Tillamook Headlight, September 24, I p 14. and phisieally, but it has been 0 ALVIN R. WORRALL, a fight that has taken every bit of courage, strength, and endurance that LAWYER, I possess. BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES, “The desire was with me day and ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY night. I wanted a cigarette worse The following article contributed than anything I had ever wanted in PUBLIC. Not a Bad Idea. by W. L. Clark tells how Wisconsin my life. It seemed as though every­ 25 years experience. Consultation cheese happened to be named. The man I met was smoking. Every paper F ree. The following article taken from I picked up had nothing in it but uninitiated have perhaps often won­ Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. the monthly publication "Lend A tobacco advertisements. I dreamed dered how cheese happened to be cal­ led “twins” and “daiseys", but Mr. Hand" edited and published by the about cigarettes and big black cigars P)R. L. L. HOY, Clark tells how it happened. He says: inmates of the state penitentiary at and comfortable old pipes. Salem, is worthy of preservation: “In the early days of the cheese fact- “Every time that I went into the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tory in this state England was our I “To the married man who cannot garage and began to get a whif of the get along without his drinks, the fol ­ T illamook B lock , best customer, for she had developed boys’ cigarettes I nearly went frantic the cheese eating habit beyond her lowing is suggested as a solution of I —but I never gave in, not one time. I Tillamook, - - Oregon. means of production; and New York , the bondage of his habit would go off and get a grip on myself First — Start a saloon in your house some weeks in the early seventies ex­ QR. ELMER ALLEN DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, Second—Be the only customer; and keep on fighting. And all the ported more than 100,00 boxes of time my dear lady was sympathizing FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. (Successor to Dr. Sharp), cheese a week, much of which came i ' you will have no license to pay. Give with me .encourageing me, praying fiom this state. There is a district in your wife $2.00 to buy a gallon of for me, and keeping me out in God’s tooooocooeoooGoecoooooGoeoooecoGooooooooooooQoooaodGc DENTIST. England called the ‘Chedder district,’ whisky, and remember, there are I big outdoors all she could. sixty-nine drinks in one gallon. Commercial Building, Tillamook that made a cheese having a diameter “Well, I have conquered. I feel sure of some 14 or 15 inches, weighing ! 1 “Third—Buy your drinks from no of myself. A few nights ago I dream­ some 60 to *0 pounds that was a one but your wife; by the time the ed I was walking down the street R. JACK OLSEN, favorite with the trade. 1 i fit st gallon is gone she will have $4.90 with a crowd of people when 1 sud­ to put in the bank and $2 to start “Of course we wanted the price of DENTIST. denly realized I was smoking. I flung their tavorite, and adopted their style business again. my cigarette away as far as I could (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Fourth—Should you live ten years and name for our cheese, so ‘Cheddar with a sickening disgust, and then as Tillamook • Oregon cheese’ became a standard name for longer and continue to buy booze I waked I realized I was free. I was American cheese east and west. from her, and then die with snakes a man and 1 thanked God from the There never was a ’Cheddar process’ in your boots, she will have money bottom of my heart.” C. HAWK, of making cheese, though we copied to bury you decently, educate your children, buy a house and lot, marrv the English make as well as we knew decent man and quit thinking about ; CHEESE MEN HIT BY WAR in that early day. Jn nothing more a you. ” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. than the way of making cheese was Southern Credit Crops Due to Small the difference between an English­ Demand for Cotton. Bay City Oregon Widows’ Pensions. man and Yankee more clarley empha­ Sheboygan County News. sized. An Englishman was conten­ Marshfield cheesedealers have taken The taxpayersof Polk county, as QARI. 1IABERLACH, ted to do as his father had done, well as i the lead in a state wide movemnt to those throughout the state, while the Yankee would follow it till are becoming somewhat agitated over interest Wisconsin congressmen in the ATTORNEY-AT LAW. he got the hang of the job and then the working of the Widow’s pension proposed bill to permit the issuance experiment for another improvement; T illamook B lock act, the number of applications of the of government warehouse receipts for so the present method of handling several county courts reaching a fig­ southern cotton on a basis of 7 to 8 Tillamook .Oregon milk as made into cheese differs vast­ ure that is appalling. At present Polk cents a pound, to relieve the tense ly from a generation ago. county is contributing to the support financial situation caused by the Eu- rp h . GOYNE, "It was customery at that time for of eighteen widows, while at least a ropean war. the cheese factories in eastern states It appears that a great percent of dozen additional applications for fi­ ATTORNKY-AT LAW. to keep some curd out from one day nancial assistance are pending, which Wisconsin’s cheese is consumed by to the next, when they did not have if allowed under the ruling of Judge the negro population of the southern enough for a full cheese. So some of Webster Hslmes, would act as adrain states, who depend on their cotton our Wisconsin cheese makers began upon the county’s finances. And in I crop for a living from year to year. • Oregon. the same thing here—a plan that addition to Widows’ pensions approx­ Reports reaching the Marshfield would not work in the west, and imately $4,000 per annum is now be­ cheese men are that the impossibility caused much complaint among cheese ing contributed to the support of of exporting cotton to English mills buyers, because of the uneven quality needy and worthy poor. during the war has paralized the fi­ DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. of the new, and a day old curd. It is The question naturally arises, how nances of the south <0 the credit of the Fond du Lac did the large majority of women, now 213 T ili . amook B lock A suspension of southern payments Dairy board that the question of what being placed on the widows’ pension for cheese already shipped is likely, Tillamook Oregon to do with the small portion of curd roll throughout the state, manage to and northern dealers will not risk left over from a full cream cheese live prior to the