Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 10, 1914, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI.
No. 13.
E. D. Snodgrass and family will
leave on Monday for California.
A Valuable Faculty.
Determined effort to save develops or strengthens a
valuable faculty : namely, the faculty of drawing the line
between necessary and useless expenditure.
Think of it : Isn t it usually the thing one is better off
without that takes the money he should save ?
Hence the double benefit of.the saving habit : First,
learning to deny one’s self harmful indulgences; and sec­
ond, acquiring a property through little triumphs over self.
Ask yourself now if there is any reason why you
should not become a money saver at
Tillamook County Bank.
Russell Hawkins left on Saturday
for Michigan, going there on business
The Tillamook Headlight office is in connection with the Whitney Co.
now located opposite the court house. Ltd., and will remain there about
three weeks.
Received today by express Baby
Remember the meetings at the
Doll Pumps.—Haltoms.
* Nazarene Church conducted by H. J.
Good house and lot for sale on easy Elliott, Evangelist. Services each
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. *
evening at 7:30. Sunday at it a.m.,
Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tillt- 3 and 7:30 p.m.
mok County Bank.
On September 18th, C. E. Reynolds
Roadster automobile for sale cheap will hold a public auction at the Fair
at Ed’s Garage.
* gtounds. Those who have anything
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my to sell on that day please bring it in
as it will be sold on percentage.
office. T. H. Goyne.
Frank Taylor and wife and daugh­
The place to eat is at the "Good ter, Erma, and D. T. Werschkul and
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
wife, of Cloverdale, left on Saturday
Fresh fruit delivered to any part to visit relatives in Michigan, to be
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* gone six weeks.
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
W’ill Ulrich vs Charles Wooley is a
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free- case filed in the circuit court, a re-
view from the justice court to re­
Ladies be sure and see Miss Cole- cover money, the plaintiff being al*
man next week of Sept., 7th. C. I. lowed $40 in a claim for $75 in the
lower court.
Clough. Co.
We are in a position to make some
Attorney Oglesby Young, of Port­
long time farm loans. First National land, had business at the circuit
court this week. It is 14 years since
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Mr. Young was in Tillamook, and he
mook Meat Company’s Market. We was greatly surprised to see the im­
provements in this city.
pay 15c per pound.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ All kinds of cement work in a first-
sey ‘‘Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ class manner and foundation and
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Docrge, nth street and First avenue
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c. West, 1 iliamook.
per pound.
Family washing wanted, at 40 c.
F. D. Small and wife left on Mon­ dozen for rough dry. 2 doz. 75c., and
day to attend the Round-Up at Pen­ 75c. dozen for starched and ironed.
Work done equal to a laundry by a
For Sale, Good driving or riding laundry worker. Apply to Lucy
horse. Address E. Musselman, Bay Richards, 9th street.
All young ladies who desire to take
City, Mutual Phone, T. R. Elliott. *
part in the horseback parade at the
Born, at McMinnville, Oregon, to
Tillamook County Fair, Sept. ¡7’h
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown, for­
please meet at the Tillamook Com­
merly of Tillamook, a son, on Sept. 4.
mercial Club on Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, of Sept 12, at 7:30.
I.arnia, Ont., have been visiting at
C. B. Cadwell, while cranking his
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watt.
auto at Beaver on Monday, had his
Free—1 pencil and ruler with a 25c arm broken, and after the accident
purchase of school supplies at La­ he came to this city and Dr. Boals
mar’s Variety Store. "Drop in and set the injured limb. Mr. Cadwell s
look around.”
home is in Portland.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with
Next week, at the Gem Theatre, Mr.
stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash Smith has made arrangements for a
rent or shares.
Address G. F. strictly dramatic company—Waltey-
Hackett, Hemlock, Ore.
* mer and O’Conner, including six per­
War does not effect our prices on formers—which is one of the best to
school books and supplies. We placed play in this city.
our orders before the advance and
Wanted—live representative in Till­
give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. * amook. Advancement to parties show­
Dairy ranch foe rent, two miles ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­
from Tillamook City, house, barn, mate proposition. Good money. I-ady
orchard, and small fruits. Terms reas­ or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mrg.
onable to the right party.—Address Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore.
P- 0. Box 103, Tillamook.
