Tillamook Headlight, August 27, 1914. Circuit Court Meets in September. The Commercial Jub. Auto Accident. win the prizes will be exhibited at the Ackley, Tillamook. Circuit Judge Webster Holmes has 3 A social and club dar.ce will be given Otto Schild— Mr. and Mrs. John Fair. Friday evening as Jesse Irvine and called the circuit court to meet in Schild, Tillamook. Dr. Cummins, of McMinnville.' were this city on Tuesday, September 8, to , at Club rooms on Thursday evenin Large Number of Healthy, Robust Walter B. Poornian—Mr. and Mrs SUED FOR ROAD TOLLS. motoring to Netarts where they were take the place of the regular October this week, to which all club member! Babies Examined. Fred Poorman, Tillamook. camping, the front wheels of the ma­ term, and the following citizens have and ladies accompanying them are eg William A. Williams, Jr.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams, Tillamook. The Plaintiffs Claim $1,364.80 From chine broke and they were thrown out. been drawn as jurymen. pecially invited. Admission to tho« Eighty two Tillamook babies were Ralph. E. Weiss—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Henry Rogers, Tillamook, farmer. not members is strictly invitational Mail Carrier. Dr. Cummins was hurled some 40 feet examined on Monday, by a board of Weiss, Jr., Tillamook. Thos. R Monk, Tillamook, photog­ Excellent music and light refresh A case has been filed in the circuit and stunned for a time. When he came examiners for the prizes offered at Matilda Kuper—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. court by John W. Boyer and M. O. to Cummins heard the motor running rapher. ments. Visitors in city or at beaches Kuper, Tillamook. the Tillamook County Fair at the Til­ Alfred Magnuson, Bay City, car­ Glenn K. Freeberg—Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyer, who leased what is known as and ran back to see about his compan­ will be welceme on presenting them­ lamook Commercial Club rooms. penter. B. Freeberg, Tillamook. selves to any Club officer on that even­ T. A. Porter, Oretown, farmer. It was a healthy, robust bunch of Geo. Herman Schoppard—Mr. and the “Salmon River Road from the ion. Irvine was pinned under the over­ county, against J. M. Burton, the mail turned machine and, the doctor had a Dee Tomlinson, Tillamook, farmer. ing. Mrs. C -y Schoppcrt, Hebo. babies, and being a product of Tilla­ F. W. Christensen, Tillamook, carrier, and the plaintiffs claim $421.- hard time getting his friend out. Mrs. The Club is in a prosperous and good Margaret F.. Bellinger — Mr. and mook County, there is a great deal of Help was summoned and Irvine was cheese inspector. R. Bellinger, Tillamook. 60 for legal toll, and refusing to pay financial condition and being liberally interest taken in the contest and who Amelia J. Zachman—Mr. and Mrs. R. Wert Sappington, Cloverdale, far ­ this amount they claim $1,246,- taken to Boais’ hospital. He was cut supported by our best citizens. will win the prizes, which are divid­ . , F. Zachman, Tillamook. 80, three times the amount of the in numerous places on the head and mer. The present progressive, active bug. Carl C. Hunt, Tillamook, farmer. Ether I.. Weber—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ed into four classes. tolls. On the 25th of January, 1909 the body and severely shaken up, but no A. M. Myer, Hebo, merchant. iness management of the Club is prov. Weber, Tillamook bones were broken. He willl be in 1st—Child over 6 months and un­ Clarence Doughney, Nehalem, far­ ing successful. Hundreds of booklets Virginia Watson—Mr. and Mrs. R. county court leased to the plaintiffs a few days. Cummins escaped witn a der I year, 1st prize $10.00. W. Watson, Tillamook. this toll road, for a period of ten jolting and some scratches. Botn^gen­ mer. and circulars describing the advantages 2nd—Child over 1 year and under Marion Welsh—Mr. and Mrs. F. J. C. E. Donaldson, Fairview, farmer. of our city and county, are being mail- years, with the usual conditions of tlemen were fortunate in getting on so Welsh, Blaine. 