Tillamook who use liquor for their drinks.' It seems, however, that the government is going to get everybody in the Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion, per line............... $ .10 drinking habit, whether he is a tea Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 boozer, coffee boozer, soft drink boozer, whisky boozer, beer boozer, Business and professional cards or wine boozer, and, no doubt rhe one month .................. «........... water boozer, will be drawn in by Homestead Notices .................... some hook or crook. Timber Claims ............................ 1 Locals per line each insertion. | It is worthy of note that few per­ Display advertisement, an inch, sons attended the special school one month .................................. meeting on Friday for only about a All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . ■05 dozen persons were present. It is a Cards of Thanks, per line.......... •03 little surprising when we hear so much about excessive taxation so few­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen taxpayers put in an appearance and etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines .................... •25 raise a protest. This is no time to increase taxation, for financial con­ ditions are in such a state one hardly RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. knows what is going to happen. Sup­ (Strictly in Advance.) One year ........................................ $1.50 pose, for instance, that the suit now­ Six iuviuhs ............................................ 75 pending against this school district Three months........................................ 50 goes against it, the school tax will jump to 12 to 14 mills, to say nothing Entered as second class mail mat- ' of the additional taxation for the eer July, 1888, at the postoffice at [ building of a gymnasium and the ex­ Tillamook, Ore., under the act of i tra teachers for the kindergarten. We March 3, 1879. I think it is wise to go slow these times and not overburden the people THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. with excessive taxation. ADVERTISING RATES. Headlight, September 3, I »14. Circuit Court Next Tuesday. Notice of Sale of Real Property. Notice is hereby given, That the Circuit Judge Webster Holmes will undersigned, Trustee of Peter Mc­ convene court next Tuesday, which is Intosh, Bankrupt, will sell to the and best bidder, for cash, the a special term, to take the place of highest following described real property the regular October term. There are The north-west quarter (NWJU o a number of criminal cases for the the South-east quarter (SE14) a™ grand jury to investigate, including the East one-half (E'/J of the South­ west quarter (SW%) of Section the killink of M. Ackers by Ray thirteen (13) and the North-east the killing of M. Ackers by Ray quarter (NE%) of the North west quarter (NW%) of Section Twenty- Cooper at Blaine. four (24), Township one (1) South, Following is the docket: Range Nine (9) West ot the Will­ D. L. Shrode, et at, vs., R. H. Ash­ amette Meridian, Tillamook County, croft, action for money. Oregon, and containing One Hundred Peter Nelson, et al, vs., Clara F Sixty (160) acres more or less. Notice is further given that the Kennedy, action for money. Trustee will receive P. W. Todd, vs., Charles Roy Funk, undersigned sealed bids for the above described damages. real property directed to him. at Eilers Music House, vs., William Ravmond, Pacific County, Washing­ Dwight, for recovery of personal pro­ ton, and submitted on or before the 15th day of September, 1914- No bid perty. will be considered unless a certified B. S. Pague, vs., John Nicklaus, check in the sum of $100.00 payable action for money. to the undersigned Trustee is inclos­ Gas Power and Supply Co., vs., C. ed therewith. The Trustee reserves H. Allger and H. H. Allg«r, action the right to reject any and all bids. J. D. O’Neil, for money. Trustee of Peter McIntosh. The First National B?nk of Tilla­ mook, vs., John W. Hopfield, action SUMMONS. for fnoney. W. G. Dwight, vs., A. Giebisch anl In the Circuit Court of the State of F. Joplin, partners doing business un­ Oregon for Tillamook County. an J der the firm name of Giebisch Robert Osborn, Jopln, injunction. Plaintiff, Inheritance Tax for States. vs. A. G. Beals, vs., F. H. Wilkins and William L. Riefenberg and Burton Rice, action for money. Lillian C. Riefenberg, his wife The dry weather and free trade is Representative Murdock of Kansas T. B. Potter Realty Co., vs., F. D. John Storm, the unknown playing havoc with the size of milk I urges a federal inheritance tax as an Mitchell, action for