■f I Unitili ■P'-'en ening nbera e ea- those TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 There’s One Form of Investment “SERVES YOU RIGHT First National Bank Tillamook, Ore I It is a Savings Account in the Tillamook County Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, ïœarajaaEiaffliaiEiaErajaeiaiajaiaraaiaasiaaœfEÆja/ajara^ TILI/AMOOKJOTTINGS Miss Mabie Warren, of Portland, is visiting Miss Beatrice Gaylord. The Tillamook Headlight office is Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ now located opposite the court house. mook Meat Company’s Market. We * Good house and lot for sale on easy pay 15c per pound. terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. ♦ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Safe d ..posit boxes for rent. Tilll- sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * I mok County Bank. * Roadster automobile for sale cheap Be sure and have an interview with at Ed’s Garage. * the Boston Beauty Specialist. The Blacksmith shop to rent next to my week of September 7th. Rexall Store. * I The place to eat is at the "Good Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. ♦ Fresh fruit delivered to any part of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ man. * W. W. Conder and wife, of Silver City, New Mestico, came in last week on a visit. Cecil W. Creel, of the U. S. Dept., of Agriculture, was in the city Sat­ urday. W. R. Rutherford, had his auto stolen from his home at McMinnville last week, and is offering a reward. Nehalem Valley Bank, vs. M. J. The Fairview Birthday Club will Gersoni, is a suit filed in the circuit meet at the home of Mrs. James Wil­ court to recover $150.00 on a promis­ liams on Wednesday Sept. 9. She will sory note. be assisted by Mrs. John Morgan. Mayor Chas Hayward, of Lafayette Program committee, Mrs. Maxwell, Oregon, and son Mildred, left Mon­ Mrs. Smelzer, and Mrs. Thomas. day after visiting at the home of H. Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­ H. Hayward, of this city. ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­ Evan J. Owens vs. Alberta Frock, essary. $100 monthly and traveling Smoking, Henry Frock and A. L. Hembree is i I Expenses. Advertising i a suit filed in the circuit court to re­ Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars. Send 2C. stamp for full particulars. cover $3,000 on a promissory note. Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. * Miss Coleman , beauty specialist of yjir S&yredjen Jkittocl) The grand jury is in session today Boston, wants to see all ladies of and investigating several criminal Tillamook County the week of Sept. cases that have been referred to that 7th. C. I. Clough Co. * body, and from the looks of things Ladies will find all millinary at there will be a number of indictments Miss Patterson’s, correct in styles returned by the grand jury for var­ and prices, on Main street, next door ious offences. from Page’s Furniture store. C. E. Makinster was arrested for Miss. Mabelle MacCleod, of Aloha violating the game and fish law, hav­ Member of and her niece Miss Bertha Cowning, ing stretched a net across Wilson of Beaverton, are guests of the I. C. river more than the law allows, FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION Rowe family this week. pleaded guilty and Justice Stanley Of the United States. Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with suspended sentence owing to family stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash trouble. rent or shares. Address G. F. Emil Schollnicyer was arrested Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. * Nehalem and brought to this city on War does not effect our prices on a charge of assault and battery upon school books and supplies. We placed S. M. Batterson. The case was tried our orders before the advance and today before Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanlew, but Schollmcyer plead­ give you the benefit. C. I. Clough. * Sunday ed guilty, getting off with a fine of w’ill return, and Dairy ranch for rent, two miles $25 , as he could have been prose­ morning will begin a revival cam­ from Tillamook City, house, barn, paign in the Nazarenc church in Till­ cuted on a more serious charge. orchard, and small fruits. Terms reas­ amook. The County Fair Board has decid­ called bv W. G. Dwight. The pr onable to the right party.—Address E. P. Heard was arrested for vio­ dent read a list of the different ed to accept exhibits of all kinds, to P. O. Box 103, Tillamook. * be entered jny time between now and lating the game and fish law, having scssnients in this and other parts Protect your valuable papers from the 15th of September. No entrance killed two sandpipers at Sandlake. the county, also the assessments the unexpected fire by renting one of fee will be charged for any exhibit He was fined $25 and $5 costs, which 1 timber, which is to be assessed in our safe deposit boxes. Only one but each exhibitor is expected to buy he paid. future at a certain figuer for dollar per year. Tillamook County a season ticket for himself. The The Parent Teachers' Association 1 spruce and hemlock, the location Bank. * price of a season ticket is 75c., while will give a reception to the new tach- tiring in the assessment. A cotninit- Bro. Trombley is a free trade Dem­ the single admission is 25c. era at the high school on Friday I tcc was appointed to confer with ocratic “Standpatter,” and belongs to evening, Sept, itth, when refresh­ Assessor Johnson, which was coni- At at special meeting of the school the party that placed milk, cream, ments will be served and a musical | posed of: President W. (i. Dwight, district on Friday afternoon, which wool, lumber meat, fish, etc., on the I W’ Miller, Chas Kunze, F. R. Heals, program rendered. was poorly attended, with about a free list. an