2 years, 1st prize $15.00; 2nd prize W. F. Messner, Cloverdale, farmer. ed weekly to enquiring citizens from easily. Verne H. Tinnerstet—Mr. and Mrs. keeping the road in good traveling $10.00; 3rd prize, $5.00. E. D. Hoag, Tillamook, carpenter. D. Tinnerstet, Tillamook. condition for teams and wagons at all O. A. Lommen Drowned at Nehalem. other states, and from every direction D. A. Bailey, Cloverdale, farmer. 3rd—Child over 2 years and under Kathyn E. Lamb—Mr. and Mrs. B. seasons of the year, to clear the road comes the word that Tillamook County J. J. Powell, Tillamook, farmer. 3 years, 1st prize $15.00; 2nd prize. C. Lamb, Tillamook. A. L. Easom, Mohler, farmer. ¡3 the best advertised county in Oregon I Creeldee Johnson—Mr. and Mrs. A. of all standing brush and timber to a Word was received in this city on $10.00; 3rd prize $5.00. W. R. Robedee, Woods, merchant. all of which is and will continue to width of 12 feet, and to keep a track Johnson, Tillamook. Monday that O. A. Lommen had 4th—Child over 3 years and under 4 Geo. R. McKimens, Mohler, farmer. bring many useful citizens to assist us Hazel M. Hansen— Mr. and Sirs. B. for hauling of a width of eight feet, been drowned in the Nehalem river C. W. Clements, Tillamook, con­ years, 1st prize, $15.00; 2nd prize, M. Hansen, Hebo. and to establish turn-outs at no great­ developing our vast virgin resources. $10.00; 3rd prize $5.0. Ora W. Tinnerstet—Mr. and Mrs. er distance than twenty rods apart, at eleven o’clock that morning, It ap­ tractor. The Secretary of the Moline, 111. I. C. Rowe, Tillamook, farmer. Geo Tinnerstet, Tillamook. in con- pears that he had driven a horse and The contest is carried on F. W. Crane, Miami, farmer. Club with 1,000 members writes our Coats and to bridge or ferry all streams and buggy to the river, which turned over Marion Coats — Mr. and Mrs. S. junction with the Women’s Home Alex Finlayson Bay City, farmer. Tillamook. grade of road not to exceed 12 per Secretary for an exchange of Club and threw Mr. Lommen into the river Companion, and in addition to the Teresa Welsh—Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dan H. Fletcher, Oretown, farmer. cent, and to lay planking or puncheon courtesies, saying our Club is recog­ Ollie Woods, Beaver, farmer. He was a good swimmer and when above cash prizes, two bronze mend- Welsh, Beaver. in all spungy or swampy places. The nized throughout the older states as U. S. Edwards, Sandlake, farmer. Merle Nedra F. Smith — Mr. and Mrs. als will be given by the Women’s within a few feet of the opposite plaintiffs were to pay the county one Len Hiner, Tillamook, merchant. being one of the most progressive and Smith, Tillamook. Home Companion to the best boy Mildred W. H. Hoskins, Tillamook, farmer. up to date Commercial Clubs and is 1. Knudson—Mr. and Mrs. C. dollar a year for this lease and in con­ shore he dissapeared. The body was and girl baby scoring the highest in found later in the day. The horse was J H. Proctor, Hemlock, farmer. Knudson, Tillamook. sideration of the agreement was per­ putting Tillamook County on the map J. G. Kennedy, Tillamook, farmer. the whole contest and will give cer- Alma L. Ayers—Mr. and Mrs. E. R. also drowned. Mr. Lommen was one everywhere. mitted to charge certain tolls. Wm. Webb, Tillamook, farmer. Ayers, Tillamook. tificates to the winner in each class. of the best and most highly respect­ Plaintiff claims that during the The Fleisig Bros., bankers from Cal­ H. Balmer—Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Effenberger, Wheeler, editor. There were about 120 babies enter­ William ed citizens of Nehalem, and his un­ Jack Balmer, Nehalem. times mentioned, the defendant was ifornia,'were here last week in response to ed for the contest, but only 82 were Robert Williams—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Classification of Lands About Mount to correspondence with Secretary Wor- engaged in carrying the U. S. mail timely death caused deep regret Williams, Tillamook. present on Monday for examination. those who knew him. Hebo. rall and will