Tillamook Headlight, August 27, 1914. Interesting Scraps. ________ i money had been saved for them by j this county need the most and no far­ so proposed to be improved. Be it further resolved, that Monday Boston’s Noted Beauty Specialist kindly admonition, went away and ; mer should hesitate one minute in lim­ the 7th day of September, 1914. at 8 Miss H. Coleman ing every foot of his land that he can told that the chief argument used for o’clock p.m. at the Council Room in In the long run it will be found that Will spend the week of September 7th at their discouragement was that Col­ plow. This is not a new thing to be the City Hall in Tillamook City, Ore­ peace at any price is better for any lege Mound is so addicted to gossip, leary of and sit back to see how it ef- gon, be and hereby is fixed as the time and place for the hearing ot all nation than war at the lowest price. in sewing circles, tea parties „..v. and fects someone else for liming was prac- objections and remonstrances to said rtie could ticed by the good farmers of ancient proposed improvements when and U The managers of the Panama Ex­ grocery stores, that “a paper Free Facial Massages ' times. It has been used for a great where all persons interested may ap­ position, to be held in San Francisco not print any news that would not be ' many years with excellent results in pear Free Personal Beauty Advice and file or present objections next year, are to be congratulated known all over the village long be­ . European countries and the United and remonstrances to said improve­ Free S imples Beauty of Harmony Toilet Aids j upon the good judgment of deciding fore the paper came out.” Out of this States is now awakening to the possi­ ments, and the City Recorder is here­ It’s yottr opportunity to obtain valuable advice on the care wise reflection, which would have by directed to give notice of said ¡to go ahead with the exhibition, re­ cf the skin, free of all charges. Appointments made in your own bilities of its intelligent use. All gardless of the prospect of very small saved many ambitious journalists through the East and Middle West far- time am! place for such hearing by home by telephone. Don’t fail to take advantage of this much posting notice of the passage of this from financial shipwreck in other displays from the countries of Eu­ Resolution and of the fixing of said i iners clubs are being organized for buv- talked of beauty specialist's rope. No other decision was possible like communities, sprang the present ! ing crushers for use on local ledges time and place lor hearing in three Free Beauty Lectures. and growing fame of College Mound. however, after such an expenditure Remember the date—September 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. I thus assuring themselves cheap lime. public places in Tillamook City, Orc- ngo, more that seven days prior to ■ of money has all ready been made, If there is no opposition in the ! Up to the present the price has been said date, and all whom it may con­ C. I. Clough Co., and it was a surprise to learn that Mexican Congress, and the judicial ' Llmost prohibitive in this county but cern shall be thereby, and are hereby Sole distributer Harmony Toilet Aids abandonment was being seriously branch of the Mexican Government now the promoters of our local deposit directed and notified to govern them The Rexall Store. considered. In all probability it never performs its constitutional function, I say they will put it out for five dollars selves accordingly, and that the Com­ mon Council oi Tillamook City, Ore ­ TILLAMOOK, - OREGON. was seriously considered, and perhaps the same constitutional forms used in I per ton if there is enough demand to gon, will at said time and place hear , never even suggested. the inauguration of Huerta as pro­ I pay for going into the ledge at all. The and determine such objections and re­ visional president will, in a few days, i former price of lime here was fifteen monstrances, if any, a*l will there­ With all Europe aflame with war upon order said proposed improve­ be used for the inauguration of Car­ , dollars. Farmers should grasp this op- ments to be made should the objec­ madness and the productive indus­ 1 portunity of putting their land in shape ranza. None of the Mexican consti­ tions and remonstrances against said tries of the great powers suddenly j to grow fifty to one hundred per cent proposed improvements, if any, be paralyzed or largely curtailed, and tutionalists forms was lacking in I more and better cow feed than it is deemed insufficient. i — jt Huerta’s election and interim. It im­ with the means of oversea transpor­ Now, Therefore, all persons con­ 9 mediately developed after his inaug­ f now doing. There is no doubt but that cerned, are hereby notified that Mon­ tation mostly out of commission, the I the clovers and other legumes are the great American corporations dealing uration, as bad been expected, that best cow feed grown. There have been day, the 7th day of September, 