ilknwk llmîiliôljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914 Double Your Dollars “ SERVES YOU RIGHT.” Ihe dollar that slips away will eventually get into the hands of someone who will set it at work fortune building for himself. The dollars you save, whose earning power you ap­ propriate, will make the sum of your fortune. First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore The sooner you begin to save at this bank, the sooner you will see your fortune expressed in large figures. We receive savings deposits from a dollar up. Tillamook County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, q Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c. per hour. Bell telephones 130 J and 131 The Tillamook Headlight office is W.—The Electric Store, next to Gem now located opposite the court house. Theatre. ♦ TILLAMOOKJOTTINGS WANTED:—Boy to work on de­ livery wagon, after school and on Saturdays. Inquire of City Transfer Company. Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash rent or shares. Address G. F. ♦ Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. Born, on Saturday, to the wife of Eugene Jenkins a son, also on the same day, to the wife of Ray Jackson at Bar View a daughter. Henry Vierick left last week for Philadelphia, where he will take a course in medicine in the university of Philadelphia. The place to eat is at the “Good Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * Fresh fruit delivered to any part | of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* I For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free- I man. * War does not effect our prices on We are in a position to make some long time farm loans. First National school books and supplies. We placed our orders before the advance and iBank. * give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. ♦ | Miss Beatrice Gaylord left last It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.q week to attend the State Uunversity machine v ith an established repa .a- at Eugene. tion fo- quality services. The White | W. C King and wife returned from for sale on easy terms at Jones I Southern Oregon on Wednesday in Knudson Furniture Company. * | their auto. No matter in what direction the Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ wind blew, and it blew from every mook Meat Company's Market. We quarter of the compass the past few (pay 15c per pound. * days, the rain pattered down in co- Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- pious showers. Mr. M. Eckers, the wife of M. Isey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for- Eckers, who was shot and killed by knerly of the Spanish Kitchen. Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Ray Cooper, with Franz and Chas. mook Meat Company’s Market. ijt. Kraxbcrger, of Aurora, Ore., are in 1 the city attending the trial of Cooper. per pound. * | Wanted—live representative in Till­ G. S. Parmele, recently of Lincoln amook. Advancement to parties show­ County and who lived in Tillamook ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­ about 17 years ago, is in the city. mate proposition. Good money. Lady i For Sale, full blooded Holstein I or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mfg. (Bulls, one year and six months. Apply Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * The City authorities have instruct­ For Sale, Good driving or riding ed City Attorney H. T. Botts to in­ iorse. Address E. Musselman, Bay stitute proceedings to condemn a -ity, Mutual Phone, T. R. Elliott. * I strip of land for the sidewalk op­ | posite the Goodspecd property on Married by Judge Stanley, at the j First Street. -ourt House, on Wednesday, Enoch Arrangements have been made to itraw, of Springville, Utah and Miss keep Bar View hotel open during the csephine King, of Blaine, Oregon. Protect your valuable papers from winter, and the speciality will be in he unexpected fire by renting one of providing fish and clam dinners for >ur safe deposit boxes. Only one parties who desire to spend a few ollar per year. Tillamook County days at the beach the coming winter. * I Phone orders. PRICE OF MAZDA LAMPS REDUCED His Only h t h 11» . '! II I II : » :•*! 'I I.II « I' The Electric Store, NÇXT TO GEM THEATRE. F. D. Small is erecting a cannery cratic ticket, also made a few remarks OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOGOOCOOSCOOOOOOCOOOOOGOOeCCCOOOOGOI west of town and will have it in op­ liter which both candidates were in- eration in a few days. roduced to those present. Owing to the slide on the P. R. & Ray Cooper on Trial. N. Wednesday, the passenger train did not arrive until ten o’clock that General local interest has been night. The passengers were transfer­ red to the motor car and brought to held during the past week in the case of State of Oregon vs. Ray Cooper, ■ the city. which has been on trial for the past 1 For Sale 4 horse power Fairbanks four days in the Circuit Court. The ' & Morse stationary engine, practical­ State of Oregon being represented ly new, having been used only six by M. J. Gersoni, District Attorney,1 weeks. Price $120 or will trade. and by C. T. Haas, of the Law firm Wir Styvccijcn ïh'utûih Would cost $165 new. This is a bar­ of Wocrndle & Haas, Portland, Ore., gain. while the defense is represented by W’anted, to exchange, the finest H. T. Botts, a local attorney, and At­ artistic 5 acre surburban home in Port' torney John A. Jeffrey of Portland, land, valued at $8,000 free of incum­ Ore. The crime on which the defend­ brance, for business property in Till­ ed is now on trial is for the alleged