mistakes, especially when owners of property hold their property at fic­ ticious valuations when placing it on the market and in giving a low valua­ tion when the assessor appears on the scene to make the annual assessment. We have in mind several farms which have been disposed of at ficticious valuations and where the owners have given the valuations at consid­ erably below what they are valued at or sold for. 11 enue only, extravagance has run riot. LOOK s In the first full fiscal year of the Wil­ rtOHEY son administration, ordinary govern- ; hat he ayto keep For U. S. Senate— ment expenses amounted to 7701,000,- YauR, ocket b ROBERT A. BOOTH. 000. In the last full fiscal year of the For Congress— HUED 15 NOT Tb Taft administration, ordinary expen­ WILLIS C. HAWLEY. ses of government were only $65.4,- For Governor— PAY MORE han You 000,000. Appropriations now being After 64 years of activity i JAMES WITHYCOMBE. made, and which have already been by the friends of prohibition what For State Treasurer— made, keep well up to the high water THOS. B. KAY. ¿AN 5ELL the average American today marks of past years. The situation be­ For Supreme Court— consumes almost six times ing what it is, the president urges, the best and THOS. J. M’BRIDE. wisely, we think, that it would be bet­ as much liquors as did the jave You money HENRY J. BEAN. There is one thing that spells defeat ter to lay a temporary tax than to is- ’ average American of 1850. T. L. HARRIS. for the Democratic candidate for sue bonds. The real treasury situa­ HENRY L. BENSON. In spite of this there is less governor. All the defeated candidates tion was far from being revealed in For Attorney General— for governor at the primary election what he told Congress. The address drunkenness. With this GEO. M. BROWN. on the Republican ticket have formed showed the earmarks of evasiveness, wonderful change for the For Supt. Public Instruction— a boosters club for Dr. Withycombe. and a want of conviction. But, the better, prohibition has had J. A. CHURCHILL. That is playing fair in politics, but in condition being what it is, it should For State Engineer— nothing whatever to do. The previous years defeated candidates be revealed by appropriate and JOHN C. LEWIS. real reason is found in the have been "sore” and "knifed” the prompt legislature. For Commissioner of Labor— successful candidates. It seems that fact that today there is a O. P. HOFF. Harmony Club Formed. we are now getting down to the spirit vastly greater amount of For Railroad Commissioner— and intent of the primary law, for it FRANK J. MILLER. beer consumed. And beer Portland, Oregon, Sept. 5. 1914. allows al) who desire to run for office For Supt. Water Division No, 1— is not conducive to drunken­ to do so. Our contention is that To the voters of the state of Oregon. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. We were candidates for the nomi­ those that register and take part in a ness. For Representative— primary election should stay with and nation for the office of Governor in T. B. HANDLEY. Prohibition "is a failure support their party candidates at the the Republican primaries, and were WE DON’T BLAME YoU- For Circuit Judge — general election. But there will al­ fairly and honorably defeated by the and has had but one effect HARRY H. BELT. WE DON’T BLAME ANYBoDY- ways be those who, if their candidates Hon. James Withycombe. He has al­ wherever tried: to put a ----- o----- are not nominated, who bolt their ways been a true and loyal Republi­ EOH WANTING TO GET THEIR. MONEY J ban upon the open and THE COUNTY TICKET. can—is a good, clean man with a party. For County Judge— above-board drinking of WORTH. WE KNOW THAT ALL 5MAR.T PEOPLE good, clean record, and in our judg­ A. M. H^RE. beer and other light bev­ Dr. Withycombe was a visitor to ment would make a good Governor. ARE TRYING TO GET FULL VALVE FoR. THEIR. For County Clerk— Tillamook this week, and although he erages and to drive men Each of us sincerely and earnestly J. C. HOLDEN. money we bought came to see the county fair, his visit appeal to our respective and political to secret, immoderate For Sheriff— was also to become better acquainted friends throughout the State to har­ GROCERIE J AND WE ARE GOING To GIVE YOU drinking of the strongest H. CRENSHAW. with the people of this county, for monize and unite the Republican par­ PLUMP VALUE FOR. YEARJ. WE WON’T LET stimulants. This is notably For Treasurer— Dr. Withycombe is the Republican ty and to