1914 at the hour of 8 o’clock p.m., at the there was to be armed opposition to in various food products have been many illustrations of that right here council room in the City Hall in Till­ his authority. The same situation ex ­ quick to use the situation as an ex­ I at home this summer. Cows were kept amook City, Oregon, has been fixed cuse or justification for a sharp ad­ ists at present, with Huerta out of the i up in milk flow during the drv spell as as the time and place for the hearing vance in prices to all consumers, country, his army evacuating Mexico I long as the clover lasted but as soon as of all objections and remonstrances said proposed improvements, and whether here or abroad. The Chica­ City, and the constitutionalists enter­ it gave out and other feeds were sub­ to that the same will be heard and de­ ing the capital, for the moment un ­ go packers comprising the meat trust stituted the flow dropped. termined at that time and place, and gave the market a jump of from 1 to opposed. Whether opposition to a ■ Combined with the liming we should said improvements ordered made 2 cents a pound, the reason given out provisional government by Carranza have better tillage but that is another should said objections and remonJ begins before inauguration or after, being a scarcity of cattle on the Wes­ i story and will be taken up in a subse- strances be found insufficient. Dated this August 7th, 1914. tern ranges. Another reason given Mexican history has frequently em­ , quent article. John Aschim. Roy C. Jones. was the stoppage of ocean traffic, due phasized the fact that the constitut­ City Recorder of Tillamook City Oregon. ________________ to war, had cut down the trade of the ionality of a procedure in no way Notice of Street Imptovement. packers in by-products, and that the commends it to such as have reasons i a DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, 8 Notice is hereby given, that the Notice of Completed Contract only way they could get even was to of their own for resisting the proced­ FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. 2 Common Council of Tillamook Citv, ure itself. Armed opposition may not Notice is hereby given, that U. G. charge the consumer more for meats. appear before Carranza’s inaugura­ Oregon, at a regular meeting held by Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ it on the 3rd day of August, 1914, du'y mook County, .Oregon, has filed in this In all probability official action tion. It may not even appear after adopted the following resolution, to- office his certificate for the completion taken at Washington will go far to­ that event. But Mexican history, ami w i t: of the contract of the Tillamook Bay RESOLUTION. Construction Co. on Sec. “D” of the ward immediately checking that un­ a consensus of all reports now com­ Resolved that the Common Council warranted advance in food prices of ing out of Mexico, do not encourage of Tillamook City, Oregon, deems it I W. S. Cone County Road, near Hobson- i ville, and any person, firm or ccrpor- which such bitter complaint has been a hope that it will not appear soon. expedient and hereby declares its in­ ■ ation, having objections to fiie to the tention to cause to be improve 1 the heard during the last few days. The completion of said work, may do so president communicated with attor­ How to Treat Land in following slreets in Tillamook City, within two weeks from the date of the FULL < Jrcgon, to-wit: first publication. STRAIGHT ney General McReynolds asking that The South side of First Street along Dated this the 24th day of August, Tillamook County. Full Quart—Only 85c—Express Paid action, if any, can be taken, under ex­ the entire north side of Block I 1914. Addition. Goodspeed's J. C. Holden, E are now making a special introductory offer isting federal laws, toward the prose­ Since April last some twenty samples The South side of First street be- County Clerk. to secure new customers. Send us eighty-1 cution of dealers for advancing prices of soil have been taken in the county tween First Avenue West five cents—money order or stamps—we will of the necessaries of life, an advance and sent to the Agricultural College Avenue West; Notice of Compieteli Contract send you a full quart bottle of “Homedale”, a FOUR which, the president rightly concludes for analysis. These samples are from The South side of First street, run- Notice is hereby given, that U. G. ' YEAR OLD STRAIGHT WHISKEY packed in a West Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ has no justification in the existing river bottoms, prairies, and uplands : ning 105 feet West from the "■ mook Countv, Oregon, has filed in this sealed case—express charges paid. Homedale is both condition of things. He also asked and are, I believe, fairly representa­ side of Second Avenue West; I The South side of Second street office his certificate for the completion pure and good. It will surely please you and win the attorney general for suggestion tive of the