Tillamook CLATSOP LETS CONTRACT Headlight, August 27, IQ14 MORE EGGS COME IN. Dr. Smith and His Little Piece. treaty with Great Britain. It is a pe­ culiar coincidence that the canal is Tillamook County Will be Connected Chinese Importations Under New Portland, Oregon, August 21, 1914— being formally opened at a time when with Columbia Highway Next Tariff Enormous. Where did Dr. Smith, Democratic a similar resolve is apparently being May. (Oregonian.) candidate for Governor, get the nice, formed during a foreign war to build The last of the three big contracts Few Portland people have any idea little fixed-up speech which he gives AND connected with the construction of of the extent to which they have been almost word for word in every place an American merchant marine. The the Columbia River highway in Clat­ partaking of eggs imported from I where he talks? There are some peo­ marine and the canal properly go to­ gether. sop county was awarded by the China for their breakfast since the ple in Portland who are uncharitable county court Thursday to Jefrey & duty on this food product was remov­ enough to the “West” candidate to International marriages among roy­ Bufton, of Portland, the price bci.ig ed by the Underwood tariff bill. Re­ suggest that the speech was edited in alty do not constitute a check on war. TO $58,51970. cords at the United Satates custom the inner editorial office of the mag- A king would as soon fight his moth­ The successful bidders submitTd office in this city show that from nifeent new building recently put up er-in-law as anybody else. the lowest figures of any oi the five October 3, 1913, when the Adminis­ by Col. Jackson for the Oregon Jour­ Secretary Bryan has liberated more firms represented. Their bid; were as tration’s tariff schedules went into nal; they further whisper that the doves of peace than any other states­ follows: effect, until June 30 last, a period of speech was afterward carefully cen­ AND RETRUN man of modern times. The net result, Copenhagen Bros.—$65,030.40. sored by Governor West himself so only nine months, 259,511 dozen poul­ however, has been to plunge a whole Peterson & Johnson.—$65,806.00. try eggs, valued at $32,710, were re­ that nothing dangerous to the West ACCOUNT continent into war. Boyajohn & Arnold.—$68,914.80. ceived at this port from Shanghai and interests should appear therein. Then, i Giebisch & Joplin.—$67,682.85. A baby boy was born on the steam­ Hongkong. This quantity was more 1 the story goes, after the speech had The contract was let on a unit price than 250,ooodozen more that the im- , been pruned and patched up, it was er Bowling Green on Green River, basis, and based on the advertised I portations for the full year ending typewritten on a nice, clean sheet oi near Evasville, Ind., and the thought­ quantities. The plan is the same as in October 3 1913, when only 9048 doz- Paper and given to Dr. Smith to learn, less parents yielded to a most dia­ effect in the east end of the county. en eggs, 1 with a valuation of $700, Those who have heard the speech in bolical suggestion that the youngster By this plan the court is in a position were entered 'at this port from all different places declare that he has be named Steamboat Bill. While the VIA THE I learned “his little speech” just as it fair Juliet tried to argue herself into to say just how much of the improve­ foreign ports. Neither do these figures tell the ' was 8‘ven to him and to recite it believing that there in nothing in a ment is to be made, more or less, just name, the weight of authority is as conditions may warrant. The con­ whole story, for the reason that the "ithout a slip of the tongue. tract price is $7,000 below the engi- , bulk of imported eggs for the Pacific I It is wondered by some here if the against her. Waiving the discussion J Coast market is entered at the ports present nervous activity of the Ore­ of spondees and dactyls which Mr neer’s estimate of the work. The right of way to be improved of Tacoma, Seattle and San Francisco gon Journal and its editorial effort to Wilson’s metamorphosis of his name To give all an opportunity to attend extends from a point 16 miles south and distributed from those points by ma' river highway. The first was for the The progress of the steamship Ancan complaint filed against you in the construction of the road between As­ the same period the importation of 10,000 tons register, through the above entitled cause, and if you fail to so appear and answer within said toria and Westport, at a cost of ap­ fresh beef amounted to 154,637 forty-one and one-half miles of the time, for want thereof the plaintiff proximately $200,000 and the other pounds, with a valuation of $15,338. canal’s length was marked by elabor­ will apply to the above entitled court for the improvement of the Nehalem All of the beef came from Canada. ate ceremony, including the display for the relief demanded in his com­ As a direct result of the removal of of the flags of all nations. The official pliant, to-wit, for a decree as follows: route at a cost of $100,000. First: Decreeing that you, the said the tariff on fresh beef the great bulk international celebration, however, defendants, anti the other defendants of this necessary supply for Oregon will not take place until next spring, above named, or any of you, have no Dangerous Theoretical Taxisms. state institutions is now imported all the maritime nations having ac­ right, title or interest at law or in equity, of any kind of nature, in and Oregon this year is to vote on a from Australia. The meat is entered cepted an invitation to participate in to real property situated in Bay City, graduated sur-tax amendment to its at Puget Sount ports and thence a great naval display, if not otherwise Tillamook County, State of Oregon, state constitution. Its alleged pur­ shipped in carload lots to Salem for I engaged at the time. This fact and described as follows: pose is to discourage land monopoly. distribution among the various insti­ the further fact that the crane La Beginning sixty (60) feet west of If adopted and placed in operation, tutions maintained by the state. As is Valley passed unofficially from ocean the northwest corner of block four (4), Janies M. Fuller's Addition to Oregon’s growing lumber industry the case with eggs, most of the fresh to ocean on the 7th of last January the town of Bay City, Tillamook «ill cease to grow. The state never beef and butter imported for the Pa­ and