at Los Artgeles Cal.
Phone orders.
Mr. Hagg, of Eastern Oregon, is
For Trade;—Owner will trade new
very sick at the home of his brither,
laige modern dwelling, nine rooms
full basement and attic, fireplace, etc.
Mrs. Allison and daughter Vitginia
Son of Mr. and Mrs Fred Poorman,
situated in Tillamook for improved
are visiting relatives in the Valley.
farm land or good securities. Address
The Ladies' Aid met at the home of
W. B. Van Graven, Box 140 Tilla­ Better Babies Contest at the Tilla­ Mrs. Curl’s last week.
mook, Oregon.
After Rev. Ward closed his sermon
It must be that the people of Ore­ points out of a possible too.
last Sunday morning at the U. B.
gon have reformed, more especially
Church, he made an alter call. Sever­
those living in Tillamook City, for TILLAMOOK WINS
FIRST PRIZE. al came forward and gave themselves
Governor West, when sending Miss
to Christ.
Fern Hobbs, to Tillamook, did not In Coast County Exhibits at the
call out the Oregon Guard to accom­
Women in Politics.
State Fair.
pany her.
Secretary Win. G. Tait, of the Fair
George Washington is doing busi­ Board received a telegram from Pres­
Quite a bit of amusement is going
ness on a much firmer foundation— ident J. H. Dunstan stating that Till- , the rounds as a result of an effort to
a few old rotton sills having been amook had received the first prize ( form a free trade Woman’s Club in
removed from under his office. Say for Coast County Exhibits at the this city to boost Dr. Smith for Gov­
George, it don’t look exactly the State Fair at Salem with a score of 91 ernor. As a resul for a call for a meet­
right stunt for the chief fire warden points w'hich included Tillamook, ing only four local ladies met a dig­
to be doing business in a fire trap Lincoln, Clatsop, Coos and Curry | nified lady from Portland. This lady,
Counties. With exhibits of amazing , so our informant tells us, was stenog­
The ladies belonging to the Shakes­ excellence Tillamook and Morrow rapher for four years for Dr. Smith,
peare Club, after the summer vaca­ counties were awarded first honors. I and she is now going over the state
tions,, resumed their monthly gather­ Tillamook scored 91 points and Mor­ attempting to form Women’s Demo-
ings on Tuesday afternoon of last row 89. Second to Tillamook in the I cratic Clubs. If she is not meeting
week, when they met at the home of fiist division is Lincoln County with 1 any more success than she did in Till-
Mrs. Barrett and had a delightful a score of 69. WalloWa is second to ' amook then her efforts will not
time. There were a number of invited Morrow in the third district, with a 1 amount to a great deal.
and the hostess served a dainty lunch. score of 80 points; Baker County is I When speaking of Dr. Withycombe
International Text Book Co., a third with a score of 76 points and she snearingly referred to him as a
corporation, vs. Charles Van Patten Malheur is fourth with a score of 70 I veterinarian doctor and looked down
is a suit to recover $72.45. In April points. This will give Tillamook ' upon him as below her dignity, but
1912, George Van Patten, son of the County a prize valued at over $150.00. Dr. Smith, why, he was a dear nice
defendant, signed a written contract,
President Dunstan telegram reads gentleman. Why should a key
subscribed for a scholarship covering
as follows: "Tillamook County exhib­ punching stenographer think herself
a course of correspondence instruc-
it won blue ribbon in first district so much above and superior to a
tions, the paying of which the de­
with a score of 91 points. Have ar­ I veterinarian surgeon, we don’t know.
fendand has failed to settle for.
ranged to put our moving picture on But this is the funny part, and which
A great improvement took place in
to-morrow, is causing the fun and the gossips to
the city that deserves mention for the
Wednesday afternoon in educational smile. When it came to the four un­
great enterprise shown in improving
building. They want our exhibit at terrified Democratic ladies electing
the city. About two bits of lumber
officers, it was here where trouble
was purchased to replace the rotten Portland for the land show.* Come commenced. The lady who was
sills on the two old shacks on the cor­ and see us. Notify.Mr. Kraner.” *
"slated” for president was objected
ners of tst street and 2nd Ave East.
to because she was the wife of a can­
Piano Tuning.
