I I ■> $ $ $ $ $ $ ? «,• will be flour, meal, mi-. beans and other age handicap, 31.2. Days since freshening, 140; pcrcent- foodstuffs. age handicap, 35.2. There was an interesting tilt in the Days since freshening, percent- House betwen Mr. Mann, the vigilant age handicap, 39.4. Days since freshening, 160; percent- floor leader of the minority, and age handicap, 43.6. Speaker Clark an the subject of quor­ Days cince freshening, 170, percent- um counting. Speaker Clark answer­ age handicap, 47.9. Days cince freshening, I So ; percent- ed as the names of representatives were called on the roll when he age handicap, 52.3. 1 he above handicap is the produc­ knew they were present in the cham­ tion of fat and milk is based on ex­ ber or in the cloak rooms, although periments which indicate that after they failed personally to respond. Mr. the first 40 days a cow decreases in Mann twitted the speaker onthis prac­ blitter fat and milk each 10 days three cent of the preceeditig 10 day tice, reminding him of the storm of per period. For instance a cow giving 2 criticism of the late Thomas B. Reed pounds of fat and 50 pounds of milk during his three terms as speaker The 40 days after freshening will decrease great statesman from Maine was call­ three percent of two pounds or .00 in fat and three per cent of 50 ed tyrant and czar largely because of pounds pounds or 1.5 pounds of milk, leaving his habit of recognizing the physical 1 94 pounds of fat ami 48.5 pounds of presence of member? who considered milk tor her daily production after 50 themselves constructively absent. day?. In order to place this cow on the same basis as those fresh less 40 Speaker Clark denied that he joined days, a handicap of there per cent is in the Democratic storm of criticism. given. No division of to day periods shall He did not assign a reason. We may hazard the suggestion that he was ., be made. I hat is, all cow s from 50 to 60 days in milk shall be in the fifth H In May, 1914, when I was elected secretary of your club,- I promised you a business administration of its affairs. Let the following report speak for itself: Number of resident members now­ in good standing, 72; nonresident, 9- Residents pay $1.50 monthly dues and non-resident pay $5-25.00 notes of the club, due one each month, and about $50.00 in other bills with $100 due the club from various sources. The Secretary thanks the live, best citizens comprising the club mem- bership for their generous support and a few kind words to those knock­ ers and drones who are criticising the Pacific Railway & Navigation Company ROUND TRIP FARES From Wheeler $1.20 Brighton 1.10 it Bay City .35 Corresponding low fares Rockaway .80 .70 Barview .GO Garibaldi from other points 60 Piece Tillamook Boosters Band will be in attendance daily BABY PRIZE CONTEST Fine display of industrial exhib­ its, farm products, dairy produce school children’s exhibits, etc. Full particulars from nearest P. R. & N. Agent JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO Secretary and the club, he cares not a jot. 1 he Club needs and is entitled to much more support. Won't you get your name on the roll of honor with othef progressive citizens'- I he Secretary's office and his time is al­ ways at your command without pnv . or praise to boost the club and the 1 good City and County of Tillamook. Respectfully submitted. C. R. \\ orrall, Secretaiy. 1 EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKE#] At All Grocers.