return later for heavy in- over a route which compelled him to Helen Johnson — Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Those who conducted the examina­ vestments. travel over and upon the aforesaid Johnson, Tillamook. tion were as follows: Fooling the People. Jane Harris—Mr. and Mrs. A. H. road and to pass through the toll gate Forest Supervisor Rankin, of Eu- An important Club open meeting Examiners—Dr. R. T. Boais, Dr. Harris, Tillamook. will be held in Sept, to lay plans for thereon, with horses and vehicles gene, announced that word has been L. L. Hoy, Dr. W. G. McGhee, Dr. Geo. L. Peterson—Mrs. Golda Peter­ Sell all you can and buy all you can received of the final classification, by obtaining a deeper channel from our the amount of which ran up to $421.60 son, Tillamook. Jack Olson and Mrs. Dr. Thos. R. at home. Every dollar that is sent 25 Months to 36 Months. which the defendant refused to pay. or carried away form home makes the Secretary of Agriculture, of a cer- , city to the Bav and to enlarge the Port Monk. Marcia L. Stillwell—Mr. and Mrs. the town that much poorer. If you tain body in the Siuslaw National of Tillamook so as to get the advan- Scoring Committee.—Mrs. J. F. Robt. Stillwell, Tillamook tage locally locally of of the the Government Government im* im- THE RED MEN TO HOLD COUN­ have the means invest in something Forest, known as the Hebo classifica- ( 1 tage Shanahan, chairman; Mrs. O. A. Emerald Barber—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ! provements to the Bay, and to give that will give somebody employment. tion Project. CIL IN TILLAMOOK. Barber, Tillamook. . Schultz, Mrs. Effie Williams, Miss Elizabeth J. Grout—Mr. and Mrs. C. I Do not kick at a proposed improve- This project covers 35,615 acres, ■ larger boats direct connection with our Pear Hysmuth, Mrs. Wm. G. Tait, D. Grout, Bay City. this ment simply because itis not at your and is situated in Tillamook and city, thus letting out our lumber and Will Give Spectacular Parade in Mrs. S. S. Johnson, Mrs. Leo Morri­ Roy C. Dunn—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence door.—Polk County Itimizer. I other freight and getting passenger City Next August. Dunn, Cloverdale. The Itimizer is a free trade Demo- | Yamhill Counties, Oregon, almost son and Mrs. Bernice Lucas. ’ boats to and from our city; this is one Evelyn E. Jackson — Mr. and Mrs. R. wholly on the west side of the Coast — o — I cratic newspaper and supporting Equipment Committee.— Mr. and E. Jackson, Bar View. of the most important questions now S. A. Brodhead, keeper of records, Range, is drained on the north and Mrs. W. L. Campbell, Virginia Murphy—Mr. and Mrs. J. of Katata Tribe, Improved Order of j Free Trade Chamberlain for United confronting our city. The Government west by the Little Nestucca River and j State senator, and it is certainly sur­ Below will be found the names of Murphy, Tillamook. 1 predge is now at work to this endj and was in receipt of a tele ­ Red Men, Three Rivers, and on the south by Ruth Fay Pearson — Mr. and Mrs. prising to us that it can advocate the the babies, with the parents names Clell Pearson, Hemlock. gram last week stating that the next the Little Nestucca River. That por­ will continue as long as the weather and adresses, who took part in the ' Evelyn S. Jennings—Mr. and Mrs. J. council of the Red Men will be held good cause of patronizing home in­ tion east of the Coast Range is drain­ permits. contest: dustry and home businesses and can W. Jennings, Jr., Tillamook. The Board of Trustees has decided to Boyd B. Jensen—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. in this city, This was obtained at the support a party that allows free milk, ed by the Yamhill River and its trib­ turn the club rooms each Thursday af­ 6 Months to la Months. invitation of the local lodge, the Com­ free cream, free wool, free lumber, utaries. In other words, the land is ternoon and evening entirely over the Jensen, Beaver. Majorie Jennings—Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn L. Powell—Mr. and