The Hillsboro Independent says:
Protect your valuable papers from “A box containing some remarkable
’he unexpected fire by renting one of fine speciments of the crabs that are
I our safe deposit boxes, Only one making the Tillamook coast famous
dollar per year. Tillamook County reached the Independent editor Wed­
nesday, with the compliments of J. J.
h j a good rule to buy a sewing Krebs, who has been located for the
»»chine vith an established
-J rep-r.a- season at Rockaway.” But there are
’ion fo- quality services. The White many other things that makes I ilia­
J°r sale on easy terms at Jones mook famous.
fudson Furniture Company.
Drop in and book Around..”
A buisness men’s matanee will be
given next Saturday at the Gem
Theatre. Ask any business man how­
to get a free ticket to the show.
The Ladies' Guild of the Presby­
terian Church will have a sale of
goody, goody, good things' at Rosen­
berg Bros’ store next Saturday.
C. R. Cater vs. Andrew Zuercher
is a suit filed in the circuit court to
recover $1922.90, the plaintiff claim­
ing that defendant misrepresented
land in a real estate transaction.
The double service on the P. R. &
N. was discontinued on Sunday, with
the exception of the Saturday extra
train, which will be continued for a
few weeks.
The long spell of dry weather came
to a close on Sunday—the longest ex­
perienced in a good many years.
With the exceptiou of a few local
showers, no rain fell in this county
since the third week in June.
The public school in this district
resumed on Monday after the sum­
mer holidays with a large enrollment,
with about 90 in the high school. The
enrollment will reach about 375 or
400 pupils.
Attorney Geo. W. Hazen, of Port­
land, came in on Tuesday, having
business in the circuit court. Some
years ago Mr. Hazen was editor of
the Thayer Kansas Headlight and
still takes some interest in news­
F. S. Whitehouse vs. Calvin E.
Black, Oscar Monson, C. R. Funk,
Mary Funk, F. S. Fisher, James
Biggs and Geo. W. Phelps is a suit
filed in the circuit court to recover
three promissory notes of $833.33
In the race for Supreme Judge, be­
tween Judge H. L. Benson and Judge
C. L. McNary, the recount of a num­
ber of precincts gave Judge Benson a
majority of one vote in the primary
election, and he has been given the
certificate of nomination.
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­
ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
essary. $100 monthly and traveling
Expenses. Advertising
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
Send 2C. stamp for full particulars.
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. *
T. B. Potter Realty Co., a corpora­
tion, vs. Axel Anderson, is a case ,
filed in the circuit court, the defend­
ant claiming that the plaintiff had no
right to take the case out of the jus­
tice court, as there is no question of
realcstate involved. This is a case
where the plaintiffs claimed damages
ftom plaintiff for landing at the Bay­
ocean dock
Married, on the 6th of September, ;
by the Rev. H. A. Van Winkle, at the j
parsonage of the Christian Churcl) in
this city, Mr William W, Flesher
and Miss Lillie A. Hansen. The bride
is the daughter of N. P. Hansen of
Hebo, and a young women highly re­
spected in that part of the county.
The groom, from Lewis County,
Wash., and the happy couple left
immediately for their farm at that
place, carrying with them the best
wishes of their fri.nds and relatives.
Have you a farm for sale,if so, write
to R. Mills, P. O. Box No. 245 Port­
land, Oregon. We want to buy a farm
for cash if not over $4,000, or will pay
more for a good place on terms. In
answering this ad, please state num­
ber of acres cultivated, price per acre,
and state what stock and machinery
go with the place. Prefer cheap land
at $20 to $60 per acre, but will con­
sider highly improved farm at better
The Mother's Club and the Parent
Teacher's Association of Tillamook
will give a reception in honor of the
teachers of the Tillamook City
schools in the Assembly Hall of the
High School, Friday, Sept. 11. This
will inaugurate the opening of what
we hope to make the most successful
year of our school history. All school
patrons, club members and their
friends are most cordially invited to
Miss Coleman's stay here is only
one week and her time has been so
taken up by appointments that we
have found it necessary to set aside
Saturday Sept ta all day at our store
for those who have not had the
pleasure of meeting Miss Coleman
and her assistant Mrs. Brown. We
earnestly invite you to come to
Clough’s Drug Store and see these
Beauty Specialists and get their val­
uable advice and suggestions free, at
Cloughs’ Drug Store Saturday. Sept.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Circuit Judge Webster Holmes con­
vened the circuit court on Tuesday.
The docket is light compared to other
The Grand Jury Brought in the Fol­
lowing Indictments.
