Tillamoolc Headlight, September 1O, 1914. COUNTY COURT NEWS. U. S. Edwards............ 1435 W F Cain, labor............................ 100.61 ranged to hold these contests on Fri­ »9C4CGOOOO« Lester Edwards ........ 5-00 Pohl & Anderson, mdse 17.33 day the 18th. Phis has been so ar- H. A. Brant ................ 1.25 County Court met in regular session Hodson Feenaughtp Co. machin- 50.00 ery............................................... 650 00 ranged in hopes that where school on September 2nd, 1914, with the fol­ Jim Imlah .................... Hugh Arstel .................. 51-87 Nehalem Times, printing......... lowing officers present: Hon. Homer 8.70 are in session that they will dismiss 50.00 P R & N Ry, freight................ 102.14 for the 18th and attend in a body. All Mason, judge, presiding; H. M. Farm­ Roy Brink .................. . Kennie Kellow ............ 45-00 Alex McNair Co mdse............... er, commissioner; F. L. Sappington, 28.68 articles to exhibited should be 12.50 Fred Burton, road work........... commissioner; J. C. Holden, Clerk, Roy Sailing .................. 18.00 placed in the hands of the committee Ward Sappington ........ 130.0c H. Crenshaw. Sheriff. 125.00 In the matter of an application of Loyde Kellow ......... at the Fair Building by six o'clock p. in.25 Chas. Ray for n franchise to maintain Orval Kellow .............. "The Star Spangled Banner.” m. of the 15th. Teachers are request­ Toro Kellow ................ 95.62 an electric light and water system in ed to send certificates stating that the O. E. Matoon .............. the village of Cloverdale and Park ad­ 118.75 "The Star Spangled Banner” which bearer named has won in the tri-out, dition and all other public highways Fritz Drebert ................ 40.00 within one mile of the bounday lines of Wallace Warren .......... 500 is now our National Anthem, was . nd is the representative from the Cloverdale for a period of 30 years, the Claude, Lwallen ............ 110.00 written on September 14, 1814, and district for that class or division. The Geo. Kellow .. ............ Same is granted. 22.50 is proposed that we celebrate the age should be given, and the tir-out In the matter of the petition of the Geo. Kellow ,. .......... 23-75 centennial anniversary of this event named, whether , spelling running Jim Bodyfelt ................ Garibaldi-Wheeler road, commencing at 17-50 J. a point in T. 1 N. R. 10 W. of W. M„ Bob Waymire .............. 1-25 by having this hymn sung in all the etc. and paralleling the P. R. and N. Ry. C. C. Murphy................ 12.00 schools of the State both public and W. S. Buel, Supt. to a point of termination in Sec. 2, T. R. Lyster ...................... 7-50 private at noon on September 14th of Frank Coder ................ 2 N. R. 10 West, it is ordered that U. 750 this year. DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, X G. Jackson, Fred Zaddach and W. Cain R. Farmer ...................... The Ford Psalm. 2.50 We are asking the county superin- be appointed viewers, and that they J. Sperry ........................ 2.50 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. shall meet at Nelson's store, Garibaldi Lyle Lyster .................. 32.50 tendents throughout the state to The Ford isrny auto; I shall always >OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeOOQn34»Sr>->>">JC*^0QOOOC at 10 a. m. September 14, or within F. Lyster -...................... 50.00 urge their teachers to join in the want; it maketh me to lie under it in 5 days thereafter, and view and lav Chas. Baker .................... 5.00 splendid movement and lift their green pastures; it draweth me into W. Warren ...................... out the pioposed road. 10.00 voices in patriotic service by singing much trouble; it draweth upon my In the matter of the petition of Jos­ Jim Imlah ........................ eph C. Smith and others for a county Ed Worthington ............ The Star Spangled Banner at noon purse, I go in the paths of death for read from Neah-kah nie Mountain to Elbrt Worthington .... on the 14th of this month. I believe its sake; yea though I understand I my Manzanita Beach, board of viewers Wayne Franklin ............ the newspapers in your county will Ford perfectly, I fear much evil, , for reports favorable. It is ordered that Grant Dawson ................ be quite willing to co-operate in for­ the radius rods of the axel might. matter be referred to District Attor- Chas Randle.................... ney. Rafph Dunn .................... warding this movement. break. It has a blow out in the pres­ If You Buy Your Books and Supplies From Us. D. J. Dunn ...................... Road Di»t. No. 1 Very sincerely yours, ence of my enemies; 1 annoit the W. H. Randal ................ Evert Dean, engineer............. $13.50 Orbey Craven ................ J. A. Churchill, tire with a patch, the radiator boils Bring your school book orders to us we have all, ami Rufus Kennedy, J cord wood. . O1 Redberg .................... Supt. Public Instruction. over. Surely this thing will not fol­ Ben Johnson, labor..................... a large supply to draw from. If school supplies are Fox .................... .. The above letter was received by low me all the days of my life, or I Nick Weber, labor ..................... 7.50 John 7.50 Frank Fox ...................... John Paquet, labor..................... the Supt. and we do not believe wanted Clough has best values. We have the finest we will dwell in the house of poverty 7.50 Chas Hickman .............. John Krumlauf, labor............... need make any further request to Harry Beckwith ............ forever. Andrew iZurcher, team............. 2.50 line of tablets, pencils, erasers, inks, penholders, secure the aid of every teacher in this 22.50 Herbert Porter .............. Mildred Babbit, team............... Moral:—Equip your Ford with the R. D. Dunn .................... pens, pencilboxes, etc., every one of them are 16.25 Alvin Zurcher, team.................... county in carrying out the movement •lew coo-coo clocks. When the thing 23. 75 Lester Ray ...................... John Langley, team................. suggested. values. reaches a speed of twenty miles an 15.00 L. E. Vandyke................ Orvil Burnett, team................... \ ery ¡truly yours, hour the bird will come out and sing Alf Burnett, team......................... 15.00 E. A. Lane ...................... W. S. Buel, County Supt. 15.00 W. H. Randall................ Homer Chamberlain, team....... "Nearer My God to Thee."—Ex­ 16.25 Claude Hussy ................ Fred Paquet, team....................... O" change. A. A. Imlah .................... 21.25 U B Willis, team......................... Since a number of schools are to 15.00 C. C. Murphy.................. Valentine Stoker, team............. 15.00 J. E. Cochran.................. begin work Monday the 14th, and it George Benson, team................. Mr. Fitzsimmons admits that 6.50 John Lourance .............. Andrew Zircher, 3 cd wood.... will be the first opportunity for the "lightly touched” his wife, but insists 32.90 John Imlah ...................... Miami Quarry. 94 vd« rock.... teachers in such schools to give the that he did not hurt het. But Mr. Lucius Lane .................. Frank Strueby, water rent and tri-outs as suggested in the county Fitzsimmons and Mansieur Johnson 2.621 Axel Nelson .................... labor... .................................... 32.50 Frank Nelson ................ Fair book for Sept. 1914, we decided have a different conception of "light A Miller.......................................... 37.50 Will Heater .................... John Wall...................................... to not close these contests or tri-outs touches” from that held by norma) 55.00 Victor Lane .................... Felix Kebbe and team............... until the 17th. It has now been ar- persons. 62.50 Chas Jenson .................... Ernest Kebbe, team................... 67.50 Ade Lane ........................ E Worthington, team................. 31.50 Fred Lewallen .............. F Zaddach, team......................... 45.00 Claude Lane .................... Geo Ludtke and team................. 22.50 Ed Hansen ...................... Guy Loerpabel.............................. 45.00 Clyde Lane ...................... Fred Hart and team................... 25.00 Wm. O’Conell ................ Chas Easom, Jr.,......................... 25.00 H. Z. Hansen .................. Rosco Barker ond team.............. 45.00 R. M. Dingess ................ Claude Minsker, team................. 45.00 Jim Bailey ........................ Wm Lindley, team....................... 22.50 D. A. Bailey .................... Don McKimens............................. 40.00 Hansen Sandoes ............ August Ludtke and team........... 15.00 Wm Glick ........................ 20.00 J R Hicks................................... 1.25 Robt Forkner ................ W Ossenberger............................. • 59-36 11.25 Jas Sperry ...................... 64.36 Steve Randell............................... 13.75 Ben Collier ...................... 45.00 J J Spencer..................................... 33.75 Frank Payne .................. 40.00 B Rittenhouse and team........... E. B. Barthrop .............. A Schlappi, for making fill on 27.75 40.00 Geo. Hcilmeyer ............ N Fork........................................ 12363 35.00 Fred Dunham ................ 40.00 Leslie Barber and team............. 20.00 J. W. Hester .................. 10.00 Joe West and team..................... 20.00 John Cox ........................ 62.50 D Kuppendender, team............. 5.00 D. W. Gilbert ................ Jas Alley and team..................... . 1312 7.50 Roy Woods .................... 63.72 Earl Pearson................................. 18.50 Harley Curl .................... Chas Robitsch............................... 32.50 15.00 Chester Hallett .............. 26.25 Jas Moore, team......................... 18.50 Carl Curl ......................... 12.50 Joe Beuman................................. 19.33 R. E. Welsh .................... 11.86 M L Barber................................... 5.00 H. V. Welsh .................... 11.86 Geo Recard..................................... 8.00 Robt. Huston .................. 500 E K Scoveli and team............... 42.00 M L Barber, 762 yds of gravel W. A. Gage .................... 38.10 J. Lewallen ...................... 15.00 at 5c per yard............... ............... 50.00 John Heilmeyer ............ 78.00 Dan Davidson, shoveling.......... 46.87 22.50 Emil Ross, shoveling................. A. B. Easterbrook ........ 104.00 J W Thompson, hauling gravel. 107.25 J. M. Baker .................... 108.62 P E Allen, hauling gravel........ F. S. Foster ................... 72.78 15.00 Ira Diamond .................. Fred Hagge, shoveling............. 15-47 25.00 W S Linkhart, spreading gravel E. G. Anderson .............. 3-25 55.00 67500 Al Simpson................................... \ Arstell ......................... 49 50 878.00 Chas Rand....................... . ............. Dick Rutgers ................. 55.00 Ed Kamb, et al .............. Ernest Worthington................... 5 >05 15.00 1500 Oscar Klein.................................... Al Boon ......................... 12.50 22.50 SG Reed........................................ Kostic & Trobough .... 54.00 100.00 Fred Zaddach............................... Chas. Lundquest ............ 14.40 Tillamook Bav Construction Co 127.00 Beaver Lumber Co......... 35.93 Tillamook Bay Con. Co............. 2.85 W. R. Robedce, mds ... 3.74 30.65 Geo W Phelps.............................. L. W. VanDyke ............ 2.10 84.50 Nehalem Valley Reporter........ Forest Ayer .................... 6.00 Cloverdale Merc. Co. .. Bay City Examiner 3295 Total 1959.88 Total ............................... $6, .342.70 Road Dist. No. 2. General Fund Bills C. D. Grout bridge, ................... $103.12 53.11 King & Smith, mdse................. H. C. Whitt«, bridge.................. 57-75 G. O. Vaughn, bridge .............. 46 so F C Feldschau, concrete bride 2500.00 over Killa;u Creek............. ! 0. Bodie, bridge .................... •□•SO A Perfect FaAer —ttbti luh ly d*’fw '¡able, every day. year in. jo 00 M Seller & Co., Museum Jars Hance Wilks, bridge.......... 88.83 year out. Built on honor, of the b-st mat« rial«. for fair....................................... 6.00 D. C. Wood ........... . 16.00 A F Coats Lumber Co ....... 1.... 26.25 Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges W. T. Collins ....................... 7.54 I0.J.0 King & Smith, mdse................... TAe only range rr.adt entirely of churrt nt anft maUtabtt iron. S. E. Petteys cook.... .. . 85.00 A L McCarty, fire warden ........ Mulltmble iron cc.n*t bituh charcoalir.r. uM»n*i rutt like tfeel. 87 10 N. J. Dye, hauling gravel,... 80.00 J C Smith, auto hire.................. D. Pangborn, hauling gravel Economical In Fuel C W Knight, milk for poor ........ 52.50 Sid Travis . i....................... The ceam* tho M ilettic :.rc riveted (not put together with TillamooK Meat Co., Meat for L'»lta und f 'ovu putty)—they will aluiaya remain air fight, Fred Travis ............................. 28.75 poor............................................ bet «u. ■» neither beat n ■ < old afleeL'i them. 'Vhe Majoetic 16.25 B. Weagcl ................................. 71.24 ov< n is I nerd throughout with pure aebeefot board, 45.00 C I Clough Co. mdse ................ C. Weagel .......... .................... in Id in pla< e by cn open iron irrutiru.' you can nee it — and Coroner, Inquest M Ecker .... 79.55 it .• tayi th* re always. A r tight joint* and pure «Hlimt/m Joe Monahan .. ........................ 47-50 J E Reedy, county veterinarian 155.00 lininir n*•»u.e an even baking heat. Having one-half the fuel. 30.00 L S Hushbeck, county poor.... C. Dye ...................................... 20.00 All floort drop to furifl rigid ahetvrr. No apringe. A. Malhablo iron oten racAa elido out uutvmaticttlly, hold­ 44.00 7-5° Dr Boals, county poor...... ....... ing w’xatcver they contain. 25.00 A E McKune, county poor....... 30.25 50.00 Tillamook Peed Co., county Roy Funk ................................. F. Hediger ............................... 11.70 3 75 poor .......................................... 2.50 Rosenberg N. Weber ................................. 