Tillamook Headlight. September 17, In 14. opment of agriculture which will u Christian Church. ment now shown on the I9>4 assess­ the great permanent basic wealth $5.00; 2nd, Lillian Williams, $2.50. TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR. Tilden, $1 00; 2nd, W. E. Noyes, 50c. Dear friend:—We will be very producing industry of the C0UB, Draft, single, 1st, Joe Donaldson, ment roll. Largest Squash, 1st, C. E. Donald­ Committee. n-uch pleased to have you attend our Thus, whatever can be done to fost $5.00; 2nd, F. R. Beals, $2.50. Best Displays Ever Seen Hindicaped son, $1.00; 2nd, R. Y. Blalock, 50c. special services next Sunday night agriculture will be beneficial to Draft, yearlings, ist, Joe Donaldson Best Bundle Oats, ist, C. E. Don­ Reception at the High School. By Wet Weather. which will be YOUNG MEN’S even­ whole community. The excellent tx $5.00, 2nd, Joe Donaldson, $2 50. aldson, $1.00; 2nd, R. C. Jones, 50c. ing at the Christian Church. We cor­ hibits of your county fair are tang Honey. Best Bundle Red Clover, ist, C. E. The rain that makesTillamook fam­ The reception given to the new tea­ dially invite you to hear the follow- ible evidence of production. The im Strained Honey, ist, G. W. Glenn, ous poured down in copious showers Donaldson, $1.00; 2nd, Joe Durrer 50c chers by the Mother and larent ing program. Blalock, 50c. ptovement of your live stock is quit’ Best Bunch Timothy, C. E. Don­ $1.00; 2nd, Mrs. R. Y. this week and which placed a damper Teachers’ Association, at the High Chorus singing led by a violin quar- marked. This improvement is reflect Comb Honey, ist, E. Atkinson, on the best arranged and largest dis­ aldson, 50c. (no competition) School Auditorium, last Friday even­ tette and piano. ed in the increased production of Best Bundle Orchard Grass, ist, R. $1 00; 2nd Henry Norberg, 50c. play of live stock and agricultural ing, was a decided success,over a Best display of milk, W. D. Glad ­ Public reading of letters written by your dairy output. This is indeed one produce ever assembled in the C. Jones, $1.00; 2nd, C. E. Donaldson, hundred persons being ptesent. Tillamook young ladies exprssing of the best dairy sections of the well, $¡.00. county. The rain was disappointing 5°c. A very pleasing program was ren­ the writer’s views on the subject, "An Best Grange Display. world and the development of this in­ Best Artichoke, 1st, R. Y. Blalock, to those who have labored so long dered as follows: 1st, Fairview Grange No. 273, $4000 ideal young man. ” dustry should be pushed to the limit $1.00, 2nd, R. O. Richard, 50c. and faithfully to make the fair a suc­ I*iano Duet, Misses Marie Holden, A violin and piano duet by Mr. and “I am delighted to see Tillamook Buckwheat, G. W. D. Glenn, 50c. 2nd, Nestucca Grange No. 503, $30.00. cess as well as those who attended it and Gertrude Ebinger. Best Farm Display. County coming into its own. Your Mrs. Koch. or did not see it on account of the (no cempctition.) Address, Aims of Parent Teacher 1st, C. E. Donaldson, $25.00; 2nd R. A vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. Van city is clean and modern and yOur Best Kale, 1st, J. H. Dunstan, $1.00; bad weather Association, W. S. Buel. Y. Blalock. $15.00. rural homes and buildings show pro- 2nd, Herman Hauswirth, 50c. Winkle. The nicely arranged pavilion where Vocol Solo, Mrs. A. B. Heney. Sermon subject, “An Ideal Young giess and thrift and you art on the School Exhibit. Best Cascara Bark, 1st, C. E. Don­ the cheese and other agricultural dis­ Piano Solo, Mrs. E. E. Koch. highway of prosperity and the cit- School District