Founded in the Strongest Way,
: Growing Stronger Every Day.;
Howard Edmunds and Lloyd Wil­
liams, charged with dynamiting fish
in the Trask river. Williams pleaded
guilty and was fined $200.00, which lie
paid. Edmunds pleaded not guilty and
his trial was set for today. When the ’
case was called and a jury selected, )
Attorne vs Johnson and Handley at- I
tacked the indictment as drawn up by
District Attorney Gersoni, and the !
Judge sustaining the motion threw
the case out of court.
Ray Cooper, charged with murder ,
in the second degree.
This is the
case where Cooper shot ;• G'-rm.n
Member of
homesdeader at Blaine i 1 shocting ;
homesteader at Blaine in a shooting I I‘FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION <
scrape at Blaine. He pleaded not |
Of the United States.
guilty and the case is set for trial
next Monday.
C. E. McAlpin was charged with
lend cohabitation with Mrs. Mary
Ellis Dickens, the young woman who
lived with McAlpin and whose death
fiom poison has caused some mystery
He pleaded guilty and Judge Holmes
T. B. Potter Realty Company, vs. Default taken against all defendants
fined him $50.00, which he paid. Alex Anderson, Injunction. Plaintiff who have not appeared ami decree of
While McAlpin was seated in the
took non suit.
court house after he was fined, he 000000000000000000000400000000000000000000
William Ryan, vs., Richard F. Ryan
Tillamook County Bank, vs. Ivan
lost consiousness and fell to the floor Parson, Action for money. Plaintiff et al, To Quit title. Default and de­
and it took several minutes to revive took non suit.
cree for plaintiff.
A. N. Marolf, vs., Preston Marolf,
John Theiler, vs. Tillamook County
Herman Schollmeyer was indicted Damages, This case was tried on Partition. Leave to amrnend com-
for setting out fires. Schollmeyer Wednesday before a jury Theiler is plaint allowed.
pleaded not guilty.
Iva M. Miller, vs., Ivan D. Miller,
claiming $1,000 damages as a result
Judge Holmes excused the grand of the county placing a culvert across Divorce, Default and decree for plain­
jury on Tuesday afternoon.
the road at his farm. On motion of tiff.
In the case of the State vs. Oscar District Attorney Gersoni, the Judge
Evidently encouraged by Judge
Schultz, an assault case appealed instructed the jury to bring in a ver­
from the justice court, in which Tur­ dict in favor of the county. Attorney Webster Holmes’ ruling against the
ney was the complainant, District At­ Johnson gave notice of appeal to the Polk County court, suit will be in
stituted soon in Marion County to
torney Gersoni, having failed to supreme court.
prove a case, defendant was acquitt­
Mohler Merc. Co., vs., E. M. Clark, compel County Judge Bushey to heed
et al. Action for money. Settled and the provisions of the widow’s pension
law. Bushy has persisted in refusing
P. W. Todd, vs., Charles Roy Funk, dismissed.
Damages. Plaintiff took voluntary
Nehalem Valley Bank, vs., M. J. to grant pensions, declaring that the
non suit.
Gersoni. Action for money. Default law left it to his discretion. He also
gave a reason for his refusal that
B. S. Pague, vs., John Nicklaiis, and judgment.
et al. Action for money. Plaintiff
Robert Watt, vs., F. H. Wilkins, et many women who were well able to
took voluntary non suit.
al, Foreclosure on contract agreement take care of them elves and children
had sought to take advantage of the
The First National Bank vs. John Default and decree for Plaintiff.
W. Hopfield, Action for money. Set­
Oglesby Young, vs., Isabella Col­ pension offer.— Polk County Obser­
tled and dismissed.
lins, et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. ver.
; First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
Many of you folks who are visitors here during
Fair week and even those in town will want a
centrally located headquarters ; a place to meet your
old friends ; or a place to make new ones ; a place
to leave bundles or to get telephone service
Use our store for just these things, we are glad
to offer it. If you don’t know, we want you to know
that we are headquarters also for
Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Clothing.
< ’
< »
We have a complete new fall stock and it includes
some wonderful values at $25 in the latest models and
Grays will have the call this year—they are certainly -, <
practical and come in checks—small checks, broken -
checks, diagonals, salt and pepper and stripe efleets at
$20 UP TO $30.
Ask to see the Tartans too—they come in rich green,
blue and even purple plaid effects, beautiful combinations
We have lots of other good things in shirts, hats,
waistcoats, hosiery, gloves, ami all with the quality stamp.
We ll be glad to sec old friendsand new onesanytime ;
glad to show you what we have whelhcT you buv or not.
II The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Clothing.