State Press Flashlights. Pointed Political Gossip. the latest prize for literature to an SUMMONS. East Indian. It is reported that many Under the Cleveland administration When people in the cities are strug­ In the Circuit Court of the State bond issues were resorted to to make gling to meet the installments on the German servants are surrendering the I Oregon for Tillamook County. honorary degrees conferred upon Robert Osborn, up the losses in revenue caused by hemes they are buying and finding Plaintiff, free trade legislation. Under the Wil­ jobs scarce and the cost of necessities them by English Universities and learned societies, Prof. Roentgen, vs. son regime its a "war tax." Of course high; and when the farmers find that \\ illiam L. Riefenbyrg and famous for his discovery of the X- the European war furnished the ex­ they must compete with foreigners Lillian C. Riefcnberg.’his wife rays, has even caused the gold medal John Storm, the unknown cuse for the tax, but it was bound to who ship grain, meat, butter and eggs come just the same.—Yaquina Hay into the United states, and do and conferred upon him by the Royal So- heirs of Obed S. Thomas, de­ . ciety to be melted into metal and ceased, and also all other per­ News. can undersell the American farmer, given to the Red Cross. A German sons or parties unknown, both city man and farmer want to I boycott on English writers is being claiming any right, title, estate There seems to be some talk of a lien or interest in the real es­ know the reason. They realize that attempted, restricted at present, how­ tate, described in the com­ backdown on the proposition to sa ci- the remedy needed is a Republican 1 die the greatest part of the war rev- administration. This is a Republican ever, to such who have written bitter pliant herein. Defendants. enuc on the shoulders of the business year, and R. A. Booth is the Repub­ articles or poems against Germany To the unknown heirs of Obed since the declaration of war. Surely Thomas, deceased, and also all other interests through the medium of lican candidate for Senator. this will not extend to masterpieces persons or parties unknown claiming freight charges. The murmer of dis­ that have long been appreciated as any right, title, estate, lien or interest approval has increased in volume un­ It has always been the boast of n-uch in Germany as in England. in the real estate described in the til at length reached the vulnerable Americans that anyone with ability complaint herein: In the name of the State of Oregon spot of re-election for many demo­ to "make good” can achiave success. Shakespear, for example, has since and each of you are hereby re­ cratic congressmen, and not the in­ Abraham Lincoln split rails, George Goethe wrote his “Wilhem Meister” you quired to appear in the above en­ been as familiar to the average Ger ­ terests of the people, but their own titled court on or before the 5th day ashington was a country surveyor, individual careers will be what turns R. A. Booth rode the range as a cow man as to the average Englishman or of October, 1914, and answer the American. And through Carlyle’s complaint tiled against you in the the tide.—Umpqua Valley News. puncher, but by industry and applica­ writings England became much im­ above entitled cause, and if you fail tion he became one of the men who to so appear and ahswer within said The power of prayer, like the power opened the resources of interior Ore­ pressed with Goethe in particular and time, for want thereof the plaintiff of faith, is among life’s mysteries. gon and brought millions of dollars German thought it general. The im­ will apply to the above entitled court Man cannot measure it as he can into the state. The career of Booth, press has been so mutual that it surely for the relief demanded in his com­ to-wit, for a decree as follows: measure the power of steam or elec­ now Republican candidate for Sen- can not be permanently destroyed as pliant, First: Decreeing that you, the said a result of the present bitterness of tricity.Some men do not even believe ator, is an example for latter-day defendants, and the other defendants feeling. I above named, or any of you. have no in it. Yet wise men know that it ex­ Oregon boys. The Westminister Review, an Eng­ right, title or interest at law or in ists and that it is among the greatest - ■ 0--------- equity, of any kind of nature, in and of influences that sway humanity. If This is a Republican year, when Re­ lish publication, notes one peculiar to real property situated in Bay City, all the men and all the women in the públicas will vote as they register. and pleasing attitude on the part of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, world who believe in peace, in broth­ The times and conditions of the coun­ English officialdom. A ban has been described as follows: Beginning sixty (60) feet west of hood in orderly justice, should unite try demand that they do. The best placed on the circulation of carica­ in a day of prayer to the Father of all way to "vote ’er straight” is to start tures and bitter attacks on the kaiser. the northwest corner of block four (4), James M. Fuller's Addition to for the inclining of men's minds away at the head of the ticket with R. A. In some instances the police has the town of Bay City, Tillamook arrested hawkers of such caricatures, from war, would the undertaking be Booth for United States Senator. County, Oregon, being the northeast of no avail’Think not so.