rally to the support of Re­ B. L. BEALS. true of Maine, a prohibition ANYBODY GET OUT OF OUR JToRE DIJJATIJ- candidate for governor. And as well publican policies and principals and For Surveyor— state. There is ten times the right man for the position, that is to vote for and loyally support all of FIED. IF YOU WANT To .SAVE MONEY COME R. L. SHREVE. as much drunkenness per if the people want a governor who the nominees on the Republican For County Commissioner— TO VJ-A DOLLAR. JAVED U DOLLAR. MADE. knows how to make Oregon a great­ ticket. Oregon should no longer be capita as there is in France. (Two years.) er agricultural state. Dr. Withycombe politically misrepresented in the state F. L. SAPPINGTON. knows from practical experience and or national capitals, and should be —Paid Advertisement (Four years.) scientific knowledge how to bring placed in the Republican column FRANK OWENS. this about, and from our viewpoint where it rightfully belongs. For Coroner— he is an ideal candidate, and the vot­ E. D. Ulrich, Chamber of Cotn- Charles A. Jones. S. M. WENDT. ers of this county should give him irctce, Portlnr.d, Oregon. T. T. Geer. their support. His long connection Gus C. Moser. ADVERTISING RATES. with the Oregon Agricultural College Wm. A. Carter. and the great interest he has taken in Geo. C. Brownell. Legal Advertisements. farmers, and how to raise their in- A. N. Crawford. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. First Insertion, per line............ $ "Schooling in youth should invariably be Grant B. Dimick. I comes by improved methods, have directed to prepare a person in the best way Each subsequent insertion, line. I done much good. Dr. Withycombe is for the best permanent occupation for which Business and professional cards 1 a gentleman in every respect, and we Republican Harmony Annoys Them. he is capable.”--l'i esitlent C W Eliot. one month ................................ This is the Mission of the regret that the Oregon Journal, the Homestead Notices .................... Democratic newspaper, has started a I It is just possible that if Senator Timber Claims ............................ 1 TYve Greater Oregon^ i dirty fight on the Republican candi- Gus Moser had known how greatly Locals per line each insertion. .1 I date for governor. We will quote With new buildings, better equip, Forty-sixth School Year Opens his suggestions for Republican har­ Display advertisement, an inch, ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad­ | what the other seven candidates for 2- s ditions to its faculty, the University 18th, 1014 one month .................................. •50 governor— C. A. Jones, T. T. Geer, mony would distress the Democrats SEPTEMBER of Oregon will begin its thirty-ninth lie would not have made it. Senator All Resolutions of Condolence Write for illustrated too-page Book­ year Tuesday, September 15. Gus C. Moser, Wm. A. Carter, Geo. let, "T he LIFE C areer ," and for Cata­ ¡■a« A Special training for Business, Jour- and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 C. Brownell, A. M. Crawford and Moser was one of eight candidates log containing full information. nalism, Law, MeJicine, Teaching Li. gubernatorial Cards of Thanks, per line.......... •05 Grant B. Dimick—say of Dr. Withy­ for the Republican b.-ary Work, Music, Architecture, Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE : I uysical Training and Fine Arts, Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen nomination at the primaries, and was Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ y combe, who won the nomination in a l argest and strongest departments second in the race. He made a clean, bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ of liberal education. clean primary election: “He has al­ 1 ibrary of more than 50,000 volumes, two j 4» Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, ceeding five lines...................... open, fair, and straightforward cam ­ • 25 ways been a true and loyal Republi­ splendid gymnasiums, eleven buildings fully | L ogging E ngineering , home eco ­ equipped. New $100,000 Administration f paign, and when the votes were nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Building in course of construction i can_ is a good, clean man with a Tuition Free. Dormitories for men and I counted he greatly disappointed the ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. good clean record, and in our judg­ for women Expensed lowest. I Write for catalog