money. heirs of Obed S. Thomas, de­ checks in this county. I emergency measure to make up for George Dunstan, vs., W. C, Hawk ceased, and also all other per­ —o—— the shrinking in revenue due to the and Mrs. E. B. Miller, doing business sons or parties unknown, There is this to be said about in­ war checking imports. He has called under the style and firm name of Bay claiming any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real es­ creasing the valuation of property to I on the Treasury Department for a City Drug Co., action for money. tate, described in the com­ its full value—it is dollars to dough list of annual incomes of $250,000 or Tillamook County Bank, vs., Ivan pliant herein. nuts that the taxpayers will have to Defendants. more. This list should be interesting Parson, action for money. pay more taxes eventually on account To the unknown heirs of Obed S. aside from Mr. Murdock’s immediate John Theiler, vs., Tillamook Coun­ Thomas, deceased, and also all other of the raise. purposes. As an emergency measure ty, damages. persons or parties unknown claiming inheritance tax would not Ira C. Smith, vs., O. J. Painter No­ any right, title, estate, lien or interest We don't see any difference in the an in the real estate described in the value of Wilson river bottom land be an ideal substitute for import du­ lan, action for money. complaint herein: Robert Watt, vs., Frank Long, Sr., and the Nestucca Valley bottom land, ties. By the time the people died and In the name of the State of Oregon their estates were appraised shipping action for money. • for each will produce the same you and each of you are hereby re­ might be sufficiently restored to yield Mohler Mercantile Co., vs., E. M. quired to appear in the above en­ amount of revenue and should be as­ titled court on or before the 5th day an adequate revenue through customs Clark, et al, action for money. sessed alike. of October, 1914, and answer tile receipts. Doubling the present in­ John W. Boyer, et al, vs., J. M. Bur­ complaint filed against you in the There is one thing that is noticable come tax or doubling its higher rates ton, action for money. above entitled cause, and if you fail with the campers this year. Instead increasing the internal revenue taxes Nehalem Valley Bank, vs., M. J. to so appear and answer within said time, for want thereof the plaintiff of driving in with narrow tired wa­ or providing for a stamp tax sucl. as Gersoni, action for money. will apply to the above entitled court gons, they are now driving autos—of was levied during the Spanish-Amer­ M. J. Gersoni, vs.,Frank A. Rowe, for the relief demanded in his com­ all descriptions and sizes. This is ican war would yield a more immed­ et al, action for money. pliant, to-wit, for a decree as follows: proof that the farmers are discarding iate and reliable revenue. Mr. Mur­ Grace Johnson, vs., J. C. Johnson, First: Decreeing that you, the said their wagons and buggies for autos. dock’s speech indicated, a livelier divorce. defendants, and the other defendants named, or any of you, have no concern about reducing swollen for­ W. G. Dwight, vs., John Krbs, et al, above right, title or interest at law or in The “dry»” and the “wets" are get­ tunes than about temporarily increas­ foreclosure. equity, of any kind of nature, in and ting their ammunition ready for the ing the government’s revenue, In Sylvia Rice, vs., Earl E. Rice, di­ to real property situated in Bay City, fight. And so are the Republicans other words, he was thinking of t hi­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon, vorce. and Democrats, and the fight be­ constitution's preamble reference to as follows: Iretta M. Bignell, vs., Louis J. Big- described Beginning sixty (60) feet west of tween the latter is for protection 0,1 I promoting the general welfare in- nell, divorce. the northwest corner of block four the part of the former and free trade stead of the broader powers for levy School District No. 35, vs., School (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to by the latter. The snap shot man is ing direct taxes given by the reent the town of Bay City, Tillamook District No. 9, et al, injunction. lined up with the Republican party, | constitutiona| amendment, F. R. Beals, vs., W. O. Chase, et al, County, Oregon, being the northeast corner of the tract to be described, and does not propose to be drawn in­ foreclosure of Mortgage. thence west two hundred (200) feet, to the prohibition fight. Canadian Cheese Situation. G. F. Chaphe, vs., R. A. Ashcroft, thence south one hundred (100) feet, thence east two hundred (200) feet, et al, Foreclosure of lien. The best business corner in the Mary Winona