Ill Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. I claim or equity of redemption in and Such a feat would well entitle him to Work not Ruled by Clock. I to said real property and every part . Circuit Court of the State of thereof, and that said defendants, and be called a bear who can move faster for Tillamook County. eacI*.°f them, be adjudged to pay any than ever man moved before (Rural Spirit) O00’ No. 1487. deficiency which may remain unpaid Commenting on the recent editoral after applying the proceeds of said ■by'-oun,. piaintiff in the Rural Spirit wherein it was sale properly applicable to the satis­ A Tax on Neutrality. stated that enactment for defeat of faction of said judgment, and for such other and further relief as to the the proposed eight-hour law is up to Hila Collins, C. B. Collins A claim is made in one breath that H1. Earl Collins, V. L. Court may seem meet with equity. the farmers, the Tillamook Headlight This summons is served upon you the Wilson administration has saved Hnton Vallie V. Robinson, ^French, W. H. Wilson, and each of you, bv order of the I us from war and finds if necessary to says: H Longsworth, Onicatta Honorable Webster Holmes, Judge burden us with a war tax growing I "The Rural Spirit is wrong. If the Longsworth, F. L. Kel- of the above named court, dated out of wars which other peoples are law is enacted it will be because the Sept Sth, 1914, and the date of the Knd M Adelpha Kelley, politicians fooled the farmers with V Defndants first publication of this summons is waging. The logic of such reasoning the Oregon System. The law is apt to ■ virtue of an execution, judgment the 10th day of September, 1914, and is that we must be taxed for war ■ decree and order of sale issued the date of the last publication there­ when there is war abroad, and that carry because all the unemployed and K above entitled court and cau-e of and the last date upon which you the employes as well will vote as a ■t drected, dated the 8th day of are required to appear and answer on one of the duties of a neutral is to unit for the law. A large number of Enber, <9'4, upon a judgment or before is and will expire on the pay war taxes for the privilege of dairymen were in favor of the eight ■ecree rendered and entered in 22nd day of October, 1914. neutrality. This is entirely new rea­ ■court and cause on the 8th day of T. B. Handley, soning, and it would discredit the hour law for county and municipal Kmber. 1914. in favor of Oglesby Attorney for Plaintiff. administration utterly as a plea in ex­ employes. As long as the county pays Kg, Plaintiff, and against Isabella tenuation if advanced undtsguisedly. the bill, it is O. K., but now that a bill Kj, C. B. Collins, Charles Earl SUMMONS. Ks, V. L. Robinson, Vallie V. This is so clearly recognized that the is to be introduced that will affect the ■nson, L. R. French, W. H. Wil- administration, taking its cue from farmers, they are up in arms against ■U. G. Longsworth, Oneiatta Mc- In the Circuit Court of the State of Mr. Wilson himself, prefers the hard­ it.” Bngsworth, F. L. Kelley and M. Oregon for Tillamook County. Eight hours a day for a county or ly less discreditable course of at­ Kpha Kelley, in the sum of Robert Osborn, K.20, with interest thereon from Plaintiff, tempting to obscure facts as a means municipal employes is purely a matter K|th day of April, 1913, at the rate vs. of hiding a deficit in government rev­ of interest to taxpayers. Everyone Kc per cent per annum, and the William L. Riefenberg and enues which could be seen before the pays taxes dire’ctly or indirectly. If ler sum of $96.90 with interest Lillian C. Riefenberg, his wife first hostile gun was fired in Eioopt. I 1 these taxpayers see fit to enact eight »on from the 12th day of May, John Storm, the unknown ■ at the rate of six per cent per heirs of Obed S. Thomas, de­ The present tariff law was drafted, hour legislation for county and muni­ |m, and the further sum of $650.00 ceased, and also all other per­ admittedly, with a purpose to reduce cipal work, they pay the bill and it is Iney's fees, with interest thereon sons or parties unknown, revenues from imports $40,000,000 to their privilege to limit hours of labor I the 8th day of September, 1914, claiming any right, title, estate $50,000,000 annually. Although the de­ as they see fit. Municipal or county the further sum of $18.55, costs lien or interest in the real es­ Kisbursments, with interest there- tate, described in the com­ mand for the Baltimore platform was work is of an artifical nature. It can lom the 8th day of September, pliant herein. for "a tariff for revenue,” Mr. Wilson therefor be regulated. That which is land the costs of and upon this Defendants. and his representatives in the F.'ouse, not done today may be attended to ■ commanding me to make sale of To the unknown heirs of Obed S. ■ollowng described real property, Thomas, deceased, and also all other immediately after assunr-ig powet tomorrow. persons or parties unknown claiming announced their intention of so en-1 Farming is a work of seasons. Sea­ |e South half