various boats and barges travers­ County, Oregon, being the northeast could be first among all states in lum­ cific Coast trade is entered at either ed the canal following the sending of corner of the tract to be described, ber production, as now seems Ore­ San Francisco or the ports of Puget the American fleet to Vera Cruz, di­ thence west two hundred (¿00) feet, thence south one hundred < too) feet, gon's manifest industrial destiny. If Sound. vested the formal opening of much of thence east two hundred (200) feet, timber cannot be accumulatedin suffi­ thence north one hundred (ioo) feet, As soon as it became evident that the interest it would have otherwise to the place of beginning; cient large tracts to permit sawmill aroused. But the fact that the canal > Second: Quieting the title of the operations for a period of years, the Europe was to engage in war on a is now open to the vessels of war and plaintiff in said property and the large scale, there was much specula ­ lumber industry could not exist. A commerce of all nations which will whole thereof against each of you sawmill with only one hundred and tion by ccqnomists as to the effect on 'obey the rules laid down by us in the and each of the other defendants American business. That wheat would > named, and each and every sixty acres back of it, is not an asset Hay-Pauncefote treaty is one of im­ above person claiming by, through or under to any state except the state of bank­ advance in price seemed so certain portance, aside from ceremonies. you or any of you, or any of the ruptcy. It would not be of much that a phenomenal bull movement The canal is admittedly the greatest other defendants above named. began, checked later by the fact that consequence in the way of a payroll, Third: Establishing -and decreeing engineering feat of history, and it »ages would be irregular, the com­ the export business war paralyzed was accomplished caly through an that plaintiff is the absolute owner in fee simple of the whole of said prop­ pany would not be entitled to a line through inability to get ships which equal feat in sanitation. The failure of erty above described, and that none could safely put to sea. Cotton suf­ of credit sufficient to make its mea­ De Lcsseps, the builder of Suez, to of the defendants above named have fered a slump in price because the ger product, and the operation gen- repeat his success at Panama was due any estate, title, claim or interest in regular foreign demand for the raw «raly would be hazardous. as much to pestilence as to the other said property or any part thereof. Fourth: Perpetually enjoining and product would be deminished for an manifold difficulties. The loss of life restraining you and the other de­ indefinite period, without any cer­ Voters Demand Fewer Laws. was one of the greatest industrial fendants above named, and each of Bigger, better and more interesting than tainty as to how soon there would be tragedies of history. But Col. Gorgas you and each of said other defend­ The voter has declared for fewer a greater American demand and how ever before. and his assistants of the department ants, from asserting or claiming any « l»ws and lower taxes. In November great that demand would be. Some right, title, estate, lien or interest in of sanitation have transformed the said real property hereinbefore de­ he will have opportunity to demon­ theorists predicted that manufactured Canal Zone into a health resort. Dur­ scribed, or any part thereof. The Dahlia exhibit this year promises to strate whether or not he was sincere goods for which we have a -lormal ing August of last year there was not any right, title, estate, lien or interest in his declaration. To pass a lot more foreign demand would fall 111 p .cc a single death from disease among in said real property hereinbefore eclipse anything ever attempted. The growers freak laws, each on necessitating in- through that demand ceasing. Others the 12,841 white American men, wom­ described, or any part thereof. creased taxes, will not be setting a contended that our surplus ccald be en and children on the isthmus. This •Fifth: The said plaintiff will furth­ have planted their bulbs to be in best bloom apply to the Court for such other good example for the legislature. used in supplying the South America would have been set down as incon­ er and further relief as to the Court may at the fair time. It is an imposition on the voter to markets hitherto depending on Euro­ ceivable when the great work was seem meet and equitable. This summons is published by 1,'t him to give sufficient study to pean countries whose energies at® started. The work of Col. Gillard on ¿9 measures to be able to vote on now turned to the making of war. Culebra Cut and the general efficiency order of the Honorable Webster « The children promise something exception­ Holmes, Judge of the above entitled them intelligently. It is not only an The adequacy of shipping facilities of Col. Goethals are a part of the im­ court, made on the 10th day of Aug­ imposition, but it is mighty expensive injected another element of uncer­ perishable record of American ust, 1914, in and by which order it is ally nice in their exhibit department ; prescribed this summons shall be The way to put a damper on these tainty into the case. The checking of achievements. published for six weeks in the “Tilla­ < iceak laws, each one of which raises immigration and the return of re­ While it is the expectation of mook Headlight”, a weekly news­ You cannot afford to miss this fair Just t>xes, is to vote no on every law not servists to Europe would cause a Americans that the canal will be paper of general circulation printed fully understood. Here is another op­ scarcity of labor here was another chiefly of commercial value, it must and published at Tillamook, Tilla­ a day of real enjoyment and an opportunity County, Oregon, and requires portunity for the voter to prove that prediction. be admitted that the project is a re­ mook you to appear and answer the com ­ he meant it when he hollered for low- to visit the rich Nehalem Valley. One of the big immediate conse­ sult of patriotic concern in time of plaint on or before October 5th, 1914. w taxes. Ì war. But for the long trip Capt. Clark The date of the first publication is quences of the European struggles to f The advice to vote no was followed 20, 1914. the commerce of the I nitd States is made in the Oregon during the Span­ August Platt & Platt and J. Bailey, i