Tillamook Headlight, September 3, IÖ14. HIGH PRICES MEET UNIVER­ operation of the trades concerned in which will be operated during the fes­ To Trade for Tillamook Property. SAL REVOLT. preventing an undue rise in prices, tivities. Our representatives every­ and has received satisfactory issu­ ¡8 acres, l% miles from a good where report many inquiries. In addi­ town, in the Palouse country, East­ Pec pl« Asked Why They are Taxed ances of assistance. Evidence was tion to special trains, extra equipment ern Washington. Orchard of best given that the present demand on the for European War. will be added to all regular trains to varities commercial apples, cherries The lay editor has been buisy this stocks of shops is not justified by an and small fruits. Best water. Good Pendleton. room house, good barn and out­ wetk thinking over the price of pro­ actual shortage of supplies, but that "I am advised by the management 6 buildings. Buildings well kept up and visions. Articles of necessity have excessive purchases were being made that the attraction for the 1914 land in high state of cultivation.—See certainly advanced in trail of the war by needless alarmed customers, Round-Up are greater than ever. A Dr. Hoy, Tillamook Blk, in Europe. Innocent people are al! ‘‘whose unreasonable conduct,” 1 record-breaking attendance is prom- over the world paying the price of the Home Office, “can not be I ised on September 24, 25 and 26. It The corn crop in the Southwest militarism. But why should they1 stronly deprecated.” is gratifying to know that the people seems to have been caught coming of Pendleton have made provisions to and going, suffering from flood and this is getting down to brass tacks care for more people, and I am con­ from draught. and the people want to know. They What the House Wife learned About Prices. Th» Glide" — AW Brown Russia fident they will keep up their reputa­ see a« unprecedented crop raised in The temperance forces oppose the Calf, also Black Velvet Calf, Severe, tion for hospitality of the genuine increased tax on liquor. For once the Aristocratic lines. this country of wheat and corn and House Wife—“How do you sell Western kind. The O. W. R. & N. temperance and liquor forces may the foreign market blocked by war. will aid in every way possible in mak­ work together. Why should the people pay more for your potatoes today?” Grocer.—“I am sorry, but we have ing the Round-Up a continued suc- what they eat when there is abun­ cess.” dance of food and smaller outlet been obliged to advance the price two abroad than usual? The time has cents a pound.” H. W.—‘Why what in the world has Foolish Trading. come when consumers are not satis­ "Schooling in youth should invariably be made that necessary?” fied with the time-worn cry of supply directed to prepare a person in the best wav Grocer—“The war in Europe, you the best permanent occupation for which As producers and builders. the for and demand. Moth-eaten platitudes he is capable.5*—President C. w Rliot. American people cxcell all previous of political economy have lost their know potatoes is a great dish with This Is the Mission of the Germans.” civilization and we are at present day force. H. W. — "But what is that to do marvel in business efficiency, but in They not only deny that there is dealing with foreign countries we are legitimate cause for inflation of with potatoes in Utah?” Grocer—“Everything. It will stop Forty-sixth School Year Opens sorry lot of traders. Ever since Wm. prices, but they claim that there are Penn traded the Indians a handful of SEPTEMBER 18th, 1914 adequate remedies at hand for mani­ all importations of potatoes from Denmark this winter.” trinkets for what is now the state of fest wrongs. The people arc not help­ Write for Illustrated loo-page Book­ H. W.—"But has not Utah and Ida­ Pennsylvania, the American people let, "T he L ife C areer ,” and for Cata­ less. have been selling their birthright to log containing full Information. Two of the greatest nations in the ho potatoes enough for all this moun­ tain country?" Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE : foreigners for a mess of pottage, so world—the United States and Great Agronomy, Animal Husbandry. Dairy Hus­ Grocer — "Maybe. But we have to to speak. Britian—have taken hold of the ques­ bandry, Poultry Husbandry. Hortkulture. We export over $50,000,000 of cattle Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, tion with purpose and vigor. Presi­ anticipate a call from the east.’ H. W.—"Well how about bacon?” and their products per annum, which LOGGING engineering , home eco ­ dent Wilson has ordered a general in­ Grocer—“I have just received no­ on, no breaking in feeds the nation of Europe, and our nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, vestigation of the cost of living and ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, tice that the packers in the East American heiresses spend a similar Highway, Mechankal, Chemical, Mining. —Modish in every his agents are busy all over the coun have advanced the price 5 cents per sum in buying and maintaining counts Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. try. What the president expects to detail, “dashing” pound, and we must increase our dukes and titled peerages. These for­ INDUSTRIAL ARTS. do about it is not clear. He may be Vocational Courses- Agriculture, Dairy­ prices accordingly.” or “conservative” eign noblemen arc, as a rule, absolut­ banking on the power of publicity, or ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial H. W. — “ But what has advanced ely worthless — in fact become a per ­ he may, as has been suggested, have Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. as you like—Ren­ the price in the East?” petual liberty—for it costs more mon­ School of Music —Plano, String, Band, in mind prosecutions for extortior. dering complete Grocer.