of the Northwest any right, title, estate, lien or interest larging the free list, and so reducing son is based iy>on natural law. Man­ »er, and the Northwest quarter in the real estate described in the the schedules in all protected lines, made laws cannot regulate seasons. |e Southwest quarter of Section complaint herein: no Ld the Southeast quarter of the In the name of the State of Oregon while imports would shrink < er'ainly j We have no eight hour fruit, ■beast quarter of Section 11, all in you and each of you are hereby re­ $40,000,000 and possibly $50,000,010 a twenty-four hour cows, and no 1 rain­ liship 2 South of Range to West quired to appear in the above en­ year. There was nothing evasive in fall that can be governed by laws. Jillamette Meridian, in Tillamook titled court on or before the 5th day Ity, Oregon, (excepting one acre of October, 1914, and answer the their attitude at that time. They ex > ­ I Weeds grow and must be cut. lof described in the deed record- complaint filed against you in the hibited a candor which was really re­ ground bakes after the rainfall K Book "J” at page 270 Records above entitled cause, and if you fail freshing, and in marked contrast with must be harrowed at once or Seeds of Tillamook County, Ore- to so appear and answer within said the deception they are now attempt­ moisture is lost. In the same parts of [) Also the Northeast quarter of time, for want thereof the plaintiff Bouthwest quarter of Section 12, will apply to the above entitled court ing. The present effort at deception Oregon it requires more than eight ■nship 2 South of Range to West for the relief demanded in his com­ grows out of the overwhelming suc­ hours to make the trip to freight cars I'illaniette Meridian, in Tillamook pliant, to-wit, for a decree as follows: cess of the policy of revenue reduc­ with grain. Farm work is peculiar to Ity, Oregon. First: Decreeing that you, the said tion through tariff reduction. It be­ itself. It is a task of today and not of Est offering for sale in subdivis- defendants, and the other defendants came our melancholy duty, during tomorrow. In no other work does ■ the one hundred and sixty acres above named, any of you, have no timelessness count for so much and ■ribed as the South half of the right, title or or interest at law or in many mpnths following the early op­ ■hwest quarter and the Northwest equity, of any kind eration of the present tariff law, to frequently what is not done today of nature, in and' Iter of the Southwest quarter of to real property situated in Bay City, lion 12, and the Southeast quarter Tillamook County, State of Oregon, point the fact that, while the adminis­ cannot be done tomorrow. tration’s expectation of largely in-1 The work of the mine, the mill, Ke Northeast quarter of Section described as folldws: 111 in Township 2 South of Range Beginning sixty (60) feet west of creased imports was being realized, factory, shop, office or store can be Best of Willamette Meridian in the northwest corner of block four its estimate of loss in revenue was be­ done by two or three, shifts a day Kmook County Oregon, (exccpt- with no less in output or in quality of (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to ing much more than realized. |the aforesaid one acre,) and if no At the same time, the ordinary ex­ product. But the cow that is milked Irs be received for the same in the town of Bay City, Tillamook northeast ■ Oregon, " _ . ‘ being _ the .1____ ___ t penses of government, so far from with change of workmen twice a day ■¡visions for an amount equal to County, greater than the sum for which corner of the tract to be described, being reduced, were increasing. The becomes unprofitable. There are ■whole of said real property may thence west two hundred (200) feet, (ioo) feet, first year of the Wilson administra­ weeks when more than eight hours gold as a whole, then said above thence south 1 one hundred (100) —*---- 1 ' (200) ‘ ’ two 1 hundred feet. tion cost the country, in round figures a day are required on Oregon fafms gribed real property will be offer- thence east ■or sale as a whole, and if the thence north one hundred (ioo) feet, $100,000,000 more than the last year and there are weeks when a less num­ Ke does not sell in subdivisions or to the place of beginning; Second: Quieting the title of the of the Taft administration had cost. ber of hours serve to complete the I whole for a sum sufficient to plaintiff, in said property the r r-~, and ____ __ J A deficiet was plainly in sight, and, work. tty plaintiff’s demand, including ■rest, attorney’s fees, costs and whole thereof against each of you which Congress showed no disposi- j The enactment of the eight hour tiling costs, then offering for sale and each of the other defendants tion to reduce expenses, it was to be law for Oregon as it is written, will _ i every ____ seen that a bond issue to raise cur-1__ ■ Northeast quarter of the South- above named, 1 and ' each ' and not create more jobs for more men |t quarter of Sec. 12, in said Town- person claiming by, through or under rent revenues was