Tillamook Headlight. September 24, 1014^ REPUBLICAN of’ LUMBER SCHOONER SINKS they will not stand the expense OFF TILLAMOOK COAST. publishing it in the county papers. TICKET Assessments of Timber Lands. matters referred to above as it would seem to that a great deal of the tim­ ber lands in this county have been placed on the 1914 assessment roll considerably below its cash value and also out of proportion of other class­ es of property. During the last few days I have talked to a number of people who are interested in timber in this county and it seems to be the general opinion that timber that is accessable to the P. R. & N. R. R. or water transporta­ tion is worth from 75c- $| 0° Per 1000 feet quality being the same, more than the timber located along the headwaters of the Kelchis, Trask, and Wilson Rivers. After you have made a full investi­ gation of the above matters referred to 1 would ask you to make whatever changes in the valuations of the dif­ ferent classes of property that you consider fair and equitable. If you wish me to turn over to you any information or letters relating to this matter please advise me. Respct. yours, W. G. Dwight. Circuit Court Cases. Circuit Judge Webster Holm Tillamook Oregon, Sept 16th, 1914- who adjourned the Circuit Court ’’ To the Board of Equalization o fTill- For U. S. Senate— Monday, stated that he would Life is held too cheap. Those who i ROBERT A. BOOTH. Nearly 70 Lives Lost when the Ves- amook County Oregon; special term next month. were responsible for the neighbor­ Gentlemen:—I take this means of For Congress— sei Turns Over in Severe Storm. The grand jury has been some»),», hood quarrel at Blaine are morally calling to your attention some infor­ WILLIS C. HAWLEY. I The steam lumber Schooner Fransis displeased with District Attorney y guilty for the murder of Michael mation that might be of interest to For Governor— J. Gersoni, and has taken IIIeasUr‘e$ Fcker, The German homesteader, H. Leggett sunk off the Tillamook you in arriving at the equalization of JAMES WITHYCOMBE. to have him removed, having writt who was shot and killed by Ray on Friday afternoon in the coast For State Treasurer— the assessed valuation of property on Cooper A jury has brought in a ver­ I Governor West requesting him to do THOS B KAY. storm that was blowing at the the 1914 Assessment Roll. severe SO. dict of acquittal against Cooper. Il For Supreme Court— The following information relates may be a just verdict, but it is our time. After deliberating two hours th THOS. J. M’BRIDE. to the value’on timber land as shown jury i:i the Ray Cooper case, wh‘ opinion that Cooper, with others who 'Two , persons are known to have HENRY J BEAN. on the 1914 roll. | brought about the neighborhood been rescued, after clinging several was charged of murder in the second T. I.. HARRIS. On Feb. 18th, 1911, E. T. Davies quarrel, should be punished in some hours to wreckage tossed by a vicious degree for shooting and killing Mich HENRY I . BENSON. contracted to sell and C. A. Haulen- manner. No one liked the bravado sea, and an unconfirmed report says ael Ecker at Blaine, on the 31st Of For Attorney General— beck contracted to buy the west J4 of and indifference shown by Ray Coop­ a third person has been picked up. July, brought in a verd»ct of not GEO. M BROWN. NE% and NW % and of SW^ The known passenger list, furnish­ 1 er after the shooting when he was guilty. For Supt. Public Instruction— brought to this city, for taking the ed by the owners at San Francisco, Sec. 36 Tp. 3 N Range W. W. M. 3-’O I Win. Ulrich vs. Charles Wooley J. A. CHURCHILL acres consideration $118,500. This con ­ life of another is too serious a matter totaled 35. Besides Captain Maro, the Action for money, a jury trial and a For State Engineer— tract is recorded on Book 20 page 325 to treat with cold indifference. It is a Leggett carried a crew of 24 men. verdict in favor of defendant. JOHN C. LEWIS. i Records of Deeds Tillamook County Two lifeboats are reported to have question in our mind whether justice State vs. Howard Edmunds. Dyna- For Commissioner of Labor— Oregon. It would seem that this con ­ been filled and lowered. One contain' has been done in this case. miting fish. Jury trial and when O. P HOFF. ed 30 persons and the other eight. All tract was carried out as you will find State rested case it was moved that's For Railroad Commissioner— Don ’ t keep procrastinating gentle ­ the women and children were includ­ by the deed record that a warranty , FRANK J MILLER verdict of not guilty be rendered, and I men The water tax in this wet ed Heavy seas swamped the lifeboats deed was given conveying this prop- For Supt. Water Division No, i— this being sustained, defendant w« I erty tojhe purchasers on May 25th country is too high and should be re­ immediately upon their striking the JAMES T. CHINNOCK discharged. 