Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 24, 1914, Image 6

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    Ti 11 amook Headlight. September 24. 1014;
n •
“The Rose” Butte rick Patterns , Embroidery, Books and Peroidicals
Free— With Cash Purchase, Rogers High Grade Silver Ware —Oregon State Design
and Hosiery—“Octoneck” Sweater Coates and Jerseys. Purchase«
October. Tillamook Agents for Warner Bro’s. Corsets. “Dependon” Sanitary Knit Uuderwer a"d “osiery
Amounting to $1.00 or Over. Shipped Free By Parcel Post, to Any Point m Tillamoo
Stillwell’s REMO VAL SALE!
landlord«- after one .year strenous effort to make this a store for all the people, a better
Being unable to obtain satisfactory arrangemen ts with ou p
iPS.;re to move into other quarters. We wish at this time to thank our friends and
store—your store, it is with deepest regret we are compelled t0 ani}^nce
honored by the more than generous patronage. Being firmly resolved not to mOve(tf
patrons for their great encouragement and kind expressions. We feel deeply nonorea J
e >__ cu rr;«n
«stock nf Fall and Winter Merchandise at
1 ,
possible) a dollars worth of merchandise. To you we w ill offer at ethe very height of the seasons our Fresh, Crisp Stock^of Fal^nd Wmter Merchandise at absolutely
extraordinary reductions. To you will be presented economies, the most memorable in the history of mercantile records
LOME. . .
The Doors opened to this Great Occasion
Thursday, Sept. 24th.
No Better Ginghams, Chambrays and Zephyrs
are to be found in the market, the colors and
patterns are of the strongest, best quality and
Removal Sale Bargains.
36 in. Lonsdale Bleached Hope Muslin..............
36 in. Heavy Cabot-W-Unbleached Muslin.........
36 in. Extra Heavy Cabot-A-Unbleached Muslin*
7 4 in. Extra Heavy Bleached Sheeting................
7 4 in. Extra Heavy Unbleached Sheeting...........
36 in. Extra Heavy Bleached Pillow Tubing.......
42 36 in. Extra Quality Salem Pillow Cases.........
Soft Absorbent Bleached Face Towels, Doz.......
Sanitary Turkish Bath Towels..............................
Extra Quality Fancy Outings...............................
8’c. yd.
8c. yd.
9c. yd.
20c. yd.
18c. yd.
17c. yd.
16c. each.
43c. doz.
9c. each.
7ic. yd.
in. Best Quality, “Utility,, Ginghams......... .
in. Highest Grade Red Seal Zephyrs....... ..
in. Plain Color Imported English Chambrays. .
27 in. Fancy Patterns A. F. C. Chambray Gingham
27 in. Scotch Plaid Chambray Ginghams...............
32 in. Scotch Zephers 25c. values............................
7 Pieces Absorbent, Sanitary Bleached Gauze.......
43 Pieces Natural Finish American Prints.............
Clark O—N—T Spool Cotton................................
Knit Underwear at Removal Prices.
This is the High Grade “DEPENDON” Make-
Piece of Underwear Reduced.
Women’s, Young Ladies’, Boy's, Children and Infants.
fitting mixed cotton and wool. Suit $1.05
Women’s “Dependon” Vests and Pants
fine ribbed, soft fleeced cotton. Each 53c. Women’s “Dependon” Union Suits, nat­
ural color wool. A good medium weight.
Women’s “Dependon” Uuion Suiuts,
smooth finished, heavy fleeced Cotton, At the Suit $2.05.
Women’s “Dependon” Wool Union Suits,
Regular and extra sizes. Each 65c.
extra soft yarn, form fitting $3.50 gar­
Women’s “Dependon” fine combed maco
Vests and Pants, absolute comfort and ment. At the Suit $2.98.
fit. Each 78c.
Hundreds of other pieces of underwear
Women’s "‘Dependon” Union Suits, form at REMOVAL SALE REDUCTIONS
Entire Stock of Art Needlework,
accessories ,
All Silks and Dress Goods—sA^raicEs.
Every yard of Dress Goods and Silks Reduced.
Dress Goods Selling Up to $1.00 yard, Removal Price, 53c. yard.
A splendid collection of All Wool and Silk 54 in. Imported French Ripple Crepe,
Mixed Dress Goods, showing the new
New Fall Shades, $2.75 Seller Removal
Fall and Winter Shades and popular
Sale $2.00 yard.
weaves, Etemine’s Storm Serges, Eponge 52 in. English Broadcloth, natural finish
Henriettas, Panamas, Ottamans, Fancy
Removal Sale $1.19 yard.
Suitings, Plaids, Mohairs, Poplins Ger­
man Serges, Etc. REMOVAL SALE 36 in. French Silk Crepe Street and even­
ing Shades. Removal Sale, 69c. yard.
PRICE, 53c. yard.
54 in. Men’s Wear Serge, Sponged and 27 in. Imported Alligator Crepe, Evening
Shrunk, extra heavy, Choice Autuum
and Street Colors, Removal reduction
Shades. Removal Sale. .$1.68 yard.
53c. yard.
Removal Sale Brings Great Handkerchief Bargains.
One word to the wise ; that’s all. Buy your holiday
at the Removal Sale, the new ones are here.