Mrs. J. mercial Club and the County Court. E. Jennings, Tillamook. free fish, free eggs, free meat, etc., described as all National Forest land ladies of club members, for such meet­ Powell, Tillamook. Florence S. Huston—Mr. and Mrs. A. One of the features of the council will from foreign countries to be disposed in Sections 18 to 36 inclusive, T. 4 S, ings and social functions as the ladies Harold Penter—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. J. Huston, Beaver. be a street parade, similar to that of in Polk County in competition R 8 W; T. 4 S, R 9 W; and the NE-i decide upon, and with that end in view Clarence Bisbee—Mr. and Mrs. A. C. I Penter, Oretown. arrangements are being perfected for Ione Shreve—Mr. and Mrs. Ross given at the Rose Festival in the with the agricultural and other pro­ and Sections 21 to E% Section 27 in­ , the ladies to select a board of trustees, Bisbee, Tillamook. Homer Simmons—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. . ( Shreve, Tillamook. electric parade in Portland last June, clusive, T 5 S, R 9 W. It is a rough president, secretary, etc., to take , Auburn Johnson—Mr. and Mrs. C. M. were hundreds of Red Men, and ducts of that county. That kind of Simmons, Hemlock. charge of these Thursday meetings and logic plainly shows that the Itimizer mountain country, cut by sharp rid­ act as an auxiliaiy body with the Oma M. Fowler—Mr. and Mrs. H. I.. . ' Johnson, Beaver. ; Earl Franklin—Mr. and Mrs. H. A. women, were dressed as Indians and does not espouse the cause of the ges and abrupt canions. Mt. Hebo, Club’s officers, with the aim to Fowler, Tillamook. performed a great many amusing Harold Blalock—Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. . ■ Franklin, Tillamook. 3,153 feet in elevation, stands almost make the Club the central meeting Blalock, Beaver. I Granville Simmons—Mr. and Mrs. J. stunts in the parade. This will be re­ producers, and especially the mohair in the center of the tract. place of all public and private social wool growers, of Polk County. This L. Simmons, Hemlock. Clifford Mapes—Mr. and Mrs. A. L. for the betterment of our city peated in Tillamook next year, and The project was examined by the events 37 Months to 48 Months. Mapes, Tillamook. is what is called fooling the people socially and morally, keeping in mind John Chester Holden—Mr. and M rs. ■ Zelma W. Wagy—Mr. and Mrs. C. the City will be again taxed to take but the Democratic party can’t fool Forest Service and Bureau of Soils always, however, the idea that the first I W. Wagy, Tillamook. J. C. Holden, Tillamook. care of the crowd that will come here them much longer, for they have de­ experts. Owing to the broken char­ and main purpose of our club is its Ralph Wagy—Mr and Mrs. C. W. Bcrtelda Mary Zachman—Mr. and for this occasion. commercial aim to adveJtise our city clared war on free trade and those acter of the country, less than 5 per and county, thereby to bring more peo­ _ Wagv, Tillamook. Mrs. R. F. Zachman, Tillamook. Following is the telegram: certt of the total area was found to be Gerald Tittle—Mr. and Mrs. O Tit- Kathrine L’ithof—Mr. and Mrs. H. who advocate it. ple and wealth to develope our county I Portland, Ore., Aug. 20, 1914. tie, Tillamook. L'itliof, Tillamook. topographically suitable for agricul­ as well as devise plans to better the Vivian Musselman—Mr. and Mrs. E. Rose M. Weber—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Katata Tribe No. 65. condition of city, our citizens, our busi­ Large Amount of Cheese in Califor- . ture, and by careful examination, only ness Improved Order of Red Men, Musselman, Bay City. Weber, Tillamook. farmers, our great indus­ a little over 2 per cent or about 73 p tries, men, S. A. Brodhead, Keeper of Records. DeWayne Page—Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Courtney L. Towne—Mr. and Mrs. nia. cheese, dairy, berries, stock, Page, Tillamook. H. Towne, Tillamook Tillamook, Oregon. acres in small patches, could be class­ fruit, beaches, lumber, to get factor­ z. . . -------- ' Arnold Winters—Mr. an