Whaley, et al, vs., thence north one hundred (100) feet, city—the old Headlight building — is Under da,c of August 22 the Mon to the place of beginning; still to be adorned by the old shack. I trea' Trade Bulletin U)l Cecelia Alice Davis, et al, to quit Second: Quieting the title of the It was a selfish, dog in the manger ' The government of the province title. plaintiff in said property and the system that drove business and busi-|of Quebec having made a gift of 50,- Robert Watt, vs., H. J. Wilkins, et whole thereof against each of you and each of the other defendants ness houses for Main street, and keep 000 boxes of cheese to the imperial al, foreclosure. above named, and each and every government, that quantity has been Robert Watt, vs., F. H. Wilkins, et person claiming by, through or under those old shacks on the three corners opposite l.&inar's, and it was t hi­ lifted from the market, and has had al, foreclosure on contract agreement. you or any of you, or any of the Lois O. McMahon, vs., Agnes Reid, other defendants above named. same short sightedness which lft- the effect of steadying what was pre­ Third: Establishing and decreeing creased tilt value of property and viously regarded as a condition of ct al, to quit title. that plaintiff is the absolute owner in ease. There has quite a decent turn ­ Whitney Co. Ltd., et al, vs., Beall fee simple of the whole of said prop­ business in other parts of the city and decreased the value of property on over since our last report, some 12,- & Co., et al, injunction. erty above described, and that none 000 to 15,000 boxes being reported Oglesby Young, vs., Isabella Col­ of the defendants above named have Main street. any estate, title, claim or interest in sold of July and the first half of Au- lins, ct al, foreclosure of mortgage. said property or any part thereof. We heard a wordy discussion be- I gust goods at 13% at I3^c. for finest Lewis L. Smith, vs., W. G. Dwight, Fourth: Perpetually enjoining and tween a "dry" and a "wet" and the I western and at 12 ik at 13c. for finest to quit title. restraining you and the other de­ point they argued on was whether it I eastern and townships, seconds William Ryan, vs., Richard F. Ryan fendants above named, and each of you and each of said other defend­ would be lawful to ship liquor into bringing 12'// at taH*- et al, to quiet title. ants, from asserting or claiming any I illamook provided the state went I "Mr. A. Trudel, manager of the co- A. N. Marolf, vs. Preston Marolf, right, title, estate, lien or interest in "dry.” They seemed to agree, after I operative Society of Cheese Man’.'- et al, partition. said real property hereinbefore de­ making some uncomplimentary re I facturers of the Province of Quebec, Guy O. Smith, vs., Merton R. De­ scribed, or any part thereof, marks one to the other about in-1 states that owing to the decision of long, foreclosure of mortgage. any right, title, estate, lien or interest said real property hereinbefore croaching upon one’s liberties and I the legislature to make a gift to the Robert Osborn, vs., William L. in described, or any part thereof. this being one of the strong points of I imperial government of 50,000 boxes Riefenberg, et al, to quiet title. Fifth: The said plaintiff will furth­ the prohibition party, that it would be I ofcheese, the Thursday afternoon Nehalem Valley Bank, vs., Elmer er apply to the Court for such other unlawful to ship liquor into Till*- I auctions at the boari! of trade will H. Gary, ct al, foreclosure of mort­ and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. m°ok. | not take place until further notice. gage. This summons is published by ----- o— 1 he cheese are to be furnished at five- Milwaukee Mechanic's Insurance order of the Honorable Webster Let our public bodies economize thousand per week. Co., vs., A. Ramsey, et al, foreclosure Holmes, Judge of the above entitled and, if possible, reduce taxation. Why "A cable was received from Liver­ of mortgage. court, made on the 10th day of Aug­ not commence with the water com­ pool on Tuesday stating that finest N. McMillan as guardian, vs., Will ust, 1914, in and by which order it is prescribed this summons shall be mission. The citizens who own prop­ Canadian cheese was quoted at 58«. Ten Eyck, et al, to quiet title. published for six weeks in the "Tilla­ erty and use water pay three times in to 71s, whereas a few days previous Iva D. Miller, vs., Ivan D. Miller, mook Headlight”, a weekly news­ Tillamook City what is paid in Port­ sales of Canadian cheese in the same paper of general circulation printed divorce. land for water. And the property market had been made at 74s. Kathleen