At Marvelous Removal Reductions.
will go so fast we will not have enough
Our Art Department, with its vast stock, would do
one word, and not any too many
justice to the large city stores, here are shown examples of
to supply the “wise.”
the highest art materials, pure linen hemstitched, scoloped
very sheer, removal, 19c
and plain lunch cloths, buck Damask towels, dinner and Men's Plain Hemstitched, full size Handkerchiefs,
4 for 23c.
lunch sets, individual table cloths, runners,stamped linens, Men’s Pure Irish Linen Homestitched Handkerchief,
brocaded hack crash, pillow tops, dresser scarfs, etc.
7c. For Women’s Embroidered 15c. Handkerchiefs.
An immense collection of beautiful materialsand pieces at
5c. For Women’s Embroidered 10c, Handkerchiefs.
35c. For Women’s Armenian Embroidered 50c. Handkerchiefs.
wonderful Removal Sale reductions.
2300 Skeins of Richardson’s Embroidery Silks, re­ 27c. For Women's Appenzelle Embroidered 35c. Handkerchiefs.
moval sale, 3c. Skein.
Children’s Handkerchiefs at Removal Prices.
32 packages Richardson’s Emb. Outfits, with ma­
When the Kiddy is about to leave for school, just slip
terial, floss and instructions. Removal saie 19c. pkg.
one of these little handkerchiefs into his or her pocket Its
No Goods Charged at Removal Sale Prices.
the kind they like. Different styles from 3c. up.
Commanding Removal Sale SUITS
dllU CO
1 O.
The Removal Shoe Sale Offers Great
No Goods Charged
at Sale priCes
▼ dlLLCo.
An occasion of tremendous importance and wonderful oppor­
tunities. Don t miss this Removal Sale if von so much as surmise
buying a Suit or Coat.
$12..>0 For Long Enveloping Coats, selling to $20.00.
Long 48 to 50 in. Coat» of English broadcloth and Scotch tweec
cloth- Coats you will need, no matter where you go—traveling,
autoinobling, walking, for shopping and afternoon wear. Fine!
tailored and serviceable.
$9.9.) For Coats the Removal Sale brings down from $18.00.
1 hree quarter lengths, made of the smartest of imported anc
domestic cloaking, fancy and plain effects. Tailored in the most
exquisite manner. Others very conservative. Be the first to get
your pick.
1 ake time by the forelock. Every manufacture in the countr?
is hard pressrd for leather. Shoes have gone up from 17c. to 28c.
pair, the outlook is they will go much higher, it’s no joke, the}
have depended mostly on foreign importations. Our orders were
placed before the foreign troubles. At the Removal Sale they will
godown, instead of up in price. Our fall order was received some
ten days ago. You are assured ot clean, live leather, the very
smartest styles, most serviceable construction in most any height
heel, most any width from A to EEE. Make your selection while
the stock is at its best.
Buy your shoes now and get Reinova
Sale Reductions.
C»ilt Edge Shoe Dressing. Removal Sale, 19c. box.
Combination 1 in 1 Tan Paste and Liquid,removal sale 7c. box
Combination 2 in 1 Black Paste and Liquid, sale 7c. box
Large I ins of Black or Tan “Pasta Superior,” removal 7c tin.
Removal Sale of Linens.
All Napkins and Every Yard of Linen Reduced.
bi this Removal Sate <»f Linens we have something to say of utmost in­
terest to the housekeepers, boarding house managers, hotels, schools, etc.
I lie ottering of l able l)amask. Napkins, Huckaback and Bath Towels, Wash
'¡igs. (. rr.sh and l ow# ling, on Removal Sale Display, will be extraordinary
monev saving propomtion, ns all linens have advanced.
*>Oc I able Damask. Removal Sale 43c. vd. Bleached satin finish table
dantask, rose atftl other tieautiful patterns.
>1.00 Satin Damask. Removal 78c. yd. 72iu. wide natural satin tlnish,
’lower and con volitional designs. Snow white.
>1.25 Satin Damask. Removal 98c. yd. 72in. satin damask, half bleached
heavy SiKlendid Removal« Values.
> .2; German Linen .Damask. Removal 98c. yd. 08in. wide, heavyweight
<■> no »l*'*
ftu'l bleached German linen.
W W Irish Linen fhHtmsk. Removal $1.58. 72 inches wide, extra heave,
tun grass bltjHclicM, very choice pattern.
Young Ladies, Boys, Children’s, Infants.
V q I uaq Every pair of Shoes REDUCED.
No goods Charged at Sale Prices.
Every Pair Hose at Removal Sale Reductions.
Every Blanket and
Comfort at
Removal Prices.
Removal Sale of the Entire
V- J :i’r " omen s Silk Hose, fine lustrous block. Removal Sale ..»7c. l,r'
* t>a.r ?*en s Fine Pure Silk Socks. Removal Sale 33c. pr.
M 1 air Boy s Heavy 25c. Fast Black School Hose. Removal 17c. pr.
I air Children s Fine Ribbed Fast Black 2Oc. hose. Removal lb l,r;
Messaline Satin Petticoats, occordioti plaited ruffles. Removal
Charmenicse Silk Petticoats, plain and changeable effects. Salel’-’.W-
in." * French Kid Gloves in all colors and black
Removal Sale $1 0.> Pr-
Ilk. to I. k . I-leisher s \arns, Germantown, Saxony, Spanish and Shetlan
rloss. Removal 7c. Skein.
35c. Fleisher's Genuine German Knitting Yarn, good assortment coh'rt-
Removal Sale i pound 27c.
$1.5 Counterpans, full size, exquisite Marsailles designs. Removal