1912, and a mortgage was given to the . duced. The taxpayers and citizens of water. For Representative— State vs, Herman Schollmeyer. Set­ this city have been “soaked" too The known survivors are Alexander original owner for $59,305 60. This T. B. HANDLEY. ting out fires. Indictment failed to same property is assessed on the 1914 much and too long for the water sys­ Farrell, of Sacramento, Cal., and For Circuit Judge — City Council Meeting. charge crime, and the judge instruct- tem. Give them a rest and reduce George Pullman or Pollman, of Win­ assessment roll at only $32,500.00. 1 HARRY H. BELT. ed the jury to bring in a verdict of have a letter in my possession from taxation by cutting the water rate in nipeg, Man. the purchasers of this property stat-' The Common Council of Tillamook not guilty. two. Even at that rate it is too high. "I knew I ’ d be saved, ” said James THE COUNTY TICKET. City, Oregon, met in regular session Iretta M. Bignell vs. Louis J. Big. The free trade Democratic news­ Alexander Farrell, one of the two ir.g that only 20 acres of this land on Sept. 21st, when were present, For County Judge— ncll. Divorce suit. Dismissed on mo- has been logged, leaving 300 acres of is found papers, and amongst these Hon. F. R. Beals, Mayor, Councilmen men save from the steamer Francis A. M HARE. I S. A. Brodhead. G. B. Lamb, M. Mel­ tion by plaintiff’s attorney. the Tillamook Herald, have started H. Leggett, as he was hauled aboard standing timber. For County Clerk— i Oglesby Young vs. Isabella Collin» mortgaged to , chior, John Keldson, City Attorney, Thos. Scott Brooke fight on in to make a dirty, personal the steamer Beaver Saturday morn­ J. C. HOLDEN. H. T. Botts, Marshal N. J. Myers, R. A. Booth, W. C. Hawley and Dr. ing after having held himself above the Detroit Trust Co. of Michigan, Recorder John Aschim, whereupon et al. Foreclosure, Decree granted. For Sheriff— Robert Osborn vs. William L. Rief- Withvcombe, all of whom were hon- ; water since 3:10 o’clock Friday after­ 2640 acres timber land in Tillamook the following proceedings were had H. CRENSHAW. orably nominated by the sovereign noon by means of a railroad tie i>n County for $120,000.00. According to ( to wit:—The minutes of the meeting enberg and wife, et al. Quiet title. For Treasurer— v ill of the people to be the leading which he lay for ten hours in a the county cruise this same land as held Sept. 12 were read and approved. Motion to dismiss as to John Storm B. L. BEALS. candidates on the Republican ticket stormy sea. described in this mortgage contains ' Mr. C. C. Smith met with the Coun- allowed. For Surveyor— I cil and asked that the license on the Nehalem Valley Bank vs. Elmer H. after a clean primary election. These R. L. SHRF.VF. "I kinda lost my head twice, but the about 224 million feet and this same ■ Star Theatre be reduced to $10.00 a Settled and dis­ Democratic newspapers have resort­ waves dashing into my face brought land is assessed on the 1914 assess- . year while he was operating same Gray. Foreclosure. For County Commissioner— ed to dirty Billingsgate and false and me back,” said Farrell, in a berth on ment roll at only about $147,000.00. only once a week with a proviso for missed. (Two years.) scandelous accusations to defeat the I the Beaver last night. His face, This mortgage is recorded in mort­ raising license should Theatre be used F. L. SAPPINGTON. Iva M. Miller vs. Ivan D. Miller. I more than one night per week at any Republican candidates. Will the Re- bruised from floating ties he struck gage record book “W” page 34. (Four years.) Divorce. Default and decree for plain­ time. The Council however decided publicans of this county and the en- while scrambling about the wreck­ FRANK OWENS. Tillamook Timber and Logging Co. not to make any change in the pres­ tiff. tire state stand for that kind of dirty age, and flushed from excitement af­ mortgaged to the First Trust St Sav- ent rate of license. For Coroner— E. U. Wagy addressed the Church Notes. S. M. WENDT. politics. We think not. . ter recovering from exhaustion, Far­ ii'gs Bank and Emil K. Boisot 1300. Mr. .... > . j • u’„.i ...... council relative County, , ,, to the , Park . . Street un­ rell’s apparance proved he was “all acres located in Washington . _ , provement matter and objecting to We want to call the attention of in.” The M. E. Sunday School will ren­ ADVERTISING RATES. 