R. L. Shreve, Republican nominee
didate of a different political faith to
for County Surveyor, returned Fri­
Mr. R. P. Whitaker, representing the free trade, Smith-West-Chamber-
day from a vacation trip through the the Sherman Clay &• Co. piano house I tain political bosses, who are making
Willamette Valley and along the of Portland will be in Tillamook un­ a strenuous effort to ride the water
Columbia River. Mr. Shreve investi­ til, Oct., 6th. Send orders for uning wagon and the beer wagon at the
gated thoroughly the condition of aud repairing to Tillamook Hotel.
same time.
road construction and maintenance
Just wait until election day and see
in these localities and reported the
how the Republican women voters of
Presbyterian Church.
oiling of roads, as practical there, a
Tillamook will "swat” that kind of a
great success. Every resident, of the
The bible school meets te 10 a.m. combination, for that kind of prosti­
Scappoose, St. Helens and Goble dis­ The attendance is steadily increasing, tution of politics won’t go here.
tricts, is boosting for Hie highway the children are returning to their
connecting Portland and Tillamook places in the classes. We have now a
along the Columbia river and coast. good teacher for every class. Boys “DRYS" HOLD MEETING SUN­
A wedding took place at the Chris­ and gii
ake notice that Next Sun­
tian Church parsonage last Tuesday day is the beginning of a new quarter. Large Congregation at the Christian
afternoon, when Miss Josephine E. Don’t fail to be on hand. There are
Wheeler, of Tillamook County, and lots of good things being prepared
James M. Wheeler, of Multnomah for you this fall and winter. Join
At a union meeting of the Tilla­
County, were united in marriage. The your class now.
mook Churches last Sunday night in
bride is well and favorable known
Sunday morning at 11 a.m. the vest­ the Christian Church, R. P. Hutton
by many people in and about Tilla­ ed junior choir will appear on the of the Anti Saloon League, of Oregon
mook, and the groom is a prosperous platform for the first time. There are spoke on the business phases of the
young business man of Portland. thirty now enrolled, and more are to Oregon Dry Campaign.
The bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Sol. enlist next week. You join by coming
He stated that the world had got
W heeler, sister and one or fwo other to the rehearsals, and attending the the habit of doing tomorrow what
relatives were present and the groom mornig service attired in a suitable the United States did to day. The
was accompanied by his father. H. A. robe.
I nited States had the habit of doing
Van Winkle, pastor of the Christian
The pastor will speak to the junior tomorrow what Oregon did today,
Church was the officiating minister. congregation on the subjest: "Rosy so that to be an Oregonian was
The young people left for Portland Red Apples,” and to the senior con­ greater than to a be a king of Oregon
Wednesday morning where they will gregation on "The Might of Little was ruling the world.
make their home. The best wishes of Things.”
If Oregon progressives and with
many friends go with them, The
Evening service at 7 30 p m. The woman suffrage went dry Congress
groom is 20 years of age and the pastor’s subject will be "The Sym­
would submit the national dry amend
bride 16.
pathy of Jesus Christ for the Com- ment. If this nation was dry or near-,
The W. R. C. met in Artisan hall man Man.” This will be the first of a ly so when Uucle Sam sat down at
on Saturday afternoon and had the series of sermons on Social Service.
the head of the table to arrange with
honor of having Mrs. McBride, De­ The choir will furnish special music.
all civilized nations for the cessation
partment Inspector of Oregon, pres­
of war they would agree to let war
ent. She was very enthusiastic in her
and liquor, the twin destroyers die
praise and complimented the mem­
together. Three fonrths of all taxes
bers on the work they are doing As
in civilized countries now goes to
yet, little relief work has had to be Sundays, warm ocean water swim­ I
war. The only excuse offered for the
done, as most of the veterans, their ming pool, artificial surf, shower and
saloon is that \\ e need the money.’’
tub bath.
widows and orphane, are capable of
If nations agree to disarm the last ex­
caring for them selves. Post Com­
cuse for the saloon is gone.