No. 9, Banner. Man.” plays were exhibited, also flowers, aldson, $1.00; 2nd, Miles Blalock, 50c. Male Trio, Messre Koch, Botts and Best Gen. Display Grasses, C. E. About fifty reserved seats will be izenery of this section of our com­ Cattle. needlework, domestic baking and occupied by young men. monwealth will be known as a con­ Jersey Bull, 3 years, 1st, Hare Bros. Rev. Van Winkle. canning, paintings and photographs, Donaldson, $1.00, (no competition.) Violin Solo, Mr. E. E. Koch. These services will begin promptly tented happy people. Best Gen. Display of Vegetables, $10.00; 2nd Morrison Mills, $5.00. presented a pretty picture and was a Vocal Solo, Mrs, MacKenzie. Jersey Bull, 2 and under 3, ist, Wm. ci edit to the county, not only for the ist, C. E. Donaldson, $3 00; 2nd, Mrs. Each number graciously responded at 7:45- “Loyal Sons’ Class.” A. L. Donaldson, $200 Maxwell, $5.00, (no competition.) large amount of exhibits, but for the High School Notes. Loyas Sons’ Class.” Best loo lbs. Inslage Corn, ist, R. Jersey Bull, senior yearling, 1st, to a hearty uncore. artistic manner in which they were Following the program the guests Y. Blalock, $10.00; 2nd, C. E. Don­ Andrew Andeson, $5.00: 2nd, Walter School started Monday,-September arranged were received and introduced by Dr. Withycombe Visists Tillamook. the seventh, with an enrollment of 100 The cheese as usual was an attract­ aldson, $5.00 Severance, $2.50. Table Beets, 1st, W. S. Hare, $1.00; ive feature, as well as the grange dis­ Jersey Bull, Jr. yearling, ¡st, F. R. the board of school directors, those pupils. The Senior, Junior, Sopho­ in the receiving line being Mrs. Ever­ Dr. James Witliycombe, Republican more and Freshmen classes have 26 Beals, $2.50, (no competition.) plays. What appeared to interest 2nd, C. B. Wiley, 50c. 3 Cabbage, ist, W. L. Vcatch, $¡ 00; visitors as much as anything, was the Jersey Bull, Sr. calves, 1st. T. H. son, Prof. Karl Onthank, Miss Maude nominee for Governor, arrived at Til­ 8, 20 and 46 members respectively large displays made by two indiv id- 2nd, R. Y’. Blalock,50c. McCormack, $5.00; 2nd, Morrison Mastic, Mrs. Geo. Lamb, Miss Lucia lamook last evening. The doctor was the officers for the classes are: Macklin, Mr. H. T. Botts, Mrs. \. met at the depot by committee of our 6 carrots, ist, G. H. Foland, $1.00; Mills, $2.50. uals—C. E. Donaldson and ÍL Y. Seniors—Howard Lamar, Pres • Blalock—of home grown products. 2nd, W. S. Hare, 50c. Jersey Bull, Jr. calves, ist, T. H. Stockham, Mr. W. S. Buel, Miss Ada citizens and escorted to the city by a Freda Schneulle, ViceJPres.; Pouline 3 Cauliflower, ist E. Atkinson, $1.00 McCormack, $5.00; 2nd, T. H. McCor­ McDowell, Mr. Jesse Crenshaw, Miss company of ¡6 young ladies on horse Beals, Sec. and Tres. Mr. Donaldson certainly deserved the Clara Pruehs, Mr. D. E. Reed, Miss back. This was greatly appreciated first prize and is deserving of a great 2nd, W. L. Veatch, 50c. mack, $2.50. Junior—Ila Hart, Pres.; Gertrude by Doctor Witliycombe, and was Ebinger, Vice-Pres.; Mabel Lucas, 6 Cucumbers, 1st,, R. Y ’ . Blalock, deal of credit. It showed, however Jersey Cows, 3 years, ist, Morrison L.ola Herald, Miss Mabel Goyne. The success of the reception was considered by him as one of the most the great variety of fruit, vegetables $1.00; 2nd E. H. Lindsey, 50c. Mills, $10.00; 2nd, Wm. Williams, $5. Sec. and Tres. 6 Onions, ist, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00; and feed that can be grown in this Jersey Cows, 2 years, ist, Morrison due to the efforts of the following forceful tributes of his campaign. Sophomore—Harold