—"The war in Europe.” ey to operate and keep them in re­ Yoke Culture. Whatever his purpose, it is old and H. W. — "But how? Is any bacon be ­ pair than it does to run our cotton Farmer» Busin«»» Course by Mail Free. satisfaction to the good law that wherever there is a ing sent away?” Addr'M THK KKGISTHAR. mills. European royalty puts the remedy. From Washington it is last day ’ s wear. (tw-7-15 to fr-t) Corvallis. Oregon Grocer. — “ Oh, no! But there is lia- black sheep of its families on the learned that reports to the depart­ ble to be a call at any time.” block and our rich American girls ment of Justice tell of the creation of H. W.—"Well send me a dozen EAT VIERECK’S buy them and we virtually exchange artificial food price all along the line. lemons!” railroads, wheat fields and millions of | A district attorney in Texas reported BREAD, Grocer.—Certainly, madam, with dollars' worth of products of farm, *!“1 O'* that granulated sugar had risen from JT . pleasure; but do you know that the mine and factory for tilted paupers $4.60 to $Mo per hundred weight price of lemons has more than doubl­ who could not be resold for any sum. TILLAMOOK BAKERY, since a week ago: Swiss cheese from ed in the past ten days.” It does not require foreign treaties, a isg| 25 to 38 cents, flour from $4-75 to H. W.—"Well for the land’s sake! fleet of war vessels or tariff revision inc $5.10, beef ribs from 18 to 2t cents Has anothr war broke out in Central to stop this enormous loss. It needs At All Grocers. per pound, sirloin 28 to 32 cents, pork America ?” only common sense in the homes of loin 18 to 23 cents, and smoked ha:n the rich. Grocer.----- “Oh.no; theirs is but the from 20 to 22 cents. The district at­ advancing. We have to pay the war JOHN LEI AND HENDERSON We export $18,000,000 of lumber torney suggested that small consum­ risk.” and timber, and American tourists ATTORNEY ers aTe charged even higher prices H. W.—“What risk? Is our nation spend a similar amount in motoring AND than hotels and restaurants. at war?” over Europe and sight seeing in for­ COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. In England the strong hand of the Grocer.—“Oh, no; but it may be eign lands although the most en­ T illamook B i , ock , government is to be felt. The idea of drawn in. We never can tell.” chanting scenes of the world are on Tillamook • . . . Oregon [the nation taking over the whole pro H. W.—“How about eggs?” the American continent. Room No. 261. vision business looks like full-blooded Grocer.—“Eggs are slowly raising socialism, but it illustrates the fact because of the advanced price of the 77ie Store For The that revolt is in the air and the peo­ grain that the chickens eat.” Man Who Cares ple want to know—and intend to H. W.—"Has coffee gone up in know—why they are taxed unneces­ price?” sarily. Grocer.—"Not yet; but we expect a Washington is wide awake. “Spec­ speedy advance, for the French under ROUND-UP GREATEST ON ulation and not war is responsible for the excitement of the war will use MOVING PICTURES. If You Buy Your Books and Supplies From Us. the suddenly increased cost of living vast quantities of coffee.” in the United States,” said at that Spectacular and Thrilling Events Bring your school book orders to us we have nil, ntul H. W.—“But how are they going to city the other day Representative get it? There is no commerce between Staged in Gigantic Ampitheatre. a large supply to draw from, (f school supplies are M. Clyde Kelly of Pennsylvania, Brazil and Mexico and France.” wanted Clough has best values. We have the finest author of the resolution presented the "Each year the Round-Up increases Grocer.—"We must be prepared for iHouse directing an investigation of contingencies.” in attractiveness and impelling inter­ line of tablets, pencils, erasers, inks, penholders, the high cost of food question. H. W.—“You explained that the est.” said Wm. McMurry General pens, pencilboxes, etc., every one of them are big “I am convinced,” said Kelly, “that price of sugar had advanced. Do the Passenger Agent of the Oregon values. there is no ocacsion for the advance farmers get any more for their beets? Washington Railroad & Navigation in prices seen during the past week. Grocer.—“Oh.no; their's is but the Company. "In a natural setting, in a This advice is startling. I have just raw product. It is the manufactured vast amphitheatre, men and women completed a tabulation showing the article that has advanced.” to the manner born, wild horses and percentage of increase of twelve of H. W.—"But Why? There is no wilder cattle furnish an entertainment the fifteen principal articles of food trouble in Cuba, or Porto Rico or so unique and so fascinating that it consumed in the average workman's Hawaii or the Phillipines, or in our attracts multitudes. family. This shows that in a single, own country, is there?’ "I know of no other city on the week there has been an advance in Grocer.—“Oh; no,but the great continent w’hosc population increas* the necessities of life averaging 22 crop of Austria, German, and Russia es from 5,000 to 50,000 in a week. There is not,to my knowledge, anoth per cent. will not come this year.’ “There is more food in the country H. W.—"How do you know? The er locality offering just what Pendle­ today than ever before, and the pros­ women and non-combatants will har­ ton does. Round-up week its hotels pect of more remaining here for vest the crops there, and this war can are filled, homes arc converted into many months. not last very long. After what you lodging houses, tents dot the lawns, “By all legitimate economic rules are doing what you are now, with the tepees of the Indians loom up food should be cheaper rather than what grace can you go tocongress adjoining the city, long trains of din­ ing and sleeping cars are parked, Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. higher. Speculation is the only pos­ and ask for more protection?” sible explanation. Grocer.