Mills, vs., 1 Mary Jane and published at Tillamook, Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, and requires owners are taxed every year as well Martin, et al, foreclosure ■ of mort- you to appear and answer the com­ to help create a sinking fund to help gag*. plaint on or before October 5th, 1914. The Folly of Worry. pav off the bonded indebtedness. As Morrison Mills, vs.. Randolph The date of the first publication is there is such an abundance of water August 20, 1914. The same brain can't at the same Lamb, et ux, foreclosure of mortgage. in Tillamook, it looks to us that the Platt & Platt and J. Bailey, Frederick Dow et al, vs., John Portland, Oregon, wettest city in Oregon is taxed about time dwell on work and worry. Leland Henderson, et al, to set aside Attorneys for Plaintiff. \ ou can’t dare while you dispairc. all it will stand for water. Don’t meet trouble half way—make deed. Evan J. Owens, vs., Alberta Frock, it race after you. Notice to Taxpayers. 1 here is one thing connected with There are obstacles in all roads and et al, foreclosure of mortgage. the war that should not be overlook­ Applications of Albert August John Notice is hereby given that those ed. England is in a position, with her they are only insurmountable to Zimmerman, Adrian Tinner, retcr who have made half payment of the large government and private ship­ cowards. No one ever get to the top without W yss, Alfred Larson, \ ictor Leander 1913 taxes, with an interest charge building yards, to build a formidable Johnson, and Josef Felix Alois Ul­ included, will be refunded the interest Heel within the next twelve months. a tussle, It isn't so much the quality and that half payments received from rich, citizenship. of a man's mind as the quantity of And it is safe to say that these ship­ now up till Sptembcr ist will be re­ John Hahn, vs., Gus Mahne and ceived without interest. building yards are working night and his nerve that brings him through. By order of the County Court. So long as ruin is only a possibility Marie Mahne, foreclosure of Mort­ day building ships for the present gage. B. i- Beals, Treasurer, war, for England realizes that the there is always a chance to escape. nia. Get out of the fright habit and into war will extend over several years. It is to be hoped that the present war the fight habit. Many a man has missed a picnic be­ sx ill open the eyes of the people to Deafness Cannot Be Cured Sidney K. Henderá on, I’re«., the enormous cost of standing armies cause he was certain a cloudy sky bj local application, a« they cannot reach Surveyor. the (ieccaaed portion >f the ear There ie and navies, and be the means of all meaftt ram —Women's World. only one way to cure deafnem*. and that John Leland Henderson. Sec­ 1 "■ I 1 T .......................... civilifed countries settling their dif- >v constitution remetlie« Deafness is caused retary Treas , Attoiney-nt Horses For Sale. by an inflamed condition of the mucous ficultles by arbitration. lining of the Eustachian Tube When this Law, Notrary Public tube 1« inflamed you haw a rambling sound Black marc, 4 years' old, weight or tmperfret hearing, and when it ia entirely 1 here is just cause for complaint about 1400 lbs , price $175. cloeed Deafneae is the result, an*! unless the inflammation can be taken out and this The government proposes to t is soli Gray mare. 10 years' old,weight tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will l»e destroyed forever nine drink*. If that isn’t enough to drive about 1250 lbs., price $7*. vow« out of ten arc caused by Catarrh, Ray Gilding, 7 years' old, weight a man to quit diiultlng soft drink* we about 1150, $too which is nothing but an inflamed condi- I.«w. Abstracta. R-.il Estate. lion ut the mucous surfaces don’t know what is. Rut, then, win Surveying, Insurance. Iron Gray Counter Sign colt, 5 W, Will »ivc One Hundred Dollar, for anr not make the person who takes soft month*.* old, price $65. ca«e or Drain«-*, icnuwd by cutarrhi that Both Phones. ^> nnot be cured bv llall * Catarrh Cure. Will «ait one year for payment if drink* help pay the running expense* Send for circulars tree. TILLAMOOK - - OREliOM. desired. . J k ^-CHKNKV » CO , Toledo, Ohio oi th* country equally with those Sold bv Druggists, 73c. W. Roencke, Woods, Ore, fake Hall's Family Villa for constipation. ha I WATCH THIS PAPER FOS THE TRUTH ABOUT PR0HI8ITI8H Here is the exact issue that confronts you The prohibitionists ask y< j to adopt an amend­ ment to the State Constitution to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, except for medical, mechanical and sacra­ mental uses. The adoption of this amendment means the entire wiping out of the present splendid home rule and local option laws. Thereafter the regulation and control of the liquor traffic in Oregon would pans from cities and towns and be retained exclusively by the state. Note carefully there is no mention of prohibiting “distribu­ tion," “transportation" or “use” of alcoholic beverages. Only of manufacture and sale. Distribution, transpor­ tation and use intentionally were left out by the prohibi­ tionists. Shipment of liquors into the state, or through the state, or drinking of liquors within the state would not be prohibited by the amendment. Editorial Snap Shots. Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Washington, Idaho and California naturally would immedi- ately begin shipping liquor into Oregon and throughout Oregon. The saloon, where it now exists, would merely have given away to the “blind pigger.” “bootlegger” and “moonshiner.” All cities and towns now either wet or dry would be at the mercy of the stale police authorities and state law makers. Present “dry" cities and towns would realize that they had come nearer to voting themselves “wet ” than they now are under the splendid home rule and local option laws. If the state authorities were derelict or failed to enforce the law, as they are in Kansas and Maine, the cities and towns would realize that they had voted away their present dirict control and regulation of the liquor traffic. These articles w ill show later that Kansas and Maine authorities are derelict and do fail to enforce the law. 'ro undo the mistake Oregon would have to repeal a constitutional amendment and not a mere law— a very difficult undertaking. Deceit and per­ jury in securing liquor illegallg would have been substituted for what today is a steadily improving, healthier public opinion regarding true temperance, and true temperance would have been done an irreparable injury requiring many years to recover from. Kansas is pointed to by prohibitionists as the model prohibi­ tion state. They want Oregon to become a Kansas. Watch these articles with a fair, open mind and learn what thirty- three years of prohibition law has done for Kansas without prohibiting or advancing true temperance. All figures will be taken from latest United States Government Reports N. B.—Prohibitionists are spreading the opinion that, if the proposed amendment is defeated, the present dry towns and cities will become wet again. This POSITIVELY IS NO T SO. The present home rule and local option laws would remain just as they now are. VOTE 333 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION Paid Advertisement — Taxpayers’ and Wage Earners’ League, Portland, Oregon F* L ' • Some of the Reasons Why A -•’er/eef BaAcr —absolutely dependable, every day, year in» year out. Built on honor, of the best materials« Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges I L UOtítlC ¡1 L l»*IOtlt I t The only range made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won’t rust like steel* Economical In Fuel tS-Sk te*1 B l The seams of the Majestic arc riveted (not put together with bolts and stove putty)—they will always remain air tighit because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic oven is lined throughout with pure asbestos board, held in place by an open iron grating — you can see it —ana it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure asl»cstoe lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No *Pr**tt* Malleable iron even racks slide out automatically, bold- ing whatever they contain. The Great M ajestic R ange ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron —bo«? ah capper reservoir which boats like a tea kettle, through • fupper pocket stamped from one piece of copper, setting again« left hand hmng of Are lox. It bo is 15 gallons of water in a lew minutes and by turning a lever the frame and reservoir more» away from (Ire. An ex elusive patented Afnfcsiic feature. < tnr pan uuvb does BV away with snovciinjr shoveling asnn ashes-ventilated ay witri -- --------- - as" pit prevents floor from catch ing fire— ash cup catches Ash us to shmv you the greatest improvetneru wer put In a range. , . Don’t buy the range you expect to last a lu® time "unsignt. unseen,” or you’ll be sure to be as* appointed. Come »o our store, and •<* th«- Majestic — have its many exclusive -^g,tuye,JL?r 6lafneJ-find out why the Majestic is 300* i.nAktfW lan all other ranges where most ranges are weaiiew. It is the b**«t range at any price ao-1 it •O’***1 be in > our kitchen. Made 0/ Ch.reoJ Iron, addin* 300% to Ufa of Ranco LI FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO. «9 CALLON 1 ALL I 1 gE*~ I WKL CIVt I __ 1 VCD »OILINC I WAT LA . 1