Mason, Pres.; The Doctor stated that the outlook Beatrice Harris, Vice-Pres.; Lizzie county, even on hillside land, where 2nd, Mrs. J. Michaud, 50c. Mills, $10.00, 2nd W. D. Gladwell, $5. committees. Arrangements and re­ freshments — Mesdames Dick, Duns ­ for the success of the whole Republi­ Coates, Sec. and Tres. most of Mr. Donaldson’s exhibits 6 Parsnips, ist, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00; Jersey Heifers, Sr. yearling, ist, C. 2nd, G. H. Foland, 50c. were grown. McCormack, $5.00; 2nd, C. McCor­ tan and Harris. Program—Mesdames, can ticket in November is good and Freshmen— August Boquist, Pres.; H.Crenshaw, E. E. Koch. On public­ that this was unquestionably a Re­ Celery, ¡st, Geo. Wilson, $1.00; 2nd, mack, $2.50. There was a fine display of dairy Fay Hill, Vice-Pres.; Herbert Stam, stock, the best ever seen in the coun­ C B. Wiley, 50c. Jersey Heifers, grade Sr. yearlings, ity and invitations—Mesdames, Hew­ publican year. He said “There is a Sec. and Tres.; Lowell Edwards, Yell 2 Pumpkins, ist, C. E. Donaldson, ist, R. Richards, $5.00; 2nd, R. Rich­ itt, Erskine, Gersoni. On welcome general impression that the Undtr- leader. ty, as well as poultry. and introductions—Miss Emma Ue- wood tariff bill discriminates un­ On Thursday afternoon Dr. Withy- $1.00; 2nd, W. L. Veatch, 50c. ards, $2.50. A student body meeting was called 2 Squash, ist, W. S. Hare, $1.00; combe spoke in the pavilion and not­ Jersey Cows, Jr. yearling, 1st, Mor­ land, Harriett Gaylord and Mesdames justly against western industries. In and Areta Everson was elected Pres., Hanson, Dunstan, Leach and Burge. industry in withstanding the inclement weather, 2nd, R. Y. Blalock, 50c. fact, practically every rison Mills, $5.00; 2nd, Morrison The refreshments, consisting of Tillamook County has been more or Lee Doty, Vice-Pres.; Pauline Beals, Dried Loganberries, ist, Beaver Mills, $2.50. there was a large attendance. The Dr. Sec. and Tres.; Lloyd Jones, Sergant commended the people of Tillamook Loganberry Assn., $t.oo; 2nd, F. W. Jersey Calf, ist, Wm. Williams, cake and punch was served by the less adversely effected by this bill. I at Arms. At this meeting preparations young ladies of the High School Do­ am a staunch believer in the principal for the fin«'display they had made, Jones, 50c. $2.50. (no competition.) mestic Science class in the room used of American markets for Americans. were made for an excursion to Bay Duchess Apples, ist, E. D. Hoag, which was a credit to any county. He Holstein Bull, 3 years, Ocean. specially referred to the fine stock $1.00; 2nd, R. Y. Blalock, 50c. These, however are national ques­ Kunze, $10.00; 2nd, J. Emmenegcr by them for class work. Friday evening the Parent Teach­ The regular meeting of the Parent tions and the voters of this state are and was highly delighted to see the Giavensteins, ist, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00 $5.00. er’s Association gave a reception for Teachers' Association will be held progress the dairymen had made 2nd, H. L. Jensen, 50c. vitally interested in state issues. Holstein Bull, 2 years , ist, Wm. every second Monday of the month The great need in Oregon as I see it the teachers. A vry enjoyable musical along those lines. Dr. Withycombe Grimes Golden, 1st, O. W. Kinna­ Noyes, $5.00, (no competition) piogram was rendered and the Do­ then dwelt upon the necessity of man, 50c., (no competition.) Holstein Bull, Sr. Calf, ist, G. H. I at the high school auditorium at 7:30, is for good sound constructive legis­ mestic Science class served a delight­ making the farm home