Call for Bid.«
mander Reynolds, on behalf of the I
On the business phases of the ques­
Corinth post, G. A R., presented the I
The Common Council of Tillamook tion hg said. "John D. Rockefeller,
corps with a port-ait of Lincoln, the
will receive bid» for the improve­ the Guggenheims and the Pittsburg
corps president, Mrs. Lucas, accept­ City
ment of Park Street by grading and Board of Trade have made the im­
ed the gift, with a few well chosen gzavehng the same according to reaolu-1
words. It was hung in a prominent tion of the Common Council, the de­ portant discovery that God Almighty
place at the head of the hall. The tails of which are on file with the City tells the truth. They like all others
Recorder Bids are to be received up have for years admitted that the
president presented Mrs. McRride to
12 o’clock October 3rd, 1914. See liquor traffic is wrong but held that
with a souvenier spoon as a gift from City Recorder for full particulars.
it was profitable. They have come to fi.
Dated this September 29th. 1914.
the members, and she in turn
John Aschim, City Recorder. the conclusion now that so far as the
Commerce would grab at the chance
as a hungry dog a bone. Now, five
million readers will read of the state
and the county and the city which
give the big dry majorities this fall.
W e shall boost these places in all the
dry publications. Many of those read­
ers will attend the Panama Fair in
San Francisco next year. Manufactur­
ers will say, ‘We must look at that
city on the way out. It gave a big
dry majority. If they have the proper
natural advantages we shall want to
locate that western branch factory in
that place.’ Others will say, ‘We want
to move west; we must look at this
town, for we want to live in a dry
city, where the sentiment is strong.
Cithers will say, ‘We believe that in­
vestment in a dry town is more prof­
itable and that taxes are lower. We
must visit this town and make an in­
“Anything that reaches five million
peoplewith information about any
place of a kind toward which those
five million people are favorably pre­
judiced, is good advertising. It is the
kind of a stunt publicity agents dream
about and when that advertising is
true, annd has been proven by a ref­
erendum vote of all the people of that
community, and they have endorsed
it by an overwhelming majority, it is
the best business in the world. If Or­
egon can give the biggest dry major­
ity that ever was given, and your
county can be the driest county, and
your city the banner spot of the
county, you will achieved advertising
which will be worth millions of dol-
a million dollars
would not have secured
space rates.
"Five hundred and
the business men of
leaders, are putting them. .
hind the effort to advertise'T
1 d-
business men in Eugene ,
thousand dollars to get the^
c" • O\ L.a."C .CoU"‘>- ^<1 the Eu
Springfield c,ty. They are
notaries to round up every u?
t-ed voter. Corvallis, A,^
McMinnville are already ir
for the same purpose Th. 1
being administered
adrninisf...,i . bv an Un^>
committee of business men 77
putting organizers into the fil
get out the vote. They are
notaries to register them. M‘e7
has taken the place of
and business organizers h?v'"Uli
planted the hot air artists It ' ?
ness^ow, and it is good busing
“Other things being equal, the 0,
who is first at the end will be th
who is first at the start. There
votes and to spare in very rl- ’
O,eiOT. The ci,y
’»•«.»•¡••he «if,
Elecion comes on November 1 »
istraion closes October 15 The- d
not a moment to lose, and it is
to put into the hands of a man □
has failed in everything else If J
want this thing, it will up to yon J
to drop your other business fOr]
few weeks and attend to this bus„J
Do this public business well,
will do your private business' good!
Is now ready to take
any Contract in the
Cement and Building
In Germany, where pro­
hibition is unknown and
where all the people have
been temperate drinkers of
wholesome beers and light
wines, there is less drunk­
enness than in Maine or in
Kansas—the two most con­
spicuous prohibition states
in the Union.
The same is true of France
and Italy. The world over
you will find that the really
temperate races are those
who are not prohibited from
drinking temperate bever­
ages such as beer and wine.
Prohibition in Germany, France
or Italy would produce exactly
the same results that it has pro­
duced in every state in the Union
where prohibitory laws have been
enacted. It would not stop men
from drinking nor decrease drunk­
enness, but it would drive out the
mild drinks and encourage men
who do drink to resort secretly to
the highly concentrated spirits.
If prohibition really saved men
from the "curse of drink ” it would
have more to commend it to the
intelligenceof thepeople. But,as
thegreateditor, Henry Watterson,
observes in the Louisville Courier-
Journal, “It does not promote
either temperance or virtue. It
arouses human passion to frenzy
by restricting private rights. It
does not reduce drunkards. It
multiplies Pharisees and male­
factors.’’—Paid Adver tismeat.
D. Viridi, Chamber of Com­
merce, Portland, Oregon
v / e ’ ve got thè
Groceries, Smoked Meats>
Fruits, Vegetables,