—"The law of demand and campers-out find pretty nooks on the river banks, the streets are thronged "The beef trust is putting meats in­ supply fixes the price.” and revelry prevails. to cold storage to hold for famine H. W.—“So it does when the mask­ "It is good natured revelry. The prices in Europe, while gamblers in ed robber askes you to hold up your wheat and breadstuffs are forcing hands. What is the price of carrots?” general salutation is 'Let 'er Buck’ prices up on the prospects of rich Grocer.—"The tendency is upward. and this means that the visitor is wel­ hauls when the starved nations of Eu­ The price of flower has so increased come and that if he dosen't enjoy rope shall at least begin calling for that more corrots than usual are be­ himself it is no fault of the home­ folk. The town is his. their supply of grain. ing consumed this year.” “The Round-Up itself is wonderful­ 'I want to see these things brought H. W.—"How about Cache Valley ly attractive. When the members of •0 light and the responsibility of this cheese?” the cowboy band with their favorite situation on the persons where it be­ Grocer.—“It has increased in price. horses appear they are the vanguard longs. Then we can get after the rem­ The English are great cheese eaters edy, which, in my opinion, ought to and the warships in the North Sea for a procession without counterpart. be drastic government regulation of are liable to shut out the usual supply Cowboys, cowgirls, pioneers. Indian braves, squaws and pappooses, plung­ cold storage, prohibiting storage be­ from the Netherlands.” yond a certain length of time at H. W.—"Well, I guess we will ing horses, shot-ridden stage coaches storage for speculation, and the ab- have to fall back on pork and beans.” are in line, moving to enlivening strains to the central arena. There Solute prohibition of trading in fu- Grocer.—“I am sorry to say that are hundreds of performers, and all •ores.” * pork has already advanced 20 per The advance in the price of food in cent, and the ground coffee manu­ have some act of merit. “Feats of skill and daring, riding England is causing distress among facturers are using double the amount wild horses, ropeing long horns, hog- 1 « Poor and the government is tak- of beans this year.” tieing, bull-dodging, relay races by •ng hold of the matter. The London The housewife went home, called men and women are staged in swift »press states that the Government up her husband on the phone and succession. It is a moving picture of ommittee. just appointed to deal told him to sell the house and furni-i surpassing interest. Nature made the *ith the question of food supplies, ¡3 ture for whatever he could get. film upon which is seen the thrilling c "sidering the advisability of taking “But my dear," he replied, where performance of man and beast, °'cr complete control of food distri- will we go?” stage is a natural stadium, with ution throughout the country. The “We wil! go to France and Ger-1 roundings which lend color to binet Committee on Food Supplies many or Belgium.” she answered acting Deeds requiring unusual m 1 recently and representatives of back; “we can never make enough to u>rt follow in swift succession, "r,ain.-great companies owning 3000 live here.”—Goodwin s Weekly! generous and well-deserved applause d'stribttting shops and the Grocer’s , ■ bestowed. «deration, presenting 14,000 shops Cut Prices. "The fame of the Round-Up is 00 measures to be adopted to regu- Cabinets, per doz........ world wide At our general city ticket ■*'' the retail prices of groceries and Post cards ...................................... "P office ir Portland reservations are Enlargements • ¿5 lnd UP Provisions were discussed. Tillamook Studio. ' now being made lor the special trains The government is seeking the co- Opposit Court House. j From Start To Finish THE LIFE CAREER Florsheims OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE will prove your “best buy.” Ready to wear when you put them Haltoms a Free Rulers and Blotters C. I. CLOUGH CO Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line QALVIN R. WORRALI., LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR. .TITLES, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC. 25 years experience. Consultation F ree. Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. £2> r - L' hoy > PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. - - J~^R. El.MKR ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillauiock JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook • Oregon' C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City Oregon QARI. HABERI.ACH, A ITORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B kovk Tillomook "... ,( iregon •"p H. GOYNE, ATTO R N E Y A T I. A W. Office: H ouse , O pposite C ourt Tillamook Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, . I.AWYER, E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 2’3 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon P T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon J E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY, Both Plionea. Tillamook Oregon K. K, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Heth Phone» D R. L. Residence and » h' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office : Next door to Star Theatre. QKORGE WILI ETT ATTORNEY-AT LAW T illamook C om mi h < 1 illamook ml B lildino Oregon A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your front pon h < .in be lit every night until midnight nd register not over fifty tenia per month on the meter. T illa nook E lei run. L igui H um . C ompari W ill S tai . dinu , Manage». amp