—Telephone Booth has made good in every job he although legal authority for such ac­ corner of the tract to be described, feet, thence west two hundred Register. ever held and he will make good at tion is doubtful. Whether this is thence south one hundred feet, done because of consanguinity of the Washington. Oregon can feel con­ feet, thence east two hundred ruling families or under the general feet, When Governor West threw the fident with Booth at Washington. thence north one hundred theory that it is not safe to permit to the place of beginning; weight of his influence to secure the Second: Quieting the title of the the abuse of monarchy, it should nomination of Dr. Smith it is at least “SendBooth to Washington”, “it is plaintiff in said property and the have a good effect. Each nation owes reasonable to believe that he was a Republican year” and "vote 'er whole thereof against each of you convinced his choice as his successor straight.” These are the statements of much to the general thought of the and each of the other defendants named, and each and every would mean a continuation of his the united Republicans of Oregon in world ahd it would be unfortunate if above person claiming by, through or under the present war should cause an utter own policies. Now, while there are this campaign. It is worth mention­ you or any of you, or any of the many people who credit the governor ing that this is the first Senatorial less of the fine spirit which has rec­ other defendants above named. ognized merit and service regardless Third: Establishing and decreeing with good intentions and who un­ contest in which the Republicans are of boundaries or tongue. that plaintiff is the absolute owner in I hesitatingly indorse many of his acts, not divided and thy are now solid for fee simple of the whole of said prop­ there are but few who will not admit Booth. erty above described, and that none v Summons. of the defendants above named have that taken as a whole four years of any estate, title, claim or interest in Considerable stress is laid on gov­ West has put the state in a sorry In the Circuit Court of the State of said property or any part thereof. mess, and they are anything but anx­ ernment appropriations for deeping Oregon for Tillamook County. Fourth: Perpetually enjoining and ious for a second dose. A vote for the Columbia River. Robert A. Booth John Hahn, restraining you and the other de­ fendants above named, and each of Plaintiff, the man picked by West means noth­ Republican nominee for Senator, you and each of said other defend­ vs. when manager of the Booth-Kelly ing more nor less than this, while a ants, from asserting or claiming any Gus Mahne and Marie Mahne vote for Withycombe means a return Lumber Co., brought into the state and M. W. Harrison, right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real property hereinbefore de­ to sane and dignified government— over $10,000,000 outside money. The Defendants. bulk of this money went to pay wages To Gus Mahne and Marie Mahne, scribed, or any part thereof. Hillsboro Independent. any right, title, estate, lien or interest and develop interior Oregon. This is the above named defendants: You, and each of you, are hereby in said real property hereinbefore Governor - to-be Withvcombe’s far more coin than the Government required to appear and answer the described, or any part thereof. Fifth: The said plaintiff will furth­ statement that public expenditures has appropriated for Oregon’s rivers complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit and court, on or er apply to the Court for such other are entirely out of proportion to as­ and harbors. before the last day of the time pre­ and further-relief as to the Court may sessable wealth will find a ready scribed in the order for the publica­ seem meet and equitable. For the first time George Chamber ­ i echo in the minds of farmers and This summons is published by tion of summons herein which said lain is a candidate in the face of a order was made and dated September order of the Honorable Webster others who this year are staggering Holmes, Judge of the above entitled under the load of taxation imposed united Republican party. Heretofore 8th, 1914, and if you fail to so answer, court, made on the loth day of Aug­ for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap by the adoption of all kinds of mea­ he has been successful because the ply to the court for the relief prayed ust, 1914, in and by which order it is party was split and one faction was sures each calling for additional ex­ in said complaint on file herein, prescribed this summons shall be endeavoring to punish the other by for towit; for judgemiit against said de­ published for six weeks in the "Tilla­ pense. As he says the process of voting for Chamberlain. In the pres­ fendants and each of them for the mook Headlight", a weekly news­ pruning will require rare discrimina­ ent campaign the Republicans are sum of $200.00 together with interest paper of general circulation printed tion and careful study to determine thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per and published at Tillamook, Tilla­ I that is wisely spent and that which is solidly behind Bob Booth. With an annum from the 4th day of October, mook County, Oregon, and requires overwhelming Republican majority 1906 until paid and for the further you to appear and answer the com­ I useless, or which if meritorious can in. the state, the result is a foregone sum of $75.00 attorney’s fees herein, plaint on or before October 5th, 1914. I be dispensed with. Those who and for the costs and disbursments of The date of the first publication is conclusion. I know Dr. Withycombe are well aware this suit; that a certain mortgage August 20, 1914. Platt & Platt and J. Bailey, I that he posssses the right judgment As evidence of the unity of the Re­ mentioned in said complaint, for Portland, Oregon, I so essential for this important task publican party in Oregon, Jonathan $200.00 given by said defendants to Attorneys for Plaintiff. plaintiff be foreclosed and the prop ­ I and are convinced that he may be Bourne, Frederick W. Mulkey and erty covered by said mortgage, towit; I safely trusted with solving the prob- other leaders who have been off the the NE quarter of section nine Town­ I lcjn.