4 îlraôliûljt fi.50 PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 A Saving Plan i Just about the best plan for saving money is Ito set as_a mark a certain sum to save in a certain Itime. Then strive with grim determination to reach it. Figure how much of the income must be set aside regularly to do it. Deposit this money in our Savings Department or on our Certificates of Deposit which we issue any time in any sum from a dollar up. Then when you have reached your goal you will have won a thousand battles. You will pro­ bably set your next mark higher. Adopt this plan now, and bring in your first deposit. Tillamook County Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Frank Long has sold his water front property to the West Power The Tillamook Headlight office is I Co., and rs looking for a new location now located opposite the court house. for his sawmill. .¿t . ■ —■ Good house and lot for sale on easy terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. ♦ Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilll- tnok County Bank. * Bom on the 20th to the wife of Stephen Stoner, a son. Roadster automobile for sale cheap st Ed’s Garage. * Blacksmith shop to rent next to my office. T. H. Goyne. » C. B. Wiley will leave on Friday to visit his Brother at The Dalles. The place to eat is at the “Good Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * Single horse and buggy for sale. Apply at the City Transfer Co. * A marriage license was issued to I Jchn Hoffman and Margaret Balmer. I Fresh fruit delivered to any part of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* I For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River I bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free- • I man. I A. K. Case and wife left on Mon- I day to attend the Round-Up at Pen- I dleton. I We ar» in a position to make some | long time farm loans. First National iBank. * [ The wet weather of last week was I replaced, with beautiful fine weather I since noon on Sunday. I G. W. Byers, Jr., vs. Margret Byrne I is a suit filed in the circuit court to I quiet title. I Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- I sey "Good Eats." M. A. Olson for- I tnerly of the Spanish Kitchen. * I For sale a 3 year old full blooded I Holstein Bull. Apply to Claude Chris- I tensen on the Hathaway place. * I Shot gun and rifle bargains. Percy ■ the bicycle doctor, I Ave West. 1st St. and ist I Lost, on first street a Star pin. I Finder please leave same at Head­ ink t office and receive a reward. I Found a ladies’ switch. Same can I be recovered by calling at the Head- Blight office. I Mrs. Rose Crawford and daughter, I Ethelyn, are visiting friends in Van- Bccuuver, British Columbia. I For Sale, full blooded Holstein |Bulls, one year and six months. Apply Ito John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * I For Sale, Good driving or riding ■ horse. Address E. Musselman, Bay I C'ty, Mutual Phone, T. R. E’.liott, * I W ith reduced fares on t»ie railroad, Ba large number of Tilla’.nook people 1*111 Visit the State Fair at Salem next B *eek. Fhe remainder of the premium list •n the Tillamook County Fair not be- ln? completed, it will be published next week. Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c. per '>ur Bell telephones 130 J and 131 —The Electric Store, next to Getr 1‘heatre. • I "A\”l ED:—goy to on L\cr' *a8°n, after school and or P-^rdays. Inquire of City Transfet I'.oinpany. « I Protect your valuable papers from “"expected fire by renting one of »fe deposit boxes. Only on» ft?/ per Fear- Tillamook Count) P r • Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash rent or shares. Address G. F. Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. * Man and wife wishes to work on dairy ranch. Will do any kind of farm work. Inquire at Tillamook Head­ light office. War does not effect our prices on school books and supplies. We placed our orders before the advance and give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. * It's a good rule to buy a sewing machine v ith an established rep-.v.a- tion fo- quality services. The White for sale on easy terms at Jones Knudson Furniture Company. * Dr. Monk bought the store proper­ ty on Second Ave. East where the Palm Cafe was located, flrom John Hathaway and will move his studio there the first of the month. F. D. Small's new salmon cannery will be completed by the first of the week, and on Monday it is expected that the cannery will be canning salmon. Married, on Thursday, at the home of Dave Martiny, in this city J >lm Hoffman and Margaret Balmer. Eev. Fbinger performing the ceremony. Founded in the Strongest Way, Growing Stronger Every Day Sheriff Crenshaw left the city on \V ednesday, by order of the court, to bring Fred Hibbs as a witness in the Cooper case. He had a strenuous job finding the nian who had been camp­ ing on the Nestucca. He ran across Hibbs not far from McMinnville and brought him back on Saturday after the trial was over. SERVES YOU RIGHT.’’ A car load of Tillamook products for the State Fair was shipped on Wednesday for Salem, and J. H. Dunstan and assistant Secretary W. L Campbell of the Fair Board, left on Thursday. F. W Christensen will Fred Hollister, of Coos County go to Salem this week and they will Democratic Candidate for Congress­ have charge of Tillamook County’s exhibits. There will be a good dis­ man. Faid Advt. play of Tillamook cheese and C. E. Donaldson’s display at the County Watchtower Apartments Fair was taken along. MRS. ALICE HEITSM.yX, Amos Kirk vs Mamie Kirk is a di­ 1, 2, 3 Room Apartments, vorce suit filed in the circuit court. Furnished or Unfurnished, These parties were married at Clover­ $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK dale on the 28th of March, 1907, one Free Phones, Water and Light. daughter Freda Kirk aged six years, First St and 4th Aye. East, being born to the union. The ground T illamook . O regon upon which the case is based, it is alleged that defendant has kept at the family domicile other persons for whose support plaintiff is not legally or morally bound, and that defendant has frequently kept company with persons of questionable character during all hours of the day and night and at times her conduct with those persons has been scandelous. Fre­ quently when defendant would return home from work defendant would be away from home and in company with other men, and he had to cook his own meals. Defendant also in­ sisted on going to dances, leaving plaintiff home the latter’s finance not being able to afford it, and where de­ fendant would associate with and condust herself in an improper man­ ner with other men. The plaintiff asks for the custody of the child. Wir ifrprcrljeH Pentodi. «r First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore. t Member of FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION Of the United States. California State Fair. Following are the six winners of prizes at the California State Fair, Tillamook County capturing four of the prizes. Score. Hugh Barber, Tillamook......... 95% A. Christensen, Tillamo ok 93% M. G. Salmeno, Cayocos........... 93% A. J. Schmelzer, Tillamook....... *University Farm......................... Wanted—A buggy horse, weighing De Boer, Tillamook................... about 1000 lbs., must be a good re­ ----- o----- liable, sound and handsoike animal ¿Prizes won by cheese factories be­ and also a fair traveler. Inquire at longing to Tillamook County Cream­ Headlight Office. ery Association the past two years. .’Pacific International Dairy Show, Miss Feme Hobbs, Secretary to I9LZ. —2nd prize, 96 points; 3rd prize, Governor West, tame in on Thurs- dty to meet with the grand jury and 95% points; 4th prize, 95 points. Cheese Scoring Contest, Tillamook, investigate the complaint against 1912*—First ten prizes, highest score District Attorney M. J. Gersoni. ■96.66 points. Rev. Ebinger will preach at Mohler Oregon State Fair, •9,3-—First on Sunday morning, and the weather prize, 95 points: balance prizes, 3rd permitting about a dozen, members of to 10th inclusive. the congregation will accompany hi-i Oregon Butter& Cheese Maker’s and participate in a dii aner af^sr the Association, 1913.—2nd to nth prizes services. inclusive. California State Fair, Sacramento, Arrangements have fteen made to keep Bar View hotel open during the 1913.