threatening. In the and lengthen the period of work in you or any of you, or any of the t two (2) South of Range ten (10) ni nlz- rd — __ __ •«< cause one __ r farmer — i to nick of fimn time came »» a temporary sus­ * country. ». It will tt of Willamette Meridian in Till- other defendants above named. I Third: Establishing and decreeing lok County, Oregon. pension of imports from all warring exchange work with another farmer. ■w, Therefore, by virtue of said that plaintiff is the absolute owner in countries in Europe, to serve the pur­ It will render idle more than half the fee simple of the whole of said prop ­ I lotion, judgment, order, decree I order of sale, and in complianc« erty above described, and that none poses of men looking for something farm hands in Oregon. It will result Ih the commands of said writ, I of the defendants above named have to hide behind. The president was in many a fruit or dairy farm falling I on Saturday th 10th day of Oct- any estate, title, claim or interest in not above taking the lead in sound­ into the hands of the industiious I ler, 1914, at the hour of 10 o’clock said property or any part thereof. ing an alarm which may be called a Fourth: Perpetually enjoining and false alarm in the sense that it was an Japs. The farm hands and farmers I. at the front door of the County will make common cause in defeating lurt House of Tillamook County, restraining you and the other de­ legón, sell at public auction (sub­ fendants above named, and each of effort to mislead the puplic mind as the proposed eight-hour law in Ore­ ll to redemption) to the highest you and each of said other defend­ to the origin of the impending deficit, gon. Ider, for cash in hand, all the right, ants, from asserting or claiming any which, he told Congress, was plainly |e and interest which the above right, title, estate, lien or interest in indicated in the loss of customs rev­ Do You Agree With This? ■ed defendants, or any of the’m said real property hereinbefore de­ enue during the single month of Aug­ t in or to all the above described scribed, or any part thereof. II property, or any part thereof, on any right, title, estate, lien or interest ust. He proposed a war tax to supply What is the Lord going to do about 124th day of April, 1911, that being in said real property hereinbefore losses which, he said, promised to the eastern war, and how is he going I date of plaintiff's mortgage, or described, or any part thereof. continue for some time, while he to answer the conflicting prayers of lich any of them have since acquir- Fifth: The said plaintiff will furth­ lin or to the same, or so much er apply to the Court for 6uch other made no reference to the fact that the righteous in the warring countries kreof as may be necessary to satis- and further relief as to the Court may they had then been continuing for Take it from this oracle that the said execution, judgment, order teem meet and equitable. some time. He lost no time in prov­ Lord is going to pass up that war, Id decree, interest, attorney's fees. This summons is published by ing the form of his declaration of the and he is not going to answer the Its and accruing costs. order of the Honorable Webster Dated this 8th day of September, Holmes, Judge of the above entitled emergency to the evasive and insin- I prayers of those who are praying for court, made on the 10th day of Aug­ cere. This fact is so plain that he is the success of armies . The Lord did r H. Crenshaw, ust, 1914, in and by which order it is now finding himself more strongly not have anything to do with starting Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. prescribed this summons shall be te of first publication September published for six weeks in the "Tilla­ opposed among the Democrats of the that war, and he is not going to do 0, 1914. mook Headlight”, a weekly news­ House than at any time before. Now, anything to stop it. In this instance te of last publication, October 8th paper of general circulation printed for the first time, we see the adminis­ he is an innocent bystander, but un­ I914. and published at Tillamook, Tilla­ tration leaders in the House endeav­ like Belgium, he is far enough away, mook County, Oregon, and requires oring to prevent instead of forcing or, rather, the nations that resort to you to appear and answer the com­ the holding of a party caucus on an Summons. arms are so far away from him that plaint on or before October 5th, 1914. administration programme. The de­ Bn the Circuit Court of the State of The date of the first publication is ficit must of course, be wiped out. there is no danger of bullets or pray­ August 20, 1914. ers for the success of arms reaching frgon for Tillamook County. Platt & Platt and J. Bailey, The public credit must be sustained. him. The Lord is the Prince of Peace Bn Hahn, Portland, Oregon, I Plaintiff, Attorneys for Plaintiff. There will be no party division on I he came to earth to teach peace on I vs. that point. But Democrats as well as earth and good will to men; he lived ■t Mahne and Marie Mahne Republicans, it now begins to appear, i a