320 acres located in Lane County and makjng (Be cut on said street as every voter in Tillamook that every­ 19.397 acres located in Tillamook shown by the survey profile to be der the following program next Sun­ Vessel Struggles for Hour. thing raised in this county is placed County a total of 21,317 acres for j necessary. Mr. Melchior stated that day morning beginning at 10 o’clock Legal Advertisements. » “It was fully an hour after the deck­ First Insertion, per line $ .to on the free list by the Democratic load was cleared before the steamer $3,100,000.00. lliis mortgage provides the matter had already been taken up a.m. , . ... . . I with the surveyor and a new survey Instrumental music, Eunice Swen­ Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 party. Read the following free list took her final roll to starboard and that $900,000.00 of this amount be ( was being maJe which wQuld eHin? carefully: Business and professional cards turned turtle,” said the rescued pas­ held in reserve and be delivered to nate this cut by draining said street son. Free Milk. • V... third »•■■ ■ u 0 . ■ . to V IVU...., 11 V. II Discussion of question, lesson I, one month ................................ 100 street fourth, <» and from senger. “She began pitching the worst the Timber Co., on request. This ( • from Free Cream. Homestead Notices .................... 5.00 about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Pas­ mortgage also provides that the mor- * fifth street to fourth and from fifth Harry Swenson. ' street to sixth. Free Eggs. Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 Discussion of question lesson sengers were held in their staterooms tgagor pays to the mortgage $1.50 I j All matters previously referred to Free Lumber. Locals per line each insertion. .05 while the deck load was being cut per 1000 for all timber cut on the land 1 the street committee were continued Mrs. B. L. Beals. Free Fish. Display advertisement, an inch, Song, Retta Goodspeed. loose and were allowed on deck about in Washington County, Lane County I until the next meeting. Free Wool. In the matter referred to the Mar- one month................... 50 Discussion of question lesson III 15 minutes before she went down. and lands in 2 north 9 and the lands Free Meat. All Resolutions of Condolence The steamer did not right herself in section 27 to 34 in 2 north 8 but for . s^*a" as to *be Coats Lumber Co. it Edwin Boquist. r .u ! j • t h 1 1 was reported that mill company had Producers and manufacturers of all after the deck load went over the side .. . , and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 Discussion of question lesson IV, die balance of the lands m Tillamook promised to clean street on the 22nd. Cards of Thanks, ger line .05 these articles are placed in competi­ and as the hatch coverings were car­ County the mortgagor is compelled ' " ' I j The ayto license matter was report- Verne Baine. tion .with Oriental and the cheap ried away the waves poured into the to pay the mortgagee $2.50 per 1000 . ed as still pending. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Inst. Music, Mildred Hadley. labor of foreign countries. Facing a etc., minimum rate, not ex­ for all timber cut, based on a cruise I The street commissioner reported hold. Discussion of question, lesson V, D. the concrete approach north of town ceeding five lines............................ 25 deficit the Democratic party is about "1 was among the last to leave the satisfactory to the mortgage. The as completed. L. Shrode. I to tax the people to raise $100,000,000, ship and was on the bridge helping to property located in Tillamook County j The matter of cleaning off obstruc­ Discussion of question, lesson VI, and under the subterfuge that it is a RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. bunch a lifeboat. Captain Jensen, of described in this mortgage amount- | tions in the way of overhanging Mr. W. E. Noyes. war tax. But this country is not at (Strictly in Advance.) the schooner Nokomis, who was a ing to 19,397 acres, is assessed on the shrubbery along certain sidewalks Discussion of question, lesson VI, One year ..., $1.50 war, but the taxpayers will have to passanger seemed to take charge 1914 assessment roll at $968,670.00. 1 was referred to the Marshal for at­ Mrs. G. F. Buck. tention under the ordinance covering make up the deficit by allowing the Six months .. there and Capt. Maro of the Legget The totol county cruise on the lands in same, on motion made, seconded and ■75 Song, Esther Swenson. pioduction of foreign countries come Three months •50 was aft with the passengers. I leaped Tillamook County is about I billion carried. Disscusion of question, lesson VII, in free. The people wanted a change as the ship rolled over and I knew 442 million feet. This mortgage is re- [ Councilman Keldson reported an Mr. S. McCargar. and they are getting what they want ­ Entered as second class mail mat­ she turned turtle because I saw her corded in mortgage records book X approach necessary at 6th Ave. West Discussion of question, lesson VIII, ; on second street and the matter was ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at ed, or, in other words, getting it keel the full length. page I. Mrs. A. G. Beals. !' referred to the Street Commissioner Tillamook, Ore., under the act