—First prize, 97 points; 2nd winter, and the spec jality will be in prize, 96 points. S. W. Washington, 1913—1st prize, providing fish and < Jain dinners for parties who desire to spend a few 97.6 points. Oregon Butter & Cheese Maker’s days at the beach 1b e coming winter. Association—First prizes 1910, tp11- Phone orders. and 1912; also 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Will Harris thinks he has the high­ 1912. est testing cow in 0 regon for one in Spokane Interstate Fair, ¡9'3 — cow in his her^, which is in the cow First prize. testing association g# ve a test First and Second for Oregon but Mr. 'Harris cfcntiot understand Cheese at Chicago in 1913. how t*ie test is tvric».- a* nluck lor First and Second prizes, California Aur ust as for July. State Fair, 1914, at Sacramento. First six prizes, Tillamook County For Trade;—Ow tier will trade new large modern dwe'Jing, nine rooms Fair, 1914- full basement and attic, fireplace, etc. Notice of Completed Contract. situated in Tillam aok for improved farm land or good securities. Address W. B. Van Grave: 1, B°x 'A0 Tllla‘ Notice is hereby given, that U. G. mook, Oregon. Jackson,, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, has filed in The analysis of the ston**4^ Mary Ellis Dickons, who c , su^ this office his certificate for the com­ pletion of the contract of F. C. Feld­ denly recently at the home ot schau, on the concrete bridge and ap­ McAlpin, east of town, and the ca proaches at Killam creek on the south of her death being: somewhat mystei iad near Quick’s place, and any per­ ious, did not shoi< that the deceased firm or corporation, having ob- had taken poison. son’. « to file to the completion of The W. R. C. • will meet in Artisan jection may do so within two hall Saturday ^ftaernoon. All members said work, »he date of the first pub ire urgently requested to be present. weeks from The department inspector from Port­ lication. 24th day of Septem Dated this the land will be here and the usual monthly birthday lunch wiU be held ber 19*4- j C. Hold*". ifter the business session. County Clerk The Board of Equalization is still in session, and will remain so during .......... the week. At first quite a number of to Mexico does not I taxpayers made inquiries about their neutrality, although V_ 1U isserssments and the timber owner« be benefited. There itiL .ileal protests against an increase in plenty e.f WO»,k,n - the. assessment of timber lands. A Special Showing of Smart Suits, Embodying all of this sea­ son's most attractive style features, in a wide variety of new and fashionable fabrics, as well as novelties, such as surge, chiviot, gaberdines, in Navy, Black. Tele de Negre and Russian green. Long Coats, neately trimmed, as well as No plaited coat» and skirts i to harmonize are considered very smart. however, can do justice to the general dash and beauty of the description, 1 styles, although our stock is i exceptional large, an early selection is always free advisable. Alteration« Ail— ’ ' ' by . an expert alteration woman Min tic Par, and we guarantee a fit. The prettiest of the new Fall Models are shown in our ready to wear deptart nieiil and a bigger variety than ever before, Plush-trimmed Velvet Coats, Bouchs, Zibelines, tweeds, plaidsand mixtures. Solid colors, navy, black, brown, etc, in the most be­ coming styles. See Our Line of Smart Fall Coats. Immense Showing of Dress Goods and Silks. Have you been in our store since our new Fall I>ress(»oods and Silks have arrived ? If vou haven't you have no idea of variety of patterns and materials we are showing for this seasons wear. Plaids, Tweeds, Cheviots, Crepes Gaberdines, Epingles, Roman Stripes and all the staple goods in the latest colorings Shoes Millinery Our showing of New Footwear for Fall and Winter is most complete. Many smart new lasts to choose from for men, women ami children. In dress, street and work shoes, Ask to see the new line of Evening Slippers that just arrived. Nobody's "Hard to Fit” in Hart Schaffner U Mar a Clothe* Stout Men. ’¡'all Sien der Men, Short Stocky Men, Men who think they are hard fit, lots of suchnun are going withoat the advantages of ready clothes because they believe they i ann befitted Hart Schaffner U Marx designers classify the human figure under twelve types, and models are produced for each type. Men and } oung Men you < an find clothes that will fit you. The kind your fashion book calls for. Double Gold Bond Trading Stamps Every Friday. HALTOM’S 7 lie Hoy New School Hoy Suits are Here.