6.25 Bros., county poor... 2.17 F. Blaser ................................... W D Gladwell, county poor...... A. Holden .......’................... 10.41 Tillamook Herald printing........ J. Maguire ............................... .. 2.50 Tillamook Headlight, printing . 49.40 5.00 A. Holden, ............................... 5-00 R T Boals examining insane ... 19.90 H. Epplett ................................. .. 1187 Coast Power Co.......................... 3>-25 T E Eppelett............................... 75.00 N. J. Dye ................................. Q. Pangborn ........................... . 31.25 E T Haltom, mdse....... .••••■•....... Sid Travis ................................. . 2500 Tillamook City Water Works- 25.00 Crystal Laundry...... ................... C. Dye ...................................... 65.00 Geo Vandersee, wood .............. Chas. Wells ............................. Ike Wells ................................. 3-75 Frank Hadley, auto hire......... - nh rapper rrtoernyit which h* I l it*» a trn kettU. ‘hrotiffh a Frd Blum ................................. 3-75 Homer Mason, expense............. Corper ntamperi from «me »Pttirijj au»n^t I'-'t h n./i I '.in< of Are b >r. Ill ml, I . j, ,41:011« or wal«r In a v* rv Alvin Blum ............................... 3-75 H M Farmer, Com salary ....... mil it - 1 giu! I-y » urn n< • l**v< tl • r .o, •• Hfi-I 1» ,. rvt.ir rnov* n 300 F L Sappington, Com salary...- John Blum ............................... away troia r*» An*-« -br I Mujcuu f. - * lira. at ft pan nwny wi'h fLivolinK . leg vmtikilrd aih 2.50 Homer Mason, salarv................. B. E. Turner ........................... />•/pre vont« ll*x>r from cutí h nj'fn’«- a th r op < I<-I . A'll ut la sh< y >u Fie grr.ifvrt improvernumt Carl White ............................... 5-00 UG Jackson, surveyor .. . evert pul In a r.rng.' J Proctor ................................. . 5-00 (J G Jackson, surveyor « office Don ’ t, bur the rntiFW rrpoot to laut a lif*» ■- -—JI— . f tlm* t, un • n,” or you'll rurw tn 1* d-«- Will Turner ............................. 2.50 C A Johnson, assessor .............. l «ÍHlÓc j | t" MOtJflC^I ■ 1'pointed, « «ni- to *>ur «tore, and ««* th*, firent M i/esiif hava 1' nxny * «eh)4Ívn («••turra H- G. Parsons ......................... W S Buel ...................................... 500 filmine I find ont why In« Mril-eflr I« '9*»1 n’ron«»* H B. Johnson ......................... • 1750 B L Beals, Treasurer _ • • then «II -»her ranye« wie r i- eit 1 ~njr«sa «re weak«*» I» I« t tan t r-tnuo at any price and tt »Luu. j Russ Johnson ......................... ■ 25.00 B L Beals, Treasurer s office... be in your k. fr 22.50 H Crenshaw................................ M. Miller ........................... FOU SALX UY Jas Leach ................................. . 25.00 Glass & Prudhomme................... Hull Johnson ........................... 1500 Bushong & Co., mdse ALEX. McNAIR & CO £ .E,1Sar ................................... 2.50 R G Caldwell, carbon............... - I C Holden, express _ ............ 2.320.20 Weisman & Dolan contract A K. Case .............................. . 9295 I C Holden. Clerk's office.,. Mrs A. M. Phillips .............. . 500 Cost Bill Justice court, State vs 16.65 Williams & Edmunds A. Holden . Cost Bill, Justice court, state 20.00 C H. Folanj ........................... J. Weber .. ................................ vs Rav Cooper........................ 6.25 45.00 Lamb Schrader Co .............. .. 196.25 M J Gersoni, expense................. 2 Hotel RAmsey, board ............. . Coats, Lumber Co. ... .. 461.80 9.50 Benjamin Allison, witness . Hiner & son............................. 7-4° Monk. photos Uken Alvin Blum............................... -. WILLIAM HANLEY. 25 00 4-5° Frank Dye ............................... 88 87 7050 scene of Eker «hooting.... Candidate for U.S. Senator on the PrnpreMive ticket, who Coat« Lumber Co. •••■ ................ .- ® Aiderman ..................... .. 104.00 15.55 «tooued over last 1 liurs.lay io the intereat of liia campaign. M Keeney 4 Bremer Co.............. '’m. Illingsworth ................. 33.00 Hlnlev i- a native Oregonian, and this was his first trip to H B Johnson, roads .................... W Maddux ............................. 27.00 Total ........................................ $4.575-25 F P Hobson, labor..................... 72.00 ' Tillamook County W F Cain, labor............ ............. 138.32 .. .. Road District No. 3. ' «nie Kellow .. ... . ................ I.25 Standard a Oil Co ......................... LJLTH, 8 LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. Free Rulers and Blotters C. I. CLOUGH CO F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line Some of the Reasons Why The Great M ajestic R ange Charcoal and Malleable Iron a a h :: ¿X X wa