Tillamoolc Headlight, October I, 1914. y to serve those to whom both are of ' combe, candidate for governor, , , ............ “6 and CfotA Preec Flaqhliirhts doing it may be somewhat at variance the very essence of sheer existence. I many of , the not. We sincerely trust they will other prominent candi­ REPUBLICAN TICKET State Press r lasniignis | with good poHtics._Poik County ob- dates will be present and make short look carefully into the matter before Astorian. The Dallas Observer appears to im­ server. talks. The affair is known as th they cast their ballot; if they do, we For U. S. Senate— agine that they have the prune grow- . ___ Interesting Political Pointers. “ Empty-Dinner-Pail-Luncheon” lln(| are confident how they will vote. ROBERT A. BOOTH. ers of Polk county in that vicinity, I Of course our cheese comes every Republican in the State is ¡n. This law will effect the farmer and mentioning that seven weighed one Tillamook, but if called fromage then For Congress— That Dr. James Withycombe will vited to be present. the business man in the state of WILLIS C. HAWLEY. pound. Mayor Frank Hubbard says it comes from France or some other be the next Governor of the State’ of Washington more than they realize. For Governor—% I he can beat that bad, as he found six | foreign country and the price goes up Oregon is as certain as far as an. - “The Democratic party,” declared The following is an example of the JAMES WITHYCOMBE. ■that weighed one pound and two on account of the war. The good old thing political can be certain. i Kansas the Re­ Theodore Roosevelt in conditions that will be brought about For State Treasurer— ounces. When you want real fruit dogleg tobacco grown in \ irginia or ports coming to the Republican State other day, "from its inception has in the cook house of our camps. THOS. B. KAY. I We would have to employ, to main­ and berries come to Falls City —Falls Kentucky suddenly puts on airs at a Headquarters at Portland from all been the party of incompetency T„ Eor Supreme Court— City News. chance to get its value boosted and the hope for achievement from it, to del- tain the cook house, in order for the THOS. J. M’BRIDE. _____ I registers from Chibouque, Turkey, or over the State are unanimous in ¡ prediction that Withycombe will run egatJ it to the solution of the new men to work eight hours a day, the HENRY J. BEAN. Curtis P. Coe, of McMinnville, was some other far-away place within the following cooks, waiters and. camp T. !.. HARRIS. far ahead of his ticket. It is t the —- problems of the day with any thought told Saturday in an opinion handed war aone or where the cruisers make flunkies for each camp: HENRY f . BENSON. prophecy at State Headquarters that of success is as idle as advancing down by the attorney general that a I dangerous to haul it, as it is con- against a modern army armed with 2 cooks and 4 flunkies for 6 days in For Attorney General — label on beer bottles which tastes: "If traband of war, "giving comfort and he will carry every county in the flintlock muskets.” week, costing $12 70. GÈO. M. BROWN. State by good pluralities. Multnomah you want to continue drinking this so]ace to the enemy.” Old John D. 2 camp flunkies for 6 days in a week For Supt. Public Instruction— healthful beverage unmolested, vote | an(j Standard Oil suddenly go out of County is so strong for Withycombe J. A. CHURCHILL. Believing that the Oregon farm costing $3.10. against prohibition,” should bear the business, and all our oil and gasoline that even those in charge of Dr. For State Engineer— 2 cooks and 3 flunkies for I day in needs scientific business organization Smith ’ s campaign regard it as abso ­ name of the author, printer and pub­ comes from Russia, and so double in JOHN C. LEWIS. | a week, costing $3.10. as much as it does any corporation, lisher under the provisions of the cor­ price. Drugs and dye stuffs made in lutely hopeless. The odds offered by For Commissioner of Labor— Total cost per day $31.60. and also that the Oregon farmer suf­ those making election bets are often rupt practice act.—Salem Statesman. Germany are excusable for taking a O. P HOFF. Present cost per day $7 90. a good indication of conditions, in any fers more from efficiency and leak­ jump and getting enhanced prices for For Railroad Commissioner— Extra cost per day $23.70 . age of costs items than from any The Grand Ronde road extending themselves, but why should our own section of the State. Not many bets FRANK J. MILLER. Cost of nine camps at $23.'i plicable, disorganizing a nd destruct ­ and James Withy-