pleasant and Bismarck, ist, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00; Foland, $5.00; 2nd, John Schild, $2.50. and a cordial invitation is extended lation that will lessen the burden of ful luncheon of cake and punch. attractive for the women and the 2nd, H. L. Jensen, 50c. taxation and give confidence for the Holstein Bull, Sr. grade, Chas John­ to each and every one to attend. Saturday the high school went to children and those who lived on Kings, 1st, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00; 2nd, son, $2.50, (no competition.) investment of capital for the develop­ Bayocean on their annual picnic. The farms and advocated all modern con­ H. L. Jensen, 50c. ment of our industries. We have a Holstein Cow, 3 years, 1st, John day turned out to be a fine one and Cut Prices. veniences for their benefit. Dr. Bellflowers, 1st, O. W. Kinnaman, Schild, $10.00; 2nd John Schild, $5.00. state of wonderful agricultural and everyone had a very good time. Withycombe said when he first visit­ $t.oo, 2nd, Chas. Robitsch, 50c. industrial opportunities. The County Holstein Cow, 2 years, 1st, John The school is taking an active part ed Tillamook about 20 years ago he $1.00 atjd «P of Tillamook has an immense forest Baldwins, ist, R. Y. Blalock, $1.00; Schild, $10.00; 2nd John Schild, $5.00. Cabihets, per doz. .50 and up wealth and an endless field of factory in the contests at the county fair this Post cards ......... advocated better stock and co-opera­ 2nd, H. L. Jensen, 50c. Holstein Cow, grade 3 years, ¡st, . . .25 and up week. The high school exhibit took tion amongst the farmers, and he was Northern Spy, 1st, Henry Zurfluch, Chas Kunze, $10.00; 2nd, Wm. Noyes, Enlargements . Tillamook development. But after the great Studio. first prize which was a lovely pennant pleased to find that they had done $¡.00, 2nd, H. L. Jensen, 50c. Opposit Court House. $500. harvest of lumber will come a devel- School was dismissed Wednesday this and were turning out a splendid Crabs, any variety, ¡st, Jenck Bros., Holstein Cow, grade 2 years, ist, and Thursday afternoons, and there cheese that was a credit to the dairy­ $1.00; 2nd, Jacob Nicklaus, 50c. Chas. Kunze, $io.oo; 2nd, Chas Cow Testing Association. dairy cows to get the best results. Mr. will be no school Friday, this gives men. He spoke of the great possibili­ Snow, H. L. Jensen, 50c. (no com­ Kunze, $5.00. Jones is the right man in the right the students a chance to enjoy the ties of increasing the agricultural pro­ petition.) Holstein Heifers grade I year, ist, The Tillamook County Cow Test- place for our county, and all the far­ fair. ducts of the state and how this could Grunings, H. L. Jensen, 50c. (no Chas Kunze, $5.00; 2nd, Chas Kunze, ing Association met on Thursday, mers should see Mr. Jones and get be brought about. The school is entering on different competition.) $2.50. Sept. 10th, at the beautiful farm home these tables and use them, thus saving contests, two classes, A, those 14 or Dr. Withycombe’» remarks were Ben Davis, H. L. Jensen, 50c. (no Holstein Heifer grade calves, isf, of its president, Mr. Charles Kunze, money in feed and getting more milk well received especially where he ad­ competition.) above, and class B, those under 14. Chas Kunze, $5.00; 2nd, John Schild, in a joint business meeting and all from their herds. A general discus­ vocated making the farm home at­ There are two representatives for Winter Banana, H. L. Jensen, 50c., $2.50. day picnic. The members, their sion was had on feeding and care of class A and one for class B. The con­ tractive with modern improvements (no