of where the chicken got it in the neck Women Seen in Sea. Hammond Lumber Co. mortgaged 1 on motion duly made, seconded and Inst. Duet, Sylphia Switsef and for electing the free trade party to March 3, 1879. “When I came up 1 saw Mrs. An- to Detroit Trust Co., about 30,000 carried. Mabel Goyne. power. But wait until November and The matter of property owners derson and her 12-year old daughter acres in Clatsop County, saw-mill Discussion of question, lesson IX, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. then see how anxious the people are wishing to pave fifth street from Stil ­ floating near, also one or two ether property in Clatsop County and lwell Avenue to second avenue east, Elsie Lamb to place the Republican party in w omen. There were six women includ about 17,000 acres in Tillamook'-..- „„„ «.«..nuucu the matter was continued as me the en- Discussion of question, lesson X power again. ing two Mexican women, on board. 1 County, for $1,500,00. The total as- ’'re street would probably be paved Mrs. Edwards. could not hear many cries, but saw­ sessed valuation described in the al *°"?e lime in the near future. Song duet. The governor must have let a cog \^e understand that the grand jury- people in the water. They disappeared mortgage 1 located . . • in Tillamook n 1 r' ie matter a concrete Co., I walk t* along fourth of strpct thj| side- Discussion of question, lesson XI, stop somewhere. He failed to call out lias taken the matter into its own fast, but until dark 1 saw the wireless was about $564,000. The total county was continued with the purpose in I Mrs. Noyes. the Oregon Guard to accompany hands and requested Governor West operator floating about on a tie. After cruise of the Tillamook County lands v*ew °f ascertaining if property own­ Discussion of question, lesson XII, Miss Hobbs, when he sent her to to remove District Attorney M J. dark I called buut could not get any amounts to about 745 million feet.The eri,a?.a "hole desired this walk. T. H. Goyne. Tillamook to make an investigation. Gcrsoni for incompetency. I It is a * , answer. • I did m . ■ . . it . Ordinance No. 282 Entitled “An not see the man rescued Mortgage provides that said Ham- ordinance provided for the holding of Inst, music, Prof. Leland Erwin. fact that there is something wrong The city is a long time getting on a somewhere, for the opinion prevauc:- I by the steamer F. H. Buck. I think mond Lumber Co., must pay to the a special election in Tillamook City Two minutes will be given each cash basis. The county has managed i that justice is being defeated for I there were a number who went down Mortgagee $75.00 per acre or $12,- j Oregon, on Oct 19th 1914 and for the speaker to discuss the puestion given. to g-54.19’2 Dolan, of the concrete pavement on county containcs 338 million feet of John Lelaml Henderaon, Sec­ notice of 30 days or longer... 1 his is narrow mindedness on their ton crop has to be marketed di 1 Certified checks ............................. the Tillamdok Bay County Roid, and timber. retary Treas., Attomey-at- 31* ’* Postal Savings deposits............. part. Doe« these i same ................. individuals, vantageously. Law, Notrary Public any person firm or corporation, hav- It is generally reported that the «263. !*>■** when they want a doctor, dentist or Total .............................. ................ . ........ It is well to advise people not ,o, ing objections to file to the conte­ saw-mill plant at Wheeler of the State of Oregon. Count v of Tillanioolc SS- attorney, or when they trade at the ( talk war, but a good talker always I. W J. Rlechers. Cashier of the tion of said work, may do so within W heeler Lumber Co., cost approxi­ numerous stores consider whether tries to be interesting What else can named bank, do solemnly swear tp* two weeks from the date of the first mately $250.000.00, above statement is true to the best the professional and business men he talk about? knowledge and belief. /«.«hirr publication. I am advised by agents for parties are "dry*" or “wet«"’ Oh no. We arc Liar, Autri-n, R.,| Riiate, W. J. Riechers. Germany made excellent prepara- Subscribed and sworn to before m Dated this the 24th day of Septem- who loan money on timber, that in well aware that the “drys” are send­ tions for war with a single exception. Surveying;, Insurance. 17th dav of September. 1914 n«hb<-' her 1914. Ro]lie W. Watson. Notary * « no case will they loan an amount ex­ ing a whole raft of literature to the It seems to have shown poor jiidg- Botfi Phones. Correct—Attest : J. C. Holden, ceeding one half of the cash value. editor* with a request to publish, but ment in picking allies Wm. G. Tait. TILL AMO JK - . OREGON. I. C. Holden. County Clerk. 1 would ask you to investigate the B C Latnb E litjrial Snap Shots. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. 1 I pktetors-