perfect life and a perfect rule of ac­ id M. W. Harrison, demand that the administration shall tion. 1 he Lord said "Thou shaJt not The East India troops Great Brit ­ I Defendants. [To Gus Mahne and Marie Mahne, ain has furnished the allied armies in be honest with the people, and shall kill.” The command is specific. The f above named defendants: France have been heard from on the not, while acclaiming itself as having great teacher who, in the canse of P°u, and each of you, are hereby firing line in that country. Censored saved us from war levy a war tax up­ peace, sought not even his own, was Ruired to appear and answer the i and mild and taught love as the Jmplaint filed against you in the dispatches put their number at 30,000 on us to cover the sources of a de- j I Jove entitled suit and court, on or The name of one of the officers, who ficiency inaccurately attributed to a greatest of all virtues, could not have Jiore the last day of the time pre- was wounded in Monday s fighting, war in Europe. anything to do with starting such a fribed in the order for the publica- is given. These troops being officered fracas as now envelopes Europe. Arid pn of summons herein which said it is not probable that he is going to by Englishmen, the name would re ­ Ider was made and dated September All who are defeated in the great |n. 1914, and if you fail to so answer, veal nothing but for the additional war may conclude to take up their busy himself to stop it by assisting |r want thereof, the plaintiff will ap- statement that the wounded officer either army to an early or late suc­ > to the court for the relief prayed is captain of the Nineteenth Lancers, residence in "the land of the free and cess. There is no evidence that the n in said complaint on file herein, the home of the brave.” Lord steps in to stay the hand of the fwit; for judgemnt against said de- a part of Fane’s Horse Indian Army. Col. Roosevelt has been called to even though mdants and each of them for the One source of British re-inforcement the colors in Kansas and Nebraska, individual murderer, raised against his accepted beloved ,m of $200.00 together with interest is shown in this. The newspaper mili­ I Rreon at the rate of 8 per cent per tary experts are still struggling to where the Progressives are deserting and war is but murder on an. enlarged "’um from the 4th day of October, the possibility of bringing too,000 or to the Republican camp. scale. The measure of guilt of leader >°o until paid and for the further and follower is a matter ».lilt cannot more Russian Cossacks, and their ’T ,0^ $75.00 attorney's fees herein, bi discussed with profit "here.—Cor­ nd for the costs and disbursments of horses into the fight via Archangle Deafness Cannot Be Cured vallis Gazette-Times. suit; that a certain mortgage and the North Sea. One of the ex­ 1 hr loe«l «pplic.tto". they c.nn-O irntioned in said complaint, for perts has seen private advices from a the deceased portion of the ear. ®poo given by said defendants to The Pacific Coast '."ondensed Milk 'ttntiff be foreclosed and the prop- Dundee merchant, nams withheld, bv constitution remedies Deafness is caused hy inB.mel condil.«. «** >»»7« the work ^Pvered by said mortgage, tow it; who actually saw Adam-Zad walking llnlnx of the Eu,t.chian Tube W hen th<, Company has comm.erseed of ----------- section nine Town- in Scotland to be entrained for Eng­ t "¿2*. eon a rnmbl wnnd of enlarging its plant in Hillsboro, » ' "E quarter ----------- . , . _ Hearing, and when it is entirely >

11ara for an, sion of the Macadam roails rrgakes frsons under -JT-p- claiming by wy through mrougH or UIIU.1 ~ £“^-7 “.‘t-aTA’ c ‘:A‘ that city more of a center for deliv­ •>d ”d defendants or either of them tous route from France to Russia he ery of milk and the demand! has be- • •»sequent to the execution of said is said to have traveled in such a brie < 0 . foledn.Ohlo ccme imperative for more rq-»m j *rJ even baking heat, Having one-half the fuel. All door3 drop to form rigid »halve*. No »print». Mattcab!» iron oven rack» alkie out automatically, bow­ ing whatever (hoy coutain. The Great M ajestic R ange ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron .ddi»e 3C0« «a IX« of —hss ah roftier rreirvolr win h ntg like a tea Iwtt!«. through a Copper | t ftamped from » •» n • e of copper. wtt>ng uguri»* left hand i.n ng of fra t •»<. It • .> ¡5 of water in a *«ry fr-v rninntr» and by turning a 1< v r tn** frumc mi l »•««rvoir mova* away from (»• e. Anwx ■lun ve p«* nt*d Ida^eeh. f«*atura. f/penmd ! »h fum do»-« away with »hoveling fl'hmi vmtifalrd mh pre r.t« th or from ' J hit^ hro prat« h«ia«)»m. A th ut to th nn fuu tha gruataet hnprovenu/nt ever ftat In a cringe. „ ... Lon’t buy the yrrj nrpi to fof a life tiny» "unaigl.t, unmniu.” c. be auro to Jw dsa- appolntod. (Airn- to dot «tor'-, and nee the fir eat Af d-trfir have Ila m >ny «•xrhiaiva fnetures rilem'rl Hod out why »no itic la »'*>>* -»rong^r han an i*rang* * rh’ Mm-at ranijne are weakest. i i ♦’ n I i .. r -> at any price and »1 ahouJd be in /uui iuk j n, FOR 5AL.E BY _ ALEX. McNAIR * CO."