Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 01, 1914, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI.
No. 16.
Are You a Money Saver ?
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Most every one expects to be a money saver
¡some time.
Good house and lot for sale on easy
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. *
Safe i'..posit boxes for rent. Tilli-
tnok County Bank.
Some expect to save when their income is larger;
¡others plan to save when their expenses are less.
People who wait until, they can save without
'effort rarely begin to save ; they wake up some day
filled with regrets because of the opportunities they
have missed.
The moral is: Begin regular saving at this |
bank NOW; whatevei the income, make the outgo!
a little less and save the difference.
It’s a simple matter to start a savings account j
Tillamook County Bank.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Roadster automobile for sale cheap
at Ed’s Garage.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
The place to eat is at the “Good
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Single horse and buggy for sale.
I Apply at the City Transfer Co.
Morrison and Grant Mills are at-
tending the State Fair at Salem.
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
Jos. Durrer is among the Tillamook
visitors at the State Fair this week.
j C. I. Clough and wife are attending
the State Fair at Salem this week.
Everett Holl formerly of this city
, was a visitor the first of the week,
j For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­
j We are in a position to make some
I long time farm loans.
j Bank.
A X 7"E are now making a special in rod victory offer
L V V to secure new customers, isend us eighty-
five cents—money order or : tamps—we will
send you a full quart bottle of “Hom xlale”, a FOUR
sealed case—express charges paid. H omedale is both
pure and good. It will surely plea se you and win
Ïour future trade. We are the largest Mail-Order
,iquor House on the Pacific Coast—perfectly re­
sponsible—been in business over fori y years—capital
$100,000.00 fully paid—have twent; thousand satis­
fied customers in seven states, ship ping over three
quarters of all the whiskey leaving Portland by ex­
press. Don’t overlook this special < ffer—your order
will go out on the first train.
Founded in the Strongest Way,
Growing Stronger Every Day.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
It’s a good rul? to buy a sewing
machine v ith an established reputa­
tion fo- quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
Mr. R. I’. Whitaker piano tuner of
the Sherman & Clay piano house is in
town for a few days, this is
Whitaker’s seventh annual visit to
Second Week of the Greatest Saving Event
in Tillamook’s History.
For sale a 3 year old full blooded
Holstein Bull. Apply to Claude Chris­
tensen on the Hathaway place.
Buy the Materials and
Have Your Winter
Coat or Cape
Made at Home.
The Styles this year almost seem
to have been designed to encourage
every woman to make her own Coat
or Cape—
The popular Balmacaan, Raglan,
Long Skirted Loose Fitting or Ripple
Coats, as well as the new Neapolitan or
Circular Capes and Slipons are all so
simply fashioned and easy to make that
if you do not want to send the goods you
want to a Tailor to “make up’’—you can,
with right pattern, make, fit and finish
the garment you want easily, quickly and
with no trouble.
There tire any number of pleasing
patterns including the new plaids, for yon
to choose from in our special display of
Coatings and Cloakings
that you must she to fully appreciate
The styles are exceptionallj' attractive and for the first
time since the present Tariff Law went into effect, it is possible
to buy the very choicest and most desirable of these heavy
Materials at bed-rock prices.
We have anticipated and prepared for an extra heavy
demand for cloths of this character, and if you are sincere in
J’our desire to make your selection from the best assortment of
Styles in town, we urge 'you to see what we are prepared to '
offer in all-wool—
Br< adcloths
Velour Cloakings
Cobble Cloakings
English Cloakings
Balmacaan Coatings and
Montenac Cloths
Bouclé Coatings
Plu6h Cloakings
In Scotch Plaids, Roman Stripes and Novelty Colors.
Die exceptional quality and all 'round, practical service of these
and: the moderate range of prices at which they are p e, e
n>akea it greatly to your advantage to see them before you d^c,d*
l,i? style or character of the Coat you intend to have made for this
•ea«on’s wear.
Prices 65c. to $4.00 the Yard.
[Gold Bond Trading Stamps on every Cash ’furchase
Stillwell’s Removal Sale
Shot gun and rifle bargains. Percy
the bicycle doctor, 1st St. and 1st
Ave West.
Lost, on first street a Star pin.
Finder please leave same at Head­
light office and receive a reward.
Don't forget the Harvest Supper
and old time songs at the Guild Hall
on Friday, Oct 9th.
A large number of persons from
Tillamook County are attending the
State Fair at Salem this week.
James Bibby vs. Josef Blaser is a
suit filed in the circuit court to re­
cover $200.00 on a promissory note,
17 head of Spring calves for sale,
apply to John W. Jennings, Jr.,
Kelchis River.
Found a ladies* switch. Same can
be recovered by calling at the Head-
For Sale, full blooded Holstein
light office.
Bulls, one year and six months. Apply
to John Nciger, Fairview, Ore.
The Saturday and Sunday special
afternoon service between Tillamook
and Portland has been discontinued,
this train making last trip Saturday.
For Sale, Good driving or riding
horse. Address E. Musselman, Bay
City, Mutual Phone, T. R. Elliott. ♦
Dr. A. D. Perkins having sold his
dental practice to Dr. Allen, all un­
paid bills are to be paid to Dr. Allert.