different soils of the countv. from Third Avenue West of Fifth of the contract of the T. B. Potter your future trade. We are the largest Mail-Order as to what new laws, if any are need­ In these soils the one universal lack is Avenue West, and from Sixth Avenue Realty Co. on a Section of the Bay­ ocean County Road, and any person, Liquor House on the Pacific Coast—perfectly re­ ed, would, in his opinion, meet the shown to be lime. A sample may not West to Seventh Avenue West; H omedale File South side of Third street, 210 firm or corporation, having objections sponsible—been in businessoverforty years—capital legal difficulties of the case, and urg­ have been taken from your individual to file to the completion of said work, STRAIGHT feet running West from the West 8100,000.00 fully paid—have twenty thousand satis­ ed the beginning of investigations, farm but there are several plain indi­ --ide of Miller Avenue; and on the may do so within two weeks from the fied customers in seven states, shipping over three through the district attorney's office cations that a soil needs lime which I North side of said street 105 feet run­ date of the first publication. Dated this the 24th day of August. , quarters of all the whiskey leaving Portland by ex­ in all parts of the country, for ascer­ you can no doubt notice on your own I ning West from West side of Miller 1914. | press. Don’t overlook this special off er—your order taining the nature and extent of the farms. Among these are: 1st. Boils 1 ' Avenue; J. Ç. Holden, The South side of Third street will go out on the first train. soils • that F ^MERMAN *c° will not grow clover. 2nd. impositions being practiced. County Clerk. from Third Avenue W est and Fourth that formerly grew good crops of clo- I Avenue F. ZIMMERMAN & CO. XMS West, and from a point 55 Catalog »ent free write tor one The House voted down the Cullop ver but do not do so any more, 3rd. ' feet West of Sixth Avenue West and Eighth Grade Examination. amendment to the Moon Railway soils that are overrun with sorrel and i I Seventh Avenue West; NOTICE is hereby given that the mail pay bill, aiming to remove the plantain. 4th. soils that grew better I 1 All that part of the South side of Fourth Street extending from Second Eighth Grade Board will give an exam­ postal service from the merit system, alsike than red clover. Avenue East to Fourth Avenue East; ination for applicants for Eighth Grade ' quest is made. Some bottom land farms are having 163 to 81. Notwithstanding this vote All that part of the South side of Diplomas, Sept. 3-4, in the Circuit I W. S. Buel, County Supt. EAT VIERECK’S in defense of the civil service, the fair success with red clover and vetch Fifth Street extending from Miller Court Room, Tillamook City, Oregon, . \venue East to apoint 100 feet West but many sre having difficulty and lime House at once approved the provis­ of I’.irk Street ami on ATTORNEY ber of offices at the deposial of the portunity offered and complete the ex­ ters that cot c;rns the Company to be AND hungry democratic office seekers woul I actually require 5400 lbs. of feet front Sixth street; \11 that portion of the Wist side of amination on the above dates. considered an l all should be present ground limestone per acre to cornet The president applied the same policy COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Mill« 1 \vemu running South toy Should it be utterly impossible for and voice their opinion upon all ques­ the acid already in the soil and should to the fourth class postmasters, with feet from sixts street, and also ex­ any who desires to write at this time I tions brought before the stockholders. T illamook B lock , have about three and a half tons ap­ tending from I bird Streit to Fifth the result that a large number of . . . Oregon to come to Tillamook, the questions JOHN SHEETS, President. Tillamook - plied to give result, that will last 6 to street; them have had to quit and give place Room No. 261. will be sent to an examiner if the re- W. S. Buel, Secretary. All that portion of the West side 3 years. to men favored by Democratic con­ of Third Avenue East running be­ There are several forms of lime gressmen or senators. tween Ihiid Street and Fourth may be applied to the soil but the Street. lasting form is ground lime rock, Nil that portion of the South side The flim Jamming of a Syrian out of $740 by a friendly stranger was ac­ which has been burnt and slaked will of Eighth street extending from Still­ well Avenue to Filth \venue Flask; complished in a novel way. He was have the same inmediate effect but te- All that portion 01 I enth Street. induced to exhibit the money as an sults will not be so permanent and it both sides thereof , lying between can not be obtained so cheaply as the evidence of good faith and was prom Second Avenue l ast id Third Ave­ ised a donation of an equal sum. It ground limestone. To get good results nue East; Said portion- of said streets to be was a unique method of philanthrop­ with lune it