competition.) Holstein, 6 calves, John Schild, $5., friends and ladies to the number of and comforts for the women and cows’to get the best results, a num- tests they will enter are, Ciphering, Sweet, Jenck Bros., 50c., (no com­ (no competition.) seventy five spent a pleasant time on , ber of talks were given by farmers spelling and declamation. children. petition.) Better Babies Cntest. one of Oregon’s grand days. The men piesent, and Judge Cal Worrall being Poultry Department. The student body was very pleased Winesaps, H. L. Jensen, 50c. ino Highest boy, Walter B. Poorman, inspected Pres. Kunze’s model dairy called on for a speech, urged all far­ with a short address from Dr. James Brown Leghorns, 1st, Mrs. Ross, competition.) score 99E j , Bronze Medal. farm, his alfalfa, has up-to-date meth- mers to join the Commercial Club, Withycombe, Republican candidate $2.00; 2nd Gus Goeres, $1.00. Maiden Blush, H. L. Jensen, Soc., Second, tiT’,s $12.50. Hanenkratt Native No. 5 Mar 22 '14 1070 4.3 46.01 G Dwight to investigate the assess­ G 44 MRS. ALICE HEITSMA1V Oscar Joe Durrer Gr Jer Mar 930 Werschkul, score 95 ’ 4, prize. Babv 19 ’ 14 4.9 Largest Stock Beet, • ;°v' 45.57 4 4 4 4 4 4 ment on the different classes of prop ­ Claude Ackley No. 1 May 7 ’ 14 713 6.0 $10 00. 42.78 $too, 2nd. R. Y. B’ 1 M Rom- 1, 2, 3 Room Apartment«. 44 Hunt Prietta May 8 ’14 1256 3.4 42.70 Harry Thomas, score, 94, prize, erty as shown on the iqi q assessment Carl Largest Sunil’ *,ock’ **• Furnished or Cnfurnisn • T H McCor ­ roll. And at an adjo»jrne»». R- $5.00. mack & Son Susie $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK Gr Jer 946 4.5 42.57 held on Tuesday. Se- pt . IM h, after go ­ Claude Ackley No. 12 Best Di- H B<>o«h. 50c. Clarence Nelson, score 93J4, prize, 28 T4 1147 Gr Jer 3.7 42.44 Free Phones, Water am’ L'* ing into the matte’. of a„„,ed valu­ G Hanenkratt No. 28 Native 17 '14 Blalo»’ ’pUy oi Po‘««o»». 1st. R Y. $2.50. 961 4.4 42.28 First St and 4th Ave. bn”’ G Hanenkratt No. 25 Gr Jer ' ations of the diff erent c ta»»e* of 27 ’ 14 915 4.6 42.09 t, - • “• **•«>; *‘nd- J H. Dunstan, Jacob Nichlaus, .'display of i brick T illamook , O rego . John Zurcher Gladdip Native 1 ’14 961 >0. , I 4.4 41.28 propcr,v a .Union was passed in­ Adolph EricksonJersey cheese, prize, $2.00. Gr Jer 27 '14 806 5.1 41.11 structing th» JOHN LELAND HENDERS^ 1 Gal Beans green, 1st. F. H. Lind­ committee to request Joe Durrer May 18 ’14 729 5.6 40.82 Horse* say. $1 00; 2nd, Vincent Jacob, 50c the Board c EqualiMtion to reduce John Neiger No. 15 15 T4 884 4.6 40.56 Roadster Stallion, ist, Harri» 4 the asses*’ .j valuations on all farm Chas Kunze No. 32 1 '14 1116 3.6 40.18 attorney Shorty \ idito, $10.00; 2nd, A. C. Everson, ands 33 19 ’14 * 1085 3.7 per cent gnj we (|ie un. E G«inger R. ---------------------- 40 15 ■ — - -— —w... . *W A-«,«*««, AND Gorham, ’ Official Tester. $500. Joe Dürrer, Secretary. uersign» .j COmmittee in accordance The above is a very good showing considering that nearly all the cows in the COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Draft Stallion, 1st Liberal Horse Co with * ¡ns,ructioni hereby petition Association freshened early and that the summer was exceptionally dry the T illamook B lock . $500: (no competition.} a,H’ ’.eqaest that all farm lands be re- driest ever seen In this section. If a man had these 25 cow* all together in one . Road?,fr. Single, tstr R. Richards, ,’uc'ed 3^1 3 per cent from the assess- herd be would indeed have a profitable herd. Tillamook • - Roy C. Jones, County Agriculturist. ’ ROOM NO. »! I I : p’'k v •“-* «... o.„„«