amook. Address Mr. Arnold, No. 200 murder of Michael Ecker in a »hoot­ t Gibbs St., Portland, Oregon. * ing scrape near the latters homestead at Blaine. Ore. It is claimed that de­ Member of H. P. Knight, brother of Mrs. Ru- fendant killed Michael Ecker on July ger, and T. O’Brien, both of Arizona, 31st. 1914. by shooting him with a FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION were in visiting this week. They left rifle. Ray Cooper while admitting the this morning for Alaska where they Of the United States. killing claim-, it was done in self de­ are sent by a large steel structural fense. company to erect a large building for Ray Cooper was formerly a teacher a mining company. of manual training in the Tillamook Geo. B. McLeod, of the Hammond High School, and from all reports Lumber Co.; Wills Gilbert, of the had a good reputation and was well OOOOO9OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOGO9O0GOOSOOOQO9OQC Wilson River Lumber Co., and C. H. thought of by local people prior to Wheeler of the Wheeler Lumber Co., the shooting. were in the city on Wednesday and The jury in this case was enpanell- Report of the Condition of the appeared before the Board of Equal­ ed on Monday, all day being taken ization and protested against the as­ for this purpose, the members of the sessment of their property being jury being as follows:—J. J. Powell, raised. C. W. Clements, Alex Finlanson, B. At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 12th, 1914. On Monday evening the members Tomlinson, Carl C. Hunt, Henry of the Presbyterian Church gathered Rogers, J. G. Kennedy, Len Hiner, RESOURCES. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alfred Magnuson, Dan H. Fletcher Watt to surprise Mr. and Mrs. R. U. and Frank Crane. Op Tuesday the State started the Loans and Discounts........................................................ $ 111,341.27 Moore, who are leaving for McMinn­ 488.18 ville. Rev. MacKenzie, on behalf of presentation of the case introducing Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .............................. 25,000.00 the congregation, presented Mr. and as witnesses Mrs. Kate Allison and U.S. Bonds to secure circulation.................................... : to Mrs. Moore with a beautiful cut glass Ben and Don Allison of Blaine, all Other bonds to secure U.S. Depost $ eye witnesses to the actual shooting. secure Postal Savings.............................. $1.015.00 1,015.00 dish. Other witnesses on behalf of the Bonds, Securities, etc. (other than Stocks).................. 22,053.34 The meetings at the Nazarenc State were Dr. Monk, who identified Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures.................. 7,223.36 Church arc increasing in interest and photographs taken by him on the Other Real Estate owned .................................. ............ 5,816.79 will continue during this week. Ser­ scene of the alleged murder, Dr. Due from State and Private Batiks and Bankers, vice each evening at 7:30 and on Sun­ Hawk, the coroner of the county, J. Trust Companies and Savings Banks.................. 2,170.59 day at It a.ra. 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday S. W’iltnont, store keeper of Blaine, Due from approved Reserve Agents........................ .. 52, IM >2.08 night will be the closing service. Mr. Browning, Mrs. Anna Dahl of Checks and other Cash Items.......................................... 689.56 Friday afternoon at three o’clock the Blaine, Carl Linke of Portland, Ore., Exchanges for Clearing House.......... ............................... 1,447 15 Holiness Association of Tillamook and Mrs. Mina Ecker, widow of the Notes of other National Banks............................ 340.00 will meet in the Nazarene church for deceased. Fractional Paper Currency. Nickels and Cents 336.52 a business meeting. Will each mem­ On behalf of the defense Lee and Lawful Money Reserve in Bank. viz. : ber be present. Don Cooper, brothers of the accused Specie.................................................................... $32,174.60 .......... 32.171. HO The Fair Board is entitled to the were introduced as.witnesses. Mrs. M. Legal-tender notes..................................... .. Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer (5 per cent of and blue ribbon, and the judges were not Cooper, mother of the defendant circulation).................................................................. . 1,250.00 onto their job, in not decorating Sheriff H. Crenshaw were also wit- President J. H. Dunstan, Secretary ncsses for the defense. Total $ 265 118.44 Owing to the importance of the W'm. G. Tait and L. M. Kraner with that badge of honor for their hard case and the local interest therein, LIABILITIES and persistent work in making all ar­ the court room in which it was being rangements for the County Fair. tried was constantly crow'ded to its Capital stock paid in ........................................................ I $ .............. They are truly entitled to a vote o,‘ full capacity. And because of the de­ Surplus fund...................................... thanks, and in behalf of the citizens fendants many friends in Tillamook Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Tuxes paid . ......................................................... wc arc going to express their thanks it is doubtful whether a conviction Reserved for taxes can be secured. Closing arguments National Bank Notes outstanding and appreciation of their services. in the case were made Friday, and Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Moore were after the Judges instructions were Individual deposits subject to check.................. pleasantly surprised last Saturday given, the case was given to the jury, Demand certificates of deposit........................................ evening by the Senior Class of the who up to the time of going to press Time certiflces of deposit payable after 30 days or Tillamook High School at the home had not yet returned a verdict. after notice of 30 days or longer...................... 15,432.80 of Mr. and Mrs. Alex W’att. The 1,820.37 The case went to the jury at three Certified checks .............. ...................................................... evening was spent with music and o’clock on Friday afternoon. Postal Savings deposits......................................... 314.24 games. Refreshments were served by the class after which the president of Total $ 265,148.51 Timbermen Make Explanation. the class presented Mr. Moore with a gold ring as a token of appreciation Tillamook, Oregon, Sept 15, 1914 State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. for his services in the High School. I, W. J. Riechers, Cashier of the above-named bank, do Mr. and Mrs. Moore left on Tuesday Tillamook Commercial Club, Tilla­ solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mook Oregon. morning for McMinnville where Mr. my knowledge and belief. Dear sirs:—Our attention has been Moore will teach in the High School. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Septem­ called to a letter written by your club ber, 1914.—Rollie W. Watson, Notary Public. under date of Sptember 11. In said Correct—Attest: W. G. Tait, J. C. Iiolden, B. C. Lamb, Reception at Commercial Club. letter certain recommendations have Directors. ----- o----- Í The Tillamook Commercial Club been as to valuations to property in gave a reception on Thursday even­ Tillamook County for taxation pur­ ing in honor of the visit of' Dr. poses and in support of such recom­ Withycombe to the city, who is a mendations refrences are made to candidate for governor on the Re­ certain mortgages on timber lands. We do not believe that it is the wish publican ticket, in the absence of President Dwight, Fred C. Baker was of your club to misrepresent facts but called upon to preside, who introduc­ it is true that tht statements made, unless explained will have the effect ed the distinguished visitor. In the case of our cofpany, which Dr. Withycombe first referred to the splendid exhibits he had seen at is one of those referred to, and who the fair, which was a surprise to him, unfortunately had to borrow money but he was greatly pleased to see the to pay its taxes and carry on its busi­ great improvement that had been ness, wc confidently believe that made in stock since he first visited your fairness will cause you to look Tillamook, Dr. Withycombe referred on the references to the record« in to what Holland and Denmark had an entirely different light when we in­ ' • had done in dairying and the progress form you that the said mortgage cov­ made by better stock and scientific ered in addition to the lands in this dairyink. He referred to the increas­ county over thirty acres in Clatsop ed products raised in Oregon in re­ County and also sixty acres of mill cent years, but. he said, this was com­ site property having two thousand paratively small to what could be feet along deep water at Astoria, to­ raised had we more people l and .._ cheap- . gether with sawmill, elecric light er money to develop the agricultur­ plant, and all accompanying sheds, al resources of the state. The Dr. houses and wharves necessary to deeply regretted the European war. carry on .1 large timber business. Wc also know that other of the for he was of the opinion that it would in some respects be a set back mortgages can be explained along to Oregon, for many of the young similar and equally enlightening men killed in battle would, no doubt, lines. have come to this state, which was We believe you will wish this ex­ needing more settlers to help develop planation to have the same publicity the agricultural resources. He paid a that has been given your letter and to high tribute to the Germans and that end are giving a copy of same to those of other nationalities who had each of your newspapers. Very Respectfully cleaned up land. lfammond Lumber Co., Attorney J A. Jeffreys, candidate By George B. McLeod, vice-president for Attorney General on the Demo- Founded in the Strongest Way, Growing Stronger Every Day. Every dollar you earn incapable of doubling itself in time, without any effort oti your part except to hang on to it. Good house and lot for sale on easy terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. * Safe deposit boxes for rent. Til! 1- mok County Bank. * Roadster automobile for sale cheap at Ed’s Garage. * Blacksmith shop to rent next to my office. T. H. Goyne. ♦ $1.50 PER YEAR. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Snap in Dairy Farm. For Sale, Dairy Farm of 320 on Slitz Bay, in Lincoln County, with over 100 acres of splendid bottom land and 15,000.000 ft. of mixed timber, 100 head of cattle, part dairy cows and part beef cattle, and I head of horses. There is also a cheese factory and saw mill on the place. This is a great bargain in real estate. Will divide tht* place to suit buyer. Terms : Cash for cattle ; time on approved security for Cause of sale is the death of one of the stockholders. If you are wanting a good river bottom farm now is your opportunity to obtain one at a low figure. Inquire at the Headlight oilice for the next ten days. G. S. Farmele, Gaston, Oregon.