should be put on the improved in the followng manner to- ist to distribute his wealth among de­ ground after plowing and it should be wit : thoroughly mixed with the surface serving people. The Syran was later By repairing the sidewalks along soil. One of the cheapest ways of ap­ said portions of said streets by put*- astonished to find that the package plying it is with a manure spreader. ting in 111« stringers for slid walks he supposed to contain $1480 con­ If the spreader is set to deliver four where the same are necessary to tained only clippings from a news­ loads to the acre and you wish to apply make the same -olid and firm, and by« paper. His faith in humanity is gone. nailing thereon fir boards t'j inches two tons to the acre you should put a Usually confidence men employ vast­ few inches of manure in the bottom to by 8 indie- in size, crossways on said stringers. The stringers to be fir ly different methods, appealing to make it tight and then put in 1060 lbs. timbers, 2 indies by 6 indies in di­ their victims’ cupidity. The tapped of lime distributing it evenly over the ameter, and all new boards, and old wire, the fixed race and the sale of bed. Four loads would then cover an board- suitable for use, to be firmly “green goods'* are ancient schemes. acre and you would have the required nailcn to -aid stringer- where the -amc are not now firmly nailed there­ The victim imagines that he is about application. After spreading the lime to. by changing the grade of thf to beat somebody else. When he dis­ it should then be immediately mixed present sidewalk along said portion« covers he is tricked he raises a wail. with the soil before it has a chance to of said streets where necessary to The police must respond and do ev­ cake together with the soil moistute. conform to the established grade amt other walk- connecting therewith erything they can to arrest the swin­ This can best ne done by a thorough \tl nailing to be done with 20 penny dlers. But it is impossible for them louble cross disking and should be done nail- Nil ol 11 I improvements to be to have much genuine sympathy for < sufficient time before seeding so that made in .iccoi.l.inee with the Charter the victim. But for his attempt to the soil will have time to become and t'rdinanc« - ol I illamook L ily , t'rcgoii, and with this Resolution. All swindle somebody else he would not «weetened before germination. RLBY CARACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $•> 50 of said improvements to be made at have been swindled. Try this on that piece you are going the expense of th«- property and all RUBY CARACOLA COFFEE. 1 pound for 27c. to sow to rye and vetch or oats and thereol fronting ami abbuting there­ ( rcrtiutll College Mound, in Macon County, vetch thia fall for early summer feed­ on and < -| «■«•».ally bentfitted thereby, Ainenean Cot fee. 1 lb. can. 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can. 85c Mo, awoke one morning latel-.- to ing or for the silo. Plow the piece tins ami said improvement J to be made bi the owners of -aid property with find itself famous. Ten days before fall that you are going to seed to clo­ in 30 days from (he time -aid im­ e that one on which College Mound ver next spring and get it sweetened provements are ordeted by the Com ORANGE LABEL. ■’ pound. 3« k ’ GRANGE LABEL. 1 pound 65c. blushed to find fame grown out of up ami ready for the clover. Give it a mon I I'umil t > be made, or if not so Iler Majesty’s Blend, I pound 2.5c. the good it had done by stealth, the thorough tillage throughout the winter mad«, within -aid 30 day-, to be m.uL , r. Majesty s lend, ’ pound 50c. bi 1 illamook lily, Oregon, at the Her Majesty s Blend, 1 poundl.OO. tojMur topic had discouraged two to kill out the weeds or put in a cover 1 xp« n-e of th«- property and all there Capital Household, 1 pound 2.5c. n who were proposing to be crop of hairy vetch to be plowed under •t iiotitii ami abutting thereon .and adjacent then to and Specially bene- hblication of a weekly news for fertilizer in the spring. The This was the kindness Our Tillamook limestone is a very fittcil by -aid improvements, g^Kolltgr Mound is now good grade and is by far the cheapest assessment di-tnet (or said pro­ R^Aim a fame source of lime to the farmers of this all of the lots fronting and abutting w hose ounty. It is just what the farms of upon the said portions of said streets oung -tn Rexalls,ore CEMEKT, à § S LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. HOMEDALE WHISKEY 8c5 SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES QUAKER OATS. - 25c. Small Package . CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS 5 Pound Can. Regular Price $1,00. now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 7 Oc. now 55c. La rgc Package - 15c. I Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c. Fa ne V Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. a Ridgray's High Grade Teas RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept RAY & CO