enactment of this shipping any of the record consign- i . BOALS, M.D., was resolved. The factories were urg­ new law? Comparatively few of them ments now being placed in storage in ed to keep a hoop half the size of a were receiving public aid before. this state until the credit situation PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cheddar hoop and so press a flat Throughout all parts of Oregon it is improves. Dealers from all over the state have Surgeon S. P. Co. cheese. admitted that the law is a hindrance “This was done and the quality of rather than a help to society for these wired their senators and congressmen (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) our cheese greatly improved. In box­ women and their children are en­ i asking support for the proposed Tillamook .... Oregon ing the flat cheese it was customary couraged to be dependents. County cotton relief measure without delay. The situation is indeed a critical to mark on the box ‘2 in’ so as to fa­ officials in various sections of the E REEDY, D.V M., cilitate sorting them out, for the for­ state are of this opinion. One thing one for Wisconsin dairymen and their dealers, for the market is on the eigner did not take kindly to the flat worrying the smaller counties is the VETERINARY. cheese. The ‘2 in’ was quite sugges­ great drain on their public treasuries. down grade and unless it becomes I ■ possible to make shipments, northern tive to the writer of this article had It: many of them the tax rate will be Both Phonea, some stencils cut, ‘Twins’ and the increased materially, Judge Teal, as well as the southern consumers Tillamook - Oregon boxes of flats were so marked, and endeavoring to comply strictly ’ are bound to suffer. A conference of dealers, factorymen the name stuck—and ‘twin’ cheese with the provisions of the legislative became a staple name for some of act, has held down to the minimum 1 and representatives of cooperative E. K, DANIELS. Wisconsin's make of cheese. 1 he all appropriations for this purpose, , cheese factories was held in Marsh­ field to discuss the situation. trade seemed to want a similar cheese yet under existing condition; the CHIROPRACTOR. so a 20 pound cheese was put up of money paid out monthly to depend­ Senator Vardaman w’ould supple­ about 13 inches in diaemeter, which ents is constantly mounting higher was called ‘family favorite,’ too long and where it will end can only be sur­ ment the war tax message of the pres­ Building;. a name for a small cheese. Some one mised. While The Observer is unin­ ident by instituting some economies TILLAMOOK - ORE saw it and said, ‘Isn’t that a daisy,’ formed on this point locally, from all in administration of the government. - laËESEkR W » Try ÌTx The president, it will be recalled, did and a daisy it was from that day on, sections of the state come reports : E. HEWITT, and has been the most popular style that women in comparatively com-, not even hint at retrenchment in ex­ OSTEOPATHIC of cheese made in the states. fortable circumstances are applying penditures. For some uncountable 'HYSIC1AN AND SURGEON. “Along in the late seventies for pensions. They are willing to ' reason he has never repeated the ex­ of pressions on the subject of economy OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. ‘Young America’ forged to the front swallow their pride in the hope 1 . in American life and some smart Ale getting something for nothing, a ten . | made by the organic body of ' which Beth Phones. A Perfect /fairer—absolutely dependable, every day, year in. conceived the idea of making a cheese dcncy toward the eradication of, he is spokesman. The expressions year out. Built on honor, of the beat mate v -ials. Revidenec am* Oflice in Whitehouae to fit the time, and made a small which society has trended. In other were striking. We quote from the /JP1?3 ’ Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges Residence,. Baltimore confession of faith and de­ cheese, some 8 inches in diameter words, the law bids fair to be destruc­ The only range made entirely of charcoal and. malleable iron. 1 1 1 11 I BUllDf 11 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. claration of principles: “We denounce Malleable iron can't break — charcoal iron won't ruet like tteel. and 7 inches high, weighing about 10 tive of individualism. The applicants the profligate waste of money wrung ■BM ' * Economical In Fuel pounds and called it ‘Young Ameri­ with private means are consistently ftom the people by oppressive taxa­ I—I T. 11U11S EM The ceamt of the Majeetic are riveted (not put together with can’. The cheese filled a demand and being refused help, but there remains I tion through the lavish appropria­ A A . bolts and stove putty)—thsy v/ill alwayt remain air tight, because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majettic the name became quite popular and the fact that when their substance is tions of recent Republican congress, ATTORNKY-AT LAW. oven 13 lined throughout with pure atbetiot board, gone they will become eligible. Will held in place by an open iron grating you can see it —and is so to this day. JMI 'TTy Complete Set of Abstract Hooka in which have kept taxes high and re­ it Flays there always. Air tight joints and pure a six* toe "In Sheboygan county some maker this encourage wastefulness and lack duced the purchasing power of the » Jffice. lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. All doort drop to form rigid thelvet. No tpringe. had the idea that a long slim cheese, of thrifts?—Polk County Obesrvcr. Malleable iron oven rack» slide out automatically, hold­ Taxen l’ail other rang'« wlxme most ranges are weakest. of all these styles of cheese is the that I changed my job, I had been Ir-*.. It la the 1-vt range at any price eud H sbuuld 1 illamook Oregon be in your kitchen, same, that is the same process of driving a public taxicab, but I went .dJin« FOR SALE BY home to see my folks in another town Loans may be obtained for any pur ­ 3i.0% to for _______ handling the milk in each style W. of ! and there I took th job of driving a pose on acceptable real estate secur­ making the curd. Ran*« ALEX. McNAIR & CO "If there is a difference in price, private car for a lady, ity; liberal privileges; correspondence “I was away from a|l my old com­ it is the atyl« that counts. Style in social life i* what costs. 'Alle same’ panions and I thought: Now is my solicited. A. C. Agency Company. >n cheese.—Fond du Lac Common­ chance. I am going to quit! For a feu 758 Gas, Electric Bldg.. Denver, ! days 1 smoked two or three agars a wealth. On your front porch can lie lit Colo. 440 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco 1 day. and then I quit sure enough an