Esther and Florence Freeman left
for their home in Corvallis on Wed­
nesday after spending the summer
with their brother Frank Freeman.
Mr. V. Spaulding and family of
Puhi Idaho, arrived in Tillamook the
first of the week -ad has accepted a
position with the Tillamook Feed Co.
Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c. per
hour. Bell telephones 130 J and 131
W.—The Electric Store, next to Gem
WANTED:—Boy to work on de­
livery wagon, after school and on
Saturdays. Inquire of City Transfer
Dr. Elmer Allen and Dr. George
Peterson, of Tacoma, have purchased
Dr. Perkins’ dental parlors and all
work will be guaranteed as usual.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
Tillamook County
dollar per year.
Hartvest supper and old time songs
at the Guild Hall, Friday, Oct. 9th.
Supper 5 till 7 30. 35c. A good time
for everybody.
At the M. E. Conference Rev. E.
Gittens was appointed to the M. E.
Church in this city and Rev E. M
Smith to Nehalem. Rev. W. J. Weber
goes to Lakeview.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with
—8 cows. Cash
stock, with to or more
Address G. F.
rent or shared.
Hackett, Hemlock. Ore.
Man and wife wishes to work on
dairy ranch Will do any kind of farm
work. Inquire at Tillamook Head­
light office.
The editor and wife left this morn­
ing to visit the State Fair after
which they »ill K°
Fug'nr ,o
their daughter Mrs. I. M. Trav...
Member of
Of the United States.
Tillamook Agents for Butterick Patterns Richardton’s Embroidery Silks
3c. Skein. Purchases amoanting to SI .00 or over sent free of charge by
parcel post.
SPECIAL THIS WEEK : Human Fluffy, Wavy Hair
Switches at Great Removal Savings.
First National
Attorney James Walton, of Port­
land, was in the city on Tuesday on
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­
sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Full Quart—Only 85c—Exprès
War does not effect our prices on QCOOOCCeGOOeCCCOOCOGCOCeOOOOGCOOOOCOCO
schocl books and supplies. We placed
our orders before the advance and
give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. *
Attorney H. T. Botts left for Salem
on W ednesdav to appear before the
Supreme Court in the case of M. W.
Harrison vs. P. R. X N. Co. for
d images.
Rev. R. Y. Blalock received the sad
news last week of the sudden death
ot his brother Z. V. Blalock, of Ukiah
Cal., who died from a strake of apo­
plexy. ’
Dr. Jock Olson took his wife to
I ortland on Saturday for surgical
treament. Mrs. Olson has been quite
sick recently.
In the case of School District No. ,
35, against School District No. 9
which a judgment was given in favor
of the defendants. Attorney Dunaway
has given notice of appeal.
If such a thing is possible, we do not want to move a dollar’s worth of mer­
chandise. This sale is the outcome of months of deep and serious thought. W e
must dispose of all Fall and Winter merchandise NOW when the demand is the
greatest. •
'fo the Public—Truthful advertising—No fictitious salt - No impossible bargains.
Never before has such a Money Saving Sale been
presented to you right in the height of the Season.
Delayed Importation of Beautiful
Make Christmas Selections at Removal
Sale Reductions. Do it Now.
Your last opportunity to purchase genuine, foreign,
real Armenian Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered
Handkerchiefs, the real Appenzell handkerchiefs, the
real Maltese lace edge, the dainty French em­
broidered handkerchiefs —colored French novelties
—beautiful Swiss handiwork handkerchiefs, in fact over
nine hundred to select from at intense removal bargain
Removal Sale from 3c. to SI.88.
Former prices
from 5c. to $2.50.
Important, Remarkable Removal Sale of
To be brief, last March, through John V. Farwell, of Chicago, we placed our
import orders. Several lines have jbeen held up caused by foreign troubles.
Monday we received the balance of our orders, '¡'lie greatest of these were the
dress goods
Needless to say they are the most fashionable’ in weave and color
ings. Every yard will goon sale at Genuine Removal Bargains, absolutely the
lowest prices ever offered for strictly new, worthy, reliable, de|M*ndable mer­
chandise. The showing will represent all thats new in foreign and domestic
fabrics. Removal prices from 23c. yd. to $2.68,
During the Removal Sale
at Trimmed Prices.
38 New 1 rimmed Hats. First Showing this
Season. Special, $3.25, $4.95, $5.68.
Black velvet hats in small turbans, three cor­
nered and sailor hats, in small sizes. Also
wide brim velvet sailors in different styles,
some round and others soft top crowns. Every
hat in this collection was copied from higher-
priced models and are splendid values.
Substantial Removal Sale Savings.
Red Cross Wool Blankets, gray and white
5.50 California Vicuna and mottled wool Blank' ts
3.00 Woolnap Nap Blankets, fancy grays and white
2.00 Extra Quality, full size Comforts, cros4 stitched
1.75 Full size Bed Comforts, splendid patterns, full siz
GLOVES, Removal Sale, $1.05 pr.
The entire glove supply is exhausted in Europe
We were fortunate put-
ting in our Fall order last March.
The sizes and colors at present are flood.
Buy Early.