—Hillsboro Independent. reservation are now supporting ship three North of Range six west r—" of the Willamette meridian, in Tilla­ Booth for Senator. Mulkey, the first The proposed eight hour law is be- Senator from Oregon, elected under mook County, Oregon, be sold in the manner provided by law and the pro­ I ingvigorously attacked by all of the Statement No. I, managed Roosevelts ceeds of such sale applied to the pay­ aged until every drop is I organizations throughout the state, i campaign in Oregon, but has left the ment of said judgment, and that all rare and mellow. That’s I and with perfect right and justice. No Progressives as that party is dead. persons claiming by through or under what give3 the flavor said defendants or either of them I one who is acquainted with the de- Bourne, who has been at outs with subsequent to the execution of said to Ol«l I tails of farm work, will admit that other party leaders, is not only back­ mortgage either as purchasers, in- I such a measure could be put into suc- ing Booth but has contributed $500 cumberances or otherwise be forever barred and foreclosd of all right, title, I cessful operation. Even should it pass to help the entire state ticket. claim or equity of redemption in and I and go on the statute books, it Harper Whiskey, to said real property and every part I would become a dead letter from very thereof, and that said defendants, and fifty years that flavor has Senator Chamberlain has “ made I necessity, as far as farm labor is con- each of them, be adjudged to pay any been the favorite. It’s I cerned. There may be occupations good" as a politician and office-seek­ deficiency which may remain unpaid velvety richness never er. R. A. Booth has been a farmer, after applying the proceeds of said I where an eight-hour law is rational varies. Your Grandfather sale properly applicable to the satis ­ I Ind just, where hours can be regulat- cow puncher, sheep-herder, clerk, faction of said judgment, and for such chose Old I. W. I ed and work arranged with mathe- school teacher and manufacturer and other and further relief as to the I matical certainly, so that at the stroke has made good in each. He has been Court may seem meet with equity. This summons is served upon you I of the clock the hammer can drop, a laborer and an employer of labor and each of you, by order of the and understands both ends of the because he knew it wan I the pen put aside and the machine Honorabla Webster Holmes, Judge game. the best. Today you of the above named court, dated I stopped, without injury to business, Sept 8th, 1914. and the date of the can find no finer I and resumed again the next day, or first publication of this summons is International Amenities Vanish. I the following on through months, but the 10th day of September, 19M. a”d I it can not be done on the farm. Either the date of the last publication there­ The great European war is smash­ of and th« last date upon which you I this proposed law must be changed F. LAUGHLIN, I ir. its relation to farm and ranch, or ing not only treaties, but various in­ are required to appear and answer on Tillamook, Ore. or before is and will expire on th I defeated in itsentirety, for it would ternational amenities. One of the 22nd day of October, 1914. I seem to be better to have an entirely most gratifying features of our times T. B Handley, Attorney for Plaintiff. |.,ew alignment than to have a law has been the cosmopolitanism in liter­ ltna\can only be inforced arbitrarily, ature, art, music and science. The lor ig Tored and defied. There are al­ ancient view was expressed by the Statesmen of all countries and all lready t rn**ty such laws on the Gieeks when they gave the term Bar­ parties admit that arbitration is a |v:.rious suites ,l'O°ks that have gone barism to all the non-Hellenists, and good thing. It might likewise be into this dea d letter <-’ass> and there the term contained originally all the conceeded that arbitration is better p* no use of O.’egon add»?' one more. reproach we give it now. But this pro­ before a strike than after. vincial spirit had almost disappeared 'x. F-Vmpqua ValleV News. Pr Crumbine, the health specialist among the thinkers of the world un­ ■s. of --------- Kansas, has started a crusade til this war came to arouse animosi- « nations appear tc Russia has just canceled all against the rainwater barrel, |t should . All the t warring - ---------- Thein in be preserved for use for the Kansas ’ant Uncle Sam to umpire the strug- l. ’■ ■■ts owned by Germans. The -at patent and international politicians in the practice of oratory. I f. . but none would accept his rulings pate. " he accepted the job ternatio. . -ve been among the finest Antwerp is said to be suspicious of I In 1865 General Wm. T. Sh erman copyright h- ■> international jus 1 Counlul General Diedrich because of 5jn wjth which the i his German name. But he was born Pai ■ I confess without shame that 1 manifestations j1jrnse|f into in Piltsbourgh and has been in the with the problem of * uy ng Harne«a Fn tired and sick of war. Even suc- tice. The enthusia will find it distinctly advnnta- late Mark Twain thre. , copyright consular service since 1889 giving you P” the most brilliant, is over dead gcoiiH to rm: Oregon Stólte K a i r, < > FAIR Sept. GROUNDS, ( SALEM, 28th to Oct. 3rd n ii- Pacific Railway & Nav. Co. REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES. I. w. S.P. Trains Direct to Fair Grounds HARPER h I- 3 ■ WHISKEY » HOMEDALE WHISKEY STRAIGHT Full Quart Only 88c Capra«« Paid E are now making hh | m cial inf rodm lory offer to secure new ciMtomeia. Smul tin eighty- five cent»- money order or t-fiiiii|>.-i we will «end you a full quart bottle of “Homedale”, n I < >1 It YEAR OLD STRAIGHT WHISKEY packed in a Bcaledcaae- express charge.« paid. Homedale i- both pure and good. It will surely plea, e you and win iour future trade. We are the large t Mail-Order ,iquor House on the Pacific Coast perfectly re ■poneibli been in buRinPH»over forty years—-capital • 100,000.00 fully paid have twen ty thousand satia- fied cUntomera in »even state-,, shipping over thr»«- quarters of ail the whiskey leaving Portland by < x- press. Don’t overlook this special oiler- yourordcr will go out on the first train. F. ZIMMERMAN & CO.